658 research outputs found

    Non-linear effects in the cyclotron resonance of a massless quasi-particle in graphene

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    We consider the classical motion of a massless quasi-particle in a magnetic field and under a weak electromagnetic radiation with the frequency ω\omega. Due to the non-parabolic, linear energy dispersion, the particle responds not only at the frequency ω\omega but generates a broad frequency spectrum around it. The linewidth of the cyclotron resonance turns out to be very broad even in a perfectly pure material which allows one to explain recent experimental data in graphene. It is concluded that the linear response theory does not work in graphene in finite magnetic fields.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Plus Charge Prevalence in Cosmic Rays: Room for Dark Matter in the Positron Spectrum

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    The unexpected energy spectrum of the positron/electron ratio is interpreted astrophysically, with a possible exception of the 100-300 GeV range. The data indicate that this ratio, after a decline between 0.5−80.5-8 GeV, rises steadily with a trend towards saturation at 200-400GeV. These observations (except for the trend) appear to be in conflict with the diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) mechanism, operating in a \emph{single} supernova remnant (SNR) shock. We argue that e+/e−e^{+}/e^{-} ratio can still be explained by the DSA if positrons are accelerated in a \emph{subset} of SNR shocks which: (i) propagate in clumpy gas media, and (ii) are modified by accelerated CR \emph{protons}. The protons penetrate into the dense gas clumps upstream to produce positrons and, \emph{charge the clumps positively}. The induced electric field expels positrons into the upstream plasma where they are shock-accelerated. Since the shock is modified, these positrons develop a harder spectrum than that of the CR electrons accelerated in other SNRs. Mixing these populations explains the increase in the e+/e−e^{+}/e^{-} ratio at E>8E>8 GeV. It decreases at E<8E<8 GeV because of a subshock weakening which also results from the shock modification. Contrary to the expelled positrons, most of the antiprotons, electrons, and heavier nuclei, are left unaccelerated inside the clumps. Scenarios for the 100-300 GeV AMS-02 fraction exceeding the model prediction, including, but not limited to, possible dark matter contribution, are also discussed.Comment: 36 pages, 6 figure

    On fast radial propagation of parametrically excited geodesic acoustic mode

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    The spatial and temporal evolution of parametrically excited geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) initial pulse is investigated both analytically and numerically. Our results show that the nonlinearly excited GAM propagates at a group velocity which is, typically, much larger than that due to finite ion Larmor radius as predicted by the linear theory. The nonlinear dispersion relation of GAM driven by a finite amplitude drift wave pump is also derived, showing a nonlinear frequency increment of GAM. Further implications of these findings for interpreting experimental observations are also discussed

    Global limits on kinetic Alfv\'{e}non speed in quasineutral plasmas

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    Large amplitude kinetic Alfv\'{e}non (exact Alfv\'{e}n soliton) matching condition is investigated in quasineutral electron-ion and electron-positron-ion plasmas immersed in a uniform magnetic field. Using the standard pseudopotential method, the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations are exactly solved and a global allowed matching condition for propagation of kinetic solitary waves is derived. It is remarked that, depending on the plasma parameters, the kinetic solitons can be sub- or super-Alfv\'{e}nic, in general. It is further revealed that, either upper or lower soliton speed-limit is independent of fractional plasma parameters. Furthermore, the soliton propagation angle with respect to that of the uniform magnetic field is found to play a fundamental role in controlling the soliton matching speed-range.Comment: To be published in Physics of Plasma

    The effects of strong temperature anisotropy on the kinetic structure of collisionless slow shocks and reconnection exhausts. Part II: Theory

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    Simulations of collisionless oblique propagating slow shocks have revealed the existence of a transition associated with a critical temperature anisotropy epsilon=1-mu_0(P_parallel-P_perpendicular)/ B^2 = 0.25 (Liu, Drake and Swisdak (2011)). An explanation for this phenomenon is proposed here based on anisotropic fluid theory, in particular the Anisotropic Derivative Nonlinear-Schrodinger-Burgers equation, with an intuitive model of the energy closure for the downstream counter-streaming ions. The anisotropy value of 0.25 is significant because it is closely related to the degeneracy point of the slow and intermediate modes, and corresponds to the lower bound of the coplanar to non-coplanar transition that occurs inside a compound slow shock (SS)/rotational discontinuity (RD) wave. This work implies that it is a pair of compound SS/RD waves that bound the outflows in magnetic reconnection, instead of a pair of switch-off slow shocks as in Petschek's model. This fact might explain the rareness of in-situ observations of Petschek-reconnection-associated switch-off slow shocks.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Ion-acoustic solitons in warm magnetoplasmas with super-thermal electrons

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    In this work, the phenomenon of formation of localised electrostatic waves (ESW) or soliton is considered in a warm magnetoplasma with the possibility of non-thermal electron distribution. The parameter regime considered here is relevant in case of magnetospheric plasmas. We show that deviation from a usual relaxed Maxwellian distribution of the electron population has a significant bearing in the allowed parameter regime, where these ESWs can be found. We further consider the presence of more than one electron temperature, which is inspired by recent space-based observations[key-2].Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Chaos from turbulence: stochastic-chaotic equilibrium in turbulent convection at high Rayleigh numbers

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    It is shown that correlation function of the mean wind velocity generated by a turbulent thermal convection (Rayleigh number Ra∼1011Ra \sim 10^{11}) exhibits exponential decay with a very long correlation time, while corresponding largest Lyapunov exponent is certainly positive. These results together with the reconstructed phase portrait indicate presence of chaotic component in the examined mean wind. Telegraph approximation is also used to study relative contribution of the chaotic and stochastic components to the mean wind fluctuations and an equilibrium between these components has been studied in detail

    Equilibrium statistical mechanics for single waves and wave spectra in Langmuir wave-particle interaction

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    Under the conditions of weak Langmuir turbulence, a self-consistent wave-particle Hamiltonian models the effective nonlinear interaction of a spectrum of M waves with N resonant out-of-equilibrium tail electrons. In order to address its intrinsically nonlinear time-asymptotic behavior, a Monte Carlo code was built to estimate its equilibrium statistical mechanics in both the canonical and microcanonical ensembles. First the single wave model is considered in the cold beam/plasma instability and in the O'Neil setting for nonlinear Landau damping. O'Neil's threshold, that separates nonzero time-asymptotic wave amplitude states from zero ones, is associated to a second order phase transition. These two studies provide both a testbed for the Monte Carlo canonical and microcanonical codes, with the comparison with exact canonical results, and an opportunity to propose quantitative results to longstanding issues in basic nonlinear plasma physics. Then the properly speaking weak turbulence framework is considered through the case of a large spectrum of waves. Focusing on the small coupling limit, as a benchmark for the statistical mechanics of weak Langmuir turbulence, it is shown that Monte Carlo microcanonical results fully agree with an exact microcanonical derivation. The wave spectrum is predicted to collapse towards small wavelengths together with the escape of initially resonant particles towards low bulk plasma thermal speeds. This study reveals the fundamental discrepancy between the long-time dynamics of single waves, that can support finite amplitude steady states, and of wave spectra, that cannot.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Physics of Plasma
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