34 research outputs found

    Elemental and chemically specific x-ray fluorescence imaging of biological systems

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    El escenario internacional se encuentra en constante transformación debido a lo que se ha denominado el proceso de “globalización”. Este afecta las relaciones internaciones interestatales e influye en la vida cotidiana de los individuos. El Derecho Internacional y más específicamente el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos no es ajeno a este proceso. La investigación afirma que nos encontramos frente a una etapa de transnacionalización de los Derechos Humanos, que permite que los individuos cuenten con mayor protección en ámbitos supranacionales. También hace especial mención a los derechos Económicos Sociales y Culturales, analiza el debate sobre el pluralismo jurídico y la eficacia diferencial. En la metodología empleada se revisan fuentes documentales y se realiza un análisis de algunos derechos particulares previstos en el Pacto de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales. Los planteamientos permiten afirmar que el proceso de globalización ha determinado la transnacionalización de los Derechos Humanos, surgiendo de dicho fenómeno consecuencias positivas y negativas en cuanto a su cumplimiento

    Spatial and temporal coherence properties of single free-electron laser pulses

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    The experimental characterization of the spatial and temporal coherence properties of the free-electron laser in Hamburg (FLASH) at a wavelength of 8.0 nm is presented. Double pinhole diffraction patterns of single femtosecond pulses focused to a size of about 10×10 μm2^2 were measured. A transverse coherence length of 6.2 ± 0.9 μm in the horizontal and 8.7 ± 1.0 μm in the vertical direction was determined from the most coherent pulses. Using a split and delay unit the coherence time of the pulses produced in the same operation conditions of FLASH was measured to be 1.75 ± 0.01 fs. From our experiment we estimated the degeneracy parameter of the FLASH beam to be on the order of 1010^{10} to 1011^{11}, which exceeds the values of this parameter at any other source in the same energy range by many orders of magnitude

    High numerical aperture tabletop soft x-ray diffraction microscopy with 70 nm resolution

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    Light microscopy has greatly advanced our understanding of nature. The achievable resolution, however, is limited by optical wavelengths to approximate to 200 nm. By using imaging and labeling technologies, resolutions beyond the diffraction limit can be achieved for specialized specimens with techniques such as near-field scanning optical microscopy, stimulated emission depletion microscopy, and photoactivated localization microscopy. Here, we report a versatile soft x-ray diffraction microscope with 70- to 90-nm resolution by using two different tabletop coherent soft x-ray sources-a soft x-ray laser and a high-harmonic source. We also use field curvature correction that allows high numerical aperture imaging and near-diffraction-limited resolution of 1.5 lambda. A tabletop soft x-ray diffraction microscope should find broad applications in biology, nano-science, and materials science because of its simple optical design, high resolution, large depth of field, 3D imaging capability, scalability to shorter wavelengths, and ultrafast temporal resolution.open11107115sciescopu