83 research outputs found


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    The paper presents data on quantity of sulphate, chloride and metals in stone samples from the Vinkuran quarry and stone blocks from the external curved wall of the Arena in Pula. It has benn established that the stone from the Vinkuran quarry contains insignificant content of primary soluble salts (sulphates and chlorides) and parts of metal. A considerable increase in concentration of sulphates (to 92 times), as well as chlorides and metals, particularly lead (to 36 times), has been noticed in the surface layer of stone from the external curved wall of the Arena.Izloženi su podaci o količini sulfata, klorida i metala u uzorcima kamena iz kamenoloma Vinkuran i kamenih elemenata vanjskog plašta Arene u Puli. Utvrđeno je da kamen iz kamenoloma Vinkuran sadrži neznatne količine topivih soli i metala. Značajno povećanje sulfata (do 92 puta), kao i klorida i metala, posebice olova (do 36 puta), dokazano je u površinskom dijelu kamena vanjskog plašta Arene


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    The chemical composition of the tetrahedrite from the barite deposit Dubrave - Dugi Dol, south of the town Kreševo, Bosnia, hosted by Devonian Dolomite is as follows: (Cu10,65Ag0,073Hg0,03)10,75(Fe0,81Zn0,94)1,75(Sb3,57As0,34Bi0,004)3,91S13,00. Cation proportions are: Me2+ :Me3+ :S = 3.20:1.00:3.33. The 34S = -10.91 %o. The calculated formula is in good correspondence with the compositions of other analyzed tetrahedrites from the whole Middle Bosnian Schist Mountains. These results as those of the fluid inclusion studies of gangue minerals suggests the generation of tetrahedrites from highly homogenized, hot (190-310 C), high saline (24.2-26.3 wt% NaCl equiv.) mineralizing solutions generated by mixing of ascending deep seated upper mantle (Hg, F, Cu-bearing) and metamorphogenic lower crust (Zn, Fe, Ag, Au-bearing) fluids with descending highly evolved Upper Permian saline formation waters. The obtained data exclude the applicability of the fractional crystallization generation model.Kemijski sastav tetraedrita iz baritnog ležišta Dubrave - Dugi Dol, Kreševo, Bosna je slijedeći: (Cu10,65Ag0,073Hg0,03)10,75(Fe0,81Zn0,94)1,75 (Sb3,57As0,34Bi0,004)3,91S13,00. Odnos kationa je: Me2+ :Me3+ :S = 3.20:1.00:3.33. 34S = -10.91 %o. Formula tetraedrita se vrlo dobro uklapa u opći raspon sastava analiziranih tetraedrita iz cijelog područja Srednjobosanskih škriljavih planina. Navedeni rezultati kao i rezultati studije fluidnih inkluzija minerala jalovine upućuju na postanak tetraedrita iz vrlo homogeniziranih, vrućih (190-310 C), jako slanih (24.2-26.3 wt%NaCl equ.) mineralizirajućih otopina generiranih miješanjem uzlaznih, duboko smještenih u gornjem omotaču (nosilaca Hg, F, Cu) i metamorfogenih iz donjeg dijela kore (nosilaca Zn, Fc, Ag, Au) sa silaznim, jako slanim formacijskim vodama gornjopermskog evaporitnog horizonta. Dobiveni analitički rezultati isključuju primjenu modela frakcione kristalizacije za genezu tetraedrita

    A mineralogical-petrographical study of evaporites from Mali Kukor, Vranjkovići and Slane Stine quarry (Upper Permian evaporites from Dalmatia, Croatia)

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    The evaporite deposits examined in this study are located in the central part of middle Dalmatia, Croatia. In this region, Upper Permian evaporite sediments were deposited under favourable conditions onto the Variscan basement around the northern margins of Gondwana. These sediments can be subdivided into three members, a lower evaporite unit (an anhydrite member), a middle evaporite unit (a gypsum member), and an upper unit (a clastic member), and are mainly comprised of secondary gypsum that formed via the hydration of precursor anhydrite rocks. The middle evaporite unit comprises beds of gypsum as well as early diagenetic dolomites that contain gypsum sequences, extending up to 60 m maximum thickness, and overlying clastic sequences that themselves are up to 20 m thick. These Upper Permian evaporite sediments contain horizontal, irregular, gypsum lithofacies that exhibit pronounced enterolithic and boudinage structures. The characteristics of these sediments are indicative of deposition in supratidal and sabkha settings (i.e., early diagenetic dolomites and evaporites) within a shallow epicontinental marine environment with highly varied coastlines, bays, and lagoons. The secondary gypsum seen within this Upper Permian middle evaporite unit displays alabastrine and porphyroblastic secondary textures and includes corroded anhydrite relics; associated minerals include muscovite, chlorite, potassium (K)-feldspar, quartz, and amphibole. The Upper Permian evaporite sediments discussed in this study are composed of irregular, locally brecciated secondary gypsum that probably formed as a result of multiple synsedimentary collapse of pre-existing soluble mineralsand/or synsedimentary and post-sedimentary tectonics.</p

    Environmental Baseline Geochemistry of Sediments and Percolating Waters in the Modrić Cave, Croatia

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    Izdelana je bila predhodna podrobna študija jame Modriča, še preden bi jo uredili za turistični obisk. Meljasta ilovica z guanom vsebuje mnogo kremena, ilita in taranakita ter manjše količine vivianita in visoke koncentracije bakra (2869 mg/kg), cinka (951 mg/kg) in kadmija (28 mg/kg). Sedimenti, pomešani z guanom, so obogateni z rahlim REE in s povišanimi koncentracijami U, Th in Hg. Sedimenti z delci kosti vsebujejo kremen, ilit, kalcit in hidroxylapatit, a manj carnalita in nizke vrednosti težkih mineralov. Vsi analizirani sedimenti kažejo razlićno stopnjo kontaminacije Cu in Zn zaradi razsutega guana. Većina Zn in Cu v jamskih sedimentih kot tudi hidroxylapatitna skorja so v zvezi z železovim in manganovim hidroksidom ter organskimi delci. Organski delci v vzorcih sedimentov so pomembni, ker kažejo neposredni vpliv guana in hidroxylapatitnih skorij, medtem ko je v vzorcih sedimentov z drobci kosti najpomembnejši hidroksid. V dveh primerih smo opazovali vpliv guana na prenikajočo vodo v levem rovu, kjer je večja koncentracija ortofosfatov glede na hidroxylapatitA comprehensive study of Modrič cave was undertaken to evaluate the baseline conditions before its utilization for tourism. Silty loams with guano contain abundant quartz, illite and taranakite and minor vivianite and high concentrations of Cu (2869 mg/kg), Zn (951 mg/kg) and Cd (28 mg/kg). Also sediments mixed with guano are enriched with light REE as well as elevated concentrations of U, Th, Rb and Hg. Sediments with bone fragments contain abundant quartz, illite, calcite and hydroxylapatite and minor carndallite and lower contents of heavy metals. All sediments analysed showed various degrees of contamination by Cu and Zn from dispersed guano. Most of the Zn and Cu in cave sediments and the hydroxyl-apatite crusts are mainly controlled by the iron and manganese hydroxide and the organic fractions, the organic fraction plays an important role in sediment samples with direct influence of guano and in hydroxylapatite crusts while in samples with bone fragments the hydroxide control is dominant. Guano influence on the percolating waters was observed in two cases in the left channel where due to the higher content of orthophosphates saturation in respect to hydroxyl-apatite is present

    A couple of Bronze Age finds from the surroundings of Torčec near Koprivnica and their spectrometric analyses

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    Obrađena su tri nova nalaza brončanodobnog oružja iz Podravine: lovorolisno koplje i nož s trakastom ručkom i prstenastim zaključkom iz Šoderice, te fragmentirani bodež iz Torčeca. Koplje i bodež dobro se uklapaju u tipove starije kulture polja sa žarama sjeverozapadne Hrvatske. Bojni nož je datiran pomoću novijih dendrodatuma za analogne tipove noževa u srednjoj Europi

    Trace Element and Pb Isotope Composition of Two Copper Nuggets/Ingots from the Hoard in Dežmanov prolaz, Zagreb

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    U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati analize elemenata u tragovima i izotopa Pb u dva grumena bakra iz ostave u Dežmanovom prolazu u Zagrebu, te usporedbe njihovih sastava s dostupnim analizama šireg područja jugoistočne Europe

    Geokemijsko kartiranje i procjena onečišćenja olovom tala na kršu zapadne Hrvatske

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    The area studied follows the sharp geomorphological boundary at which an abrupt change occurs from a Mediterranean to a cold continental climate. The dominant soils are brown soils developed on limestone and melanosols developed on dolomite. Twenty five elements were analysed in the fine soil sample fraction (– 63 m) by ICP-AES after total dissolution in a mixture of concentrated acids (HF, HCl, HNO3, HClO4). The topsoil geochemical data sets of both western Croatia and the national park were processed through R-mode factor analysis to determine the patterns of geochemical association among elements and to detect and identify possible anomalies of elements that could be associated with airborne contamination. A four-factor model accounted for 75 % of the total variance. The association of Pb, Zn, Cd, As and P was interpreted as associated with airborne contamination and acid rain deposition. The factor score map of the Pb-Zn-Cd-As-P association shows high positive scores located along the climate boundary that passes through Risnjak National Park and further to the southeast over Mt Velebit. Along this regional climate barrier, the deposition of airborne contaminants carried by westerly winds from both regional (NE Italy) and local (Rijeka, oil refineries and oil- and coal-fired power plants) sources evidently occurred. With the aid of factor analysis it was possible clearly to identify areas influenced by airborne pollution. Total lead concentrations detected at altitudes higher than 1050 m above sea level in the national park were higher than 80 ppm (maximum 139 ppm Pb) while the regional mean Pb concentration is 43 ppm. Also a stoichiometric approach was applied to compensate for the influence of the amount of the clay fraction by modeling soil geochemical baselines on the basis of the calculation of the Pb enrichment factor (EF). As a basis for these calculations, reference soils with the presumed least anthropogenic influence from the island of Mljet (78 samples) were used. In the area of Risnjak National Park approximately 20% of the samples have an Pb EF higher than 2, which can be considered polluted, while the whole region of Western Croatia (not including Istria) has less than 3% of Pb enriched samples. All the samples from the area of Mt Velebit contain Pb within the baseline range (EF 2), što se može smatrati kao zagađenje, dok čitavo područje zapadne Hrvatske (osim Istre) ima manje od 3 % olovom obogaćenih uzoraka. Svi uzorci s područja Velebita imaju vrijednost EF za olovo unutar područja geokemijskog šuma (EF < 2) pa se može smatrati da je utjecaj atmosferskog zagađenja u tom području manje izražen

    First palynological results from the archaeological site Sopot, Croatia

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    This paper presents first results of research drilling and pollen analysis at the eponymous site of Sopot. Drilling was conducted in 2010 to give an overview of the spatial relationship of the “tell” with the immediate surroundings and preliminary data on geological and cultural layering of Sopot. Among other things, the goal of the research was finding suitable organic sediments, in order to take test for palynological analysis, to try to reconstruct the vegetation cover, agricultural development and land use

    Živa u tlu i zraku kao element-indikator za boksitna ležišta u Istri - eksperimentalni istraživački model

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    ID order to find out a secondary dispersion halo of mercury and some other trace elements around the bauxite ore bodies, the authors sampled terra rossa along traverses over them. At the same time, mercury in air is measured and expressed by relative values (mA) using Zeeman mercury vapor analyser. Mercury in soil was determined by flameless atomic absorption method and Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Co and Mn by standard AA techniques. The results are equivocal since the natural vertical soil profiles are severely disturbed on traverses due to different land use, what should be taken into consideration during continuation of the survey.U radu je obrađeno istraživanje sekundarne disperzije žive i nekih drugih elemenata oko boksitnih rudnih tijela u Istri. U tu svrhu izvršeno je uzorkovanje terra rosse uzduž traversi položenih preko boksitnih rudnih tijela. Istovremeno s uzorkovanjem tla vršena su mjerenja pomoću Zeemanovog analizatora živinih para u zraku, a vrijednosti su izražavane u relativnim vrijednostima (mA). Živa u tlu je određivana pomoću metode besplamene atomske apsorpcije, a Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Co i Mn standardnom atomskom apsorpcijom. Rezultati ne pokazuju jednoznačnost na terenima s različitim stupnjem poremećenja prirodnog, vertikalnog profila tla (oranica, livada i Suma), što se mora uzeti u obzir prilikom nastavka istraživanja