60 research outputs found

    Implementation of Dijkstra's Algorithm to Find a School Shortest Distance Based on The Zoning System in South Tangerang

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    School is an essential thing for education quality. This time, the South Tangerang government is implementing a new student admission process using a zoning system; all prospective students must choose a school that has the shortest distance from their residence. However, many parents and prospective students do not understand this zoning system. The limited access to information is a problem for them, so they do not know where the schools are included in their zoning area. For this reason, the need to efforts the problem-solve to use Dijkstra's algorithm as a consideration to find the results more accurate for the shortest distance. So the exact solution that should implement the information technology this time is "Implementation of Dijkstra's Algorithm to Find a School Shortest Distance Based on The Zoning System In South Tangerang." It is a solution for parents and prospective students to get information about school choices included in their zoning.School is an essential thing for education quality. This time, the South Tangerang government is implementing a new student admission process using a zoning system; all prospective students must choose a school that has the shortest distance from their residence. However, many parents and prospective students do not understand this zoning system. The limited access to information is a problem for them, so they do not know where the schools are included in their zoning area. For this reason, the need to efforts the problem-solve to use Dijkstra's algorithm as a consideration to find the results more accurate for the shortest distance. So the exact solution that should implement the information technology this time is "Implementation of Dijkstra's Algorithm to Find a School Shortest Distance Based on The Zoning System In South Tangerang." It is a solution for parents and prospective students to get information about school choices included in their zoning


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    Objective: Candida albicans (CA) is one of leading cause leukorrhea due to microbial infection. Propolis wax is a fraction of propolis, and thus its remains as the side product of refined propolis are sufficient to inhibit CA, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus mutans growth. In this study, we used transparent solid soap containing Indonesian propolis wax to treated patients with leukorrhea disease.Methods: Quasi-Experimental designs that use for the Pre-Experimental design one group pretest-posttest design with a control group who performed on patients with leukorrhea in January 2014 in Tasikmalaya (West Java, Indonesia) district health center by using statistical analysis of T Test Dependent. The study conducted on 36 patients with leukorrhea and positively infected by CA. The transparent soap containing propolis wax 1% and 2% are used for to group I (20 respondents) and group II (10 respondents), and six respondents used as the negative control group.Results: The results showed that both groups could treat by the soap. The soap significantly effective in decreasing the number of CA, while six respondents in the control group showed a significant in increasing the number of CA. The results revealed that the content of propolis wax 1% and 2% in the preparation of transparent soap significantly influence on the subtraction of the number of patients with CA leukorrhea.Conclusion: The results obtained in this research work clearly indicated that the transparent soap containing propolis wax 1% and 2% have a potency to against leucorrhea disease caused by CA

    Utilization of Technology to Enhance Accessibility of Public Services for the Community

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    The utilization of technology in public services has been identified as a potential solution to improve accessibility and efficiency of public services for the community. This study aims to explore the role of technology in enhancing the accessibility of public services for the community in Indonesia. The study employed a qualitative research approach and used semi-structured interviews as the primary data collection technique. The findings of the study suggest that the utilization of technology can improve the accessibility and efficiency of public services for the community in Indonesia. The study identified several factors that facilitate or hinder the implementation of technology in public services, including funding, infrastructure, and technical expertise. The study suggests that public sector organizations need to address these challenges and leverage the facilitators identified in this study to successfully implement technology-based public services initiatives

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Website Menggunakan CMS Wordpress di Yayasan Yatim Piatu Ibnu Sabil Kota Tangerang

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    Pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat yang dilakukan di Yayasan Yatim Piatu Ibnu Sabil ini bertujuan memberikan pengetahuan dan pelatihan pembuatan website berbasis CMS Wordpress. Salah satu CMS (Content Management System) yang sering digunakan wordpress dikarenakan mudah dalam penggunaanya dan memiliki fitur yang cukup lengkap. Dewasa ini, penggunaan internet sebagai media komunikasi baik itu di bidang pendidikan maupun bisnis sangatlah vital. Namun sebagian besar anak – anak  asuh dan tenaga pendidik yang ada di yayasan yatim piatu Ibnu Sabil belum memahami tentang media blog dan pemanfaatan sembagai media pembelajaran maupun bisnis. Adapaun bentuk kegiatan pelatihan ini dilakukan melalui pengarahan tentang pengetahuan dasar mengenai kebutuhan dalam membuat website sederhana. Dilanjutkan dengan memberikan pelatihan ketrampilan melalui praktik langsung dalam proses pembuatan website berbasis CMS menggunakan wordpress. Dan diakhiri dengan sesi tanya jawab mengenai semua proses pelatihan yang telah dilakukan. Berdasarkan hasil yang kami peroleh menunjukkan bahwa para santri yang ada di Yayasan Yatim Piatu Ibnu Sabil mendapatkan pengetahun serta keterampilan dalam membuat sebuah website sederhana berbasis CMS menggunakan wordpress. Meskipun ada juga beberapa siswa yang belum mampu mengikuti kegiatan secara maksimal. Dengan bekal pengetahuan dan keterampilan dasar yang tealah kami berikan diharapkan para santri mampu mengembangkannya secara mandiri untuk memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan lebih luas lagi.Kata kunci: cms;  pelatihan; pengabdian masyarkat; wordpress.Pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat yang dilakukan di Yayasan Yatim Piatu Ibnu Sabil ini bertujuan memberikan pengetahuan dan pelatihan pembuatan website berbasis CMS Wordpress. Salah satu CMS (Content Management System) yang sering digunakan wordpress dikarenakan mudah dalam penggunaanya dan memiliki fitur yang cukup lengkap. Dewasa ini, penggunaan internet sebagai media komunikasi baik itu di bidang pendidikan maupun bisnis sangatlah vital. Namun sebagian besar anak – anak  asuh dan tenaga pendidik yang ada di yayasan yatim piatu Ibnu Sabil belum memahami tentang media blog dan pemanfaatan sembagai media pembelajaran maupun bisnis. Adapaun bentuk kegiatan pelatihan ini dilakukan melalui pengarahan tentang pengetahuan dasar mengenai kebutuhan dalam membuat website sederhana. Dilanjutkan dengan memberikan pelatihan ketrampilan melalui praktik langsung dalam proses pembuatan website berbasis CMS menggunakan wordpress. Dan diakhiri dengan sesi tanya jawab mengenai semua proses pelatihan yang telah dilakukan. Berdasarkan hasil yang kami peroleh menunjukkan bahwa para santri yang ada di Yayasan Yatim Piatu Ibnu Sabil mendapatkan pengetahun serta keterampilan dalam membuat sebuah website sederhana berbasis CMS menggunakan wordpress. Meskipun ada juga beberapa siswa yang belum mampu mengikuti kegiatan secara maksimal. Dengan bekal pengetahuan dan keterampilan dasar yang tealah kami berikan diharapkan para santri mampu mengembangkannya secara mandiri untuk memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan lebih luas lagi.Kata kunci: cms;  pelatihan; pengabdian masyarkat; wordpress


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    Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate those 3 compounds among 122 Thai natural products by using a molecular docking approach to inhibit Main Protease (Mpro) of SARS-CoV-2 (PDB code: 6Y2F), Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE)-2 (PDB code: 1R4L), and PAK-1 kinase (PDB code: 5DEW). Methods: The evaluation was performed on the docking scores calculated using AutoDock Vina as a docking engine and interaction profile analysis through 2-dimensional visualization using LigPlot+. The determination of the docking score was done by selecting the conformation of the ligand that has the lowest binding free energy (best pose). Result: The results of this study indicate that overall, Panduratin A has the best affinity in inhibiting the main protease of SARS-CoV-2, ACE-2, and PAK-1 compared to other compounds. Conclusion: The three thai medicinal plants compound has the potential to be developed as specific therapeutic agents against COVID-19


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    Objective: In this research, chicken anemia virus apoptin optimized genetically for expression in Escherichia coli and also modified using (His)6 tag, (Arg)8 tag, and HlyA tag intended for purification needs, penetration enhancement, and secretion from bacterial host to the growth media.Methods: The modified apoptin gene was optimized using an Integrated DNA Technology (IDT). The gene (606 bp) then ordered and synthesized by Eurofins. The apoptin gene was expressed using E. coli BL21 CodonPlus as host, in cultivation temperature of 37 °C, and 25 °C and purified using Ni-NTA agarose beads. The addition of (His) 6 tag enabled the apoptin to be purified in only one step by using nickel column. The expression and purification data analyzed qualitatively as well as quantitatively using SDS-PAGE. MTT assay was used to identify the antitumor effect of octa arginine-apoptin to two kinds of cancer cells, cervix HeLa cancer cell and colon Widr cancer cell. The viability of cell was analyzed when the cell incubated in the variation concentration protein for 72 h.Results: The constructed apoptin gene were expressed in E. coli successfully. The MTT assay indicated that Octaarginin-Apoptin was able to induce apoptosis of HeLa and Widr cells lines in a dose-dependent manner. The recombinant apoptin without tagging with octa-arginine, have no ability to induce apoptosis of HeLa and Widr cells lines. Conclusion: This octa arginine-apoptin may in the future allow the development of a therapeutic protein that is able to kill cancer cells specifically

    Formulation of Anti-Oral Mouthwash Nanoemulsion Biofilm Based on Propolis Extract Heterotrigona itama, Tetragonula sapiens, and Tetragonula clypearis

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    The use of mouthwash is one of the actions against biofilms that are often used. However, commercial mouthwashes have a fairly high alcohol content, which is around 26.9% of the total volume, which is considered to have a prolonged impact where high alcohol content in direct contact with the oral mucosa can cause lesions or abnormalities, resulting in a shift in the medical paradigm towards eco-friendly widely considered as a solution. Propolis with antibacterial ability was formulated using the nanoemulsion steps, which were initiated by separating pure propolis through drying, and then there were variations in the formulation of 3 types of bee propolis: Heterotrigona itama, Tetragonula sapiens, and Tetragonula clypearis along with the addition of Tween 80, propylene glycol, glycerin and then the effect on microbial growth of S. mutans was compared with antimicrobial agents in Brazilian propolis with the identification and comparison of the antibacterial activity stability of the organoleptic formula. Where the active ingredient content of propolis is the highest in H. itama propolis with a total flavonoid content of 38.94 mgQE/L sample and T. clypearis propolis has the lowest total flavonoid content of 14.23 mgQE/L sample with its function as an anti-oral biofilm agent by inhibiting the glucosyltransferase was proven with a minimum percentage of 49% inhibition of S. mutans and degradation of 18% with the use of a combined surfactant proved to be able to increase the stability of the preparation shown at 2:1 (v/v)


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    Objective: This study aimed to analyze the physical stability and drug content of zoledronate (ZOL) gel emulsion in virgin coconut oil (VCO) as a newpharmaceutical product at 25°C as room temperature and 40°C as an accelerated temperature for a stability physics test.Methods: The ZOL gel emulsion comprises the following ingredients: 0.16% ZOL powder, 2% carboxymethyl cellulose, 5% VCO, 0.44% sodiumbenzoate, and 0.009% antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene, and distilled water. Samples of this gel emulsion were stored for 1 month at 25°C and40°C, and the parameters used for stability tests were pH, viscosity, spreadability, and adhesive strength. The drug content was also evaluated with aspectrophotometer. The ZOL gel emulsion was evaluated against these metrics on days 1, 7, 14, and 28.Results: The results showed that ZOL pH, viscosity, spreadability, adhesive strength, and drug content gel emulsion were clinically stable over 28 daysof storage at 25°C, whereas it was not stable when stored at 40°C for the same duration. pH value of ZOL gel emulsion significantly decreased at 28 days(p<0.05). Also for viscosity, adhesive strength, and drug content of ZOL gel emulsion showed statistically significant (p<0.05), except for spreadabilityvalue (p>0.05). The spreadability value between ZOL gel emulsion that stored at 25°C and at 40°C showed no significant result at 7 and 14 days (p>0.05).Conclusion: ZOL gel emulsion was stable at 25°C when stored for 28 days, suggesting that this is a suitable storage temperature at which its physicalstability and drug content can be maintained


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    Objective: This research aimed to encapsulate the propolis through spray drying to overcome problematic handling properties of propolis and to optimize the microencapsulation by using response surface methodology (RSM). Methods: The propolis ethanolic extract (PEE) was microencapsulated by spray drying with maltodextrin and gum arabic. RSM was applied for the optimization of microencapsulation efficiency, yield, moisture content, solubility in water, total phenolic content (TPC), and antioxidant activity of spray-dried propolis (SDP) microcapsules. Results: The highest process efficiency reached a microencapsulation yield of 75.35%. The highest solubility of SDP in water was 91.47%, with a moisture content of 0.96%. SDP exhibiting the highest TPC of 307.325 mg GAE/g, with a microencapsulation efficiency of 81.48%. Ferric reducing antioxidant power analysis showed its highest antioxidant activity with a low EC50 19.12 ug/ml with DPPH analysis, and a high reducing power capacity of 314.64 mg GAE/g. Conclusion: Microencapsulation optimization of propolis ethanolic extract from Tetragonula spp. using RSM indicated that SDP with 1:2 ratios of the microwall to core (propolis), inlet temperature at 115 °C, and flow rate 20% represented the optimum conditions. Microencapsulation has successes improved physical appearance and the solubility index and protected and enhanced bioactive compounds and antioxidant properties of propolis in optimum condition by using spray drying
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