54 research outputs found
Effects of Morality, Dominance, and Relational Maturity on Perception of Intimate Partner Violence
The effects of morality, social dominance orientation, and relational maturity on perception of intimate partner violence (IPV) were investigated in a sample of 300 Japanese male in their 30s. After reading a description of an IPV scenario involving a hypothetical couple, participants responded to items of victim (i.e., wife) blame. We expected that men with higher self-rated morality, higher social dominance orientation and less mature relationships with their own partners would show the highest victim blame. However, we found that men who rated themselves as having high morality blamed the victim more than those who did not, regardless of their dominance orientation and relational maturity. The results suggested that morality might play an important role in IPV.本研究はJSPS科研費JP263808440の助成を受けたものである
Development of Benevolent Sexism Scale for working women in Japan
Even though many women continue to work after marriage or childbirth nowadays, the number of women in managerial positions is still lower in Japan than in other countries. Benevolent sexism (BS) at the workplace has been considered one of the obstacles that prevent women from being promoted. Based on ambivalent sexism theory (Glick & Fiske, 1996), we developed a new scale to measure BS toward working women in order to investigate how BS affects womenʼs promotion in Japan. After performing a series of factor analyses and examining the validity using an original BS scale and other related scales, eight items were found to adequately construct three theoretical factors of BS.本研究は広島大学大学院教育学研究科倫理審査委員会の承認を受けて行われた(承認番号2019595)。本研究の一部は日本心理学会第第82回大会で発表した。また,本研究は科研費18K03007の助成を受けた
Estratégia Teórico-Prática no Ensino de Enfermagem em Doenças Transmissíveis com o Foco na Vigilância em Saúde
Este relato apresenta a estratégia de ensino teórico-prática para o conteúdo de vigilância em saúde na Disciplina ENS 0425 – Enfermagem em Doenças Transmissíveis com Enfoque em Saúde Coletiva, do curso de bacharelado em Enfermagem, por meio do estágio em unidades de vigilância em saúde localizadas na cidade de São Paulo no ano de 2016. As atividades em campo de estágio tiveram como resultado a produção de relatórios em formato de estudo de caso, tanto no âmbito individual quanto no âmbito populacional de enfrentamento das doenças transmissíveis. A estratégia de ensino pode ser considerada inovadora, porque estimulou o estudante ao desenvolvimento do trabalho articulado com diversos atores envolvidos na vigilância em saúde e ao debate sobre os conceitos de morbidade, letalidade, prevalência e incidência, tendo como ponto de partida a desigualdade territorial das necessidades em saúde com vistas à atuação individual e populacional.This report presents the strategy of theoretical and practical teaching for the content of health surveillance in elective course ENS 0425 – Nursing in Communicable Diseases with a Focus on Collective Health, of the baccalaureate course in Nursing, by means of the internship in localized health surveillance units in the city of São Paulo in 2016. The activities in the field of internships have resulted in the production of reports in a case study format both in the individual and in the population context of coping with communicable diseases. The teaching strategy can be considered innovative because it has stimulated the student to develop the work articulated with several actors involved in health surveillance and the debate on the concepts of morbidity, lethality, prevalence and incidence, starting from the territorial inequality of the needs in health for individual and population performance
Effects of self-esteem and perspective taking on interpretive bias <Material>
Combination Therapy of an Intestine-Specific Inhibitor of Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γ
We investigated effects on glucose and lipid metabolism in combination of JTT-130, a novel intestine-specific microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) inhibitor, and pioglitazone, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) γ agonist. Male Zucker diabetic fatty rats were divided into 4 groups: control group, JTT-130 treatment group, pioglitazone treatment group, and combination group. The Zucker diabetic fatty rats were fed a regular powdered diet with JTT-130 and/or pioglitazone as a food admixture for 6 weeks. Effects on glucose and lipid metabolism were compared mainly between JTT-130 treatment group and combination group. JTT-130 treatment showed good glycemic control, while the plasma glucose and glycated hemoglobin levels in combination group were significantly decreased as compared with those JTT-130 treatment group. The reduction in the plasma triglyceride and free fatty acid levels in combination group was higher than that in JTT-130 treatment group, and glucose utilization was significantly elevated in adipose tissues. In Zucker diabetic fatty rats, combination treatment of JTT-130 and pioglitazone showed better glycemic control and a strong hypolipidemic action with an enhancement of insulin sensitivity. Combination therapy of MTP inhibitor and PPARγ agonist might be more useful in the treatment of type 2 diabetes accompanied with obesity and insulin resistance
Combination Therapy of an Intestine-Specific Inhibitor of Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γ Agonist in Diabetic Rat
We investigated effects on glucose and lipid metabolism in combination of JTT-130, a novel intestine-specific microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) inhibitor, and pioglitazone, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) γ agonist. Male Zucker diabetic fatty rats were divided into 4 groups: control group, JTT-130 treatment group, pioglitazone treatment group, and combination group. The Zucker diabetic fatty rats were fed a regular powdered diet with JTT-130 and/or pioglitazone as a food admixture for 6 weeks. Effects on glucose and lipid metabolism were compared mainly between JTT-130 treatment group and combination group. JTT-130 treatment showed good glycemic control, while the plasma glucose and glycated hemoglobin levels in combination group were significantly decreased as compared with those JTT-130 treatment group. The reduction in the plasma triglyceride and free fatty acid levels in combination group was higher than that in JTT-130 treatment group, and glucose utilization was significantly elevated in adipose tissues. In Zucker diabetic fatty rats, combination treatment of JTT-130 and pioglitazone showed better glycemic control and a strong hypolipidemic action with an enhancement of insulin sensitivity. Combination therapy of MTP inhibitor and PPARγ agonist might be more useful in the treatment of type 2 diabetes accompanied with obesity and insulin resistance
JTT-130, a Novel Intestine-Specific Inhibitor of Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein, Improves Hyperglycemia and Dyslipidemia Independent of Suppression of Food Intake in Diabetic Rats
We investigated the effects of JTT-130 on glucose and lipid metabolism independent of the suppression of feeding by comparing with pair-fed animals. Male Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats were divided into control, JTT-130 treatment, and pair-fed groups. The rats were fed with a regular powdered diet with or without JTT-130 as a food admixture for 6 weeks. We compared the effects on glucose and lipid metabolism in JTT-130 treatment group with those in pair-fed group. Results. Hyperglycemia in ZDF rats was prevented in both JTT-130 treatment and pair-fed groups, but the prevention in pair-fed group became poor with time. Moreover, reduction in plasma cholesterol levels was observed only in JTT-130 treatment group. JTT-130 treatment group showed improved glucose tolerance at 5 weeks after treatment and significant elevation of portal glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) levels. The hepatic lipid content in JTT-130 treatment group was decreased as compared with pair-fed group. Furthermore, pancreatic protection effects, such as an increase in pancreatic weight and an elevation of insulin-positive area in islets, were observed after JTT-130 treatment. Conclusions. JTT-130 improves hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia via a mechanism independent of suppression of food intake, which is ascribed to an enhancement of GLP-1 secretion and a reduction of lipotoxicity
Portfólio no ensino em saúde: contribuição à reflexão a partir de seu uso na disciplina Enfermagem em Doenças Transmissíveis
Introdução: O portfólio acadêmico fornece um acompanhamento contínuo do processo de ensino‑aprendizagem e favorece o intercâmbio de percepções sobre atividades teórico‑práticas. É tanto um disparador da revisão e problematização do processo de ensino‑aprendizagem como também uma ferramenta de avaliação institucional. Relato de experiência: Objetivou‑se compartilhar a experiência da utilização do portfólio no ensino da disciplina “Enfermagem em Saúde Coletiva com Enfoque nas Doenças Transmissíveis”, do curso de graduação em Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), discutindo potencialidades de seu uso como instrumento para avaliação contínua da aprendizagem. Sua utilização teve início em 2013, para problematizar as experiências pedagógicas em sala de aula e na prática de campo. Em 2015, cada estudante elaborou seu portfólio compondo duas narrativas registradas de forma escrita. Cada tutor acompanhou o mesmo grupo de estudantes do início ao fim da disciplina e analisou o grau de maturidade expressiva alcançado por cada estudante de acordo com a classificação de Sá‑Chaves: técnico, crítico ou metacrítico. Nos encontros tutoriais foram problematizados os principais avanços e desafios encontrados pelo estudante, na elaboração, e pelo tutor, na leitura das sínteses de aprendizagem, registradas no portfólio. Conclusão: O portfólio mostra‑se um potente instrumento de aprendizagem e seu uso deve ser aprimorado em articulação com a tutoria, prevendo‑a como estratégia na estrutura curricular, bem como o tempo e o número de tutores adequado à quantidade de estudantes
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