89 research outputs found

    Safety and Immunogenicity of an AMA-1 Malaria Vaccine in Malian Adults: Results of a Phase 1 Randomized Controlled Trial

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    The objective was to evaluate the safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of the AMA-1-based blood-stage malaria vaccine FMP2.1/AS02A in adults exposed to seasonal malaria.A phase 1 double blind randomized controlled dose escalation trial was conducted in Bandiagara, Mali, West Africa, a rural town with intense seasonal transmission of Plasmodium falciparum malaria. The malaria vaccine FMP2.1/AS02A is a recombinant protein (FMP2.1) based on apical membrane antigen-1 (AMA-1) from the 3D7 clone of P. falciparum, adjuvanted with AS02A. The comparator vaccine was a cell-culture rabies virus vaccine (RabAvert). Sixty healthy, malaria-experienced adults aged 18-55 y were recruited into 2 cohorts and randomized to receive either a half dose or full dose of the malaria vaccine (FMP2.1 25 microg/AS02A 0.25 mL or FMP2.1 50 microg/AS02A 0.5 mL) or rabies vaccine given in 3 doses at 0, 1 and 2 mo, and were followed for 1 y. Solicited symptoms were assessed for 7 d and unsolicited symptoms for 30 d after each vaccination. Serious adverse events were assessed throughout the study. Titers of anti-AMA-1 antibodies were measured by ELISA and P. falciparum growth inhibition assays were performed on sera collected at pre- and post-vaccination time points. Transient local pain and swelling were common and more frequent in both malaria vaccine dosage groups than in the comparator group. Anti-AMA-1 antibodies increased significantly in both malaria vaccine groups, peaking at nearly 5-fold and more than 6-fold higher than baseline in the half-dose and full-dose groups, respectively.The FMP2.1/AS02A vaccine had a good safety profile, was well-tolerated, and was highly immunogenic in malaria-exposed adults. This malaria vaccine is being evaluated in Phase 1 and 2 trials in children at this site

    Corrigendum to Genome-wide analysis of over 106 000 individuals identifies 9 neuroticism-associated loci

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    Neuroticism is a personality trait of fundamental importance for psychological well-being and public health. It is strongly associated with major depressive disorder (MDD) and several other psychiatric conditions. Although neuroticism is heritable, attempts to identify the alleles involved in previous studies have been limited by relatively small sample sizes. Here we report a combined meta-analysis of genome-wide association study (GWAS) of neuroticism that includes 91 370 participants from the UK Biobank cohort, 6659 participants from the Generation Scotland: Scottish Family Health Study (GS:SFHS) and 8687 participants from a QIMR (Queensland Institute of Medical Research) Berghofer Medical Research Institute (QIMR) cohort. All participants were assessed using the same neuroticism instrument, the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised (EPQ-R-S) Short Form’s Neuroticism scale. We found a single-nucleotide polymorphism-based heritability estimate for neuroticism of ~15% (s.e.=0.7%). Meta-analysis identified nine novel loci associated with neuroticism. The strongest evidence for association was at a locus on chromosome 8 (P=1.5 × 10−15) spanning 4 Mb and containing at least 36 genes. Other associated loci included interesting candidate genes on chromosome 1 (GRIK3 (glutamate receptor ionotropic kainate 3)), chromosome 4 (KLHL2 (Kelch-like protein 2)), chromosome 17 (CRHR1 (corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1) and MAPT (microtubule-associated protein Tau)) and on chromosome 18 (CELF4 (CUGBP elav-like family member 4)). We found no evidence for genetic differences in the common allelic architecture of neuroticism by sex. By comparing our findings with those of the Psychiatric Genetics Consortia, we identified a strong genetic correlation between neuroticism and MDD and a less strong but significant genetic correlation with schizophrenia, although not with bipolar disorder. Polygenic risk scores derived from the primary UK Biobank sample captured ~1% of the variance in neuroticism in the GS:SFHS and QIMR samples, although most of the genome-wide significant alleles identified within a UK Biobank-only GWAS of neuroticism were not independently replicated within these cohorts. The identification of nine novel neuroticism-associated loci will drive forward future work on the neurobiology of neuroticism and related phenotypes

    Genome-wide analysis of over 106  000 individuals identifies 9 neuroticism-associated loci

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    Neuroticism is a personality trait of fundamental importance for psychological well-being and public health. It is strongly associated with major depressive disorder (MDD) and several other psychiatric conditions. Although neuroticism is heritable, attempts to identify the alleles involved in previous studies have been limited by relatively small sample sizes. Here we report a combined meta-analysis of genome-wide association study (GWAS) of neuroticism that includes 91 370 participants from the UK Biobank cohort, 6659 participants from the Generation Scotland: Scottish Family Health Study (GS:SFHS) and 8687 participants from a QIMR (Queensland Institute of Medical Research) Berghofer Medical Research Institute (QIMR) cohort. All participants were assessed using the same neuroticism instrument, the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised (EPQ-R-S) Short Form’s Neuroticism scale. We found a single-nucleotide polymorphism-based heritability estimate for neuroticism of ~15% (s.e.=0.7%). Meta-analysis identified nine novel loci associated with neuroticism. The strongest evidence for association was at a locus on chromosome 8 (P=1.5 × 10−15) spanning 4 Mb and containing at least 36 genes. Other associated loci included interesting candidate genes on chromosome 1 (GRIK3 (glutamate receptor ionotropic kainate 3)), chromosome 4 (KLHL2 (Kelch-like protein 2)), chromosome 17 (CRHR1 (corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1) and MAPT (microtubule-associated protein Tau)) and on chromosome 18 (CELF4 (CUGBP elav-like family member 4)). We found no evidence for genetic differences in the common allelic architecture of neuroticism by sex. By comparing our findings with those of the Psychiatric Genetics Consortia, we identified a strong genetic correlation between neuroticism and MDD and a less strong but significant genetic correlation with schizophrenia, although not with bipolar disorder. Polygenic risk scores derived from the primary UK Biobank sample captured ~1% of the variance in neuroticism in the GS:SFHS and QIMR samples, although most of the genome-wide significant alleles identified within a UK Biobank-only GWAS of neuroticism were not independently replicated within these cohorts. The identification of nine novel neuroticism-associated loci will drive forward future work on the neurobiology of neuroticism and related phenotypes

    Analysis and assessment of the Podkarpackie voivodship socio-economic development

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    Zagadnienie rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego to zjawisko o charakterze złożonym, wielokryteriowym. Związane jest zarówno z aspektem ekonomicznym, demograficznym jak i przyrodniczym. Rozwój wiąże się bezpośrednio ze wzrostem liczby inwestycji, z zainteresowaniem turystycznym, z rozbudową infrastruktury technicznej oraz społecznej. Nie można także zapomnieć o kapitale ludzkim. Dodatkowy odpływ ludności z terenów słabo zaludnionych powoduje bowiem regres w rozwoju społeczno- gospodarczym. Przemiany społeczno-gospodarcze po 1990 roku były bezpośrednią przyczyną reorganizacji struktury przestrzennej kraju oraz powiązań regionalnych. Województwa tzw. „ściany wschodniej” są postrzegane jako obszary rolnicze, słabiej rozwinięte. Wciąż aktualne pozostaje pytanie czy należy podejmować próby hamowania niekorzystnych procesów na obszarach słabiej rozwiniętych (rolniczych), wspierać je i dążyć do ich rozwoju, czy może wspierać te obszary, które same posiadają już zdolności rozwojowe. Artykuł przedstawia analizę i próbę oceny warunków rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego województwa podkarpackiego, przyjmując jako pole podstawowej oceny powiat. Na potrzeby oceny zróżnicowania przestrzennego badanego województwa zastosowano metodę taksonomii wrocławskiej. Materiały źródłowe stanowiące podstawę badań dotyczyły stanu na 2011 r. Dane pochodzą ze źródeł statystyki publicznej Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego. W wyniku przeprowadzonych analiz wydzielono typy przestrzenne warunków rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego w województwie podkarpackim oraz dokonano ich charakterystyki.The issue of socio-economic development is a phenomenon with a complex analysis. It is associated with both the economic aspect, demographic and natural. The development is directly related to the increase in investment, with interest tourism, the development of technical and social infrastructure. It cannot be forget the human capital. The outflow causes a decline in socio-economic development. Social and economic changes after 1990 were the direct cause of the reorganization of the spatial structure of the country and regional links. Province called „Eastern wall” are seen as agricultural areas, less developed. Question remains whether to attempt to inhibit the unfavorable processes in less developed areas (agricultural), to support them and strive for their development, or support these areas, which themselves already have development potential. The article presents the analysis the socio-economic development of Podkarpackie, taking as a primary field assessment district. Analysis was performed according to the state for the year 2011, the data come from sources of official statistics of the Central Statistical Office. These analyzes gave the zone set for the differentiation of areas for the socio-economic development. The testing method used to analysis was the taxonomy, created by the researcher in Wrocław