529 research outputs found

    Environment and human rights

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    Globalization has a credible future only if the borderless economy does notoverstretch the resilience of the biosphere and frustrate demands for greater justicein the world. But what means environmental justice in a transnational context. In general, justice may have three different senses: justice as fairness, justice asequitable distribution, and justice as human dignity. In the first it is a question oforganized procedures for the allocation of advantages and disadvantages that arefair to everyone involved; this is the procedural conception of justice. In thesecond it is a question of proportionate distribution of goods and rights among individuals or groups; this is the relational conception of justice. And in the third it is a question of the minimum goods or rights necessary for a dignifiedexistence; this is the absolute or substantive conception of justice. This paper develops the theme of international environmental justice in the third sense, as a human rights issue. First, it outlines six typical situations in which patterns ofresource use come into conflict with subsistence rights: namely, extraction of raw materials, alteration of ecosystems, reprogramming of organisms, destabilizationas a result of climate change, pollution of urban living space, and effects of resource prices. It then introduces the debate on human rights and locates respectfor subsistence rights as a component of economic, social and cultural humanrights. Finally, it offers some markers for an environmental policy geared tohuman rights, the aim of which is to guarantee civil rights for all in a world with afinite biosphere. Neither power play between states nor economic competition, but the realization of human rights and respect for the biosphere, should be thedefining feature of the emergent world society. --

    Global Challenges: Climate Chaos and the Future of Development

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    En este texto partimos de la publicación reciente, y en español, de una colección de artículos, entrevistas y ensayos de conocidos críticos acerca de pandemia de la COVID-19 que se tituló Sopa de Wuhan pensamiento contemporáneo en tiempos de pandemias. Desde ahí intentamos jalar hilos que nos llevaran a reflexionar de modo detallado sobre importantes cuestiones frente a la actual situación. La empresa aquí era reflexionar sobre la realidad pandémica desde lo que se está articulando entre los pensadores actuales a este respecto y a la vez seguir el flujo de consciencia como método para guiar algunas cuestiones ahí inherentes. La metáfora de la Sopa se siguió como hilo conductor y también como motor de reflexión.This paper start from the recent publication, in Spanish language, with a collection of articles, interviews and essays launch by famous critics and political thinkers about the COVID-19 pandemic. That publication was titled Sopa de Wuhan: pensamento contemporáneo en tiempos de pandemias. From there, we tried to pull strings that would lead us to reflect in detail about important issues in the current situation. The goal here was to think through the stream of consciousness method and to consider some problems inherent of those publications. The Soup metaphor was followed as a common thread and also as a reflection engine.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Globalization and Sustainability

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    Fratelli tutti in the shadow of the Anthropocene

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    Which of Pope Francis' countless appearances will posterity consider truly iconic? Probably neither his journey to the shipwrecked in Lampedusa nor his encounter with the indigenous peoples of the Amazon, although both are characteristic of the pontificate - rather, it will be his appearance in the deserted St. Peter's Square during the coronavirus pandemic. A single figure in white, alone, laboriously climbing the steps to St. Peter's Basilica, then offering the Urbi et Orbi blessing with the monstrance - that image will be in the history books. This view undoubtedly thrives on contrast: the image of the Pope standing alone in the rain at nightfall in contrast to the image familiar to television viewers from all over the world where the Pope appears in St Peter's Square amidst the cheering of tens or hundreds of thousands under Bernini's colonnades. And then, in March 2020, a formidable showing of vulnerability that touched even non-believers