403 research outputs found

    Pengembangan E-materi Berbasis Courselab Matapelajaran IPS Pokok Bahasan Menghargai Jasa Dan Peranan Tokoh Perjuangan Dalam Mempersiapkan Kemerdekaan Indonesia Kelas V Sdn Tapak Panekan Magetan

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    E-matter that is structured science area information set for study that is presented in the form of electronic that make easy student to accessing matter that taught by teacher, so that easier student to study matter that given. Courselab ingredient composer\u27s soft apparatus teaches multimedia to e-learning powerful and easy used. Courselab this be alternative that can be used teacher to learning e-matter for student especially Class V. This research aims to detect feasibility e-matter study that developed based on validation result to be used in social science study at Class V elementary school. Research method that used R & D. R & D method that used to produce certain product, and test product effectiveness. This method is used to produce and test e-matter based on Courselab. Study media based on Courselab social science that developed proper used to support study social science main criticism appreciates service and struggle figure part in prepare Indonesia independence, because tested the feasibility by media expert and study matter expert with proper result

    Penggunaan Metode Demonstrasi Pada Pembelajaran Membaca Teks Percakapan Siswa Kelas V SDN Gindopo

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    Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah “Apakah dengan metode demonstrasi kemampuan siswa membaca teks percakapan dapat ditingkatkan di kelas V SDN Gindopo?” Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa membaca teks percakapan di kelas V SDN Gindopo dengan metode demonstrasi. Rancangan penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus, dimana tiap siklus melalui empat tahab yaitu (1) Perencanaan, (2) Pelaksanaan tindakan, (3) Obsevasi, dan (4) Refleksi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas V SDN Gindopo tahun ajaran 2013/2014. Subjek penelitian adalah 14 siswa ditambah dengan 2 orang guru sebagai peneliti dan pengamat. Pada siklus pertama diperoleh ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 57,14% dan rata-rata daya serap 66,67%, masih kategori belum berhasil. Oleh karena itu, dilanjutkan pada siklus kedua dan hasilnya adalah ketuntasa naik menjadi 85,71% dan rata-rata daya serap meningkat menjadi 82,14% dalam kategori baik karena persentase keberhasilan siswa sudah tercapai. Dengan demikian tindakan selanjutnya tidak dilaksanakan lagi. Berdasarkan uraian yang telah dikemukakan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan siswa membaca teks percakapan di kelas V SDN Gindopo dapat ditingkatkan dengan metode demonstrasi

    Kepentingan Mesir Menolak Meratifikasi Kesepakatan Cooperation Framework Agreement (Cfa) Mengenai Aturan Pengelolaan Sungai Nil

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    This research describe about Egypts Interest to refused to ratify Cooperation Framework Agreement (CFA) about the rule of Management in Nile River. Nile River is Longest river in africa. And Shared by eleven countries. Nile River is primary water source of Egypt. Before CFA Exist, there was a nile river agreement signed by British Colonial and Egypt in 1929. This agreement ensured that Egypt would maintain its historic right of the Niles water,and allocated all water from the Nile to Egypt with no diversion allowed by upstream riparians. In 1959, Egypt and Sudan renegotiated their Nile sharing agreement Sudan recognized historical rights over nile River for Egypt and maintain their monopoly over the waters of the Nile, the 1959 treaty does not include any of the remaining upstream riparian countries and it forbids them from using the water or constructing any obstructions in Nile River. In 1999 First Organisation Nile riparian Countries, Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) Was Formed By 9 Nile Riparian Coutries. The main objective of the NBI was formed a cooperative framework agreement the Nile riparians countries and replace 1929 and 1959 agreement.Unfortunenately Egypt and Sudan Refused to ratify CFA Agreement.The theory that applied in this research is Realism and Level analysis in this research is State Level Analysis, researcher also use theory from about National Interest.The study found that the reason Egypt refused to ratify CFA Agreement are first,Egypt is dowstream nile riparians and has hot desert climate so Egypt depend on Nile River. Egypt Worry that CFA Agreement will allow upstream Nile riparian to diversion and build construction Nile and will impact to Nile River in Egypt. Second CFA dont recognize Egypts historical right over Nile River and contradict Egypts constitution.Third EgyptEconomy depends on Nile river so Egypt Worry that CFA Agreement will allow upstream Nile riparian to diversion and build construction Nile and will impact to EgyptEconomy. Fourth, Nile River Issue is Security issue for Egypt. Almost all Egyptian citizen depend on Nile River, Egypt worry CFA agreement will impact to almost all Egyptian citizen.Keywords : Nile River,Nile Basin Initiative,CFA,National Interest,Egyp

    Upaya Pemerintah Uganda Dalam Mengatasi Pemberontak Lra (Lords Resistance Army) Pada Masa Pemerintahan Presiden Yoweri Museveni (2006-2011)

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    The effort by the Government of Uganda to solve the rebel LRA (Lords Resistance Army) during the reign of President Yoweri Museveni (2006-2011). The conflict between the Government of Uganda and the LRA rebels have caused deaths of more than 24,000 people of Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, and Southern Sudan. Finally, the government of Uganda as the origin of the LRA rebels, making policy with military attacks, negotiations, and even some support from the African Union and the United Nations. The concepts used in this research is the National Interest by Donald E. Nuchterlaein and supporting theory used is the Social Movement theory by Stouffer. To solve these problems, the government of Uganda made several efforts including negotiations and ask for the support of the International. In the negotiation process, the government of Uganda entered into an agreement known as the Juba Talks, Uganda is also working with countries that border Southern Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic as well as international organizations such as the African Union and the United Nations.Key Words: Conflict, Military Operations, Negotiation, Rebels, National Interest

    Upaya Dewan Keamanan Pbb Dalam Melindungi Rakyat Yaman Pada Revolusi Rakyat Yaman Tahun 2011

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    This research analyzes the implementation of the responsibility to protect the people of Yemen in the civil war by the UN Security Council. Since January 2011, Ali Abdullah Saleh forces have committed systematic and organized crimes against humanity to the protesters causing civilian casualties in large numbers. Crimes against humanity in Yemen shows the inability and unwillingness of the government for implementing the responsibility to protect civilians. This condition shows that Yemen government is not capable of running and breaking the concept of Responsibility to Protect. The UN Security Council has the authority in its capacity to take over the responsibility to protect the civilian population of Yemen. The role of the Security Council is to implement the concept of Responsibility to Protect on Yemen civilians by stating resolution with number 2014 (2011).The responsibility to protect (R to P or R2P) is a norm or set of principles based on the idea that sovereignty is not a privilege, but a responsibility. R to P concept focuses on the three pillars. These are : the responsibility of each individual state to protect its population from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity and their incitement; the responsibility of the International community to undertake peaceful collective action to help states to exercise this responsibility; and the responsibility of the International community to be prepared to take collective action in a timely and decisive manner through the UN Security Council. Any form of a military intervention initiated under the premise of responsibility to protect must fulfill the following six criteria in order to be justified as an extraordinary measure of intervention : just cause, right intention, final resort, legitimate authority, proportional means and reasonable prospect

    Diplomasi Korea Selatan Mendesak Jepang Menandatangani Agreement on Comfort Women Tahun 2011-2015

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    This research analyze about steps of diplomacy by South Korea to urge Japan sign the Irreversible agreement called Agreement on comfort Woman on December 28,2015. The agreement consisting of statement deepest apology of Japan‟s goverment about their contribution to abduct almost 200 thousand women from some country specially from South Korea.Since world war I Japan‟s goverment abduct more than 200 thousand women from South Korea, Indonesia, and phillippines to be their sex slavery in order to comply their army‟s sex necessary and lack of abduct their citizen be their sex slavery. South Korea after world war II start to appear this issue and take the steps of diplomacy to urge Japan to have responsible about the issue .Japan refuse to take the responsible about what their goverment did in the past with some reason that abduct of more than 200 thousand women has done of person who want to take the profit from the war by abduct women and force them to be a sex slavery.But, after diplomacy by South Korea, Japan finally sign the irreversible agreement and take their responsible about this issue and the steps of diplomacy by South korea‟s Goverment will be explain in this research
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