139 research outputs found

    Investigation of accuracy of the newest function approximation for the force generated by pneumatic artificial muscle

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    The newest and most promising type of pneumatic actuators is the pneumatic artificial muscle (PAM). Different designs have been developed, but the McKibben muscle is the most popular and is made commercially available by different companies (e. g. Fluidic Muscle manufactured by Festo Company). The most often mentioned characteristic of PAMs is the force as a function of pressure and contraction. In this paper our newest function approximation for the force generated by Fluidic Muscles is shown that can be generally used for different muscles made by Festo Company

    3D nyomtatásnál alkalmazható kitöltési mintázatok hatása az ütőmunkára és annak szórására

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    Ezen tanulmány célja, hogy megvizsgálja az FDM 3D nyomtatásnál gyakran alkalmazott Cura programban található különböző kitöltési mintázatok ütőmunkára gyakorolt UNI EN ISO 180 szabványú hornyolatlan PLA próbatestek segítségével. Mivel az említett programban több, mint 10 féle különböző kialakítású kitöltésből választhatunk, így mind a hobbi célú mind pedig az ipari felhasználók számára kulcsfontosságú kérdés, hogy az egyes kitöltések esetében az elkészülő alkatrész milyen mechanikai tulajdonságokat produkál. Emellett fontos megállapítani, hogy létezik-e olyan mértékű különbség az egyes kitöltések által biztosított mechanikai tulajdonságok között, amely már esetlegesen veszélyezteti az egyes alkatrészek használhatóságát. A tanulmányban fontos szerepet kap annak megállapítása, hogy az ütőmunka szempontjából melyek a legkedvezőbb és legkedvezőtlenebb kitöltési mintázatok. Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of different Cura infill patterns on the impact strength using UNI EN ISO 180 unnotched specimens manufactured of PLA by using the FDM 3D printing technology. In Cura there are more than 10 different infill patterns, this is the reason why it is crucial both for the industrial users and the hobbyists to know how these infill patterns influence the mechanical properties of the 3D printed parts. Furthermore, it is important to determine, whether there is a so big difference among the mechanical properties provided by different infill patterns, which can significantly endanger the usability of the parts. In the study it plays a key role to assess which infill patterns are the most and the least favourable from the point of view of impact strength

    Soft Robotics: State of Art and Outlook

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    Widely used robot systems have a rigid base structure that limits the interaction with their environment. Due to the inflexible attachment points, conventional robotic structures can only manipulate objects with their special gripping system. It can be difficult for these systems to grasp objects with different shapes, handle complex surfaces or navigating in a heavily crowded environment. Many of the species observed in nature, like octopuses are able to perform complex sequences of movements using their soft-structured limbs, which are made up entirely of muscle and connective tissue. Researchers have been inspired to design and build robots based on these soft biological systems. Thanks to the soft structure and high degree of freedom, these soft robots can be used for tasks that would be extremely difficult to perform with traditional robot manipulators. This article discusses the capabilities and usability of soft robots, reviews the state of the art, and outlines the challenges in designing, modelling, manufacturing, and controlling

    Two-Dimensional Positioning with Machine Learning in Virtual and Real Environments

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    In this paper, a ball-on-plate control system driven only by a neural network agent is presented. Apart from reinforcement learning, no other control solution or support was applied. The implemented device, driven by two servo motors, learned by itself through thousands of iterations how to keep the ball in the center of the resistive sensor. We compared the real-world performance of agents trained in both a real-world and in a virtual environment. We also examined the efficacy of a virtually pre-trained agent fine-tuned in the real environment. The obtained results were evaluated and compared to see which approach makes a good basis for the implementation of a control task implemented purely with a neural network

    Design and implementation of a radio controlled led lighting system

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    Technological advances allow us to control LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting at home, in the office it can even allow us to change the intensity of the light and this is just the beginning of what the future holds for us. In this study an LED internal lighting fixture of our own design will be presented focusing on each step in its design. Firstly, the features, types and history of LEDs will be presented, next the products available in market that are required for the completion of the device. Finally, the design and implementation as well as the radio frequency controlled LED indoor lighting fixture will be shown

    Design and Implementation of a radio controlled led lighting system

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    Technological advances allow us to control LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting at home, in the office it can even allow us to change the intensity of the light and this is just the beginning of what the future holds for us. In this study an LED internal lighting fixture of our own design will be presented focusing on each step in its design. Firstly, the features, types and history of LEDs will be presented, next the products available in market that are required for the completion of the device. Finally, the design and implementation as well as the radio frequency controlled LED indoor lighting fixture will be shown

    Importing and analysing live electroencephalogram data in matlab/simulink environment

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    The utilization of non-invasive human-computer interfaces makes it possible to develop limb prostheses that recognize the cognitive intentions of the user, and act accordingly. Our goal is creating such a prosthesis that is actuated by pneumatic artificial muscles (PAM). One of the possible approaches to accomplishing this is electroencephalography (EEG). In this paper we describe a method of adapting EEG signals acquired with a concrete EEG device, the Emotiv EPOC, to the MATLAB/Simulink environment, and recommend the next step to using them