11,836 research outputs found

    Towards an Empirical Determination of the ZZ Ceti Instability Strip

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    We present atmospheric parameters for a large sample of DA white dwarfs that are known to be photometrically constant. For each star, we determine the effective temperature and surface gravity by comparing high signal-to-noise ratio optical spectra to the predictions of detailed model atmosphere calculations. We also report the successful prediction and detection of photometric variability in G232-38 based on similar Teff and log g determinations. The atmospheric parameters derived for this sample of constant stars as well as those for the known sample of bright ZZ Ceti stars (now boosted to a total of 39) have been obtained in a highly homogeneous way. We combine them to study the empirical red and blue edges as well as the purity of the ZZ Ceti instability strip. We find that the red edge is rather well constrained whereas there exists a rather large range of possibilities for the slope of the blue edge. Furthermore, the ZZ Ceti instability strip that results from our analysis contains no nonvariable white dwarfs. Our sample of constant stars is part of a much broader spectroscopic survey of bright (V < 17) DA white dwarfs, which we have recently undertaken. We also present here some preliminary results of this survey. Finally, we revisit the analysis by Mukadam et al. of the variable and nonvariable DA stars uncovered as part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Their erroneous conclusion of an instability strip containing several nonvariable stars is traced back to the low signal-to-noise ratio spectroscopic observations used in that survey.Comment: 43 pages, 2 tables, 14 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The enigmatic He-sdB pulsator LS IV−-14∘^\circ116: new insights from the VLT

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    The intermediate Helium subdwarf B star LS IV−-14∘^\circ116 is a unique object showing extremely peculiar atmospheric abundances as well as long-period pulsations that cannot be explained in terms of the usual opacity mechanism. One hypothesis invoked was that a strong magnetic field may be responsible. We discredit this possibility on the basis of FORS2 spectro-polarimetry, which allows us to rule out a mean longitudinal magnetic field down to 300 G. Using the same data, we derive the atmospheric parameters for LS IV−-14∘^\circ116 to be TeffT_{\rm eff} = 35,150±\pm111 K, log⁥g\log{g} = 5.88±\pm0.02 and log⁥N(He)/N(H)\log{N(\rm He)/N(\rm H)} = −-0.62±\pm0.01. The high surface gravity in particular is at odds with the theory that LS IV−-14∘^\circ116 has not yet settled onto the Helium Main Sequence, and that the pulsations are excited by an Ï”\epsilon mechanism acting on the Helium-burning shells present after the main Helium flash. Archival UVES spectroscopy reveals LS IV−-14∘^\circ116 to have a radial velocity of 149.1±\pm2.1 km/s. Running a full kinematic analysis, we find that it is on a retrograde orbit around the Galactic centre, with a Galactic radial velocity component UU=13.23±\pm8.28 km/s and a Galactic rotational velocity component VV=−-55.56±\pm22.13 km/s. This implies that LS IV−-14∘^\circ116 belongs to the halo population, an intriguing discovery.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Use of accelerometry to investigate physical activity in dogs receiving chemotherapy

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    Objectives: To perform a preliminary study to assess whether single-agent palliative or adjuvant chemotherapy has an impact on objectively measured physical activity in dogs. Methods: Fifteen dogs with neoplasia (treatment group) wore ActiGraphℱ accelerometers for 5-day periods before, during and after receiving single-agent adjuvant or palliative chemotherapy. Mean 5-day total physical activity and time spent in three different intensities of activity (sedentary, light-moderate and vigorous) before, during and after receiving chemotherapy were compared to a group of 15 healthy dogs (control group). Results were also compared within the treatment group across time. Results: Prior to chemotherapy, treated dogs tended to be less active than control dogs. Treatment group dogs were slightly more active at restaging than they were prior to treatment but had similar activity levels to control dogs. Marked effects of chemotherapy on physical activity were not detected. Physical activity was slightly lower in treated dogs during chemotherapy when compared to control dogs but there was a slight increase in physical activity of treated dogs during chemotherapy when compared with pretreatment recordings. There was little change in the mean 5-day total physical activity between treated dogs during chemotherapy and at restaging but a mild decrease in time spent sedentary and increase in time spent in light-moderate activity at this comparison of time points. Clinical Significance: Single-agent adjuvant or palliative chemotherapy had minimal impact on physical activity levels in dogs with neoplasia

    Evolution at the edge of expanding populations

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    Predicting evolution of expanding populations is critical to control biological threats such as invasive species and cancer metastasis. Expansion is primarily driven by reproduction and dispersal, but nature abounds with examples of evolution where organisms pay a reproductive cost to disperse faster. When does selection favor this 'survival of the fastest?' We searched for a simple rule, motivated by evolution experiments where swarming bacteria evolved into an hyperswarmer mutant which disperses ∌100% \sim 100\% faster but pays a growth cost of ∌10%\sim 10 \% to make many copies of its flagellum. We analyzed a two-species model based on the Fisher equation to explain this observation: the population expansion rate (vv) results from an interplay of growth (rr) and dispersal (DD) and is independent of the carrying capacity: v=2rDv=2\sqrt{rD}. A mutant can take over the edge only if its expansion rate (v2v_2) exceeds the expansion rate of the established species (v1v_1); this simple condition (v2>v1v_2 > v_1) determines the maximum cost in slower growth that a faster mutant can pay and still be able to take over. Numerical simulations and time-course experiments where we tracked evolution by imaging bacteria suggest that our findings are general: less favorable conditions delay but do not entirely prevent the success of the fastest. Thus, the expansion rate defines a traveling wave fitness, which could be combined with trade-offs to predict evolution of expanding populations

    A simple rule for the evolution of fast dispersal at the edge of expanding populations

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    Evolution by natural selection is commonly perceived as a process that favors those that replicate faster to leave more offspring; nature, however, seem to abound with examples where organisms forgo some replicative potential to disperse faster. When does selection favor invasion of the fastest? Motivated by evolution experiments with swarming bacteria we searched for a simple rule. In experiments, a fast hyperswarmer mutant that pays a reproductive cost to make many copies of its flagellum invades a population of mono-flagellated bacteria by reaching the expanding population edge; a two-species mathematical model explains that invasion of the edge occurs only if the invasive species' expansion rate, v₂, which results from the combination of the species growth rate and its dispersal speed (but not its carrying capacity), exceeds the established species', v₁. The simple rule that we derive, v₂ > v₁, appears to be general: less favorable initial conditions, such as smaller initial sizes and longer distances to the population edge, delay but do not entirely prevent invasion. Despite intricacies of the swarming system, experimental tests agree well with model predictions suggesting that the general theory should apply to other expanding populations with trade-offs between growth and dispersal, including non-native invasive species and cancer metastases.First author draf

    Pulsation in carbon-atmosphere white dwarfs: A new chapter in white dwarf asteroseismology

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    We present some of the results of a survey aimed at exploring the asteroseismological potential of the newly-discovered carbon-atmosphere white dwarfs. We show that, in certains regions of parameter space, carbon-atmosphere white dwarfs may drive low-order gravity modes. We demonstrate that our theoretical results are consistent with the recent exciting discovery of luminosity variations in SDSS J1426+5752 and some null results obtained by a team of scientists at McDonald Observatory. We also present follow-up photometric observations carried out by ourselves at the Mount Bigelow 1.6-m telescope using the new Mont4K camera. The results of follow-up spectroscopic observations at the MMT are also briefly reported, including the surprising discovery that SDSS J1426+5752 is not only a pulsating star but that it is also a magnetic white dwarf with a surface field near 1.2 MG. The discovery of gg-mode pulsations in SDSS J1426+5752 is quite significant in itself as it opens a fourth asteroseismological "window", after the GW Vir, V777 Her, and ZZ Ceti families, through which one may study white dwarfs.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Journal of Physics Conference Proceedings for the 16th European White Dwarf Worksho

    Accretion and activity on the post-common-envelope binary RR~Cae

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    Current scenarios for the evolution of interacting close binaries - such as cataclysmic variables (CVs) - rely mainly on our understanding of low-mass star angular momentum loss (AML) mechanisms. The coupling of stellar wind with its magnetic field, i.e., magnetic braking, is the most promising mechanism to drive AML in these stars. There are basically two properties driving magnetic braking: the stellar magnetic field and the stellar wind. Understanding the mechanisms that drive AML therefore requires a comprehensive understanding of these two properties. RRCae is a well-known nearby (d=20pc) eclipsing DA+M binary with an orbital period of P=7.29h. The system harbors a metal-rich cool white dwarf (WD) and a highly active M-dwarf locked in synchronous rotation. The metallicity of the WD suggests that wind accretion is taking place, which provides a good opportunity to obtain the mass-loss rate of the M-dwarf component. We analyzed multi-epoch time-resolved high-resolution spectra of RRCae in search for traces of magnetic activity and accretion. We selected a number of well-known activity indicators and studied their short and long-term behavior. Indirect-imaging tomographic techniques were also applied to provide the surface brightness distribution of the magnetically active M-dwarf, and reveals a polar feature similar to those observed in fast-rotating solar-type stars. The blue part of the spectrum was modeled using a atmosphere model to constrain the WD properties and its metal enrichment. The latter was used to improve the determination of the mass-accretion rate from the M-dwarf wind. The presence of metals in the WD spectrum suggests that this component arises from accretion of the M-dwarf wind. A model fit to the WD gives Teff=(7260+/-250)K and logg=(7.8+/-0.1) dex with a metallicity of =(-2.8+/-0.1)dex, and a mass-accretion rate of dotMacc=(7+/-2)x1e-16Msun/yr.Comment: 14 pages, 7 Figures, 6 Table
