13 research outputs found


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    The existing sowing systems (SS) of machines for fertilizers application not fully provide quality of introduction of mineral fertilizers. Unevenness and instability of application reach 20-40 percent at demanded to 15 percent. The SS equipped with glow coil of original design was offered for ensuring necessary quality of mineral fertilizers distribution across the field at their intra soil differentiated introduction. Flow rate of SS was regulated with the help of the executive mechanism with the linear actuator and a reducer modified for work with the block of control and management according to the prescription map. Researches were conducted on purpose: estimating of operability of new SS, with the new drive for change of frequency of rotation of the coil; establishments of functional dependences between flow rate of SS, i.e. ability to provide its necessary range of change of doses at the differentiated introduction of fertilizers; estimates of quality of work of experimental SS for the differentiated introduction of mineral fertilizers. Researches were carried out both in laboratory and field conditions. Functional dependence of flow rate of SS on number of turns of coils is received. It is established also that flow rate of SS directly depends on percent of opening of the actuator and frequency of rotation of the sowing coil. The minimumtime of transfer from one to other dose equals 0.9 seconds. It is established that at SS with the three experimental coil devices unevenness of seeding between devices makes 4.5 persent. Instability of seeding does not exceed 3 persent. The maximum values of unevenness of seeding between 3 sowing devices and instability of seeding between replications are received when opening of the actuator was 40 persent, and frequency of rotation - 22 rpm, which nevertheless, also meet requirements for the sowing systems.Существующие высевающие системы (ВС) машин для внесения минеральных удобрений не в полной мере обеспечивают качество их процесса: неравномерность внесения достигает 20-40 процентов при требуемой 15 процентов. Для обеспечения необходимого качества распределения минеральных удобрений по полю при дифференцированном внесении предложили ВС, оснащенную штифтовой катушкой оригинальной конструкции. Секундную подачу ВС регулировали с помощью исполнительного механизма с линейным актуатором и бесступенчатым редуктором, откорректированным для работы с блоком контроля и управления в соответствии с картой-заданием. Целью исследований стали оценка работоспособности новой ВС с приводом для изменения частоты вращения катушки, определение функциональных зависимостей между секундной подачей ВС и необходимым диапазоном изменения доз для качественного дифференцированного внесения удобрений. Исследования проводили как в лабораторных, так и в полевых условиях. Получили функциональную зависимость секундной подачи ВС от числа оборотов катушек. Определили, что она напрямую зависит от степени открытия актуатора и частоты вращения высевающей катушки. Минимальное время перехода с одной дозы на другую при 10-процентном открытии актуатора составляет 0,9 секунды. Установили, что у ВС с тремя экспериментальными катушечными аппаратами неравномерность высева между аппаратами составляет 4,5 процента, неустойчивость высева не превышает 3 процентов. Максимальные значения неравномерности высева 3 катушечных высевающих аппаратов и неустойчивости высева между повторностями получены при открытии актуатора на 40 процентов и частоте вращения 22 об/мин

    Design and rationale for parametres of the seed-fertilizer seeder coulter for subsoil broadcast seeding

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    The article proposes an original design of a seeder for sowing grain crops. В статье предложена оригинальная конструкция сеялки для посева зерновых культур

    Влияние распределения нагрузки по осям машинно-тракторных агрегатов на глубину следа

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    It is defined that while doing some agricultural operations the area covered by the machine-tractor aggregates wheels exceeds the area of the field. (Purpose of research) The regularity of repeated accumulation of the soil puddling and the influence of the specifity of axle load distribution of machine-tractor aggregates on the dip of the wheel-track is justified. (Materials and methods) The mathematical apparatus to describe the influence of the effects connected with the soil particles reposition while the repeated loading is developed. The over consolidated soil creates some raised resistance while the following tillage which results in increased fuel consumption and lost productivity of machine-tractor aggregates. The modified soilstructure is difficult to be restored entirely. As a result the intensive worked tilth top soil degrades with time which creates the ecosystem disbalance of cultivated land. The laboratory experiments of the soil features influence and the specifity of wheel loading on the dip of the wheel-track are performed. The regularity of repeated puddling accumulation being subject to Bolstman correlation which links the process entropy and the probability of this state (statistical interpretation of the principle of entropy increase) is set. (Results and discussion) The dependences to determine the deformation of soil with various physical and mechanical properties under different drive system loading conditions of machine-tractor aggregates are obtained. The influence of axle load distribution on the dip of the wheel-track is established. The dependence to describe the process of wheel track formation on the sod-podzolic sandy loam soil of low moisture level which corresponds to the empirical data is obtained. The calculations from the dependence obtained are performed. While doing repeated passes the wheel sinkage is provided only by the increase of contact stresses. (Conclusions) The regularity of the soil puddling rise from the deformer while the repeated loading is set. The regularity obtained makes possible to define the soil deformation depending on the different operating conditions and the drive system parameters of machine-tractor aggregates on different types of soil.При выполнении различных сельскохозяйственных операций площадь, покрываемая колесами машинно-тракторных агрегатов (МТА), при движении превышает площадь самого поля. (Цель исследования) Обосновать закономерности накопления повторных осадок почвы и влияние характера распределения нагрузки по осям машинно-тракторных агрегатов на глубину следа колеса. (Материалы и методы) Разработали математический аппарат для описания влияния явлений, связанных с переукладкой частиц почвы при повторных ее нагружениях. Переуплотненные участки почвы создают повышенное сопротивление при последующих ее обработках, что влечет перерасход топлива и снижение производительности МТА. Разрушенная структура почвы полностью не восстанавливается, в результате чего интенсивно обрабатываемый пахотный слой с течением времени деградирует, что ведет к нарушению экологии агроландшафтов. Провели экспериментальные лабораторные исследования влияния свойств почвы и характера нагружения колес на глубину следа. Определили, что закономерности накопленияповторных осадок подчиняются зависимости Больцмана, связывающей энтропию процесса и вероятность данного состояния (статистическая интерпретация второго начала термодинамики). Получили зависимости для определения деформации почвы с разными физико-механическими свойствами при различных режимах нагружения ходовых систем машинно-тракторных агрегатов. Рассчитали, что распределение нагрузки по осям ходовой системы влияет на глубину следа. (Результаты и обсуждение) Вывели зависимость для описания процесса следообразования на дерново-подзолистой супесчаной почве малой влажности (7,1 процента), отвечающую результатам экспериментов. Провели расчеты на основании полученной зависимости, когда осадка колес при повторных проходахосуществляется лишь за счет повышения контактных напряжений. (Выводы) Определили закономерность нарастания осадки почвы от деформатора при повторных нагружениях. Выявили, что полученные закономерности позволяют найти степень деформации почвы в зависимости от различных режимов работы и параметров ходовых систем МТА на различных типах почвогрунт

    Влияние многоосной ходовой системы машинно-тракторных агрегатов на плотность почвы

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    Use of the powerful tractors as a part of the machine-and-tractor units (MTU) is limited to high impact of their propellers (deformers) on the soil. The increase in tractor weigh and the multiple MTU passes result in overconsolidation of the soil. As a result, physical and mechanical soil properties are modified. The modified quality of soil structure is difficult to be restored entirely. As a result the intensive tilled soil degrades with time and all that creates the ecosystem disbalance of cultivated land. The power method based on regularities of absorption of energy by various soil layers was applied to calculate indicators of soil consolidation. The energy method based on the regularities of the energy absorption by different soil layers was applied to calculate the soil consolidation rate. The conducted researches show that at a pressure of 150 kPa and humidity of 19.2 percent the soddy podzolic loam sand soil density increased from 970 to 1260 kg per cubic metre. The increase in number of the drive system axles can reduce the consolidation of the topsoil as well as lower layer.The intensity of decrease of soil panning considerably decreases when quantity of axes is over four. If the pressure upon the high workhardening soil is constant (the sizes of wheels increase at reduction of axes quantity) then the reducing of the dip of the wheel track can be obtained by increasing the number of the drive system axles. On the low work-hardening soil the effect of reduction of depth is not so much. Increasing the number of axles and the size of wheels for low work-hardening moisty soils is equally effective for reducing the dip of the wheel track. For the overmoist soils it will be better to increase the sizes of a basic surface of running system. If the number of axes is more than four then the decrease of high work-hardening soils consolidation will be less intensive.Применение энергонасыщенных тракторов, входящих в состав машинно-тракторных агрегатов (МТА), ограничивается высоким воздействием их движителей (деформаторов) на почву. Увеличение массы тракторов, многочисленные проходы МТА по полю приводят к чрезмерному уплотнению почвы, что сопровождается изменением ее физико-механических свойств. Разрушенная структура почвы не восстанавливается полностью, в результате чего интенсивно обрабатываемая почва с течением времени деградирует, и в конечном итоге все это нарушает эко- логию агроландшафтов. Для расчета показателей уплотнения почвы применен энергетический метод, основанный на закономерностях поглощения энергии различными слоями почвы. Получены закономерности уплотнения почв с плотным основанием при различных режимах нагружения. Проведенные исследования показывают, что при давлении 150 кПа на дерново-подзолистую легкосуглинистую почву влажностью 19,2% плотность увеличилась с 970 до 1260 кг/м3 . Показали, что увеличение количества осей ходовой системы при сохранении общей нагрузки снижает уплотнение верхнего слоя почвы и высоту уплотняемого слоя. При увеличении количества осей свыше четырех интенсивность убывания уплотнения заметно снижается. Установили, что при сохранении давления на почву постоянным (размеры колес увеличиваются при уменьшении количества осей) для сильно упрочняющихся почв глубина следа снижается с увеличением количества осей ходовой системы. На слабоупрочняющихся почвах эффект уменьшения глубины следа и уплотнения почвы при увеличении количества осей ниже по сравнению со следообразованием на сильноупрочняющихся почвах. Показали, что на увлажненных слабоупрочняющихся почвах для снижения глубины следа эффективно увеличение количества осей и размеров колес. На переувлажненных почвах лучше увеличить размеры опорной поверхности ходовой системы. При повышении количества осей свыше четырех интенсивность убывания плотности сильноупрочняющихся почв снижается.


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    The existing sowing systems (SS) of machines for fertilizers application not fully provide quality of introduction of mineral fertilizers. Unevenness and instability of application reach 20-40 percent at demanded to 15 percent. The SS equipped with glow coil of original design was offered for ensuring necessary quality of mineral fertilizers distribution across the field at their intra soil differentiated introduction. Flow rate of SS was regulated with the help of the executive mechanism with the linear actuator and a reducer modified for work with the block of control and management according to the prescription map. Researches were conducted on purpose: estimating of operability of new SS, with the new drive for change of frequency of rotation of the coil; establishments of functional dependences between flow rate of SS, i.e. ability to provide its necessary range of change of doses at the differentiated introduction of fertilizers; estimates of quality of work of experimental SS for the differentiated introduction of mineral fertilizers. Researches were carried out both in laboratory and field conditions. Functional dependence of flow rate of SS on number of turns of coils is received. It is established also that flow rate of SS directly depends on percent of opening of the actuator and frequency of rotation of the sowing coil. The minimumtime of transfer from one to other dose equals 0.9 seconds. It is established that at SS with the three experimental coil devices unevenness of seeding between devices makes 4.5 persent. Instability of seeding does not exceed 3 persent. The maximum values of unevenness of seeding between 3 sowing devices and instability of seeding between replications are received when opening of the actuator was 40 persent, and frequency of rotation - 22 rpm, which nevertheless, also meet requirements for the sowing systems

    The Influence of Axle Load Distribution of Machine-Tractor Aggregates on the Dip of the Wheel-Track

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    It is defined that while doing some agricultural operations the area covered by the machine-tractor aggregates wheels exceeds the area of the field. (Purpose of research) The regularity of repeated accumulation of the soil puddling and the influence of the specifity of axle load distribution of machine-tractor aggregates on the dip of the wheel-track is justified. (Materials and methods) The mathematical apparatus to describe the influence of the effects connected with the soil particles reposition while the repeated loading is developed. The over consolidated soil creates some raised resistance while the following tillage which results in increased fuel consumption and lost productivity of machine-tractor aggregates. The modified soilstructure is difficult to be restored entirely. As a result the intensive worked tilth top soil degrades with time which creates the ecosystem disbalance of cultivated land. The laboratory experiments of the soil features influence and the specifity of wheel loading on the dip of the wheel-track are performed. The regularity of repeated puddling accumulation being subject to Bolstman correlation which links the process entropy and the probability of this state (statistical interpretation of the principle of entropy increase) is set. (Results and discussion) The dependences to determine the deformation of soil with various physical and mechanical properties under different drive system loading conditions of machine-tractor aggregates are obtained. The influence of axle load distribution on the dip of the wheel-track is established. The dependence to describe the process of wheel track formation on the sod-podzolic sandy loam soil of low moisture level which corresponds to the empirical data is obtained. The calculations from the dependence obtained are performed. While doing repeated passes the wheel sinkage is provided only by the increase of contact stresses. (Conclusions) The regularity of the soil puddling rise from the deformer while the repeated loading is set. The regularity obtained makes possible to define the soil deformation depending on the different operating conditions and the drive system parameters of machine-tractor aggregates on different types of soil

    The Lobe-Type Agitator Parameters of the Seed-Metering Unit in the Seed-Fertilizer Drill Justification

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    Livestock products are the most important component of the actual total volume of farm produce. A reliable fodder base is required to increase their quantity and quality. The most part of the natural forage lands of the Republic of Kazakhstan is located in areas with insufficient water availability and low soil productivity. When they are used intensively, they are thinned and degraded. Their restoration and improving is possible if effective technologies and technical means are effected. However, the existing methods for improving and restoring forage lands and the technical means for their implementation are not adapted to the natural­climatic and agrobiological features of the zone of Central and Northern Kazakhstan, which feature insufficient moisture supply and low productivity.The main indicator of the effectiveness of the use of fodder crop seeds is their uniform distribution in the soil. However, most of them, due to their poor flowability, form dome structures of different sizes in front of seeding openings, which hinder the seeding process. To increase the flowability of such seeds, they are mixed with sand, sawdust, fertilizer and other materials. However, during the operation of seeders, the mixture is stratified according to its specific gravity. (The research purpose) is to develop a lobe­type agitator, which prevents the formation of a dome over seed holes. (Materials and methods) Theoretical studies have been carried out using the methods of classical and applied mechanics, as well as special sections of higher mathematics. (Results and discussion) The authors have experimentally confirmed the main parameters of the agitator and its resistance to movement in a seed medium. Experimental studies have been carried out on the basis of GOST 31345­2007. The studies have confirmed that a four­lobe agitator with an external radius of 0.06 m and an inclination angle to the plane of rotation 20°, mounted on the fertilizer drill SZS­2.0, has shown a total resistance of 3,042 kg with a design value of 2.925 kg. (Conclusions) The obtained results can be offered to the designers and developers of machines of the considered type when calculating and designing their working elements

    Impact of Multiaxial Propulsion System of Machine-and-Tractor Units on Soil Density

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    Use of the powerful tractors as a part of the machine-and-tractor units (MTU) is limited to high impact of their propellers (deformers) on the soil. The increase in tractor weigh and the multiple MTU passes result in overconsolidation of the soil. As a result, physical and mechanical soil properties are modified. The modified quality of soil structure is difficult to be restored entirely. As a result the intensive tilled soil degrades with time and all that creates the ecosystem disbalance of cultivated land. The power method based on regularities of absorption of energy by various soil layers was applied to calculate indicators of soil consolidation. The energy method based on the regularities of the energy absorption by different soil layers was applied to calculate the soil consolidation rate. The conducted researches show that at a pressure of 150 kPa and humidity of 19.2 percent the soddy podzolic loam sand soil density increased from 970 to 1260 kg per cubic metre. The increase in number of the drive system axles can reduce the consolidation of the topsoil as well as lower layer.The intensity of decrease of soil panning considerably decreases when quantity of axes is over four. If the pressure upon the high workhardening soil is constant (the sizes of wheels increase at reduction of axes quantity) then the reducing of the dip of the wheel track can be obtained by increasing the number of the drive system axles. On the low work-hardening soil the effect of reduction of depth is not so much. Increasing the number of axles and the size of wheels for low work-hardening moisty soils is equally effective for reducing the dip of the wheel track. For the overmoist soils it will be better to increase the sizes of a basic surface of running system. If the number of axes is more than four then the decrease of high work-hardening soils consolidation will be less intensive

    Исследование зависимости твердости долота зернотукотравяной сеялки от химического состава наплавленного слоя

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    В данной исследовательской работе рассматривается сравнение композиционно сложных сплавов в качестве электрода для упрочнения рабочего органа сеялки - долота сошника. Задачей упрочнения является увеличение твердости материала, способствующего снижению абразивного износа при воздействии рабочего органа с почвой. По результатам микроструктурного анализа экспериментальных образцов были выявлены, что исходная микроструктура с крупнозернистым перлитом, окруженный ферритом после упрочнения размер мартенситных игл уменьшается. Измерение твердости по шкале Виккерса позволило получить графическую зависимость твердости от химического состава сплава, при этом установлено, что твердость наплавки электродом Т590 с четырех компонентным сплавом Х25С2ГР имеет наибольшее значение 548?815HV. Из-за присутствия в составе никеля (ЦС-1) в композиционно сложных сплавах стоимость упрочненной детали получается дороже, поэтому была рекомендована замена на четырехкомпонентный сплав на основе бора (T590). This research work considers the comparison of composite complex alloys as an electrode for hardening of the working body of the seeder – chisel. The task of hardening is to increase the hardness of the material, contributing to the reduction of abrasive wear during the impact of the working body with the soil. According to the results of microstructural analysis of experimental samples were revealed that the initial microstructure with coarse-grained pearlite, surrounded by ferrite after hardening the size of martensitic needles decreases. Measurement of hardness on the Vickers scale allowed to obtain a graphical dependence of hardness on the chemical composition of the alloy, and it was found that the hardness of cladding with electrode T590 with four component alloy Cr25Si2MnB has the highest value of 548?815HV. Due to the presence of nickel (CS-1) in the composition in compositionally complex alloys, the cost of the hardened part is more expensive, so it was recommended to replace with a four component boron-based alloy (T590)