2 research outputs found

    Efisiensi Kolom Distilasi Pada Pabrik Asetaldehid Dengan Proses Dehidrogenasi Ethanol

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    Pabrik asetaldehida dengan proses dehirogenasi etanol dirancang dengan kapasitas 250 ton/hari atau 75.000 ton/tahun. Bahan baku yang digunakan adalah etanol. Pabrik ini direncanakan didirikan di daerah Gondangrejo, Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2025. Asetaldehida pada umumnya sering sebagai bahan intermediate untuk menghasilkan bahan kimia yang lain, seperti bahan baku pembuatan asam asetat, trimeyrolpropane, pyridine, piretic acid, crotnaldehyde, n�butanol, 2-hexyl etanol, 1,3-buthylene glicol, asam laktat ,pentaerythrytol, , asetat anhidrat, chloral,. Pabrik ini direncanakan akan beroperasi selama 300 hari/tahun dengan basis 24 jam/hari. Asetaldehida pada pabrik ini dibuat dengan proses dehidrogenasi etanol didalam Reaktor Fixed Bed Multitube menggunakan katalis Cu-Cr. Bahan baku yang dibutuhkan adalah etanol 96% sebanyak 84,477 ton/tahun. Gas yang keluar dari reaktor akan masuk ke absorber kemudian di serap dengan penyerap air setelah itu asetaldehida dimurnikan dalam kolom distilasi untuk memperoleh asetaldehida 99% berat. Pada pabrik ini dilakukan perhitungan efisinsi pemilihan tray antara sieve tray dan bubble cap tray pada kolom distilasi berdasarkan parameter pressure drop, liquid holdup, weeping, foaming, entrainment, dll. Dari hasil perhitungan yang didapatkan dipilih tipe tray sieve tray dikarenakan memberikan keuntungan biaya minim karena bentuknya sederhana, dapat digunakan untuk rate uap dan liquid yang besar, kontrsukasi, perbaikan dan perawatan lebih sederhana serta berdasrkan iv perhitungan dihasilkan entrainment yang terjadi sangat kecil jika dibandingkan dengan bubble cap tray. ==================================================================================================== An acetaldehyde plant with an ethanol dehydrogenation process is designed with a capacity of 250 tons/day or 75,000 tons/year. The raw material used is ethanol. This factory is planned to be established in the Gondangrejo area, Karanganyar, Central Java in 2025. Acetaldehyde is generally used as an intermediate material to produce other chemicals, such as raw materials for the manufacture of acetic acid, trimeyrolpropane, pyridine, pyretic acid, crotnaldehyde, n-butanol, 2- hexyl ethanol, 1,3-butylene glycol, lactic acid, pentaerythrytol, acetic anhydrous, chloral,. The plant is planned to operate for 300 days/year on a 24 hour/day basis. Acetaldehyde in this factory is made by dehydrogenating ethanol in a Fixed Bed Multitube Reactor using a Cu-Cr catalyst. The raw material needed is 96% ethanol as much as 84,477 tons/year. The gas coming out of the reactor will enter the absorber and then be absorbed with a water absorber after which the acetaldehyde is purified in a distillation column to obtain acetaldehyde 99% by weight. In this factory, the efficiency calculation of tray selection between the sieve tray and bubble cap tray on the distillation column is carried out based on the parameters of pressure drop, liquid holdup, weeping, foaming, entrainment, etc. From the calculation results obtained, the tray sieve tray type was chosen because it provides minimal cost advantages because it is simple in shape, can be used for large vapor and liquid rates, construction, repair and maintenance is simpler and based on vi calculations, the resulting entrainment is very small when compared to bubble cap. trays

    Novel Thermosensitive-<i>co</i>-Zwitterionic Sulfobetaine Gels for Metal Ion Removal: Synthesis and Characterization

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    Zwitterionic betaine polymers are promising adsorbents for the removal of heavy metal ions from industrial effluents. Although the presence of both negative and positively charged groups imparts them the ability to simultaneously remove cations and anions, intra- and/or inter-chain interactions can significantly reduce their adsorption efficiencies. Therefore, in this study, novel gels based on crosslinked co-polymers of thermosensitive N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAAM) and zwitterionic sulfobetaine N,N-dimethylacrylamido propyl ammonium propane sulfonate (DMAAPS) were synthesized, characterized, and evaluated for ion removal. Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) analyses confirmed the success of the co-polymerization of NIPAAM and DMAAPS to form poly(NIPAAM-co-DMAAPS). The phase transition temperature of the co-polymer increased with increasing DMAAPS content in the co-polymer, indicating temperature-dependent amphiphilic behavior, as evidenced by contact angle measurements. The ion adsorption analyses of the poly(NIPAAM-co-DMAAPS) gels indicated that co-polymerization increased the molecular distance and weakened the interaction between the DMAAPS-charged groups (SO3− and N+), thereby increasing the ion adsorption. The results confirmed that, with a low concentration of DMAAPS in the co-polymer gels (~10%), the maximum amount of Cr3+ ions adsorbed onto the gel was ~58.49% of the sulfonate content in the gel