13 research outputs found

    Ciklodekstrini –primjena u različitim načinima isporuke lijekova

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    The objective of this review article is to explain the use of cyclodextrin in the different routes of drug administration. The article gives the chemistry of cyclodextrins and addresses the issue of the mechanism of drug release from cyclodextrin complexes. Dilution, competitive displacement, protein binding, change in ionic strength and temperature and drug uptake by tissues are the different release mechanisms of the drug from the drug-cyclodextrin complex discussed here. Use and its limitations in the different drug delivery systems like nasal, ophthalmic, transdermal and rectal drug delivery are explained. The application of the cyclodextrins in the oral drug delivery is detailed in this review. Many studies have shown that cyclodextrins are used as useful additives in the routes of drug administration because of increased aqueous solubility, stability, bioavailability and reduced drug irritation.U ovom revijalnom radu opisana su fizičko-kemijska svojstva ciklodekstrina, različiti načini njihove primjene te mehanizmi oslobađanja ljekovitih tvari iz kompleksa s ciklodekstrinima (razrjeđenje, kompetitivna zamjena, vezanje na proteine, promjena ionske jakosti i temperature te unos ljekovite tvari u tkivo). Opisana je uporaba ciklodekstrina i ograničenja uporabe u različitim sustavima za isporuku lijekova za nazalnu, oftalmičku, transdermalnu, rektalnu te detaljno za peroralnu primjenu. Mnogobrojna istraživanja su potvrdila da su ciklodekstrini korisni sastojci pripravaka za različite načine primjene jer povećavaju vodotopljivost, stabilnost i bioraspoloživost ljekovite tvari, a smanjuju njenu iritabilnost

    Ciklodekstrini –primjena u različitim načinima isporuke lijekova

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    The objective of this review article is to explain the use of cyclodextrin in the different routes of drug administration. The article gives the chemistry of cyclodextrins and addresses the issue of the mechanism of drug release from cyclodextrin complexes. Dilution, competitive displacement, protein binding, change in ionic strength and temperature and drug uptake by tissues are the different release mechanisms of the drug from the drug-cyclodextrin complex discussed here. Use and its limitations in the different drug delivery systems like nasal, ophthalmic, transdermal and rectal drug delivery are explained. The application of the cyclodextrins in the oral drug delivery is detailed in this review. Many studies have shown that cyclodextrins are used as useful additives in the routes of drug administration because of increased aqueous solubility, stability, bioavailability and reduced drug irritation.U ovom revijalnom radu opisana su fizičko-kemijska svojstva ciklodekstrina, različiti načini njihove primjene te mehanizmi oslobađanja ljekovitih tvari iz kompleksa s ciklodekstrinima (razrjeđenje, kompetitivna zamjena, vezanje na proteine, promjena ionske jakosti i temperature te unos ljekovite tvari u tkivo). Opisana je uporaba ciklodekstrina i ograničenja uporabe u različitim sustavima za isporuku lijekova za nazalnu, oftalmičku, transdermalnu, rektalnu te detaljno za peroralnu primjenu. Mnogobrojna istraživanja su potvrdila da su ciklodekstrini korisni sastojci pripravaka za različite načine primjene jer povećavaju vodotopljivost, stabilnost i bioraspoloživost ljekovite tvari, a smanjuju njenu iritabilnost

    Priprava i evaluacija plutajućih matriksa rizedronat natrija Gelucire® 39/01

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    Incorporation of bisphosphonates in the lipid reduces gastric irritation. Only gastric retention with sustained release allows the drug to reach the duodenum and jejunum and improves the availability of bisphosphonates. Risedronate sodium and Gelucire® 39/01 floating matrices were prepared using melt solidification. The sustained release floating matrices were evaluated for in vitro and in vivo floating ability and in vitro drug release. Ageing of the matrices was studied by differential scanning calorimetry, hot stage polarizing microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and in vitro drug release. Ageing causes changes in the crystal structure of the Gelucire®, which is responsible for increase in drug release.Uklapanje bisfosfonata u lipide smanjuje iritaciju želuca. Samo zadržavanje u želucu s usporenim oslobađanjem omogućava da ljekovita tvar dospije u duodenum i jejunum i povećava bioraspoloživost bisfosfonata. Rizedronat natrij i Gelucire® 39/01 plutajući matriksi pripravljeni su metodom taljenja i očvršćivanja. Proučavana je sposobnost plutanja pripremljenih matriksa in vitro i in vivo te oslobađanje ljekovite tvari. Starenje matriksa proučavano je diferencijalnom pretražnom kalorimetrijom, polarizirajućom mikroskopijom s vrućom pločom i pretražnom elektronskom mikroskopijom. Starenje uzrokuje promjene u kristalnoj strukturi Gelucire® zbog kojih se povećava oslobađanje ljekovite tvari

    Use of art as therapeutic intervention for enhancement of hand function in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A pilot study

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    Background: Conventional physiotherapy treatment for patients with rheumatoid hand emphasizes on single-plane movements and strengthening exercises directed toward improvement of function and prevention of deformities. This may be nondirective and lacks creativity and hence may predispose to a high attrition from therapy. The current study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of art as a creative therapeutic procedure for enhancement of hand functions, self-perception, and quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods: A single-blinded, randomized controlled pilot study was conducted on 17 participants suffering from RA. The control group received conventional physiotherapy while the experimental group received art-based intervention with bimanual projects (viz., origami, paper quelling, clay modeling, and oil painting). Both groups received intervention for 45 min daily for 4 weeks. Pre- and post-interventional assessment was done using grip and pinch strength, Grip Ability Test (GAT), Jebsen–Taylor Hand Function Test (JHFT), Australian-Canadian Osteoarthritis Hand Index (AUSCAN), Michigan Hand Outcome Questionnaire (MHQ), and Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ). Results: There was an improvement in hand functions (grip strength [P = 0.042], two-point pinch strength [P = 0.039], three-point pinch strength [P = 0.043], GAT [P = 0.043], JHFT [P = 0.043]), self-perception (AUSCAN [P = 0.043], MHQ [P = 0.043]), and quality of life (HAQ;P = 0.043) in art therapy patients which was similar to conventional therapy patients. Conclusion: Art is an equally effective therapeutic intervention to conventional therapy for the enhancement of hand functions, self-perception, and quality of life in patients with RA

    Perception of Body Image to Fat Content in Adolescent Girls and Boys

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    Background: Adolescents are concerned about their physical appearance during socialization. Adolescents are more self-conscious in this age as puberty causesmany hormonal changestooccur. The aim of this study was to assess the perception of body image to the body fat content in these adolescent girls and boys. Objective was to assess body fat content and BMI and to correlate it with the body perception in this population.Methods: Post ethical approval and written informed consent (assent) from the participants, an assessment of the body fat content was done by using skin-fold caliper and by assessing the BMI of 200 adolescent girls and boys between ages of 13 and 15 years. Perception of body image was assessed by using body shape questionnaire (BSQ), which was correlated to body fat content using Spearman’s correlation coefficient with alpha set as <0.05 at 95% CI.Results: The BSQ scores did not indicate any concern of the body shape (26.89±11) in the studied population. Also their Body fat content (15%±6%) and BMI (19.9±3.6) was within the healthy fitness zone. There was a weak positive correlation between the BSQ score and body fat as measured by skin-fold caliper (r=0.182, p=0.010) and also by BMI measurements (r=0.183, p=0.009).Conclusion: There is a normal perception of the body image and normal fat content present in the adolescent population, which has a weak correlation to the actual presence of body fat within them

    Suryanamaskar: An equivalent approach towards management of physical fitness in obese females

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    Background: In India, obesity is highly prevalent in women as compared to men. As the obesity epidemic spreads, there are growing concerns about efficient obesity management. Aims: To compare between circuit training (CT), treadmill (TM) walking and suryanamaskar (SN) training in weight management and physical fitness enhancement in obese females. Settings and Designs: Comparative controlled study conducted in a community setting. Materials and Methods: 119 females of age between 20 and 40 years of body mass index (BMI) between 25.1 and 34.9 kg/m 2 . 87 participants completed the study. Group 1: CT; group 2: TM walking; group 3: Modified SN; group 4: Control. Outcome Measures: Body composition, cardio-respiratory and muscle endurance, flexibility. Statistical Analysis : Within-group data was analyzed with the paired t-test. P =0.05. Analysis between the groups was done using one way ANOVA test. Analysis between the groups was done using ANCOVA test controlling for baseline differences only for those variables that have significant differences at baseline. For those which do not have significant difference at baseline, RMANOVA was done at end of 8 weeks. Results: Reducation in mean body weight in CT group (2.2%), TM (1.7%) and SN (1.6%), (P < 0.05), BMI in all the three groups (P < 0.01), total body fat % in the CT (5%) and SN (3.7%), (P < 0.01), metabolic age with CT (2%) and TM (2%), (P = 0.001). Improvement in muscle mass in CT (4%, P = 0.009), VO 2max in CT group by 17.2%, SN (14%), TM group (8%) (P < 0.05). Upper limb Muscle endurance in CT (51.3%), SN group (51.24%) and in TM group (40%), (P = 0.05), in lower limb TM (21.2%) and SN (24.5%) (P = 0.05), flexibility in SN (12.4%, P = 0.0001). Conclusions: All three methods were effective in weight and physical fitness management. CT and SN were more effective in improving cardio-respiratory fitness and upper limb muscle endurance while only SN was effective in improving body flexibility