6 research outputs found

    Analysis of mendelian segregation of erythrocyte phenogroups in criollo cattle by the sire family method

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    Como continuación de las investigaciones realizadas sobre Inmunogenética en Bovinos Criollos de Argentina, presentamos algunos resultados de segregación de "Marcadores 'rimunogenéticos" o Fenogrupos Sanguíneos paternos por el Método "Toro-Familia" (Stormont et al., 1951; Miller, 1960) que promueven pautas de interés para el reconocimiento e identificación genética de esta singular raza bovina. La segregación y frecuencia de cada fenogrupo, especialmente del Sistema B, inducen a clarificar la Herencia Mendeliana Grupal en estudios raciales específicos. Se analizan 10 locus génicos en correspondencia a 10 Sistemas de Grupos Sanguíneos Eritrocitarios de esta especie animal.As a continuation of the immunogenetic research on Criollo cattle of Argentina, we present segregation results of several Immunogenetic markers or phenogroups of the sire's blood by the Sire Family method. This model method serves as a guide to characterize and genetically identify this unique bovine type. The segregation and frequency of each phenogroup, especially of the B system, clarifies its Mendelian heredity and the comparative position of Criollo cattle in specific breed studies. Ten genetic loci are analyzed corresponding to ten erythro. In the Chapters II and III planification basis are considerated, named objectifies, showing the operative magnitude of the Programmed for different areas of the country, with especial emphasis in the animal dynamics population the programmed actions for the control and eradication of the disease for areas in differents places: rural, urban and suburban. Moreover, a theoric study about the necessary budget and ways to implement it, it's done in basis to global estimation in the diferent areas of the country. In the Chapter IV, themes about Sanitary Education, according to operative level, are elaborated; with according of the proposal objectifies, for the regional and chronological programation. In the Chapter V it is prossed the necessity of legal and reglamentary reformes of the actual system. And the Chapter VI, give sorne indispensables techniques bases for control and evaluation of the elaborated National Plan.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Analysis of mendelian segregation of erythrocyte phenogroups in criollo cattle by the sire family method

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    Como continuación de las investigaciones realizadas sobre Inmunogenética en Bovinos Criollos de Argentina, presentamos algunos resultados de segregación de "Marcadores 'rimunogenéticos" o Fenogrupos Sanguíneos paternos por el Método "Toro-Familia" (Stormont et al., 1951; Miller, 1960) que promueven pautas de interés para el reconocimiento e identificación genética de esta singular raza bovina. La segregación y frecuencia de cada fenogrupo, especialmente del Sistema B, inducen a clarificar la Herencia Mendeliana Grupal en estudios raciales específicos. Se analizan 10 locus génicos en correspondencia a 10 Sistemas de Grupos Sanguíneos Eritrocitarios de esta especie animal.As a continuation of the immunogenetic research on Criollo cattle of Argentina, we present segregation results of several Immunogenetic markers or phenogroups of the sire's blood by the Sire Family method. This model method serves as a guide to characterize and genetically identify this unique bovine type. The segregation and frequency of each phenogroup, especially of the B system, clarifies its Mendelian heredity and the comparative position of Criollo cattle in specific breed studies. Ten genetic loci are analyzed corresponding to ten erythro. In the Chapters II and III planification basis are considerated, named objectifies, showing the operative magnitude of the Programmed for different areas of the country, with especial emphasis in the animal dynamics population the programmed actions for the control and eradication of the disease for areas in differents places: rural, urban and suburban. Moreover, a theoric study about the necessary budget and ways to implement it, it's done in basis to global estimation in the diferent areas of the country. In the Chapter IV, themes about Sanitary Education, according to operative level, are elaborated; with according of the proposal objectifies, for the regional and chronological programation. In the Chapter V it is prossed the necessity of legal and reglamentary reformes of the actual system. And the Chapter VI, give sorne indispensables techniques bases for control and evaluation of the elaborated National Plan.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Some proves about studies in relation to immuno genetic markers and selective process in creole cattle

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    Se estudian los tipos sanguíneos eritrocitarios en Bovino Criollo Argentino, encontrándose posibles nuevos fenogrupos del Sistema B en esta raza. La metodología utilizada ha sido "Técnica hemolítica con fijación de complemento". En el análisis de las frecuencias génicas de los Sistemas Sanguíneos de un rodeo seleccionado comparativamente con otro rodeo introducido a la SEEA de Leales, INTA, Tucumán, se observaron diferencias significativas (P1 y Z2 ), no observándose diferencias significativas (hasta el presente) en los Sistemas C, F - V, 5, A, L, J, M y R' - 5' Destacamos la segregación de probables nuevos fenogrupos en el Sistema B tales como BGKO~O', py1 A', E3' G', B2C~ O', BGKC~ Y1E~ O', que significaría el agregado de aleles no detectados anteriormente, con el consiguiente incremento del destacado polimorfismo de Marcadores Genéticos característicos del Bovino Criollo Argentino.We studied Erythrocyte Blood Types in Argentine Creole Cattle, finding new phenogroups of B system. We have used Hemolytic Technics using Rabbit Complement Method-Genic frequency analysis of Blood Systems of a selected Herd comparatively with another Herd introduced to SEEA of Leales, INTA, Tucumán, we observed significant differences (P1 and Z2 alleles) we did not observe significant deferences (until now) in C, F V, 5, A, L, J, M and R' 5' Systems. We point out segregation in probable new phenogroups in B System, such as: BGKC~ O', PY1 A',E3'G', B2 OxO'~ BGKO~YiE3' O', which would mean adding alleles non detected before, increasing the great polimorphism of characteristic Genetic Markers of Argentine Creole Cattle.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Some proves about studies in relation to immuno genetic markers and selective process in creole cattle

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    Se estudian los tipos sanguíneos eritrocitarios en Bovino Criollo Argentino, encontrándose posibles nuevos fenogrupos del Sistema B en esta raza. La metodología utilizada ha sido "Técnica hemolítica con fijación de complemento". En el análisis de las frecuencias génicas de los Sistemas Sanguíneos de un rodeo seleccionado comparativamente con otro rodeo introducido a la SEEA de Leales, INTA, Tucumán, se observaron diferencias significativas (P1 y Z2 ), no observándose diferencias significativas (hasta el presente) en los Sistemas C, F - V, 5, A, L, J, M y R' - 5' Destacamos la segregación de probables nuevos fenogrupos en el Sistema B tales como BGKO~O', py1 A', E3' G', B2C~ O', BGKC~ Y1E~ O', que significaría el agregado de aleles no detectados anteriormente, con el consiguiente incremento del destacado polimorfismo de Marcadores Genéticos característicos del Bovino Criollo Argentino.We studied Erythrocyte Blood Types in Argentine Creole Cattle, finding new phenogroups of B system. We have used Hemolytic Technics using Rabbit Complement Method-Genic frequency analysis of Blood Systems of a selected Herd comparatively with another Herd introduced to SEEA of Leales, INTA, Tucumán, we observed significant differences (P1 and Z2 alleles) we did not observe significant deferences (until now) in C, F V, 5, A, L, J, M and R' 5' Systems. We point out segregation in probable new phenogroups in B System, such as: BGKC~ O', PY1 A',E3'G', B2 OxO'~ BGKO~YiE3' O', which would mean adding alleles non detected before, increasing the great polimorphism of characteristic Genetic Markers of Argentine Creole Cattle.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Mendelian segregation of some transferrin genetic markers in criollo cattle, by the Sire-Family method

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    Continuando con la investigación de MARCADORES GENETICOS en rodeos de esta singular raza bovina argentina, se analizan las frecuencias génicas y su expresión en los genotipos correspondientes en el Sistema de Transferrinas, involucrando seis grupos "Toro-Familia" diferente. Las frecuencias alélicas totales observadas en este muestreo, se refieren a TfA. 4531, TiD1 4492, TfD2 .0664 TfE .0117, TfF .0195. En la expresión genotípica se observa evidente mayor conformación heterocigótica en correspondencia al genotipo Ti AID1, siendo menor para los genotipos homocigóticos Ti A/A y TfD1 iD1 . De poca expresión son los genotipos Tf AD2' , Tf D1 /D2' ,Tf D2 /D2',Tf E/E, TfE/Fy Tf F/F.As a continuation of the research on Genetic Markers of the Criollo cattle of Argentina we present the Genetic frequencies corresponding to the Transferrin System from six "Sire - Family" groups. The allelic frequencies in this sample were Tía .4531, TfD1 .4492, TiD2 .0664, TiE .0117, TfF .0195, Ti A/D1 had the higher genotypic expression having less expression the homozigous genotypes Ti A/A and Ti D1 ID1.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Mendelian segregation of some transferrin genetic markers in criollo cattle, by the Sire-Family method

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    Continuando con la investigación de MARCADORES GENETICOS en rodeos de esta singular raza bovina argentina, se analizan las frecuencias génicas y su expresión en los genotipos correspondientes en el Sistema de Transferrinas, involucrando seis grupos "Toro-Familia" diferente. Las frecuencias alélicas totales observadas en este muestreo, se refieren a TfA. 4531, TiD1 4492, TfD2 .0664 TfE .0117, TfF .0195. En la expresión genotípica se observa evidente mayor conformación heterocigótica en correspondencia al genotipo Ti AID1, siendo menor para los genotipos homocigóticos Ti A/A y TfD1 iD1 . De poca expresión son los genotipos Tf AD2' , Tf D1 /D2' ,Tf D2 /D2',Tf E/E, TfE/Fy Tf F/F.As a continuation of the research on Genetic Markers of the Criollo cattle of Argentina we present the Genetic frequencies corresponding to the Transferrin System from six "Sire - Family" groups. The allelic frequencies in this sample were Tía .4531, TfD1 .4492, TiD2 .0664, TiE .0117, TfF .0195, Ti A/D1 had the higher genotypic expression having less expression the homozigous genotypes Ti A/A and Ti D1 ID1.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria