1,555 research outputs found

    Saint Petersburg as a global coastal city: positioning in the Baltic Region

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    The Baltic region consists of coastal areas of nine countries - Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland. The region's hubs are the port cities located along the Baltic Sea coast. However, Peter Taylor and Saskia Sassen's classification identifies higher status cities and "global cities", which are to be considered in the global context. Seven coastal regions are distinguished within this region, whose organising centers are the global coastal cities of Stockholm, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Riga, Tallinn, St. Petersburg, and Malmö. The concept of a "global city-region" (Sassen) can be used as a methodological framework for analyzing this connection. Within this hierarchy, the dominant alpha group global city is Stockholm. The authors argue that, as a global coastal city, St. Petersburg forms the St. Petersburg coastal region, which can be defined as a typical "global city region". The index method shows that the position of St. Petersburg in the system of global coastal cities of the Baltic region is relatively favorable in view of its transport, logistics, and demographic potential and the advantageous geo-economic situation. St. Petersburg has certain competitive advantages in the region brought about by its demographic potential, port freight capacity, and the favorable geo-economic position of the "sea gate" of Russia. However, the level of high-tech services and "new economy" development is not sufficient for the port to become a match for the top three cities (Stockholm, Helsinki, and Copenhagen). This is increasingly important because transboundary global city networks demonstrate that global cities are functions of global networks. Saint Petersburg is just starting to integrate into these networks through the Pulkovo airline hub and seaports of Ust-Luga, Primorsk, and Saint Petersburg

    Optical and electronic properties of low-density InAs/InP quantum dot-like structures devoted to single-photon emitters at telecom wavelengths

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    Due to their band-structure and optical properties, InAs/InP quantum dots (QDs) constitute a promising system for single-photon generation at third telecom window of silica fibers and for applications in quantum communication networks. However, obtaining the necessary low in-plane density of emitters remains a challenge. Such structures are also still less explored than their InAs/GaAs counterparts regarding optical properties of confined carriers. Here, we report on the growth via metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy and investigation of low-density InAs/InP QD-like structures, emitting in the range of 1.2-1.7 μ{\mu}m, which includes the S, C, and L bands of the third optical window. We observe multiple photoluminescence (PL) peaks originating from flat QDs with height of small integer numbers of material monolayers. Temperature-dependent PL reveals redistribution of carriers between families of QDs. Via time-resolved PL, we obtain radiative lifetimes nearly independent of emission energy in contrast to previous reports on InAs/InP QDs, which we attribute to strongly height-dependent electron-hole correlations. Additionally, we observe neutral and charged exciton emission from spatially isolated emitters. Using the 8-band k{\cdot}p model and configuration-interaction method, we successfully reproduce energies of emission lines, the dispersion of exciton lifetimes, carrier activation energies, as well as the biexciton binding energy, which allows for a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the underlying physics.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Legal dualism of local government in Russia

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    The article justifies the statement about the legal dualism of local government in modern Russia

    On optimal recovering high order partial derivatives of bivariate functions

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    The problem of recovering partial derivatives of high orders of bivariate functions with finite smoothness is studied. Based on the truncation method, a numerical differentiation algorithm was constructed, which is optimal by the order, both in the sense of accuracy and in the sense of the amount of Galerkin information involved. Numerical demonstrations are provided to illustrate that the proposed method can be implemented successfully


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    Goal. Determination of effective directions and specific measures of balance sheet remediation for improvement of the financial state of the enterprise on the basis of practical information on the activity of the company and analysis of calculated indicators. Method. A systematic approach, a deductive method, comparison, grouping, generalization, and methods of economic analysis were applied in order to solve these tasks. Results. An entity's balance sheet is a measure of its financial position at the reporting date. Balancing measures can be used not only in critical situations, but also in conditions of unsatisfactory financial condition, deviation of key coefficients from optimal norms, negative dynamics, long-term loss. Remediation of the balance sheet aims to cover current losses and eliminate their causes, restore and maintain the liquidity and solvency of the enterprise, its financial stability, reduce all types of debt, improve the structure of working capital, to form the funds and reserves necessary to spend production, technical and organizational measures. Scientific novelty. It is suggested to consider measures of balance sheet remediation in correlation of reporting indicators with the sources of accounting information that form it. It is necessary to consider comprehensively the purpose of rebalancing the balance, which is to optimize the balance sheet and financial flows of the enterprise, and not only to improve solvency to prevent the bankruptcy of the enterprise, prevent liquidation. Practical importance. The directions and measures of balance sheet remediation are described on the example of the enterprise, analytical calculations are presented, which are based on practical information, conclusions and suggestions can be used not only at the studied enterprise, but also at similar enterprises in Ukraine.Мета. Визначення ефективних напрямів та конкретних заходів санації балансу для покращення фінансового стану підприємства на основі практичної інформації про діяльність компанії та аналізу обчислених показників. Методика. Для вирішення поставлених завдань в роботі застосовано системний підхід, дедуктивний метод, порівняння, групування, узагальнення, методи економічного аналізу. Результати.  Баланс підприємства є мірилом його фінансового стану на дату звітності. Заходи санації балансу можуть використовуватись не тільки в критичних ситуаціях, а й в умовах незадовільного фінансового стану, відхилення ключових коефіцієнтів від оптимальних нормативів, негативної динаміки, тривалої збитковості. Санація балансу спрямована покрити поточні збитки і усунути їх причини, відновити й зберегти ліквідність та платоспроможність підприємства, його фінансову стійкість, скоротити всі види заборгованостей, покращити структуру власного оборотного капіталу, сформувати фонди та резерви, які необхідні для того, щоб провести виробничі, технічні й організаційні заходи. Наукова новизна. Запропоновано розглядати заходи санації балансу у взаємозв’язку показників звітності з джерелами облікової інформації, які її формують. Необхідно комплексно розглядати мету санації балансу, яка полягає в оптимізації показників балансу та фінансових потоків підприємства, а не лише покращення платоспроможності для недопущення провадження у справі про банкрутство підприємства, запобігання ліквідації. Практична значимість. Охарактеризовано напрями та заходи санації балансу на прикладі підприємства, представлені аналітичні розрахунки, які побудовано на основі практичної інформації, висновки та пропозиції можуть бути використані не тільки на досліджуваному підприємстві, а й на аналогічних підприємствах в Україні