292 research outputs found

    The cyclic sieving phenomenon: a survey

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    The cyclic sieving phenomenon was defined by Reiner, Stanton, and White in a 2004 paper. Let X be a finite set, C be a finite cyclic group acting on X, and f(q) be a polynomial in q with nonnegative integer coefficients. Then the triple (X,C,f(q)) exhibits the cyclic sieving phenomenon if, for all g in C, we have # X^g = f(w) where # denotes cardinality, X^g is the fixed point set of g, and w is a root of unity chosen to have the same order as g. It might seem improbable that substituting a root of unity into a polynomial with integer coefficients would have an enumerative meaning. But many instances of the cyclic sieving phenomenon have now been found. Furthermore, the proofs that this phenomenon hold often involve interesting and sometimes deep results from representation theory. We will survey the current literature on cyclic sieving, providing the necessary background about representations, Coxeter groups, and other algebraic aspects as needed.Comment: 48 pages, 3 figures, the sedcond version contains numerous changes suggested by colleagues and the referee. To appear in the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series. The third version has a few smaller change

    On divisibility of Narayana numbers by primes

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    Using Kummer's Theorem, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for a Narayana number to be divisible by a given prime. We use this to derive certain properties of the Narayana triangle.Comment: 5 pages, see related papers at http://www.math.msu.edu/~saga

    What power of two divides a weighted Catalan number?

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    Given a sequence of integers b = (b_0,b_1,b_2,...) one gives a Dyck path P of length 2n the weight wt(P) = b_{h_1} b_{h_2} ... b_{h_n}, where h_i is the height of the ith ascent of P. The corresponding weighted Catalan number is C_n^b = sum_P wt(P), where the sum is over all Dyck paths of length 2n. So, in particular, the ordinary Catalan numbers C_n correspond to b_i = 1 for all i >= 0. Let xi(n) stand for the base two exponent of n, i.e., the largest power of 2 dividing n. We give a condition on b which implies that xi(C_n^b) = xi(C_n). In the special case b_i=(2i+1)^2, this settles a conjecture of Postnikov about the number of plane Morse links. Our proof generalizes the recent combinatorial proof of Deutsch and Sagan of the classical formula for xi(C_n).Comment: Fixed reference
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