7 research outputs found

    Social Support Relationship with Self Concept in HIV / AIDS Patients

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    A positive self-concept in people with HIV / AIDS is needed. This is because the various problems that occur in people with HIV / AIDS both physical and psychological problems. The concept of self has the role of helping the sufferer achieve his life goal, one way that can be used is through social support from. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship of social support with self concept of HIV / AIDS patient. Independent variable is social support and dependent variable that is self concept. The design of the study used correlation analytic design with cross sectional design. The sample is 26 respondents. The sampling technique uses non probability sampling type consecutive sampling. The instrument uses a questionnaire consisting of a questionnaire to measure social support and to measure self-concept. The Stabilistic Test uses the Fisher\u27s Exact Test. Result of research got most respondent have social support that is 15 respondent (57,7%), most of respondent have positive self concept that is 16 respondent (61,5%). The result p (0,032) and α (0,05) which means there is relationship of social support with self concept in patient of HIV / AIDS. The higher the social support the more positive the self-concept, the lower the social support will produce negative self-concept. Counseling for families about social support for people with HIV / AIDS will increase family knowledge so it is expected to develop patient self-concept.   &nbsp

    Effect Of Problem Based Instruction (Pbi) Learning Method On Behavior Prevention Of Hiv/aids Prevention In Adolescent

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    HIV/AIDS is one of the health problems that concern the world today because of the increase in patient population causing health crisis in the world. The highest number of AIDS cases according to the World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that people are infected while still in middle adolescence stage. Teens need to be provided with Problem Based Instruction (PBI) method, because PBI can improve knowledge and creativity. This study aims to determine the effect of Problem Based Instruction (PBI) learning methods on prevention behavior of HIV/AIDS in adolescents. The research design used pre-experimental pre-test post-test one group design. The population is all adolescents class VIII in SMP Negeri 1 Mojoanyar Mojokerto regency as many as 180 people with a sample of 36 people using cluster random sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that there is a change of negative behavior before given Problem Based Instruction Learning (72,2%) turns into positive after given Learning Problem Based Instruction (61,1%). Wilcoxon test analysis results show that P value <α so that H1 accepted, meaning there is influence of Problem Based Instruction Learning to behavior prevention of HIV / AIDS transmission in adolescent. PBIs are developed to help students develop thinking and problem-solving skills, through engagement in real-life experiences and become autonomous and self-reliant learners. Schools working together with health workers are expected to create large posters or billboards about the prevention of HIV / AIDS transmission with attractive design to make it easier for students to read

    Relationship Between Hemodialysis And Hb Levels With Level Of Fatigue

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    Hemodialysis is one of the interventions for patients with chronic renal failure which if done for a long time will cause fatigue symptoms as much as 82% to 90% of patients. The duration of the patient undergoing hemodialysis will increase fatigue levels; this will cause decreased concentration, malaise, sleep disturbances, emotional disturbances and reduce the ability of the patient's ability in daily activities. The exact symptom that occurs in patients with chronic renal failure is a decrease in Hb levels. The purpose of this study was to prove the long-standing relationship between hemodialysis and Hb levels with fatigue levels. The research design uses correlation analytic. The variables studied were hemodialysis duration, hemoglobin level,and fatigue level. The sample size in this study was 61 respondents with simple random sampling technique. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression. The results of the study simultaneously showed a long relationship between hemodialysis and HB levels with fatigue levels. Patients who have long undergone hemodialysis will have high levels of urea and creatinine. High urea will interfere with the production of the hormone erythropoietin. As a result of the number of red blood cells decreases, as a result, the patient will experience symptoms of fatigue.   &nbsp

    Perception Of Nursing Ability In Improving Motivation And Hope In Hypertension Patients In Hospitals In East Jawa

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    Hypertension is one of the important factors as a trigger for non-communicable diseases. Hypertension is a preventable and controllable disease that can be managed with medications and lifestyle changes. The purpose of this study was to determine perceptions of Nurse Ability to Increase Expectations and Motivation of Hypertensive patients. The type of research used is cross-national survey. The Population in this study were all nurses in hospitals in East Java who had been fully accredited. The sample amounted to 200 nurses with a simple random sampling sampling technique. The research instrument uses a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. Perception of Nurse's Ability in Increasing Expectations and Motivation of Hypertension Patients in Hospitals in East Java is an important matter that is equal to 75.7%. This shows the importance of nurses' ability to increase motivation and expectations of patients suffering from hypertension

    Kesiapan Masyarakat dalam Implementasi Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru di Masa Pandemi Covid - 19

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    At this time, Indonesia is preparing to enter a new normal life phase in the face of the Corona Virus pandemic. Several forms of changes or new transformations which later gave birth to the term "New Normal or New Habit Adaptation", namely changes in behavior to continue carrying out normal activities but with the addition of implementing health protocols to prevent transmission of the corona virus. The purpose of this study was to determine the readiness of the community in implementing adaptation. new habit. The research design used was a survey research design with a sample of 403 respondents in the district and city of Mojokerto. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire which was distributed via google form. The data analysis used is descriptive analysis with frequency distribution. The results showed that a small proportion of respondents who were ready to implement the adaptation of new habits were 39.0% while those who were not ready were 30.8%. Every individual must have the desire to return to normal activities, be able to return to work, school, and interact with one another and do other activities in order to remain productive during a pandemic. We can do this if we can adapt to new habits, namely by applying the discipline of healthy living to each of us. The community's unpreparedness is due to not being used to new behaviors so that adaptation needs to be improved. Adaptation of new habits is an obligation for every individual and is a collective concern to break the chain of Covid-19 transmission.   &nbsp

    Challenge in Social Support for Improving Quality of Life People with Hiv/aids

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    Background Became HIV-positive people was heavy burden in life, where complex issues  always dealt. The complexity of the problem might be faced certainly could impact on the quality of life. One factor that had important role in the quality of life was social support. Objective The aim of this research was to know the correlation between social support and quality of life people with HIV/AIDS, Methods the research design was used correlation analytic with cross sectional approach. The population for this study were all people with HIV/AIDS at KOPENHAM Mojokerto in 2016 who were 79 respondents. The Samples were took by used random sampling which was 65 respondents. The data analysis used coefficient contingency shows p value(0.002) <α (0.05), it means there is a relationship of social support with the quality of life people with HIV/AIDS. Results The result of the research showed that 29 respondents who had low quality of life, 20 respondent (69,0%) did not get social support, while from 36 respondent who had high quality of life, 25 (69,4%) respondents get positive social support. Conclusions: Respondents who get social support have high quality of life, caused social support makes people feel appreciated and loved, but there are other factors in quality of life, like age, education level, economy level, marriage status, and gender