1,062 research outputs found

    MDia and POTS - The Munich Difference Imaging Analysis for the pre-OmegaTranS Project

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    We describe the Munich Difference Imaging Analysis pipeline that we developed and implemented in the framework of the Astro-WISE package to automatically measure high precision light curves of a large number of stellar objects using the difference imaging approach. Combined with programs to detect time variability, this software can be used to search for planetary systems or binary stars with the transit method and for variable stars of different kinds. As a first scientific application, we discuss the data reduction and analysis performed with Astro-WISE on the pre-OmegaTranS data set, that we collected during a monitoring campaign of a dense stellar field with the Wide Field Imager at the ESO 2.2m telescope.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in topical issue of Experimental Astronomy on Astro-WISE information syste

    The evolution of the color gradients of early-type cluster galaxies

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    We investigate the origin of color gradients in cluster early-type galaxies to probe whether pure age or pure metallicity gradients can explain the observed data in local and distant (z approx 0.4) samples. We measure the surface brightness profiles of the 20 brightest early-type galaxies of CL0949+44 (hereafter CL0949) at redshift z=0.35-0.38 from HST WF2 frames taken in the filters F555W, F675W, F814W. We determine the color profiles (V-R)(r), (V-I)(r), and (R-I)(r) as a function of the radial distance r in arcsec, and fit logarithmic gradients in the range -0.2 to 0.1 mag per decade. These values are similar to what is found locally for the colors (U-B), (U-V), (B-V) which approximately match the (V-R), (V-I), (R-I) at redshift approx 0.4. We analyse the results with up to date stellar population models. We find that passive evolution of metallicity gradients (approx 0.2 dex per radial decade) provides a consistent explanation of the local and distant galaxies' data. Invoking pure age gradients (with fixed metallicity) to explain local color gradients produces too steep gradients at redshifts z approx 0.4. Pure age gradients are consistent with the data only if large present day ages (>=15 Gyr) are assumed for the galaxy centers.Comment: 23 pages, 19 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    The Tolman Surface Brightness Test for the Reality of the Expansion. II. The Effect of the Point-Spread Function and Galaxy Ellipticity on the Derived Photometric Parameters

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    To complete the Tolman surface brightness test on the reality of the expansion of the Universe, we need to measure accurately the surface brightness profiles of the high-redshift galaxy sample. We, therefore, investigate the effects of various sizes of point-spread-functions composed of telescope diffraction, CCD pixel resolutions, and ground-based seeing on the measurements of mean surface brightness. We have done the calculations using two synthetic galaxies of effective radii of 0.70" and 0.25" with point-spread functions of 0.1, 0.3, and 0.9 arcseconds. We have also compared actual observations of three high-redshift galaxies in the cluster Cl 1324 + 3011 (z = 0.76) made both with the Keck telescopes in seeing of about 0.9" and with HST which has a PSF that is approximately ten times smaller. The conclusion is that HST data can be used as far into the galaxy image as a Petrosian metric radius of eta = 1.3 magnitudes, whereas the ground-based data will have systematic errors of up to 2.9 magnitudes in the mean surface brightness at eta values of less than 2.2 magnitudes. In the final section, we compare the differences in derived average surface brightness for nearly circular galaxy images compared with highly flattened images. The comparison is made by using the two reduction procedures of (1) integrating the profile curves using circular apertures, and (2) approximating an ``equivalent circular'' galaxy that is highly elongated by using an ``effective'' radius of sqrt{ab}, where a and b are the semi-major and semi-minor axis, respectively, of the best-fitting ellipse. The conclusion is that the two methods of reduction give nearly identical results and that either method can be used to analyze the low and high-redshift galaxy samples used in the Tolman test.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    Breaking the degeneracy between anisotropy and mass: The dark halo of the E0 galaxy NGC 6703

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    (abridged) We have measured line-of-sight velocity profiles (VPs) in the E0 galaxy NGC 6703 out to 2.6 R_e. From these data we constrain the mass distribution and the anisotropy of the stellar orbits in this galaxy. We have developed a non-parametric technique to determine the DF f(E,L^2) directly from the kinematic data. From Monte Carlo tests using the spatial extent, sampling, and error bars of the NGC 6703 data we find that smooth underlying DFs can be recovered to an rms accuracy of 12%, and the anisotropy parameter beta(r) to an accuracy of 0.1, in a given potential. An asymptotically constant halo circular velocity v_0 can be determined with an accuracy of +- \lta 50km/s. For NGC 6703 we determine the true circular velocity at 2.6 R_e to be 250 +- 40km/s at 95% c.l., corresponding to a total mass in NGC 6703 inside 78'' (13.5 h_50^-1 kpc), of 1.6-2.6 x 10^11 h_50^-1 Msun. No model without dark matter will fit the data; however, a maximum stellar mass model in which the luminous component provides nearly all the mass in the centre does. In such a model, the total luminous mass inside 78'' is 9 x 10^10 Msun and the integrated M/L_B=5.3-10, corresponding to a rise from the center by at least a factor of 1.6. The anisotropy of the stellar distribution function in NGC 6703 changes from near-isotropic at the centre to slightly radially anisotropic (beta=0.3-0.4 at 30'', beta=0.2-0.4 at 60'') and is not well-constrained at the outer edge of the data. Our results suggest that also elliptical galaxies begin to be dominated by dark matter at radii of \sim 10kpc.Comment: 19 pages LaTex, 18 figures. MNRAS, in press. Also available at http://www.astro.unibas.ch/~gerhard/papers/dm6703.ps.g

    The Dynamical Fingerprint of Core Scouring in Massive Elliptical Galaxies

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    The most massive elliptical galaxies have low-density centers or cores that differ dramatically from the high-density centers of less massive ellipticals and bulges of disk galaxies. These cores have been interpreted as the result of mergers of supermassive black hole binaries, which depopulate galaxy centers by gravitationally slingshotting central stars toward large radii. Such binaries naturally form in mergers of luminous galaxies. Here, we analyze the population of central stellar orbits in 11 massive elliptical galaxies that we observed with the integral field spectrograph SINFONI at the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope. Our dynamical analysis is orbit-based and includes the effects of a central black hole, the mass distribution of the stars, and a dark matter halo. We show that the use of integral field kinematics and the inclusion of dark matter is important to conclude upon the distribution of stellar orbits in galaxy centers. Six of our galaxies are core galaxies. In these six galaxies, but not in the galaxies without cores, we detect a coherent lack of stars on radial orbits in the core region and a uniform excess of radial orbits outside of it: when scaled by the core radius, the radial profiles of the classical anisotropy parameter beta are nearly identical in core galaxies. Moreover, they match quantitatively the predictions of black hole binary simulations, providing the first convincing dynamical evidence for core scouring in the most massive elliptical galaxies.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted by Ap
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