20 research outputs found

    Depression in children and adolescents

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    In recent years, the situation of child and adolescent psychiatry in Poland has dramatically deteriorated. 24-hour psychiatric wards dedicated to minors are overcrowded and it is almost exclusively patients who are a direct threat to their own health or life that are hospitalised. About 20% of children and adolescents have symptoms of various mental disorders, of which 10% (about 400,000) require specialist care. Depression is one of the most common health problems among children and adolescents and its prevalence increases with age and puberty. Depression can be chronic, with constant severity, or recurrent, when symptoms return in the form of mild, moderate or severe episodes. The mood disorders occurring in the developmental period carry many negative consequences in the emotional, social and educational functioning of the patient. They increase the risk of self-destructive behaviours, suicide, abuse of psychoactive substances, as well as later difficulties in many areas of life during adulthood

    Anorexia Nervosa—What Has Changed in the State of Knowledge about Nutritional Rehabilitation for Patients over the Past 10 Years? A Review of Literature

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    Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a psycho-metabolic disorder with a high risk of somatic complications such as refeeding syndrome (RFS) and carries the highest mortality rate of all psychiatric illnesses. To date, the consensus on the care for patients with AN has been based on recommendations for a combination of alimentation and psychotherapy. It is important to establish an initial caloric intake that will provide weight gain and minimize the risk of complications in the treatment of undernourished patients. Research over the past few years suggests that current treatment recommendations may be too stringent and should be updated. The aim of this paper is to systematize the current reports on nutritional rehabilitation in AN, to present the results of studies on the safe supplementation of patients and its potential impact on improving prognosis and the healing process. This review of literature, from 2011–2021, describes the changing trend in the nutritional protocols used and the research on their efficacy, safety, and long-term effects. In addition, it presents previous reports on the potential benefits of introducing vitamin, pro-and prebiotic and fatty acid supplementation

    ProBDNF as an Indicator of Improvement among Women with Depressive Episodes

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    Depression is a chronic psychiatric disorder with a heavy socioeconomic burden. Studies on biomarkers are needed to comprehend the pathophysiology of depression and to improve treatment outcomes. Research points to the importance of imbalance between mature brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its precursor, pro–brain–derived neurotrophic factor (proBDNF), in the pathophysiology of mood disorders and the potential neurodegenerative role of calcium-binding protein B (S100B). Our objective was to compare BDNF, proBDNF, and S100B serum levels before and after the treatment of acute depressive episodes and to assess their correlation with the severity of symptoms and history of stress. We also aimed to investigate the differences in BDNF, proBDNF, and S100B levels between depression in the course of bipolar disorder (BD) and major depressive disorder (MDD). We recruited 31 female patients diagnosed with BD or MDD who were hospitalized due to current depressive episodes. The patients had their serum BDNF, proBDNF, and S100B levels evaluated using the ELISA method upon admission and after the symptoms improved, at discharge. We found that proBDNF levels decreased significantly with the treatment (p = 0.0478), while BDNF and S100B levels were not altered significantly. No differences in biochemical parameters between MDD and BD subjects were observed. Consequently, we concluded that a decrease in serum proBDNF levels could be considered a biomarker of recovery from depressive episodes

    Competent users and standards of use for Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised (ADI-R) and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2)

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    Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised (ADI-R) and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2) are well-validated semi-structured instruments, widely used in clinical practice and research for decades. They both follow highly standardised procedures to provide a thorough assessment of individuals suspected of having autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Both instruments have been found to be useful in differentiating between children, adolescents and adults with ASD and those with non-ASD diagnoses, especially when both are used in combination. As with many measures of ASD symptoms, scores on ADI-R and ADOS-2 have been shown to be susceptible to effects of developmental variables, including age and IQ as well as behavioural difficulties of a subject. Experienced clinicians are aware that the scores can be affected by comorbidity or sex of an individual, which is the case in females with autism who have not been diagnosed early in life or those who do not have intellectual disability and/or profound communication difficulties. The article presents ADI-R and ADOS-2 in a succinct way along with basic recommendations for their use, which are the same regardless of location and country. The purpose of this article is to present guidelines and standards of use for ADI-R and ADOS-2 which are distinguished from the standards of purchase. Administration and coding of ADI-R and ADOS-2 are highly standardised, and based on these guidelines, only professionals who completed ADI-R and ADOS-2 test-specific trainings can be considered competent users to provide valid assessments.Wywiad do diagnozowania autyzmu ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised, ADI-R) oraz protokół obserwacji do diagnozowania zaburzeń ze spektrum autyzmu ADOS-2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition) to rzetelnie zwalidowane i wystandaryzowane narzędzia, od dziesięcioleci szeroko stosowane w praktyce klinicznej i badawczej na świecie. Procedury wykonania badania przy użyciu obu narzędzi podlegają ściśle określonym normom, co umożliwia wszechstronną ocenę osób z podejrzeniem zaburzeń ze spektrum autyzmu (autism spectrum disorder, ASD). Wykazano przydatność obu narzędzi w różnicowaniu dzieci, adolescentów i dorosłych z ASD oraz tych z rozpoznaniami innymi niż ASD – zwłaszcza w przypadku łącznego zastosowania obu procedur. Tak jak w przypadku wielu innych narzędzi do oceny objawów ASD, wyniki uzyskane w testach ADI-R i ADOS-2 wykazują podatność na wpływ zmiennych rozwojowych, takich jak wiek czy iloraz inteligencji oraz trudności behawioralne osoby badanej. Doświadczeni klinicyści są świadomi tego, że na uzyskane wyniki mają także wpływ współchorobowość oraz płeć osoby badanej, co ilustrują przykłady kobiet z autyzmem niezdiagnozowanym w wieku rozwojowym bądź osób bez niepełnosprawności intelektualnej czy znacznych trudności komunikacyjnych. Niniejszy artykuł w zwięzły sposób przybliża narzędzia ADI-R i ADOS-2, a także podstawowe rekomendacje dotyczące ich zastosowania, które są niezmienne niezależnie od kraju czy warunków wykonania badania. Celem pracy jest omówienie wytycznych i standardów użytkowania ADI-R i ADOS-2, które nie są tożsame ze standardami dotyczącymi zakupu obu narzędzi. Procedury wykonywania i kodowania ADI-R i ADOS-2 są wysoko wystandaryzowane. Zgodnie z obowiązującymi wytycznymi wyłącznie specjaliści, którzy ukończyli szkolenia w zakresie stosowania ADI-R i ADOS-2, mogą być ich kompetentnymi użytkownikami, a wyniki wykonanych przez nich badań są uznawane za rzetelne i wiarygodn

    Kompetentni użytkownicy i standardy użytkowania wywiadu do diagnozowania autyzmu ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised) oraz protokołu obserwacji do diagnozowania zaburzeń ze spektrum autyzmu ADOS-2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition)

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    Wywiad do diagnozowania autyzmu ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised, ADI-R) oraz protokół obserwacji do diagnozowania zaburzeń ze spektrum autyzmu ADOS-2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition) to rzetelnie zwalidowane i wystandaryzowane narzędzia, od dziesięcioleci szeroko stosowane w praktyce klinicznej i badawczej na świecie. Procedury wykonania badania przy użyciu obu narzędzi podlegają ściśle określonym normom, co umożliwia wszechstronną ocenę osób z podejrzeniem zaburzeń ze spektrum autyzmu (autism spectrum disorder, ASD). Wykazano przydatność obu narzędzi w różnicowaniu dzieci, adolescentów i dorosłych z ASD oraz tych z rozpoznaniami innymi niż ASD – zwłaszcza w przypadku łącznego zastosowania obu procedur. Tak jak w przypadku wielu innych narzędzi do oceny objawów ASD, wyniki uzyskane w testach ADI-R i ADOS-2 wykazują podatność na wpływ zmiennych rozwojowych, takich jak wiek czy iloraz inteligencji oraz trudności behawioralne osoby badanej. Doświadczeni klinicyści są świadomi tego, że na uzyskane wyniki mają także wpływ współchorobowość oraz płeć osoby badanej, co ilustrują przykłady kobiet z autyzmem niezdiagnozowanym w wieku rozwojowym bądź osób bez niepełnosprawności intelektualnej czy znacznych trudności komunikacyjnych. Niniejszy artykuł w zwięzły sposób przybliża narzędzia ADI-R i ADOS-2, a także podstawowe rekomendacje dotyczące ich zastosowania, które są niezmienne niezależnie od kraju czy warunków wykonania badania. Celem pracy jest omówienie wytycznych i standardów użytkowania ADI-R i ADOS-2, które nie są tożsame ze standardami dotyczącymi zakupu obu narzędzi. Procedury wykonywania i kodowania ADI-R i ADOS-2 są wysoko wystandaryzowane. Zgodnie z obowiązującymi wytycznymi wyłącznie specjaliści, którzy ukończyli szkolenia w zakresie stosowania ADI-R i ADOS-2, mogą być ich kompetentnymi użytkownikami, a wyniki wykonanych przez nich badań są uznawane za rzetelne i wiarygodne

    Bulimia nervosa – its prevalence, symptoms and treatment with special attention to oral health

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    Bulimia nervosa is a serious and complex health problem encountered by many professionals, including general practitioners and dentists. The aim of the study was to describe the problem of bulimia (its prevalence, symptoms, special situations, treatment), with particular emphasis on the aspect of the oral health. The paper presents the causes and factors contributing to the disease, diagnostic criteria, the onset and the possible course of the disease, dental and oral mucosa pathologies due to bulimia as well as other comorbidities (including diabetes). The paper is of descriptive nature. The research method was based on the analysis of the available literature on bulimia nervosa supplemented by our own experience. It was concluded based on the analysed sources that appropriate diagnosis and treatment of bulimia nervosa is possible only with the cooperation of many specialists: psychiatrists or paediatric psychiatrists, dentists and general practitioners as well as other doctors if necessary. Psychotherapy is a necessary and integral aspect of treatment. Early treatment onset is essential for good treatment outcomes. Due to the low sense of illness, some patients would never meet a psychiatrist if not for the intervention of a family doctor or a dentist.Bulimia psychiczna stanowi poważny i złożony problem zdrowotny, z którym spotyka się w swej praktyce wielu specjalistów, w tym lekarzy rodzinnych i lekarzy stomatologów. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie problemu (rozpowszechnienia bulimii, objawów, sytuacji szczególnych, leczenia) ze zwróceniem szczególnej uwagi na aspekt zmian w obrębie jamy ustnej. W niniejszym artykule opisano postulowane przyczyny i czynniki spustowe choroby, kryteria diagnostyczne, początek i możliwy przebieg, patologie zębów i śluzówek jamy ustnej w wyniku choroby, a także inne schorzenia współwystępujące z bulimią (w tym cukrzycę). Praca ma charakter poglądowy. Metodą badawczą była analiza dostępnego piśmiennictwa na temat bulimii psychicznej uzupełniona o doświadczenia własne. Na podstawie źródeł wnioskuje się, że właściwa diagnostyka i leczenie bulimii psychicznej są możliwe tylko przy współpracy wielu specjalistów: psychiatry lub psychiatry dzieci i młodzieży, stomatologa i lekarza rodzinnego oraz w razie potrzeby innych lekarzy. Niezbędny, integralny aspekt leczenia stanowi psychoterapia. Wczesne podjęcie terapii jest kluczowe dla uzyskania dobrych wyników. Z powodu niskiego poczucia choroby część pacjentów nigdy nie trafiłaby do psychiatry, gdyby nie interwencja lekarza rodzinnego lub lekarza stomatologa

    FTO and MC4R polymorphisms, and selected pre-, peri- and postnatal factors as determinants of body mass index and fatness in children: a thorough analysis of the associations

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    Abstract Background Overweight and obesity among children have become significant global health concerns. Previous studies have highlighted the potential role of genetic factors, particularly polymorphisms in the FTO and MC4R genes, as well as environmental factors in the development of childhood obesity. This study aimed to investigate the relationships between genetic, socioeconomic and perinatal factors, adverse childhood events (ACEs), and lifestyle, and their impact on overweight, obesity and body composition parameters in children. Additionally, we explored potential interactions between genetic factors and ACEs. Methods Four hundred fifty-six children aged 6–12 years participated in our study. Information on the socioeconomic status, perinatal factors, ACEs and lifestyle of the children was collected with a questionnaire completed by their parents/guardians. We examined the children’s body weight and conducted an electrical bioimpedance analysis. Overweight and obesity were diagnosed based on the International Obesity Task Force and McCarthy criteria. We genotyped two selected polymorphisms in the FTO and MC4R genes using the TaqMan SNP allelic discrimination method. Results Higher BMI (Body Mass Index) z scores were related to higher paternal BMI and lower maternal age at the child’s birth. Higher FMI (Fat Mass Index) z scores were associated with higher paternal BMI, increased gestational weight, lower maternal education and the presence of the FTO risk allele. Higher FatM (fat mass in kg) z scores were linked to lower maternal education, lower maternal age at the child’s birth, higher maternal body weight gain, paternal BMI and the presence of the FTO risk allele. Moreover, interaction effects were observed on BMI z scores between ACE and FTO AA, and on FMI z scores and FatM z scored between ACE and MC4R CC. Conclusions The contribution of environmental factors is more strongly related to changes in body composition than genetic ones. Additionally, the presence of the risk allele combined with unfavourable environmental factors like ACEs leads to visible interaction effects, resulting in increased BMI z scores and FMI z scores in children

    Apelin-13 and Asprosin in Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa and Their Association with Psychometric and Metabolic Variables

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    Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a widespread, metabo-psychiatric disorder with high relapse rates, comorbidity, and mortality. Many regulatory proteins and neurohormones studied to date play essential roles in the etiopathogenesis of eating disorders and the maintenance of psychopathological symptoms. Nevertheless, the regulatory and pathophysiological mechanisms of AN are still poorly understood. In the presented study, the plasma levels of apelin-13 (APE-13) and asprosin (ASP), as well as carbohydrate metabolism parameters and psychometric parameters, were evaluated in low-weight adolescent female patients with AN (AN1), after partial weight normalization (AN2) and in an age-matched healthy control group (CG) were evaluated. APE-13 levels were higher in the AN1 group than in the post-realimentation and the CG group. APE-13 levels were independent of insulin and glucose levels. Plasma ASP levels increased with increasing body weight in patients with AN, correlating with the severity of eating disorder symptoms in emaciation. The presented data suggest that APE-13 and ASP may be AN’s biomarkers-regulation of eating behavior by APE-13 and ASP, the close relationship between them and emotional behavior, and changes in neurohormone levels in patients with eating and affective disorders seem to support these hypotheses. Moreover, their plasma levels seem to be related to the severity of psychopathological symptoms of eating disorders