10 research outputs found

    Tradisi Upah-upah Masyarakat Melayu Desa Sungai Sialang Kecamatan Batu Hampar Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    Tradition is custom made by a group of people that are passed from generation to generation captivate the generations that and still performed today. Tradition can not be separated from the culture, because the value of the cultural value system is the highest level and the most abstract of customs. Tradition upah-upah is a tradition that is carried by the community Malay Sungai sialang subdistrict Batu Hampar Rokan Hilir, the tradition is carried out to restore the spirit of someone who lost caused by several things such as to avoid a disaster, take new life and when it is reached ideals. The purpose of this study was to determine the tradition of upah-upah for people Malay Sungai Sialang subdistrict Batu Hampar Rokan Hilir, to know the process of implementation of the tradition of upah-upah Malay community Sungai sialang subdistrict Batu Hampar Rokan Hilir, to determine the function of the tradition of upah-upah for the Malay community Sungai Sialang subdistrict Batu Hampar Rokan Hilir. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data were obtained from interviews and then analyzed by the language itself. The research site is the village of Sungai Sialang subdistrict Batu Hampar Rokan Hilir. When the study started from a seminar proposal to the thesis examination. Data collection techniques used are observation, documentation techniques, interview techniques and technical literature. The results showed that the wages tradition still carried out today by the Malay community Sungai Sialang Village. Tradition upah-upah implemented in order to restore the spirit of someone who threatened his life, encouragement and confidence and grateful on a success. Upah-upah tradition has two functions, functions for the individual and for society functions Melay Sungai Sialang

    Perkembangan Yayasan Pendidikan Al-huda di Kota Pekanbaru (Periode 2003-2015)

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    Education as one of the most important sectors in the nationaldevelopment, be a mainstay for the work as much as possible in an effort to improve thequality of human life Indonesia, where faith and piety to God Almighty the source of lifein all areas. Therefore in this case the private education play an active role inpromoting education, especially in Pekanbaru with the establishment of educationalinstitutions under the auspices of the Education Foundation Al-Huda. The purpose ofthis study was to determine the background and Education Foundation Al-Hudafounding figures in the field of education, to know the developments in the field ofeducation Education Foundation Al-Huda period 2003-2015, to know the efforts madeEducation Foundation Al-Huda in the field of education, to know the factors drivingand inhibiting Education Foundation Al-Huda in its efforts promote education inPekanbaru. The method used is the historical method in which data were collectedthrough observation, interviews, documentation and literature. Data analysis usinghistorical writing. When the study began in the submission title until the completion of arevised proposal last essay writer. The results showed that Education Foundation Al-Huda formed on the notion character named Dr. H. Fachri Bais Salam Lc, MM whichformed Orphanage Isolated Tribe in 1986 and then grow until today EducationFoundation Al-Huda has overshadowed the five institutions that MTs Al-Huda, SMA Al-Huda, SMK Nasional Al-Huda, Akademi Keuangan dan Perbankan (AKBAR) danSekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Riau (STIE-R). Based on these results it can be concludedthat Education Foundation Al-Huda is the body that houses the educational institutionsparticipating intellectual life of the nation. Education Foundation Al-Huda and fourthin its development agency has experienced growth in terms of both quantity and quality

    Umpasa (Pantun) dalam Upacara Adat Pernikahan Masyarakat Batak Toba di Kecamatan Silima Pungga-pungga Kabupaten Dairi.

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    Umpasa is the type rhyme in kesusastraan the Batak Toba. Umpasausually used in every ceremony education customary. In the wedding ceremony thecommunity Batak Toba, umpasa always conveyed in stages marriage Batak Toba.Delivery of umpasa in traditional ceremonies marriage Batak Toba in general notdependent on the Raja Parhata , but family members especially the hula-hula. Deliveryof umpasa also based on the principles of “Dalihan Na Tolu”. The use of umpasa willbe never free of traditional ceremonies marriage Batak Toba because umpasa that wasdelivered at the wedding ceremony customary Batak Toba having a meaning that is asprayer , blessing or request to of the lord against family of his bride or wholly. Methodsused in research this is the method of historical research or historically. As for researchlocations that is in kecamatan Silima Pungga-pungga. Time research in starts test aproposal to with an examination thesis. Technique data collection used the techniqueobservation , the literature study , and interview

    Role in Developing the Concept Muhammad Natsir Islamic Education in Indonesia 1932-1942

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    Islamic education in Indonesia is education based on monotheism. Muhammad Natsir monotheism view that education should be given to children as early as possible while still young and easily cultivated, before preceded by the material, ideology and understanding of others. Indonesia has the world\u27s treasures of Islamic education reformers were so many, the figures are very intense and pay great attention tehadap development and advancement of Islamic education. The purpose of this study was to determine History Education Muhammad Natsir, To know the concept of Islamic Education Muhammad Natsir, To know Muhammad Natsir Efforts in Developing Islamic Education Concepts Muhammad Natsir. This study uses historical method that will give a clear picture of the past in a systematic, objective to collect, evaluate and interpret the obtained materials that can be accounted for righteousness. Muhammad Natsir concept of Islamic education Universal, Integral and Harmony is the result of reflections Muhammad Natsir of Qur\u27an and Sunnah. Integrative education proposed by Muhammad Natsir based on monotheism, and aims to make man who serve Allah. Education concept Muhammad Natsir accompanied by his efforts in promoting Islamic education is seen in Mendirian Pendis, Establishing Institutions of Islamic Da\u27wah and Islamic Pioneering High School Establishment UII. The concept of Islamic Education Muhammad Natsir seen with the objective of Islamic Education, Islamic Education Platform, Urgency Islamic Education, Implementation of Islamic Education, Islamic Education materials and methods Islam.Pemikiran Education Muhammad Natsir on Islamic Education has been proven by many schools and universities High Islam and Islamic universities which have definite and clear curriculum

    Peranan Imam Syahid Hasan Al-banna Dalam Mengembangkan Ikhwanul Muslimin Di Mesir Pada Tahun 1928-1949

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    The background of this thesis is the founder Hasan al-Banna an organization\u27s largest Muslim movement that was first established in Egypt, namely the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood was founded as a form of community dissatisfaction with the Egyptian government at that time. The purpose of this study was to determine the short history of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, to find out the history of the life of Hasan al-Banna, to know the history of the Muslim Brotherhood, to find out the struggle Hasan Al-Banna alongside the Muslim Brotherhood, to determine the role of the Muslim Brotherhood against independence Indonesia, to seek out the end of the struggle of Hasan al-Banna, to figure out which forms part of Hasan al-Banna carried out in developing the Muslim Brotherhood. Penelit method is the method of Historical and Descriptive. The aim is to reconstruct, analyze, evaluate, and explanation of evidence to get the facts reach conclusions that can be justified. The results showed that the Muslim Brotherhood is an organization Jihad, Propagation, and Politics by pemehaman Syumuliah al Islam (Islamic Universalism) kehidupan.mengenai covering all aspects of this case, as evidence of Martyrs Imam Hasan Al - Banna has established a charitable foundation, education, politics and Jihad for establishing the Muslim Brotherhood. In the field of education for example has many established foundations of Islamic-based educators to print cadres Propagation successor Jihad movement in the world . And in the political sphere of the Muslim Brotherhood was greatly feared by opposing political elite at the time, the Muslim Brotherhood have participated in the elections that took place in Egypt and could win. This victory did not reduce their main intention, namely jihad in Allah\u27s way, but rather be part of the vision of the organization that brings the goodness of all life. The entry of the Muslim Brotherhood Political kemedan is a natural process that aims to fix a number of irregularities that occurred in Egypt

    Pergeseran Fungsi Perahu Baganduang pada Upacara Tradisional di Kecamatan Kuantan Mudik Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi

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    Indonesia is a pluralistic, diverse, and pluralistic society it is a country of more than 500 tribes united by a national system as a nation in the container Indonesian National Culture. Cultural diversity one of which is seen in ceremony Melayu Riau have an open culture and accommodating and adaptive system of religious values and customs and traditions are contained. Cultural traditions that developed from various districts in Riau province is very much. Among them are cultural traditions Begandung boat coming from various regions, including in Kuantan Singingi. Bagandung boat is a culture of the village opposite the beach District Kuantan Mudik, which has evolved from ancient times to the present. This culture is celebrated every year at the feast of Eid al-Fitr point is to purify themselves from calamity and distress. The purpose of this study was to determine the background of the boat beganduang in Kuantan Mudik District Kuantan Singingi, to know the process of making a boat baganduang in Kuantan Mudik District Kuantan Singingi, to know the function of the boat baganduang in Kuantan Mudik District Kuantan Singingi, to know the process of shifting the functions of the boat baganduang in Kuantan Mudik District Kuantan Singingi, to know the impact of the shift function baganduang boat in Kuantan Mudik District Kuantan Singingi. The method used in this study is the historical method and qualitative methods. Data were obtained from interviews and analyzed in its own language. The research location is in Kuantan Mudik District Kuantan Singingi. When the study started from the seminar proposal to the Thesis exam. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview techniques, technical documentation and technical literature. Results from this research that the shift function baganduang boat visible from disuse boat baganduang as a means but only as a lime manjampuik festival alone. This shift is due to many factors that accompany it, and indeed it is proper to shift according to the changing times. The shift function baganduang boat not only on its usefulness, but also the values contained in the boat baganduang also shifted as the aesthetic value and the value of its mythological

    The Role Of Ninik Mamak In Kenagorian Gunung Malelo Koto Kampar Hulu Region Regency Of Kampar

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    Ninik Mamak is the custom leader or the leader of tribe in KenagorianGunung Malelo who have important role in every tribe according to the role of customused in Kenagorian Gunung Malelo. The role Ninik Mamak can control the behavior ofniece and nephew and also village government policy. The purpose of this research is toknow how far the role of Ninik Mamak in Kenagorian Gunung Malelo. The researchinterview all of Ninik Mamak in Kenagorian Gunung Malelo that count nine personsand also to get the opinion of another persons (villagers leader) that connecting withresearch. The method that used in this research is historic research method. Directinterview to the respondent and than its made in sentences form according to the resultof interview. The result of research shown that the role of Ninik Mamak in KenagorianGunung Malelo suittble with them function and duty in low of custum used.Result of this research indicate that Ninik Mamak in Kenagorian Gunung Malelohave each role. This role divided into two form that is duty and function from eachevery the Ninik Mamak. Then in this role Ninik Mamak also have certain boundaries inthe duty and function. More circumstantial again also made balance to with people careabout role this Ninik Mamak in Kenagorian Gunung Malelo

    Kembalinya Irian Barat ke Nkri Tahun 1969

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    Abstrack: Historically, the area of ​​Indonesia is the territory of the former Dutch East Indies colony or territory of the former Dutch East Indies. Dutch East Indies archipelago is an area that is separated by seas. Evidence that the Dutch East Indies is fragmentary and does not constitute a single unit is used provided that the territorial sea Indies 3-mile (5.55 km). Indonesia As a nation that never colonized, has a separate area, is clearly a big loss for the people of Indonesia. The circumstances do not support our efforts to realize an independent nation, united, sovereign and towards a just and prosperous nation as stated in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution as a continuation of West Irian issue of dispute between Indonesia and th

    Biografi Suwardi Ms sebagai Tokoh Sejarawan dan Budayawan Melayu Riau

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    Biography is a story of a person\u27s life history comes from a true story. Biography tells of a process starting from childhood of the characters including family background and environtment, the emergence of ideals in the mind of the leaders to engage in his favorite field. The authors raise a biography about the life journey of a person who really loves the history and culture of the malay, devoted himself to studying it. Not many figures who are devoted to the history and culture of the malay world. Among them there Suwardi MS name a Historian and Cultural. Suwardi MS name already known in Riau, in the world of Malay culture and local History. The purpose of this study was to determine the life history Suwardi MS as Historians and Culture figures wither Riau, to determine the role of Suwardi MS as Historians and Culture figures wither Riau, to determine the obstacles and how to overcome them by Suwardi MS, to know Suwardi MS as Historians and Cultural figures wither Riau. The method used is the method of historical and documentary in which the data were collected through interviews, documentation, and library Studies. Analysis of data using qualitative techniques of writing. When the study began filing title until the completion of a revised proposal last essay writer. The results showed in the biography Suwardi MS as historians and cultural Riau of the Malay, Suwardi has conducted various activities such as, pioneered the publishing media, national and International seminars, as well as conducting research history. Based on these results it can be concluded Suwardi MS has an important role in developing cultural values as well as the local historian in Riau