19 research outputs found

    Motivating factors to breastfeed an adopted child in a Muslim community in Malaysia

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    Breast milk is the best milk for babies. Breastfeeding is not exclusive to biological mothers only, it is relevant to adoptive mothers too. Women who have never given birth are also able to produce breast milk by following induced lactation method. According to Islamic fiqh law (jurisprudence), woman who breastfeed a child who is not her biological child will be mahram to her nurse child. Therefore the aim of this study is to examine the motivating factors to breastfeeding a foster child in a Muslim community in Malaysia. This is a qualitative study using case studies and grounded theory. A total of 12 foster-mothers whom have successfully breastfed their foster children by induced lactation method were involved in this study. The method of collecting data is semi-structured interviews. Qualitative data were analyzed using QSR NVivo Version 10 software using the techniques of content analysis, word based analysis and code based analysis. This study found, the main motivating factor for a foster-mothers to breastfeed her foster child is to build a mahram relationship with her foster child, followed by the maternal instinct, psychology, nutrition, technology, offspring and obligations. Breastfeeding a foster child in the context of a Muslim community in Malaysia aims to achieve two objectives: Islamic tenet (syariat) and goals of humanity. Both of these goals are linked by science i.e. induced lactation technology. This study proves that a Muslim foster-mother can apply induced lactation as a way to build a fosterage (milk kinship) relationship with her foster child which ultimately facilitate in their family life

    Konsep kebahgaiaan guru cemerlang wanita dalam mendepani cabaran kerjaya masa kini menurut perspektif Islam

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    Kebahagiaan merupakan dambaan hidup setiap manusia, namun ia dinilai mengikut kepada persepsi masing-masing berdasarkan latar belakang kehidupan mereka atau keinginan mereka sendiri meliputi keriangan hati, kesenangan, kebanggaan hati dan kegembiraan. Manakala kebahagiaan (al-Saadah) menurut Islam pula ialah kehidupan yang baik, merasa puas, dan kedamaian, hidup yang positif. Kajian ini dijalankan ke atas Guru Cemerlang wanita mengenai bagaimana mereka mendepani cabaran kerjaya yang dijalankan pada masa kini dan kesahan data akan dijalankan dengan triangulasi data yang diperolehi dari peserta kajian, ketua jabatan dan rakan sejawatnya. Kerangka konseptual yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah Konsep Kebahagiaan al-Ghazali (1991) dan Teori Subjective Well Being Diener (2009) bagi menghasilkan indikator kebahagiaan untuk dijadikan panduan. Demografi guru yang akan dikaji adalah mengikut kesesuaian kajian bagi mendapatkan data yang berkaitan. Oleh itu, kajian ini diharapkan dapat memberi indikator kepada guru cemerlang wanita serta wanita yang lain untuk mendepani cabaran kerjaya dan kehidupan masa kini menurut perspektif Islam

    Menangani kelesuan upaya ibu bapa (parental burnout) di musim pandemik COVID-19

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    Penularan wabak COVID-19 telah menukar lanskap tugas wanita terutamanya ibu. Penutupan sekolah, pusat pengajian dan pusat penjagaan menyebabkan beban tugas ibu meningkat. Keberadaan anak-anak di rumah sepanjang masa dan kelangsungan pembelajaran atas talian menyukarkan ibu untuk menjalankan tugasan kerjaya dan tugasan rutin harian disamping membantu pembelajaran anak atas talian dalam masa yang sama. Beban tugas yang hanya tertumpu kepada ibu sahaja mendatangkan tekanan yang kronik sehingga menyebabkan kelesuan upaya (burnout). Pendekatan kaedah bantuan profesional dan kaedah bantuan kendiri dicadangkan bagi menangani kesan sampingan akibat gejala kelesuan upaya dari aspek diri sendiri, pasangan dan anak-anak berlaku

    Pengurusan agihan zakat asnaf mu’allaf di Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor

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    Makalah berbentuk kajian deskriptif ini bertujuan untuk meneliti pengurusan agihan zakat asnaf mu’allaf di Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Johor (MAINJ). Instrumen kajian yang digunakan ialah kajian dokumen dan soal selidik. Sampel kajian seramai 30 orang yang terdiri daripada kalangan saudara baru terlibat dalam kajian ini dan lokasi kajian ialah di negeri Johor Darul Takzim. Terdapat dua konstruk yang dikaji, iaitu persepsi saudara baru terhadap pengurusan agihan zakat dan kesan-kesan agihan zakat kepada saudara baru. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan responden agak berpuas hati dengan sistem agihan zakat di MAINJ. Secara holistik, kajian ini merumuskan bahawa agihan zakat untuk asnaf mu’allaf adalah amat penting untuk dilaksanakan dan diuruskan dengan baik demi kesejahteraan para mu’allaf, khasnya dalam hal-ehwal pengurusan agihan zakat golongan ini di MAINJ

    Cabaran menjayakan penyusuan cetusan bagi pemahraman anak angkat dalam kalangan ibu angkat muslim di Lembah Klang

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    Islam menyarankan agar melaksanakan penyusuan ke atas anak angkat di mana ibu angkat boleh memahramkan anak angkatnya melalui penyusuan susu ibu sebelum anak berusia 2 tahun. Proses mencetuskan susu ibu bagi wanita yang tidak pernah melahirkan dan menyusukan bayi disebut sebagai penyusuan cetusan dan ia bukanlah suatu perkara yang mudah bagi wanita atau isteri yang belum berjaya memperolehi zuriat hasil dari hubungan perkahwinan mereka kerana mereka ini tidak pernah hamil dan tidak pernah melahirkan anak. Mereka menghadapi pelbagai cabaran dan rintangan semasa menjalani proses penyusuan cetusan kerana proses pembentukan dan kematangan kelenjar mamari seperti yang dialami semasa proses kehamilan tidak pernah berlaku kepada mereka sebelum ini. Justeru itu, kertas kerja ini akan menjelaskan cabaran-cabaran dan pengalaman yang dialami oleh ibu angkat sepanjang menjalani proses penyusuan cetusan untuk memahramkan anak angkatnya. Reka bentuk kajian ini adalah berbentuk kualitatif. Kaedah temu bual semi struktur dijalankan ke atas enam orang ibu angkat muslim yang berjaya menyusukan anak angkat dan melengkapkan 5 kali penyusuan kenyang bagi mencapai mahram. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan beberapa bentuk cabaran telah dikenalpasti dan dikategorikan dalam 2 bentuk iaitu Cabaran Dalaman dan Cabaran Luaran. Cabaran dalaman diri dikategorikan kepada 6 komponen iaitu (1)Komitment, (2)Emosi, (3)Keraguan diri, (4) Kurang Ilmu, (5)Masalah fizikal dan (6)Kekangan kewangan. Manakala cabaran luaran telah dikategorikan kepada 4 komponen iaitu (1)Kesukaran akses khidmat nasihat yang betul, (2)Masalah tempat kerja, (3) Masalah anak, dan (4) Stigma Masyarakat. Kertas kerja ini diharap dapat memberikan panduan kepada ibu bapa angkat yang ingin menjalani proses penyusuan cetusan bagi tujuan mencapai mahram. Disamping dapat memberikan input kepada para masyarakat serta professional kesihatan dalam memberi sokongan dan motivasi kepada ibu angkat muslim yang ingin memahramkam anak angkat untuk memenuhi anjuran Islam bagi mewujudkan sebuah keluarga angkat susuan

    Diagnosis practice in Malay medicine based on the kitab tib

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    This article will highlight the practices practiced in Malay medicine to diagnose an illness experienced by a patient based on the information contained in the kitab tib. This study will focus on six kitab tib that have been transliterated to roman writing. Then, these kitab tib will be analyzed to determine the diagnostic practices presented therein and structured their information based on certain categories and justifications. The main purpose is to analyze the contents of the kitab tib based on these three criteria (i) the diagnosis practices used in each kitab tib, (ii) the elements that influence the diagnosis based on each kitab tib, (iii) the main diagnostic method set forth in each kitab tib. As a result of this study, the practice of diagnosis in Malay medicine based on these kitab tib emphasizes on identifying imbalances between the four main elements of the body namely wind, fire, water and soil. These four elements will affect the state of the fluid in the body and consequently affect the results of the diagnosis. With this, it will determine the appropriate treatment to be given to a patient but it is necessary to provide latest complete analytical information to produce more accurate treatment results

    Pregnancy out of wedlock and abandoned babies: is adoption able to save the babies?

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    This article discusses the issue of pregnancy out of wedlock which has become a great social challenge that needs to be tackled immediately. Getting pregnant out of wedlock leads to the risk of babies being abandoned or left to die which will affect our generation. The purpose of this article is to discuss pragmatic steps that can be taken so that the babies have the rights to live. One of the steps is the creation of baby hatch, shelter for affected teenagers, and adoption. Adoption seems like an appropriate solution to let the illegitimate child grow within a family but there are challenges that need to be tackled such as legal issues, psychological issues, Islamic rules and breast feeding of adopted children

    Happiness in Islamic perspectives among multi tasking women in Malaysia

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    This study aim to investigate the indicator of happiness among Islamic multitasking women. Indicator of happiness consist of five dimension which is cognitive, physiology, psychology, spiritual and social. In-depth interviews were used. A total of four Muslim lecturer in Unversiti Teknologi Malaysia were selected in the interview. A qualitative method by using interview were used. The data from interview were analysed by using thematic analysis from four respondents that meet the selection criteria. The result shows that happiness is comprises of five element which is physiology, psychology, spiritual, cognitive and social. All the elements need to be align with Allah’s commandment as when the element is connected with Allah, then the true happiness would be achieve. A Muslim understand that worldly happiness is just temporary and the eternal happiness are the one that should being pursue and lasting forever

    Halal risk control at the upstream level of the broiler chicken supply chain

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    Halal Assurance System (HAS) was develop over the past 6 years and has undergone several changes and enhancements in terms of its policy requirement in 2019 by JAKIM. However, the implementation of HAS in the poultry industry only discuss the development of this system at the slaughtering stage and also produces downstream of chicken products only. Therefore, there are still no studies that focus on the implementation of HAS at the upstream level of the halal food supply in livestock farms although much research has been conducted. The basic criteria emphasized in the HAS is the determination of the halal control point at each step or process involved. For example, there is five elements in the farming of broiler farms that have been identified as halal risks consisting of food and beverage, medical, farm biosecurity and infrastructure, and logistics were proposed by the authors. Therefore, the qualitative methodology approach through documentation analysis is used to obtain sources of information to discuss the importance of HAS and to explain the elements of halal risk control (HRC) in poultry farming activities. Implementing of this systematic system can also help the industry especially in the livestock sector and the implementation of halal certification policies makes it a key in maintaining the transparency and halal integrity to benefit the consumer starting from the upstream level of halal food supply chain. The study also suggested that the HAS be applied in the poultry sector in future and that it would also have a positive impact if it was implemented in other livestock activities such as others ruminant animals and fish which it is a main supply of halal meat to the Muslim communities in Malaysia

    Halal assurance management system in chicken broiler industry

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    Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) had made it compulsory for the application of Malaysia halal certificate at industry level to implement Halal Assurance System (HAS). The main purpose and focus to develop this halal system was to upgrade the integrity of halal product which was based by the 'Farm to Fork' concept that involved from the raw material production up to the end user in the chain. In the application of HAS, specifically in Malaysia the focus was only at the level of receiving of raw material until the end user, instead of started from the highest chain of food supply which involved the broiler chicken farm industry. Therefore, qualitative methodology through document analysis was used in order to obtain the source of information and to explain the element of HAS such as Halal Critical Point in broiler chicken farming activities. Other than that, issues related to the halal control such as animal feed, medication source and animal welfare also discussed in this paper to discover HAS application on farm level. This systematic system and halal certification policy will benefit on farming sector and make it able to be the main reference to halal player's integrity because it will give benefit the consumer from the whole of the halal food chain