161 research outputs found

    Autonomic Dysreflexia during a Bowel Program in Patients with Cervical Spinal Cord Injury.

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    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between bowel maneuvers and autonomic dysreflexia (AD) in patients with cervical spinal cord injuries (CSCI). Fifteen consecutive, clinically stable patients with CSCI participated. We evaluated changes in blood pressure (BP), pulse rate (PR) and classic symptoms of AD before, during and after a bowel program involving the manual removal of stool in lateral recumbency. The insertion of rectal medication induced a significant increase in systolic BP, which persisted during additional digital rectal stimulation. Furthermore, the manual removal of stool induced AD, with maximal increases of systolic BP (169.1(+-)19.5 mmHg, mean(+-)SD). However, the insertion of a finger into the anus after the end of stool flow did not cause a further increase in systolic BP. Systolic BP recovered to pre-program values within 5 min after defecation. Our study demonstrated that the combined effects of rectal and/or anal sphincter distension and uninhibited rectal contraction in response to the manual removal of stool might induce AD. We recommend avoiding, if at all possible, the manual removal of stool in order to prevent AD in patients with CSCI

    Optimizing Charge Switching in Membrane Lytic Peptides for Endosomal Release of Biomacromolecules.

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    Endocytic pathways are practical routes for the intracellular delivery of biomacromolecules. Along with this, effective strategies for endosomal cargo release into the cytosol are desired to achieve successful delivery. Focusing on compositional differences between the cell and endosomal membranes and the pH decrease within endosomes, we designed the lipid-sensitive and pH-responsive endosome-lytic peptide HAad. This peptide contains aminoadipic acid (Aad) residues, which serve as a safety catch for preferential permeabilization of endosomal membranes over cell membranes, and His-to-Ala substitutions enhance the endosomolytic activity. The ability of HAad to destabilize endosomal membranes was supported by model studies using large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) and by increased intracellular delivery of biomacromolecules (including antibodies) into live cells. Cerebral ventricle injection of Cre recombinase with HAad led to Cre/loxP recombination in a mouse model, thus demonstrating potential applicability of HAad in vivo

    Generation and Characterization of a Cell Type-Specific, Inducible Cre-Driver Line to Study Olfactory Processing

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    In sensory systems of the brain, mechanisms exist to extract distinct features from stimuli to generate a variety of behavioral repertoires. These often correspond to different cell types at various stages in sensory processing. In the mammalian olfactory system, complex information processing starts in the olfactory bulb, whose output is conveyed by mitral cells (MCs) and tufted cells (TCs). Despite many differences between them, and despite the crucial position they occupy in the information hierarchy, Cre-driver lines that distinguish them do not yet exist. Here, we sought to identify genes that are differentially expressed between MCs and TCs of the mouse, with an ultimate goal to generate a cell type-specific Cre-driver line, starting from a transcriptome analysis using a large and publicly available single-cell RNA-seq dataset (Zeisel et al., 2018). Many genes were differentially expressed, but only a few showed consistent expressions in MCs and at the specificity required. After further validating these putative markers using ISH, two genes (i.e., Pkib and Lbdh2) remained as promising candidates. Using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing, we generated Cre-driver lines and analyzed the resulting recombination patterns. This indicated that our new inducible Cre-driver line, Lbhd2-CreERT2, can be used to genetically label MCs in a tamoxifen dose-dependent manner, both in male and female mice, as assessed by soma locations, projection patterns, and sensory-evoked responses in vivo. Hence, this is a promising tool for investigating cell type-specific contributions to olfactory processing and demonstrates the power of publicly accessible data in accelerating science

    Simple generation of hairless mice for in vivo imaging

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    The in vivo imaging of mice makes it possible to analyze disease progress non-invasively through reporter gene expression. As the removal of hair improves the accuracy of in vivo imaging, gene-modified mice with a reporter gene are often crossed with Hos:HR-1 mutant mice homozygous for the spontaneous Hrhr mutation that exhibit a hair loss phenotype. However, it is time consuming to produce mice carrying both the reporter gene and mutant Hrhr gene by mating. In addition, there is a risk that genetic background of the gene-modified mice would be altered by mating. To resolve these issues, we established a simple method to generate hairless mice maintaining the original genetic background by CRISPR technology. First, we constructed the pX330 vector, which targets exon 3 of Hr. This DNA vector (5 ng/µl) was microinjected into the pronuclei of C57BL/6J mice. Induced Hr gene mutations were found in many founders (76.1%) and these mutations were heritable. Next, we performed in vivo imaging using these gene-modified hairless mice. As expected, luminescent objects in their body were detected by in vivo imaging. This study clearly showed that hairless mice could be simply generated by the CRISPR/Cas9 system, and this method may be useful for in vivo imaging studies with various gene-modified mice

    WT1 Peptide Cancer Vaccine for Patients with Hematopoietic Malignancies and Solid Cancers

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    Wild-type Wilms' tumor gene WT1 is expressed at a high level in hematopoietic malignancies including acute leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia, and myelodysplastic syndromes, as well as in various kinds of solid cancers. Human cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), which could specifically lyse WT1-expressing tumor cells with HLA class I restriction, were generated in vitro. It was also demonstrated that mice immunized with the WT1 peptide rejected challenges by WT1-expressing cancer cells and survived with no signs of autoaggression to normal organs that physiologically expressed WT1. Furthermore, we and others detected IgM and IgG WT1 antibodies in patients with hematopoietic malignancies, indicating that the WT1 protein was highly immunogenic, and that immunoglobulin class-switch-inducing, WT1-specific, cellular immune responses were elicited in these patients. CD8+ WT1-specific CTLs were also detected in peripheral blood or tumor-draining lymph nodes of cancer patients. These results provided us with the rationale for elicitation of CTL responses targeting the WT1 product for cancer immunotherapy. On the basis of these findings, we performed a phase I clinical trial of a WT1 peptide cancer vaccine for the patients with malignant neoplasms. These results strongly suggested that the WT1 peptide cancer vaccine had efficacy in the clinical setting because clinical responses, including reduction of leukemic blast cells or regression of tumor masses, were observed after the WT1 vaccination in patients with hematopoietic malignancies or solid cancers. The power of a tumor-associated-antigen (TAA)-derived cancer vaccine may be enhanced in combination with stronger adjuvants, helper peptide, molecular-target-based drugs, or some chemotherapy drugs, such as gemcitabine, which has been revealed to suppress regulartory T-cell function. In contrast, reduction of WT1 peptide dose may be needed for the treatment of patients with hematological stem cell diseases, because rapid and strong destruction of malignant cell-sustained hematopoiesis before recovery of normal hematopoiesis may lead to pancytopenia in these patients

    Enhancing endogenous adenosine A2A receptor signaling induces slow-wave sleep without affecting body temperature and cardiovascular function

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    Insomnia is one of the most common sleep problems with an estimated prevalence of 10%–15% in the general population. Although adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR) agonists strongly induce sleep, their cardiovascular effects preclude their use in treating sleep disorders. Enhancing endogenous A2AR signaling, however, may be an alternative strategy for treating insomnia, because adenosine levels in the brain accumulate during wakefulness. In the present study, we found that 3,4-difluoro-2-((2-fluoro-4-iodophenyl)amino)benzoic acid, denoted A2AR positive allosteric modulator (PAM)-1, enhanced adenosine signaling at the A2AR and induced slow wave sleep (SWS) without affecting body temperature in wild-type male mice after intraperitoneal administration, whereas the SWS-inducing effect of this benzoic acid derivative was abolished in A2AR KO mice. In contrast to the A2AR agonist CGS 21680, the A2AR PAM-1 did not affect blood pressure or heart rate. These findings indicate that enhancing A2AR signaling promotes SWS without cardiovascular effects. Therefore, small molecules that allosterically modulate A2ARs could help people with insomnia to fall asleep