11 research outputs found


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    Biological knowledge is an indispensable condition of quality of training of the parazitologists. Justification of biological knowledge system as cognitive basis of fundamental training of parazitologists is given. The complex of didactic condi- tions for implementation of this provision is defined: - the target component of educational process has to be directed on a solution of the problem of boundaries - disciplinary integration as necessary condition of improvement of quality of training of the doctors; - selection and structuring a training material of biological disciplines have to be carried out from positions of system and integrative approach; - allocation of backbone generalized didactic units «System biological know- ledge» as multifunctional integrative complexesБиологические знания являются обязательным условием качества подготовки врача-паразитолога. Приведено обоснование системного биологического знания как когнитивной основы фундаментальной подготовки врачей-паразитологов. Определен ком- плекс дидактических условий для реализации этого положения: - целевой компонент образовательного процесса должен быть направлен на решение проблемы меж- дисциплинарной интеграции, как необходимого усло- вия повышения качества подготовки врача; - отбор и структурирование учебного материала биологических дисциплин должны осуществляться с позиций системно-интегративного подхода; - выделение системообразующих обобщенных ди- дактических единиц «Системное биологическое зна- ние» как полифункциональных интегративных ком- плексо


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    In 016 the accreditation of medical specialists for their specialty and activity types will be appointed. The contents of physician training programs becomes increasingly important. The formation of new professional competencies is determinative. The contents of the training programs should be aimed at the requirements of practical healthcare. The training programs which are focused on the formation of only one kind of activity can cause the leak in the systematic and fundamental contents of training programs, and as a result, the low quality of the specialists training. Issues on selection and structure of the programs’ contents with respect to the accreditation are presented. The fundamental (biological) subjects included in the programs contribute to the preservation of scientific novelty, systematicity, knowledge continuity at different levels of the specialists’ training, assures the increase in integration of basic (biological) knowledge with the special knowledge enhancing the chance for the achievement of professional competencies. В 2016 году вводится аккредитация медицинских специалистов по специальности и видам деятельности. Особое значение приобретает содержание программ подготовки врачей. Определяющим становится формирование профессиональных компетенций. Содержание образовательных программ ориентировано на требования практического здравоохранения. Программы, ориентированные на формирование какого-то одного вида деятельности, могут привести к утрате системности и фундаментальности их содержания и как следствие к снижению качества подготовки специалистов. Показана проблема отбора и структурирования содержания программ подготовки в связи с аккредитацией. Включение в программы фундаментальных (биологических) дисциплин способствует сохранению научной новизны, системности, преемственности знаний на разных уровнях подготовки специалистов, обеспечивает усиление интеграции базовых (биологических) знаний со специальными и повышает вероятность достижения планируемых профессиональных компетенций


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    Based on the results of microscopic detection of zoonotic agents using virtualization preparations of distance education technologies the laboratory specialists of medical and preventive organizations of the Ministry of Health of the RF and Centers for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor discuss methodological approaches to the estimation of their professional competence in laboratory diagnostic of parasitic diseases in human. The estimation of the above mentioned competence is possible when the following issues are solved:- methods and techniques for assessment of formed competencies;- requirements for assessment tools used for the determination of results’ validity;- methodological basis for assessment of formed professional competencies from the viewpoint of integration of education with practical health care regarding the application of knowledge, skills and abilities in the process of conducting a complex of measures in the forming and functioning foci of zoonotic helminth infections.Based on the above a question arises sharply in relation to assessment criteria for professional competence of laboratory specialists working in the field of microscopic diagnosis of zoohelminthosis. That is shown at the example of quality assessment in the determination of 9 species of the most spread agents of zoonotic helminthosis (of two taxonomic groups) in virtual drugs of distance learning technologies. The specialists of 757 laboratories of medical and preventive organizations as well as hygiene and epidemiology centers of various regions of Russian Federation are involved in this research study. Only 57 % of 7849 processed answers related to the determination of zoonotic agents contained correct diagnoses. The other 43 % of the answers were incorrect. The results point at the insufficient competence of laboratory specialists of medical and preventive organizations and centers for hygiene and epidemiology who are involved in microscopic determination of zoonotic helminthosis agents in biological material (feces). It should be pointed out that the competence of the above mentioned category of specialists is constantly decreasing. A complex of emergency measures is required to improve the pregraduate and postgraduate education in specialty «Parasitology» as well as to develop the methodological approaches for estimating specialists’ competence. A four- level evaluation of competence along with the specification of characteristics of each level has been suggested. На основе результатов микроскопического выявления возбудителей зоонозных гельминтозов в виртуальных препаратах дистанционных образовательных технологий специалистами лабораторий лечебно-профилактических организаций (ЛПО) Минздрава РФ и центров гигиены и эпидемиологии (ЦГиЭ) Роспотребнадзора рассматриваются методологические под- ходы оценки качества их профессиональных компетенций по лабораторной диагностике паразитарных болезней человека.Оценка обозначенных компетенций возможна при решении ряда вопросов относительно: - методологии и методики измерения сформированных компетенций;- требований к инструментам измерения для оценки валидности полученных результатов;- методологической базы системы оценки сформированных профессиональных компетенций с позиций интегративности образования с практическим здравоохранением в части применения полученных знаний, умений и навыков в процессе проведения комплекса мероприятий в формирующихся и функционирующих очагах зоонозных гельминтозов.Исходя из вышеизложенного достаточно остро встаёт вопрос оценочных критериев профессиональных компетенций специалистов лабораторий в части микроскопической диагностики зоогельминтозов. Это продемонстрировано на примере оценки качества выявления 9 видов наиболее распространенных возбудителей зоонозных гельминтозов двух таксономических групп в виртуальных препаратах дистанционных образовательных технологий. Исследованием охвачены специалисты 757 лабораторий лечебно-профилактических организаций, центров гигиены и эпидемиологии из различных регионов Российской Федерации. Из 7849 проанализированных ответов о выявлении возбудителей зоонозных гельминтозов только в 57 % были правильные диагнозы. В остальных 43 % присланных результатов ответы были неверными. Полученные результаты указывают на недостаточный уровень компетентности специалистов лабораторного звена ЛПО и ЦГиЭ по вопросам микроскопического выявления возбудителей зоонозных гельминтозов в биологическом материале (фекалиях). Отмечается прогрессирующее снижение обозначенной компетенции у рассматриваемой категории специалистов. Требуется комплекс экстренных мероприятий по улучшению додипломного и последипломного образования по специальности «Паразитология» с совершенствованием методологических подходов оценки компетенций специалистов. Предлагается четырёхуровневое измерение компетенций с конкретизацией параметров характеристик каждого уровня.

    Biological training of parasitologists as making fundamentalization continuous medical education

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    Biological knowledge is an indispensable condition of quality of training of the parazitologists. Justification of biological knowledge system as cognitive basis of fundamental training of parazitologists is given. The complex of didactic condi- tions for implementation of this provision is defined: - the target component of educational process has to be directed on a solution of the problem of boundaries - disciplinary integration as necessary condition of improvement of quality of training of the doctors; - selection and structuring a training material of biological disciplines have to be carried out from positions of system and integrative approach; - allocation of backbone generalized didactic units «System biological know- ledge» as multifunctional integrative complexe


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    In 016 the accreditation of medical specialists for their specialty and activity types will be appointed. The contents of physician training programs becomes increasingly important. The formation of new professional competencies is determinative. The contents of the training programs should be aimed at the requirements of practical healthcare. The training programs which are focused on the formation of only one kind of activity can cause the leak in the systematic and fundamental contents of training programs, and as a result, the low quality of the specialists training. Issues on selection and structure of the programs’ contents with respect to the accreditation are presented. The fundamental (biological) subjects included in the programs contribute to the preservation of scientific novelty, systematicity, knowledge continuity at different levels of the specialists’ training, assures the increase in integration of basic (biological) knowledge with the special knowledge enhancing the chance for the achievement of professional competencies


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    Based on the results of microscopic detection of zoonotic agents using virtualization preparations of distance education technologies the laboratory specialists of medical and preventive organizations of the Ministry of Health of the RF and Centers for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor discuss methodological approaches to the estimation of their professional competence in laboratory diagnostic of parasitic diseases in human. The estimation of the above mentioned competence is possible when the following issues are solved:- methods and techniques for assessment of formed competencies;- requirements for assessment tools used for the determination of results’ validity;- methodological basis for assessment of formed professional competencies from the viewpoint of integration of education with practical health care regarding the application of knowledge, skills and abilities in the process of conducting a complex of measures in the forming and functioning foci of zoonotic helminth infections.Based on the above a question arises sharply in relation to assessment criteria for professional competence of laboratory specialists working in the field of microscopic diagnosis of zoohelminthosis. That is shown at the example of quality assessment in the determination of 9 species of the most spread agents of zoonotic helminthosis (of two taxonomic groups) in virtual drugs of distance learning technologies. The specialists of 757 laboratories of medical and preventive organizations as well as hygiene and epidemiology centers of various regions of Russian Federation are involved in this research study. Only 57 % of 7849 processed answers related to the determination of zoonotic agents contained correct diagnoses. The other 43 % of the answers were incorrect. The results point at the insufficient competence of laboratory specialists of medical and preventive organizations and centers for hygiene and epidemiology who are involved in microscopic determination of zoonotic helminthosis agents in biological material (feces). It should be pointed out that the competence of the above mentioned category of specialists is constantly decreasing. A complex of emergency measures is required to improve the pregraduate and postgraduate education in specialty «Parasitology» as well as to develop the methodological approaches for estimating specialists’ competence. A four- level evaluation of competence along with the specification of characteristics of each level has been suggested

    Photoelectrochemical Water‐Splitting Using CuO‐Based Electrodes for Hydrogen Production: A Review

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    The cost-effective, robust, and efficient electrocatalysts for photoelectrochemical (PEC) water-splitting has been extensively studied over the past decade to address a solution for the energy crisis. The interesting physicochemical properties of CuO have introduced this promising photocathodic material among the few photocatalysts with a narrow bandgap. This photocatalyst has a high activity for the PEC hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) under simulated sunlight irradiation. Here, the recent advancements of CuO-based photoelectrodes, including undoped CuO, doped CuO, and CuO composites, in the PEC water-splitting field, are comprehensively studied. Moreover, the synthesis methods, characterization, and fundamental factors of each classification are discussed in detail. Apart from the exclusive characteristics of CuO-based photoelectrodes, the PEC properties of CuO/2D materials, as groups of the growing nanocomposites in photocurrent-generating devices, are discussed in separate sections. Regarding the particular attention paid to the CuO heterostructure photocathodes, the PEC water splitting application is reviewed and the properties of each group such as electronic structures, defects, bandgap, and hierarchical structures are critically assessed

    Role of membrane traffic in the generation of epithelial cell asymmetry

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    Epithelial cells have an apical-basolateral axis of polarity, which is required for epithelial functions including barrier formation, vectorial ion transport and sensory perception. Here we review what is known about the sorting signals, machineries and pathways that maintain this asymmetry, and how polarity proteins interface with membrane-trafficking pathways to generate membrane domains de novo. It is becoming apparent that membrane traffic does not simply reinforce polarity, but is critical for the generation of cortical epithelial cell asymmetry