15 research outputs found

    Model identification of a low-cost robot gripper by using MATLAB system identification toolbox (SIT)

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    This paper describes the method of finding the estimated plant transfer function of a low-cost robot gripper system by using the MATLAB System Identification Toolbox (SIT).The best output signal of the gripper is obtained in particular by introducing a fast response step input (i.e. big slope) and a slow response step input (i.e. small slope).The test is based on the hardware setup which consists of a low-cost robot gripper, a closed-loop DC servo motor with position feedback, the Arduino IO hardware control and data acquisition. The results show that the obtained output signal is sufficient to represent the low-cost robot gripper transfer function by using a slow response step input. The PID control is employed and the results show that the gripping performance is satisfactorily achieved in simulation and experiment

    Preliminary investigation of the practicality of an industrial training for engineering technology program-industries view

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    One of the important aspects of Engineering Technology (ET) program is the students must be able to apply a significant hands-on job throughout the program. Apart from laboratory work carried out at the university, the industrial training components can also contribute a significant practical work to enhance the skills of the students. In this study, the difference between ET and Engineering program is distinguished by proposing longer periods of industrial training in ET program. However, the effectiveness of longer periods of training must be investigated in order to find out whether this framework has to be retained for future training. For this, the university has structured the industrial training by imposing the students to undergo two (2) months training during the third (3rd) semester of year two (2), another two (2) months during the third (3rd) semester of year three (3) and finally, six (6) months during the last semester of fourth (4th) year (i.e. final semester). An interview has been conducted with two industrial panels to find out the effectiveness of the proposed training. A few suggestions and ideas given by both panels were considered for the development for industrial training syllabus in ET program

    Preliminary findings on EEG controlled prosthetic hand for stroke patients based on motor control

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    This project established an electroencephalogram (EEG)-controlled prosthetic hand to help stroke patients with their rehabilitation exercises. The preliminary finding on the experiments to identify a suitable signal to control a servo motor using Minwave Mobile as the input signal is presented. Three methods are used to generate input signals; attention level (Experiment A), eye blink detection (Experiment B), and meditation level (Experiment C) using the EEG device based on four healthy human subjects. The generated input signal is then used to move the servo motor to a specific angle. All three methods are found to be capable of generating the input signals to move the servo motor to a specific angle with some limitations. Therefore, the use of one or two input actions was recommended to vary the angle movement in the prosthetic hand of stroke patients for future development

    Development of an integrated control system for rescue boat

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    During flood season, fire department or rescuing team are facing the situation which is lack of man power. To overcome this problem, an integrated rescuing boat control system has been proposed. The developed rescuing boat controller is convenience and easy to handle. It has been built with an integrated system which could be handled manually or automatically. The controller is developed using microcontroller Arduino. For an autonomous mode, some sensors has been introduced to sense the obstacles and giving the instruction to the Arduino to changed the direction of the boat. For manual control, rescuing boat could be controlled by Blynk application through smart phone. By introcuding an integrated rescuing boat control system, the victim can save their own from dangerous and reduce dramatically the number of death or injuries due to the flood

    Kaedah pengesanan automatik salur darah retina untuk imej digital fundus

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    Retinaialahsatulapisanmembranyangterletakpadabelakangmatayangboleh menggambarkankeseluruhanimejsalurdarahmenggunakankamerafundus.Struktur salur darahpadaretinamampumemberikanpetunjukpentinguntukmengenalpasti penyakit-penyakityangberkaitanmatadanbadan.Penyakitberkaitanoftalmikdapat dibuktikan denganperubahandiameter,sudutpercabangan,dankekerintinganpada salur darahretina.Olehyangdemikian,prosessaringandigalakkan,namunbegitu pemeriksaanyangdilakukanadalahsecaramanualdanmemerlukankepakaran,masa, dan kosyangtinggikeranaperalatanyangcanggih.Suatukaedahpengesanansalur darah secaraautomatikdiperlukanuntukmendapatkanimejkeseluruhanrangkaian salur darahyanglebihefektifberbandingpengesanansecaramanual.Hasilnya, keseluruhanstruktursalurdarahretinadapatdikesandengancepatdantepat.Walau bagaimanapun,pengesanansalurdarahmerupakanprosesyangrumitkeranasalur darah retinamempunyairangkaiansalurdarahyangrumitdengankepelbagaiansaiz dan lebar.Selainitu,imejretinamempunyaihingar,kontrayangrendah,danvariasi kecerahanpadaimejyangsamamenyebabkansukaruntukmembezakansalurdarah dan latarbelakang.Kehadiranlingkarancakeraoptikpadaimejretinaperludiuruskan denganbaikkeranaiamerupakankawasanpalingcerahdanpembuluhdarahberasal daripadapusatnya.Objektifutamakajianiniadalahbagimembangunkankaedah pengesananautomatiksalurdarahretinauntukimejdigitalfundusyangcekap.Ia mampu mengesansalurdarahsecaraoptimumbermuladaripadalingkarancakera optik sehinggahujungstruktursalurdarah.Penyelidikaninimencadangkantigafasa utama, iaitupra-pemprosesan,segmentasirangkaiansalurdarah,danpasca pemprosesan. Fasapra-pemprosesaninimenyediakanimejretinayanglebihbaik berbanding imejasaluntukmeningkatkankontraantarasalurdarahretinadanlatar belakang. Seterusnya,fasakeduamerupakansegmentasirangkaiansalurdarah menggunakan modelberasaskangarispengesanansudut.Kaedahinidapatmengesan piksel yangmewakilisalurdarahberdasarkanpencirianyangtelahdilakukan.Akhir sekali, fasayangketigaialahfasapascapemprosesanyangterbahagikepadadua,iaitu pengesananpikseldanpenuraspikselberkepentingan.Prosespengesanandijalankan denganmenggunakankaedahheuristikdanOtsuterubah.Prosesinimenukarkanimej skala kelabukepadaimejperduaanbagipengesanansalurdarahretina,manakalabagi proses penuraspikselberkepentingan,iaterbahagikepadapenyingkirantitiktidak berkepentingandanmemperbaikipikselyanghilang.Prosesinidijalankandengan menggunakan sudutpengagihanhistogramuntukmenentukantaburanyangdiperoleh daripadapikselkejiranan.Maklumatinikemudiannyadigunakanuntuk menyingkirkanpikselhingardanmenyambungkanpikselyanghilangyangjuga merupakansebahagiandaripadasalurdarah.Dapatankajiantelahmembuktikan kaedah yangdicadangkanberjayamengesansalurdarahdenganmenunjukkan peningkatan ketepatanbagipangkalandataDRIVE,HRF,danSTAREiaitu masing-masing 95.58%,93.40%,dan94.90%.Berbandingkaedahterdahuluyang hanyamencatatkanketepatansebanyak94.15%dan93.24%bagipangkalandata DRIVE danSTARE.Kesimpulannya,kajianinitelahberjayamembangunkankaedah pengesananautomatiksalurdarahretinauntukimejdigitalfundus

    Grasping analysis for a 3-Finger Adaptive Robot Gripper

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    A 3- Finger Adaptive Robot Gripper is an advanced robotic research that provides a robotic hand-like capabilities due to its flexibility and versatility. However, the grasping performance has to be analyzed and monitored based on the motor encoder, motor current, and force feedback so that the finger position and grasping force can be effectively controlled. This paper provides an open-loop grasping analysis for a 3-Finger Adaptive Robot Gripper. A series of grasping tests has been conducted to demonstrate the robot capabilities and functionalities. Different stiffness levels of the grasped objects have been chosen to demonstrate the grasping ability. In the experiment, a Modbus RTU protocol and Matlab/Simulink are used as communication and control platform. A specially modified interlink FSR sensor is proposed where a special plastic cover has been developed to enhance the sensor sensitivity. The Arduino IO Package is employed to interface the sensor and Matlab/Simulink. The results show that the significant relationships between finger position, motor current, and force sensor are found and the results can be used for a proper grasping performance

    Adaptive friction compensation for hand grasping and compliant control

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    Attaining a good positioning control is an important step to be achieved for a robotic hand to safely grasp an object. The safety of the grasped object can be enhanced by providing a compliant control strategy. This paper presents a model reference adaptive compliance controller where a mass spring damper system can be introduced. The performance of model-based adaptive controller with the effect of friction and stiction is investigated. A few mathematical models of friction are considered i.e. static friction (stiction), coulomb friction (dry friction), viscous friction, drag friction and square root friction. It is observed that a good positioning and compliant control are feasible in the presence of friction and stiction in simulation. It is evident that the level of compliant control can be achieved during the object graspe

    Modbus RTU protocol and arduino IO package: a real time implementation of a 3 finger adaptive robot gripper

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    Recently, the Modbus RTU protocol has been widely accepted in the application of robotics, communications and industrial control systems due to its simplicity and reliability. With the help of the MATLAB Instrument Control Toolbox, a serial communication between Simulink and a 3 Finger Adaptive Robot Gripper can be realized to demonstrate a grasping functionality. The toolbox includes a “to instrument” and “query instrument” programming blocks that enable the users to create a serial communication with the targeted hardware/robot. Similarly, the Simulink Arduino IO package also offers a real-time feature that enabled it to act as a DAQ device. This paper establishes a real-time robot control by using Modbus RTU and Arduino IO Package for a 3 Finger Adaptive Robot Gripper. The robot communication and grasping performance were successfully implemented and demonstrated. In particular, three (3) different grasping mode via normal, wide and pinch were tested. Moreover, the robot gripper’s feedback data, such as encoder position, motor current and the grasping force were easily measured and acquired in real-time. This certainly essential for future grasping analysis of a 3 Finger Adaptive Robot Gripper

    Modbus RTU protocol and arduino IO package: A real time implementation of a 3 finger adaptive robot gripper

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    Recently, the Modbus RTU protocol has been widely accepted in the application of robotics, communications and industrial control systems due to its simplicity and reliability. With the help of the MATLAB Instrument Control Toolbox, a serial communication between Simulink and a 3 Finger Adaptive Robot Gripper can be realized to demonstrate a grasping functionality. The toolbox includes a “to instrument” and “query instrument” programming blocks that enable the users to create a serial communication with the targeted hardware/robot. Similarly, the Simulink Arduino IO package also offers a real-time feature that enabled it to act as a DAQ device. This paper establishes a real-time robot control by using Modbus RTU and Arduino IO Package for a 3 Finger Adaptive Robot Gripper. The robot communication and grasping performance were successfully implemented and demonstrated. In particular, three (3) different grasping mode via normal, wide and pinch were tested. Moreover, the robot gripper’s feedback data, such as encoder position, motor current and the grasping force were easily measured and acquired in real-time. This certainly essential for future grasping analysis of a 3 Finger Adaptive Robot Gripper

    An overview of active compliance control for a robotic hand

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    It is vital to ensure that a robotic hand can successfully grasp the objects without damaging them. In order to allow a safe grasping, a technique called an active compliance control has been deployed. Active compliance control is an increasingly employed technique used in the robotic field such as service robotics, virtual reality and haptics, telemanipulation, human augmentation, and assistant. Recent research trends show that there are two main methods used in establishing active compliance control for robotic hand namely the force control and the impedance control. This paper highlights a summary of currently related works on active compliant control by using the force control and the impedance control. In addition, several control strategies of active compliance control are also discussed and highlighted for a safe grasping