5 research outputs found

    Corpi bambini. Sprechi di infanzie

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    Bambini svegli, competenti, abili nell\u2019uso delle tecnologie, capaci di discutere con gli adulti ma -nello stesso tempo - bambini fragili dal punto di vista emozionale, in difficolt\ue0 a comunicare con i coetanei, \u201csordi\u201d rispetto ai no e alle regole\u2026 Bambini avviati prestissimo alle pi\uf9 svariate attivit\ue0, con un\u2019agenda giornaliera e settimanale fittissima, piena come quella dei manager! E ancora, bambini talmente curati, per ogni malessere, da non reagire pi\uf9 agli antibiotici assunti con troppa frequenza, e, in alcuni casi, talmente nutriti da creare l\u2019allarme per il diffondersi dell\u2019obesit\ue0 infantile e del diabete. Bambini soffocati da cose e da oggetti, a cui non manca nulla se non lo spazio per desiderare: qualcosa che hanno sognato e la cui brama di possesso non sia stata indotta da qualche pubblicit\ue0 o trasmissione. Bambini privi di quei desideri da tenere cari, che richiedono un tempo di attesa per essere realizzati e non, come spesso capita, che si realizzino prima ancora di essere espressi. Bambini belli, \u201cin gamba\u201d, talentuosi che divengono oggetto di spettacolarizzazione - dalle sagre di paese ai palinsesti delle prime serate. Corpi bambini (soprattutto bambine) esposti in tutta la loro fragilit\ue0, agghindati o svestiti in base all\u2019occasione, prede innocenti di una diffusa pedofilia\u2026 Bambini vestiti come i grandi, che sanno e fanno le stesse cose dei grandi, che \u201ccontrattano\u201d con loro, lasciati \u201cliberi\u201d di scegliere

    Green Energy Planning of Cities and Communities: New Paradigms and Strategies for a Sustainable Approach

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    In green planning, the correct management of energy in towns and cities is a critical issue and is the topic of this chapter. In the first part, a general overview is provided, identifying the new paradigms to be pursued according to the needs of reducing, and possibly eliminating, the emission of greenhouse gases and those gases that have an impact on the environment, also considering the technological evolution currently in progress and opportunities offered by the market of energy generation and management market. In the second part of the chapter, a methodological approach to Green Energy Planning on a territorial scale is proposed and discussed. The chapter is completed by an in-depth analysis of the European project which promotes an approach to bottom-up energy planning, the Covenant of Mayors: its methodologies are discussed and a case study is analysed

    Antioxidant, free radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory effects of aloesin derivatives in Aloe vera.

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    The chemical analysis of flesh and pit of two varieties of date palm fruit (Deglet nour and Alig) as well as the radical scavenging activity of their extracts was undertaken. The fruits were grown in Djerid region (Oasis of Tozeur, Tunisia). Total sugars was measured by HPLC method or with Fehling reagent, crude lipid content was obtained by Soxhlet’s extraction, mineral elements were measured by atomic absorption photometer. The antioxidant activity of extracts from the flesh and pit of the date fruit was measured on the basis of the scavenging activity of the stable 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhy-drazyl (DPPH) free radical. Our results showed that the total sugars could present over 60% of the dry weight of date flesh in two studied varieties. The content of reducing sugars was higher in Alig variety than Deglet nour. For the minerals content, dates flesh were a very good source of several minerals and could be an important

    Role of the T and B lymphocytes in pathogenesis of autoimmune thyroid diseases

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