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    Abstrak Cupcake bekatul adalah produk dari butter cake dengan substitusi tepung bekatul, kaya akan lemak dan gula yang dibuat dengan teknik creaming method dan dicetak menggunakan cetakan muffin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) Pengaruh substitusi tepung bekatul terhadap mutu organoleptik cupcake bekatul yang meliputi keempukan, tekstur, pori-pori, warna, aroma, dan rasa. 2) Pengaruh penggunaan jenis shortening terhadap mutu organoleptik cupcake bekatul yang meliputi keempukan, tekstur, pori-pori, warna, aroma, dan rasa. 3) Pengaruh interaksi substitusi tepung bekatul dan jenis shortening terhadap mutu organoleptik cupcake bekatul yang meliputi keempukan, tekstur, pori-pori, warna, aroma, dan rasa. 4) Kandungan karbohidrat, protein, serat, dan vitamin B15  yang terkandung dalam produk cupcake yang terbaik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan desain pola faktor ganda, yaitu: perlakuan substitusi tepung bekatul sebanyak 60%, 70%, dan 80% yang diambil dari persen berat tepung terigu yang digunakan; jenis shortening (margarin dan mentega) sebanyak 62,5 gram. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi dengan cara uji organoleptik yang dilakukan oleh 15 panelis terlatih, dan 20 panelis semi terlatih. Analisis data hasil uji organoleptik menggunakan analisis varian dua jalur dan uji lanjut Duncan, selanjutnya dilakukan uji kimia untuk mengetahui kadar kandungan gizi dalam cupcake bekatul terbaik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Substitusi tepung bekatul berpengaruh terhadap tekstur, warna, aroma, dan rasa pada cupcake bekatul; 2) Penggunaan jenis shortening tidak berpengaruh terhadap keempukan, tekstur, pori-pori, warna, aroma, dan rasa cupcake bekatul; 3) Interaksi substitusi tepung bekatul dan jenis shortening tidak berpengaruh terhadap keempukan, tekstur, pori-pori, warna, aroma, dan rasa pada cupcake bekatul; 4) Nilai kandungan yang terdapat pada produk cupcake bekatul yaitu karbohidrat 32,87%, protein 7,63%, serat 10,85%,  dan vitamin B15 0,426 ppm (4,26x10-4 mg/g).                   Kata kunci : cupcake, tepung bekatul, shortening.   Abstract Rice bran cupcake is a modification of  butter cake and substitusion of rice bran which contains rich fat and sugar made by creaming method and formed by using the muffin molds. The aims of this study were to know 1) The effect of substitution of rice bran flour on the organoleptic quality of rice bran cupcake include tenderness, texture, pores, color, smell, and flavour. 2) The effect of using the type of shortening of the organoleptic quality of rice bran cupcake include tenderness, texture, pores, color, smell, and flavour. 3) The effect of substitution interaction of rice bran flour and shortening of the organoleptic quality of the type of rice bran cupcake include tenderness, texture, pores, color, smell, and flavour. 4) The content nutrient of carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and vitamin B15 contained in the best cupcake product. This study was an experimental with multiple factors design, namely: rice bran flour substitution treatment as much as 60%, 70%, and 80% were taken from the weight percent of the wheat flour used; the type of shortening (margarine and shortening) of 62.5 grams. The data were collected by observation with using organleptic test that conducted by 15 trained panelists, and 20 semi-trained panelists. Organoleptic test result of data analysis using analysis of variance and two lines continue with Duncan test, then performed a chemical test to determine the nutrients content in the best rice bran cupcake. The research showed that: 1) The substitution of rice bran flour has effect toward texture, color, smell, and flavour of rice bran cupcake; 2) The use of shortening has no effect toward tenderness, texture, pores, color, smell, and flavour of rice bran cupcake; 3) Interaction substitution of rice bran flour and shortening types has no effect toward tenderness, texture, pores, color, smell, and flavour of rice bran cupcake; 4) The value of nutrient which contain in cupcake products are carbohydrates of 32,87%, protein of 7,63%, fiber of 10,85%, and vitamin B15 of 0,426 ppm (4,26x10-4mg/g).   Keywords: cupcake, rice bran flour, shortening