44 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dengan Model Mind Map Kelas V Sdi Al Azhar Pontianak

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    The effort of improving the learning result by using the Mind Map model in Science of the student grade five (VA) Al Azhar Islamic Elemetary School 21st Pontianak.The goal of this research is to improve the learning result in Science Learning by using the Mind Map model in Grade five(Va) Al Azhar Islamic Elemetary School 21st Pontianak.The metode which is used in this research is descriptive metode shapes with research class action. Based on the data of the student learning that has been got in siclus observation I is 70,71 in the second siclus become77,14 and in the third second it become 87,50.From the data that has been got,it can be councluded that the using of Mind Map model in learning Science are improved. So that the using of Mind Map model in Learning Science can improve the learning result in garde Five (VA) Al azhar Islamic elementary School 21st Pontianak

    Korelasi antara Penguasaan Kosakata Aktif-produktif dengan Kemampuan Menulis Karangan Narasi Ekspositoris

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    : This research aimed to describe a correlation between mastery of active productive-vocabulary with the ability to write narrative expository essay of students in class VB Public Elementary School 66 Pontianak City. This research used descriptive method and form of research was the study of relationships. The sample in this research is all population consist of around 34 students. Based on statistical calculations mastery of active productive-vocabulary of students was minus category, in the amount of 7656,51 with average of 225,19 or 56,3. The ability to write narrative expository essay of students was enough category, in the amount of 8799,88 with average of 258,82 or 64,71. The correlation between mastery of active productive-vocabulary with the ability to write narrative expository essay of students in class VB Public Elementary School 66 Pontianak City was 0,76, it means rxy > rtabel (0,76>0,349), include solid category. it means that there is a correlation between mastery of active productive-vocabulary with the ability to write narrative expository essay of students in class VB Public Elementary School 66 Pontianak City

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Puisi Anak Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Concept Sentence Berbantuan Media Gambar Berseri di Sekolah Dasar

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    : The purpose of this research is to describe the increase of student's ability to write children poetry in Indonesian subject using concept sentence learning model assisted image series media on class VC SD Muhammadiyah 2 Pontianak. The method used in this research is descriptive method with the type of research is classroom action research and the characteristic is collaborative research. The Subjects of this research are 34 students of VC class SD Muhammadiyah 2 Pontianak. The results obtained in this research are the ability of teachers to design learning on the first cycle with an average score of 3.07 increased to 3.48 on the second cycle . The ability of teachers to implement the learning on the first cycle with an average score of 2.98 increased to 3.56 on the second cycle . Assessment result of student's writing poetry on the first cycle with an average score is 17 and it increased on the second cycle to 29. Because of that, the concept sentence learning model assisted image series media can improve students' ability to write children poetry

    Peningkatan Motivasi Murid Menggunakan Metode Demostrasi dalam Mempelajari IPA Kelas III di Sekolah Dasar

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    Motivation to learn in the third grades students of SDN 11 Padang Sepan Kapuas Hulu is still lacking, especially in the learning process. In connection with the above issues need to be improved to enhance the students learning motivation. The purpose of this research is to increase the intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation of student to learn and see the impact of learning on learning outcomes. Researchers used the descriptive method and from of action research is a collaboration between the researcher with colleagues. Setting and subject of research conducted in the classroom with the research subject is the teacher and students who are 17 students with composition 11 boys and 6 girls. Each cycle consist of planning, implementation, direct observation and data collection tool as guide for the student and teacher abservation data obtained from each cycle are : Pupil instrinsic motivation increased from the baseline to the third cycle 57,52%, and pupil motivation ekstrinsic increased from the baseline to the third cycle 79,00%

    Pengaruh Model Numbered Head Together Dalam Pembelajaran IPS Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Mis Bawari

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    The problem of this research is "Is there any influence of using Numbered Head Together model in IPS learning toward student learning result class V Mis Bawari Pontianak City?". The research method used is experimental method. The form of research is quasi experiment (Quasi Experimental Design) with the experimental design Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The population and its sample are VA class students and VB Mis Bawari Pontianak City which consists of 28 students of VA class (control class) and 28 students of VB class (experimental class). The research instrument used in the form of test questions in the form of multiple choice with the number of 60 questions. The average post test class test results were 76.90 and the average post test class test result was 66.90. The result of t test is obtained tcount 3,8553 and ttable α = 5% (with dk = 28 + 28 - 2 = 54) equal to 1.6619, which means tcount (3.8553)> ttable (1.6619), then Ha be accepted. This is the influence of the use of Numbered Head Together model in the social studies learning on the results of students of class V Mis Bawari Pontianak City. Calculation effect size (ES), obtained ES of 1.03 (high criteria). This means that the use of Numbered Head Together model gives a high influence on the students' IPS learning outcomes in class V Mis Bawari Pontianak City

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Menggunakan Metode Kerja Kelompok di Sekolah Dasar

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    : The general problem is: "How does an increase in activity in the civic education of students by using group work class III Elementary School 18 West Pontianak?". Sub-problems in this study were: (1) How does an increase in physical activity in civic education using group work? (2) How does an increase in mental activity in civic education using group work? (3) How does an increase in emotional activity in civic education using group work?. The method in this study is action, the form of action research. Research subjects Elementary School third graders 18 Pontianak, amounting to 33 people. In general it can be concluded that there is increased activity in the civic education of students by using group work. In particular, it can be concluded: (1) Physical activity in learning has increased. It can be seen from the beginning of the study 42.42%, 80.00% and third cycle. (2) mental activity in learning has increased. It can be seen from the beginning of the study 46.06%, 75.76% and third cycle. (3) activity increased emotional learning. It can be seen from the beginning of the study 41.67%, 81.06% and third cycle

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Teknik Picture And Picture terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Karangan Narasi Siswa Kelas V

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the use of techniques Picture and Picture of the ability to write narrative essay graders V State Elementary School 06 Mempawah Hilir. The method used is an experimental method to form quasi-experimental research design with nonequivalent control group design types Samples were students of class VA (control group) was 22 people and a class VB (experimental class) totaling 22 people. Data collection tool is test-shaped bouquet. Based on the analysis of data obtained from the average post-test control class 72.22 and the average post-test experimental group obtained t 74.31 by 2.50> ttabel 2:01 means that Ho refused and Ha accepted.So it can be concluded that there is a significant influence on the use of techniques Picture and Picture of the ability of students meenulis narrative essay

    Korelasi Penguasaan Kosakata Aktif-produktif dengan Keterampilan Menulis Puisi Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

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    This research aimed to know the relationship between active-productive vocabulary mastery with the skills of writing poerty in grade V 10 State Primary School Ketapang. The methods used in this research is descriptive method. The research sample wes 21 students. The average test scores of active productive vocabulary in students of class v of 38.41 belongs in the category of “very deficient” and the average test schores of weiting poerty in grade v of 55.08 is included in the category of “less”. The average values of the test counted back the level of relation and inclueded in the category of “strong”. It is known from the calculation of the correlation coefficient is equal to 0.736. the value is them compared to the fare table on the r 5% for db N=19 is 0.456. Thus r count >r table or 0.74 > 0.456, that means there is a correlation between an active-vocabulary mastery with the skills of writing poerty in garde V Ketapang