807 research outputs found

    Robust correlated and individual component analysis

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    © 1979-2012 IEEE.Recovering correlated and individual components of two, possibly temporally misaligned, sets of data is a fundamental task in disciplines such as image, vision, and behavior computing, with application to problems such as multi-modal fusion (via correlated components), predictive analysis, and clustering (via the individual ones). Here, we study the extraction of correlated and individual components under real-world conditions, namely i) the presence of gross non-Gaussian noise and ii) temporally misaligned data. In this light, we propose a method for the Robust Correlated and Individual Component Analysis (RCICA) of two sets of data in the presence of gross, sparse errors. We furthermore extend RCICA in order to handle temporal incongruities arising in the data. To this end, two suitable optimization problems are solved. The generality of the proposed methods is demonstrated by applying them onto 4 applications, namely i) heterogeneous face recognition, ii) multi-modal feature fusion for human behavior analysis (i.e., audio-visual prediction of interest and conflict), iii) face clustering, and iv) thetemporal alignment of facial expressions. Experimental results on 2 synthetic and 7 real world datasets indicate the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed methodson these application domains, outperforming other state-of-the-art methods in the field

    Gaussian process domain experts for model adaptation in facial behavior analysis

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    We present a novel approach for supervised domain adaptation that is based upon the probabilistic framework of Gaussian processes (GPs). Specifically, we introduce domain-specific GPs as local experts for facial expression classification from face images. The adaptation of the classifier is facilitated in probabilistic fashion by conditioning the target expert on multiple source experts. Furthermore, in contrast to existing adaptation approaches, we also learn a target expert from available target data solely. Then, a single and confident classifier is obtained by combining the predictions from multiple experts based on their confidence. Learning of the model is efficient and requires no retraining/reweighting of the source classifiers. We evaluate the proposed approach on two publicly available datasets for multi-class (MultiPIE) and multi-label (DISFA) facial expression classification. To this end, we perform adaptation of two contextual factors: where (view) and who (subject). We show in our experiments that the proposed approach consistently outperforms both source and target classifiers, while using as few as 30 target examples. It also outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches for supervised domain adaptation

    4DFAB: a large scale 4D facial expression database for biometric applications

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    The progress we are currently witnessing in many computer vision applications, including automatic face analysis, would not be made possible without tremendous efforts in collecting and annotating large scale visual databases. To this end, we propose 4DFAB, a new large scale database of dynamic high-resolution 3D faces (over 1,800,000 3D meshes). 4DFAB contains recordings of 180 subjects captured in four different sessions spanning over a five-year period. It contains 4D videos of subjects displaying both spontaneous and posed facial behaviours. The database can be used for both face and facial expression recognition, as well as behavioural biometrics. It can also be used to learn very powerful blendshapes for parametrising facial behaviour. In this paper, we conduct several experiments and demonstrate the usefulness of the database for various applications. The database will be made publicly available for research purposes

    Robust statistical frontalization of human and animal faces

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    The unconstrained acquisition of facial data in real-world conditions may result in face images with significant pose variations, illumination changes, and occlusions, affecting the performance of facial landmark localization and recognition methods. In this paper, a novel method, robust to pose, illumination variations, and occlusions is proposed for joint face frontalization and landmark localization. Unlike the state-of-the-art methods for landmark localization and pose correction, where large amount of manually annotated images or 3D facial models are required, the proposed method relies on a small set of frontal images only. By observing that the frontal facial image of both humans and animals, is the one having the minimum rank of all different poses, a model which is able to jointly recover the frontalized version of the face as well as the facial landmarks is devised. To this end, a suitable optimization problem is solved, concerning minimization of the nuclear norm (convex surrogate of the rank function) and the matrix â„“1 norm accounting for occlusions. The proposed method is assessed in frontal view reconstruction of human and animal faces, landmark localization, pose-invariant face recognition, face verification in unconstrained conditions, and video inpainting by conducting experiment on 9 databases. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in comparison to the state-of-the-art methods for the target problems

    Robust correlated and individual component analysis

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    Recovering correlated and individual components of two, possibly temporally misaligned, sets of data is a fundamental task in disciplines such as image, vision, and behavior computing, with application to problems such as multi-modal fusion (via correlated components), predictive analysis, and clustering (via the individual ones). Here, we study the extraction of correlated and individual components under real-world conditions, namely i) the presence of gross non-Gaussian noise and ii) temporally misaligned data. In this light, we propose a method for the Robust Correlated and Individual Component Analysis (RCICA) of two sets of data in the presence of gross, sparse errors. We furthermore extend RCICA in order to handle temporal incongruities arising in the data. To this end, two suitable optimization problems are solved. The generality of the proposed methods is demonstrated by applying them onto 4 applications, namely i) heterogeneous face recognition, ii) multi-modal feature fusion for human behavior analysis (i.e., audio-visual prediction of interest and conflict), iii) face clustering, and iv) the temporal alignment of facial expressions. Experimental results on 2 synthetic and 7 real world datasets indicate the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed methods on these application domains, outperforming other state-of-the-art methods in the field

    Audio-visual object localization and separation using low-rank and sparsity

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    The ability to localize visual objects that are associated with an audio source and at the same time seperate the audio signal is a corner stone in several audio-visual signal processing applications. Past efforts usually focused on localizing only the visual objects, without audio separation abilities. Besides, they often rely computational expensive pre-processing steps to segment images pixels into object regions before applying localization approaches. We aim to address the problem of audio-visual source localization and separation in an unsupervised manner. The proposed approach employs low-rank in order to model the background visual and audio information and sparsity in order to extract the sparsely correlated components between the audio and visual modalities. In particular, this model decomposes each dataset into a sum of two terms: the low-rank matrices capturing the background uncorrelated information, while the sparse correlated components modelling the sound source in visual modality and the associated sound in audio modality. To this end a novel optimization problem, involving the minimization of nuclear norms and matrix â„“1-norms is solved. We evaluated the proposed method in 1) visual localization and audio separation and 2) visual-assisted audio denoising. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Correlated-Spaces Regression for Learning Continuous Emotion Dimensions

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    Adopting continuous dimensional annotations for affective analysis has been gaining rising attention by researchers over the past years. Due to the idiosyncratic nature of this problem, many subproblems have been identified, spanning from the fusion of multiple continuous annotations to exploiting output-correlations amongst emotion dimensions. In this paper, we firstly empirically answer several important questions which have found partial or no answer at all so far in related literature. In more detail, we study the correlation of each emotion dimension (i) with respect to other emotion dimensions, (ii) to basic emotions (e.g., happiness, anger). As a measure for comparison, we use video and audio features. Interestingly enough, we find that (i) each emotion dimension is more correlated with other emotion dimensions rather than with face and audio features, and similarly (ii) that each basic emotion is more correlated with emotion dimensions than with audio and video features. A similar conclusion holds for discrete emotions which are found to be highly correlated to emotion dimensions as compared to audio and/or video features. Motivated by these findings, we present a novel regression algorithm (Correlated-Spaces Regression, CSR), inspired by Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) which learns output-correlations and performs supervised dimensionality reduction and multimodal fusion by (i) projecting features extracted from all modalities and labels onto a common space where their inter-correlation is maximised and (ii) learning mappings from the projected feature space onto the projected, uncorrelated label space

    Robust statistical face frontalization

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    Recently, it has been shown that excellent results can be achieved in both facial landmark localization and pose-invariant face recognition. These breakthroughs are attributed to the efforts of the community to manually annotate facial images in many different poses and to collect 3D facial data. In this paper, we propose a novel method for joint frontal view reconstruction and landmark localization using a small set of frontal images only. By observing that the frontal facial image is the one having the minimum rank of all different poses, an appropriate model which is able to jointly recover the frontalized version of the face as well as the facial landmarks is devised. To this end, a suitable optimization problem, involving the minimization of the nuclear norm and the matrix l1 norm is solved. The proposed method is assessed in frontal face reconstruction, face landmark localization, pose-invariant face recognition, and face verification in unconstrained conditions. The relevant experiments have been conducted on 8 databases. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in comparison to the state-of-the-art methods for the target problems
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