7 research outputs found

    電気的形質転換法を用いた cDNA ライブラリーの作製(農芸化学部門)

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    電気的形質転換法を用いプラスミドDNAを導入することにより大腸菌を形質転換した。我々は高効率を得る工夫をし, この方法を用いることでコンピテントセルを用いる形質転換法(Hanahan法)では出せない高効率を得ることが可能になった。ここではこの方法で登熟期イネ胚乳及びホウレンソウ芽生えよりcDNAライブラリーの作製に成功した。To transform Escherichia coli a plasmid DNA was introduced by electroporation. We improved transformation efficiency adding several chemicals, biological materials and/or preheating of the buffer solution which was added just affer electrodischarge. The improved method gave higher transformation efficiency comparing with that of Hanahan\u27s. cDNA libraries for mRNAs appearing in the developing rice seeds and spinach seedlings were constructed using this method

    Improving water dispersibility and bioavailability of luteolin using microemulsion system

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    Abstract We have studied the physiological effects and health functions of luteolin, especially focusing on its absorption and metabolism. Recent studies have reported the advantages of microemulsion to improve the bioavailability of poorly water-soluble compounds, including luteolin. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the absorption and metabolic profile of luteolin delivered in microemulsion system via oral intake. First, we prepared water-dispersed luteolin (WD-L) using a microemulsion-based delivery system and confirmed that WD-L has superior water dispersibility compared to free luteolin (CO-L) based on their particle size distributions. Following administration of WD-L and CO-L to rats, we detected high level of luteolin-3'-O-β-glucuronide and lower levels of luteolin, luteolin-4'-O-β-glucuronide, and luteolin-7-O-β-glucuronide in plasma from both CO-L and WD-L groups, indicating that the metabolic profile of luteolin was similar for both groups. On top of that, we found a 2.2-fold increase in the plasma area under the curve (AUC) of luteolin-3'-O-β-glucuronide (main luteolin metabolite) in WD-L group (vs. CO-L). Altogether, our results suggested that delivering luteolin by microemulsion system improve its oral bioavailability without affecting its metabolite profile. This evidence thereby provides a solid basis for future application of microemulsion system for optimal delivery of luteolin

    The laser radar system for measurement of the middle atmosphere at Syowa Station in Antarctica

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    Multiwavelength laser radar system was installed at Syowa Station in 1983 by the 24th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition for measurement of the middle atmospheric phenomena in cooperation with International Middle Atmosphere Program (MAP). The laser radar can simultaneously shoot two kinds of laser pulses (0.6943μm : the fundamental wave, 0.3471μm : the second harmonic wave) by means of ruby laser with regulated repetition frequencies (maximum : 1Hz) and receive scattered light by a telescope with the 50 cmφ-lens in efficient diameter. The measurement can be done by using a photon counter for each wave and A-scope for the fundamental wave. The test observation had been successfully made in Japan and it showed the remarkable increases of the strato-spheric aerosol due to the volcanic eruption of Mt. El Chichon. It was also inferred that the size distribution of the particles in the aerozol layer is inhomogeneous

    ナンキョク チュウソウ タイキ タンサ ヨウ レーザレーダ ノ システム コウセイ

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    南極の中層大気総合観測が中層大気国際共同観測計画(Middle Atmosphere Program, MAPと略称する)の一環として実施されており, 昭和基地にレーザレーダを設置し, 極域中層大気中のさまざまな大気現象を調べようとする計画が, 1983年から検討されてきた。この目的のために建設されたレーザレーダの特徴は, ルビーの基本波0.6943μmおよび第2高調波0.3471μmのパルスを最大1Hzのくりかえしで同時射出し, 有効径50cmの望遠鏡で散乱光を受信するものであり, それぞれの波長での光子計数法を用いた観測および基本波でのAスコープ方式の観測が行えるようになっている。試験観測の結果は良好で, エルチチョン火山の噴火(1982年)の影響を受けた成層圏エアロゾル層の様子がとらえられており, 2波長同時観測によって, エアロゾル層内の粒径分布が, 垂直方向について不均一であることなどが推定された。Multiwavelength laser radar system was installed at Syowa Station in 1983 by the 24th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition for measurement of the middle atmospheric phenomena in cooperation with International Middle Atmosphere Program (MAP). The laser radar can simultaneously shoot two kinds of laser pulses (0.6943μm : the fundamental wave, 0.3471μm : the second harmonic wave) by means of ruby laser with regulated repetition frequencies (maximum : 1Hz) and receive scattered light by a telescope with the 50 cmφ-lens in efficient diameter. The measurement can be done by using a photon counter for each wave and A-scope for the fundamental wave. The test observation had been successfully made in Japan and it showed the remarkable increases of the strato-spheric aerosol due to the volcanic eruption of Mt. El Chichon. It was also inferred that the size distribution of the particles in the aerozol layer is inhomogeneous