14 research outputs found

    Study of pregnant women’s mortality in Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari province in a 10-year period (2002-2012)

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    Background and aims: Women’s pregnancy- and childbirth-associated mortality is one of the most important indices of a country’s development status. Therefore, It was examined the mortalities of pregnant women in Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari province within a 10-year period. Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study was conducted in 2013-2014 in Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari province. All files of the pregnant women from 2002 to 2012 were examined. Results: Within this 10-year period, 28 (17.2% of 100000 live births) pregnant women died. The mean age of women was 31.1±5.9 years old and the mean gestational age was 35.17±6.61 years old. The majority of the women were illiterate and rural (71.4%). A high proportion (46.4%) of the women experienced ≥4th pregnancy and most (46.4% of the) deliveries were cesarean. 19 (67.9% of the) deaths were directly pregnancy-related and nine were indirectly pregnancy-related. The most prevalent reasons for direct and indirect deaths were bleeding and heart disease, respectively. 4 (14.28% of the) died women whose death was due to direct reasons did not receive complete pregnancy healthcare. Conclusion: Regarding the results, promotion of literacy and knowledge of mothers, prevention from repeated pregnancies in older ages, appropriate pregnancy healthcare, and prevention from unnecessary cesareans help to decrease mortalities among pregnant women

    Anuria in solitary kidney patient with gastroenteritis: A case report study

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    For better management of acute kidney injury (AKI) and prevention of progressive renal injury, it is extremely important to manage infections such as gastroenteritis. In addition, anuria is considered a risk factor for AKI and even causes death in patients. An 18-month-old boy with vomiting and diarrhea for three days and anuria for 24 hours was referred to Farsan hospital. The patient had bulky and watery diarrhea about 7-8 times a day and vomited 3-4 times a day which was containing food particles. He had a fever on the first and second days. Ultrasound findings revealed that the right kidney did not exist, and the left kidney was affected by compensatory hypertrophy. Disorders in the patient’s blood biochemical factors were also observed. Acidosis and other biochemical disorders were treated with bicarbonate drip, allopurinol, Lasix drip, and dopamine drip. After about 18 hours, anuria was treated

    Comparison of Growth Parameters of Infants of Ramadan Fasted and Non-Fasted Mothers

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    Introduction: The many advantages of exclusively breast feeding infants are documented; breast-feeding enhances the growth and development of breast fed infants. The impact of Ramadan fasting by breast-feeding mothers on the growth parameters of exclusively breast-fed infants is still not clear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of maternal fasting during Ramadan on the growth parameters of their exclusively breast-fed infants. Material and methods: This cohort study was performed throughout Ramadan and for five months after, on healthy, exclusive breast-fed infants (n=116), aged between 15 days to 6 months, assigned into two groups, based on their mothers fasting: Control group (n=80) and fasting group (infants with fasting mothers: n=36). All infants underwent periodic physical examinations twice in Ramadan, 3 times in the second month and then twice monthly in next 4 months. The infant’s growth status was evaluated by calculating each growth parameters (weight, height, head circumference) as a percentage of the median value for age, based on appropriate growth charts. Results: The mean age of infants in the case group was 3.43 ± 1.38 and in the control group was 2.31±1.45 months, age being significantly different between the two groups (P<0.05). Fifty-four (46.6%) were boys and this proportion was the same in both groups (P>0.05). According to the repeated measures ANOVA, all growth parameters increased during the study period (P< 0.05) but the rate of increaseing was the same for both groups (P>0.05). Conclusion: Ramadan fasting by breastfeeding mothers did not adversely affect on the growth parameters of exclusively breast-fed infants

    Comparison of two commonly used IUDs in pain and menstrual bleeding

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    زمینه و هدف: وسیله داخل رحمی (IUD) یکی از روشهای قابل برگشت پیشگیری از بارداری است. افزایش حجم خونریزی و درد قاعدگی یکی از شایع ترین عوارض وسایل داخل رحمی است که ممکن است منجر به قطع استفاده و ایجاد آنمی فقر آهن در مصرف کنندگان این وسایل شود. با توجه به تاثیر نوع آی یو دی بر حجم خونریزی، این پژوهش با هدف مقایسه تاثیر دو نوع آی یو دی T380A Cu و Cu Safe300 بر حجم خونریزی و درد قاعدگی در زنان مراجعه کننده به کلینیک تنظیم خانواده بیمارستان هاجر(س) شهرکرد انجام شد. روش بررسی: این پژوهش یک مطالعه مداخله ای بوده که روی 70 نفر از زنان متقاضی و واجد شرایط IUD به صورت تصادفی در دو گروه T380A Cu و Cu Safe300 صورت گرفت. پس از جایگذاری IUD عوارض آن شامل درد و خونریزی در فواصل 1، 2 و 3 ماه بعد کنترل شد. اطلاعات بدست آمده با استفاده از آزمون های t مستقل، کای اسکوئر، ویلکاکسون و آزمون من ویتنی تجزیه و تحلیل شد. یافته ها: میزان خونریزی و شدت درد بعد از گذاشتن هر دو آی یو دی افزایش معنی داری داشت (001/0

    Antioxidants and their role in the prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD), perspective of complementary nursing and medicine: a review

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a progressive and irreversible disease that leads to end-stage renal disease. Many factors such as increased oxidative stress play a role in the occurrence of this complication. Due to the effective role of the antioxidant defense system in controlling many of the complications in which oxidative stress is involved, the present study was conducted to evaluate the role of antioxidants in the prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease. METHODS: In this review study, studies using standard keywords in internal and external databases including: SID, Magiran, IranDoc, Medlib, Science Direct, PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, Medline and Google Scholar search engine, were retrieved and selected without time limit. RESULTS: Among the selected articles, 14 articles were eligible for inclusion in the study, which was performed on more than 20,000 people and several animal models of rats from 2005 onwards. The results showed that there is an inverse relationship between the concentration of antioxidant enzymes in the body and the intensity and progression of CKD. In severe cases, a significant decrease in the concentration of antioxidant enzymes in the body, as well as cofactors such as selenium, iron and zinc in the progressive and severe course of CKD has been observed. CONCLUSIONS: The positive and significant effect of antioxidant compounds in chronic kidney disease is evident. The use of these compounds in the diet in the form of fruits, vegetables and grains, as well as the supply of iron and zinc and other minerals elements as cofactors for the action of enzymatic antioxidants has an effective role in the prevention and treatment of diseases by controlling free radicals

    The effect of maternal Ramadan fasting on growth parameters of their breast-fed infants.

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    چکیده: زمینه و هدف: تغذیه انحصاری با شیر مادر بهترین الگوی غذایی مناسب با رشد شیرخواران است. با توجه به اینکه بسیاری از مادران در ماه مبارک رمضان روزه‌دار هستند، بنابراین این مطالعه با هدف بررسی تاثیر روزه‌داری مادران بر شاخص های رشد شیرخوارانی که تغذیه انحصاری با شیر مادر دارند انجام گرفت. روش بررسی: این مطالعه کوهورت در یک دوره 2 ماهه از ابتدای ماه رمضان تا انتهای ماه بعد در سال 1385 انجام گرفت. از بین شیرخواران سالم با سن 15 روز الی 6 ماه که منحصراً با شیر مادر تغذیه می شدند تعداد 60 شیرخوار وارد مطالعه شدند و بـــر اساس روزه داری مادرانشان به دو گروه مورد که مادران آنها در ماه رمضان روزه‌دار بـــودند (27 شیرخوار) و گـــروه شاهد که مادران آنها روزه دار نبودند (33 شیرخوار) تقسیم شدند. شاخص های رشد شیرخواران (قد، وزن و دور سر) در ماه مبارک رمضان و در ماه بعد اندازه گیری و با استفاده از آمار توصیفی و تحلیلی آزمون آنالیز واریانس تکرار شده و t مستقل تجزیه و تحلیل شد. یافته ها: توزیع سنی و جنسی شیرخواران در دو گروه برابر بود (05/0P>). در مجموع، وزن، قد و دور سر به ترتیب 21، 7 و 6 درصد طی مطالعه افزایش یافتند (05/0>P). آزمون آنالیز واریانس تکرار شده نشان داد که تفاوتی بین میزان افزایش شاخص‌های رشد شیرخواران مادران روزه‌دار و شیرخواران مادرانی که روزه‌دار نیستند وجود ندارد (05/

    Capacity building of Farokhshahr city for recognition and elimination of society problems by mobilization of people in Farrokhshahr development team

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    زمینه و هدف: تحقیق مشارکتی جامعه محور نوعی از پژوهش علمی است که به تازگی در علوم بهداشتی مورد توجه قرار گرفته است. این نوع تحقیق بر نیازهای جامعه استوار است و باید راه حلی برای مشکلات سلامت در جامعه ارائه کند. در این پروژه تأسیس پایگاه تحقیقات توسعه و ارتقاء سلامت شهر فرخشهر به عنوان یک راهکار جهت توانمندسازی و مشارکت مردم در شناسایی و حل مشکلات و اولویت بندی مشکلات و نیازهای مردم منطقه مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفته است. روش بررسی: این مطالعه یک تحقیق مشارکتی بر مبنای رویکرد برنامه ریزی شده به سلامت جامعه (Planned Approach To Community Health=PATCH) است که در منطقه پایگاه تحقیقات توسعه و ارتقاء سلامت فرخشهر در استان چهار محال و بختیاری با جمعیتی حدود 40000 نفر انجام شد. کل فرآیند شامل پنج مرحله به قرار ذیل بود: 1- بسیج مردمی 2- نیاز سنجی 3 - تعیین اولویت های پژوهشی4 - طراحی برنامه های مداخله ای 5 -ارزشیابی کل فرآیند. کل تحقیق با مشارکت فعال اعضاء تیم توسعه فرخشهر، صاحب نظران، معتمدین محلی، مسئولین شهر و کلیه ذینفعان و با نظارت محققین دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهرکرد انجام گردید. مرحله بسیج مردمی با دعوت از صاحب نظران و علاقه مندان توسط تیم توسعه فرخشهر، تشکیل 10 کمیته کاری فعال با مشارکت 4000 نفر و تدوین شرح وظایف و شناسایی گروههای ذینفع و اطلاع رسانی به مردم از کانال های مختلف و برگزاری همایش شهر سالم انجام گردید. مرحله نیاز سنجی پس از برگزاری کارگاه پژوهش مشارکتی و پژوهش کیفی توسط معاونت پژوهشی دانشگاه در جهت توانمندسازی اعضای تیم توسعه شروع شد. تیم توسعه با کمک نمایندگان سازمان های مشارکت کننده و نمایندگان دانشگاه پروفایل جامعه را تهیه و اطلاعات دموگرافیک جامعه بدست آمد و سپس نیازسنجی به روش ارزیابی سریع انجام گردید. نهایتاً اولویت بندی نیازها با کمک ماتریس دو بعدی،دیاگرام ون، دیاگرام اولویت ها و جدول تجزیه و تحلیل مشکلات انجام گردید. یافته ها: نتایج این مطالعه به شرح زیر می باشد: 1- تشکیل 10 کمیته کاری فعال در جامعه مورد مطالعه با حدود 4000 عضو فعال، 2- تشکیل کارگاههـای پژوهش مشارکتی و پژوهش کیفی، 3- نیاز سنجی و تعیین 40 مشکل در جامعه مورد مطالعه، 4- اولویت بندی مشکلات شناسایی شده با استفاده از ماتریس دو بعدی و تعیین20 مشکل حائز اولویت. : نتایج این تحقیق نشان داد که در هر جامعه نیازهای مردم با توجه به شرایط فرهنگی، اجتماعی و اقتصادی آن جامعه متفاوت می باشد و لذا توصیه می گردد جهت ارتقاء سلامت، تعیین نیازهای مردم و اولویت بندی آنها با مشارکت خود مردم انجام گردد

    Battle between plants as antioxidants with free radicals in human body

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    Free radicals are constructed by natural physiological activities in the human cells as well as in the environment. They may be produced as a result of diet, smoking, exercise, inflammation, exposure to sunlight, air pollutants, stress, alcohol and drugs. Imbalanced redox status may lead to cellular oxidative stress, which can damage the cells of the body, resulting in an incidence of various diseases. If the endogenous antioxidants do not stop the production of reactive metabolites, they will be needed to bring about a balance in redox status. Natural antioxidants, for example plants, play an important part in this context. This paper seeks to report the available evidence about oxidative stress and the application of plants as antioxidant agents to fight free radicals in the human body. For this purpose, to better understand oxidative stress, the principles of free radical production, the role of free radicals in diseases, antioxidant defense mechanisms, and the role of herbs and diet in oxidative stress are discussed. Keywords: Free radicals, Antioxidant, Plant, Human health, Oxidative stres

    The Effects of Acetaminophen Prophylaxis on Patent Ductus Arteriosus Closure in Premature Infants: A Clinical Trial Study

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    Background There is little evidence of the efficacy of acetaminophen prophylaxis in preventing PDA in premature infants. Regarding the effects of acetaminophen in these cases and also safety of this drug in preterm infants, as well as the high prevalence of arterial duct in our population, we aimed to determine the preventive effects of this drug on PDA in preterm infants. Materials and Methods In this clinical trial, 64 premature infants with gestational age less than 31 weeks were randomly divided into two groups including intervention group receiving acetaminophen prophylaxis (10 mg/kg) every 6 hours for 5 days and the control group did not receive any intervention. After 10 days, both groups were assessed by echocardiography regarding the PDA condition. Serum levels of ALT and AST enzymes were also measured 10 days later and simultaneously with doing echoes. Results There was a significant different in the rate of PDA closure across the two intervention and control groups (84.4% versus 50.0%, p = 0.007). After the intervention, open PDA was found in 50% of neonates in control group and 15.6% in intervention group that were treated with ibuprofen and echocardiography was performed again after 1 month. PDA was closed in the remaining 87.5% in the control group and remaining 100% of patients in the intervention group indicating no difference (p = 0.632). The changes in liver enzymes slightly changed after intervention . Conclusion Preventive treatment with acetaminophen can effectively lead to PDA closure in premature infants

    The Overall Prevalence of Hypothyroidism in Children Suffering Chronic Constipation in Shahrekord in 2019

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    Background and aims: Children with thyroid disorders may be significantly exposed to a higher likelihood of constipation; however, the cause of this link remains unclear. The study aimed to assess the prevalence of hypothyroidism in children suffering from chronic constipation. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 380 infants over 30 days old with chronic constipation. All participants were asked for thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free T4 tests. Results: The average age of participants was 64.62±37.28 months. The overall hypothyroidism in the study population was estimated to be 4.2% based on the value of measuring serum TSH and 1.0% based on the value of serum-free T4. Further, abnormal values of both serum biomarkers led to the prevalence rate of 0.02% for hypothyroidism. Conclusion: According to the findings, there was a relationship between hypothyroidism and constipation in children; however, this relationship needs further evaluation. Keywords: Hypothyroidism, Constipation, Child, Prevalenc