33 research outputs found

    La résorption foliaire des espèces fixatrices et non-fixatrices d’azote dans une forêt marécageuse du nord de la Turquie

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    Foliar resorption of nutrients in plants is a key factor to conserve nutrients especially nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) and makes plant species less-dependent to soil nutrient status. There is much debate whether N-fixing and non-fixing species differ or not with respect to N and P usage strategies. Two N-fixing (one actinorhizal and one legume) and four non-fixing species were sampled in a swamp forest in northern Turkey to compare nitrogen-fixing and non-fixing species with respect to resorption efficiency (RE) and resorption proficiency (RP). Actinorhizal and legume species were Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner subsp. glutinosa and Robinia pseudoacacia L., respectively. Non-fixing species were Quercus hartwissiana Stev., Acer campestre L. subsp. campestre, Euonymus europaeus L. and Fraxinus excelsior L. It has been found that N-fixing species had lower NRE than non-fixing species in the present study, while N-fixing species were more P-proficient than non-fixing species (except for F. excelsior). Additionally, N/P ratios of N-fixing species were higher than those of non-fixing species. Foliar resorption was not highly proficient in both N-fixing and non-fixing species in the present studyLa résorption foliaire des nutriments dans les végétaux est un facteurclé de conservation des nutriments en particulier de l’azote (N) et du phosphore (P) et rend les plantes moins dépendantes des ressources nutritionnelles du sol. La question de savoir si les espèces fixatrices d’azote diffèrent ou non des non-fixatrices dans leurs stratégies d’utilisation de N et de P demeure fort débattue. Deux fixatrices d’azote (une actinorhize et une légumineuse) et quatre non-fixatrices ont été échantillonnées dans une forêt marécageuse du nord de la Turquie afin de comparer les fixatrices au non-fixatrices dans l’efficience (RE) et la capacité (RP) de leur résorption. Les espèces fixatrices (actinorhize et légumineuse respectivement) ont été Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner subsp. glutinosa et Robinia pseudoacacia L. Les non-fixatrices étaient Quercus hartwissiana Stev., Acer campestre L. subsp. campestre, Euonymus europaeus L. et Fraxinus excelsior L. Il a été trouvé dans la présente étude que les fixatrices d’azote ont un plus faible NRE mais une plus grande capacité en P que les non-fixatrices (à l’exception de F. excelsior). De plus, les N/P ratios des fixatrices d’azote sont apparus plus élevés que ceux des non-fixatrices. La résorption foliaire ne s’est pas avérée de forte capacité tant chez les fixatrices que chez les non-fixatrices d’azote dans notre étud

    Changements saisonniers et altitudinaux des concentrations foliaires en nutriments de Hedera helix L. (Araliaceae)

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    La résorption est l’une des plus importantes stratégies d’utilisation des nutriments développées par les plantes. Le ratio de la surface foliaire à la masse sèche (SLA) est lié aux nutriments foliaires. Dans la présente étude, les changements de concentration en SLA, N et P, le rapport N/P et la teneur en C des feuilles de lumière et d’ombre de la liane sempervirente Hedera helix L. ont été étudiés au long de l’année sur un gradient altitudinal. L’efficience (RE) et l’efficacité (RP) de la résorption foliaire ont également été calculées dans les feuilles de lumière et celles d’ombre. Les traits foliaires ont montré des changements significatifs entre les localités et au cours de l’année. Des différences significatives sont apparues entre les feuilles de lumière et celles d’ombre pour ce qui concerne le SLA, la concentration en N et la teneur en C, mais se sont avérées dépendantes des différences d’altitude. Toutefois, aucune différence significative de concentration en P n’a été trouvée entre les feuilles de lumière et celles d’ombre. Dans les feuilles, tant de lumière que d’ombre, le SLA augmentait à la fin du printemps et baissait après l’automne. D’une manière générale, la teneur en C augmentait en janvier. La concentration en N des feuilles, tant de lumière que d’ombre, était habituellement la plus faible en début d’été et croissait en octobre. Les plus fortes teneurs en P ont été observées entre décembre et janvier dans toutes les localités. N/P différait significativement selon les localités. L’interaction localité x temps était aussi significative sauf pour les concentrations en P foliaire et N/P. Des corrélations positives ont été notées entre les traits foliaires et ceux du sol comme le SLA, les N, P et C foliaires, l’humidité du sol, et les teneurs en N, P et C. La PRE (efficience de la résorption du phosphore) et la NRP (efficacité de la résorption de l’azote) différaient de manère significative entre les localités mais pas entre les feuilles de lumière ou d’ombre. Cependant, la NRE (efficience de la résorption de l’azote) et la PRP (efficacité de la résorption du phosphore) n’étaient pas significativement différentes. Les feuilles de lumière et celles d’ombre ont montré une resorption incomplète car, dans toutes les localités, les valeurs de NRP et de PRP étaient supérieures aux niveaux de référence.Nutrient resorption is one of the most important nutrient use strategies developed by plants. The ratio of leaf area to dry mass (SLA) is related to leaf nutrients. In this study, the changes in SLA, N, P concentrations, N/P ratio and C content of sun and shade leaves of the evergreen liana Hedera helix L. were investigated over the year in an altitudinal gradient. Foliar resorption efficiency (RE) and proficiency (RP) were also calculated in sun and shade leaves. Leaf traits significantly changed among studied localities and over the year. There were statistically significant differences between sun and shade leaves regarding SLA, N concentration and C content, but these were dependent on the differences of altitude. However, no significant differences were found for P concentrations between sun and shade leaves. SLA increased in sun and shade leaves at the end of the spring and decreased after the fall. Leaf C content generally increased in January. Leaf N concentration in sun and shade leaves was usually lowest in early summer and increased in October. The highest leaf P content was found between December and January in all localities. N/P significantly differed between localities. Locality × time interaction was also significant except leaf P concentrations and N/P. Positive correlations were seen between leaf and soil traits such as SLA, leaf N, P and C, soil moisture, N, P and C. PRE (Phosphorus resorption efficiency) and NRP (Nitrogen resorption proficiency) were significantly different among the localities, but not among sun and shade leaves. However, NRE (Nitrogen resorption efficiency) and PRP (Phosphorus resorption proficiency) were not significantly different. Sun and shade leaves of H. helix showed incomplete resorption, because, in all localities, NRP and PRP values were above the benchmark levels

    Ecological strategies of terrestrial plant species belonging two different habitats in Kızılırmak Delta (Samsun/Turkey)

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    WOS:000731282400018Abstract: This study was carried out on four plant species in wetland and disturbed habitats within the terrestrial ecosystem. The study compares some leaf traits (foliar nitrogen and phosphorus concentration, specific leaf area, and specific leaf mass) and ecological strategies (Grime’s CSR strategies and Ellenberg ecological indicator values) of these plant species in different habitats. While the difference of leaf traits between species was statistically significant, the difference between habitats was found to be significant for all leaf traits except for foliar P concentration. Lathyrus palustris L. subsp. palustris and Ranunculus constantinopolitanus (DC.) d’Urv. show the C strategy, while Cardamine impatiens L. subsp. impatiens and Holosteum umbellatum L. var. glutinosum (M.Bieb.) Gay show the C/CS and C/CR, respectively. Ellenberg indicator values for N were similar in all habitat species. pH indicator values of species in wetland habitat were higher than the disturbed habitat species. As a result, it is determined that plant species similar to macro-environmental features have different strategies. Both intra-species and inter-species interactions and microenvironmental differences are the main reasons for these results

    Seasonal nutrient resorption and lignin change in leaves of Turkey oak on northern and southern slope aspects

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    WOS:000952046600003Nutrient resorption is a critical factor for nutrient use strategies developed by plants. Especially nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are the most essential reabsorbed nutrient elements. The leaves' N and P concentrations are closely related to foliar lignin contents. The study aimed to investigate the effects of northern and southern slope aspects on the foliar nutrient resorption in the Mediterranean species of Turkey oak (Quercus cerris var. cerris). The relationships among selected leaf traits, foliar nutrient resorption of N and P, the seasonal lignin change, and the soil traits were analyzed. A principal component analysis was performed to interpret the effect of soil properties on foliar N, P, and lignin concentrations. N resorption efficiency (78.84%) was higher on the northern slope. P resorption efficiency (53.87%) and seasonal lignin change (69.87) were higher on the southern slope. As a result, the slope aspect affects the foliar N, P, and lignin concentrations. Also, foliar lignin concentration was negatively correlated with N resorption efficiency and positively correlated with P resorption efficiency

    The testing of plant diversity in the meadows and pastures of Samsun province for grazing and erosion factors according to ıntermediate disturbance hypothesis

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    Erozyon ve otlatma çayır ve meralarda biyolojik çeşitliliği etkilyen önemli faktörlerarasındadır. Tahribat ile biyolojik çeşitlilik arasındaki ilişkinin olumsuz yönde olacağı düşünülse debazı durumlarda biyoçeşitliliği arttırıcı etkisi bilinmektedir. Bu durum orta dereceli tahribat hipoteziile açıklanmaktadır. Bu hipoteze göre tahribatın orta şiddette oldduğu durumlarda biyoçeşitliliğindaha yüksek olacağı savunulmuştur. Bu çalışmada toprak organik madde içeriği yönündenbirbirine benzer olan Samsun ilinin çayır ve mera alanlarında yürütülmüştür. Erozyon ve otlatmaşiddetine göre oluşturulan grupların bitki çeşitliliği hesaplanmış ve karşılaştırılmıştır. Elde edilensonuçlara göre bu iki tahribat faktörünün bitki çeşitliliğine etkisi ortaya konmuş ve özellikleotlatma şiddetinin orta dereceli olduğu grupta çeşitlilik indeksleri yüksek bulunmuştur. Erozyoniçin ise çeşitliliğin en yüksek olduğu grup şiddetli erozyonun gözlemlendiği çayır ve meralarolmuştur. Ayrıca Samsun İli’nde çayır ve mera olarak kullanılan arazilerin tamamını temsil edenalansal dağılım haritaları çizilmiş alanlar hakkında değerlendirmeler ortaya konmuştur.Erosion and grazing are among the most important factors affecting biodiversity in meadows and pastures. However, although the relationship between disturbance and biodiversity is thought to be negative, in some cases, it is known to increase the biodiversity effect. This situation is explained by the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, it is argued that biodiversity will be higher when the disturbance is moderate. This study was carried out in meadow and pasture areas in Samsun province, which are similar in terms of soil organic matter content. The biological diversity of the groups formed according to the erosion and grazing level were calculated and compared. According to the results obtained, the effect of these two disturbance factors on species diversity was revealed, and the diversity indexes were found to be high especially in the group where grazing intensity was moderate. For erosion, the most severely group was meadows and pastures, where severe erosion was observed. In addition, spatial distribution maps drawn on all of the lands used as meadows and pastures in Samsun Province have been evaluated

    Geostatistical analysis of Gümüşhane grasslands according to vegetation and some environmental features

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    Meralar ormanlarının genelinde olduğu gibi Türkiye'de küçük ve büyükbaş hayvancılıkta kullanılan en önemli yem kaynaklarındandır. Son iklim tipinde kötü bir seçim. Bu çalışma ile Gümüşhane ili meralarının vejetasyon özellikleri ile kaynak kaynağına göre değerlendirilmesinin yanında jeoistatistikhane çizilen haritalar ile Gümüş ilindeki tüm mera ve yaylaların hedeflenmesine yöneliktir. Bu yayla ve meraların, toprak yetiştiriciliğinden, erozyonlayıcılık, otlatma baskılayıcı ve taştan kaynaklı ile azal, çoğalıcı, yükseltici büyütülür, baklagiller ve buğdaygiller familyasına ait sınıflardan sınıf ve mera sağlık sınıfına ait özelliklerin mera özellikleri sınıfıdır. Elde edilen görece orta meraların %65'inde yüksek dereceli erozyon görülürken, meraların çok büyük sığ ve sığ topraklarına sahiptir. 12 merada otomatize edilmiş. Son olarak mera kalitelerine göre; 10 meranın ortanın kötü olduğu diğerlerinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Son olarak mera kalitelerine göre; 10 meranın ortanın kötü olduğu diğerlerinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Son olarak mera kalitelerine göre; 10 meranın ortanın kötü olduğu diğerlerinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Rangelands are the most important sources used in animal feedings in Turkey as Earth. In recent years, global factors such as climate change, overgrazing and land use mistakes adversely affect the quality of rangelands. This study aims to evaluate the quality of the rangelands and uplands in the Gümüşhane according to vegetation features and some environmental factors and additionally the maps drawn by geo-statistical methods will reveal the status of all rangelands Gümüşhane. The slope, soil depth, degree of erosion, grazing pressure and stony from environmental factors and composition ratios of decreaser, increaser, invader plants, composition ratios of legume, grasses and other families and distribution maps of range health classifications and range condition classification were draw. According to the results, moderate and high erosion is observed in 65% of the rangelands, while the majority of the rangelands have very shallow and shallow depth soils. Overgrazing was detected in 12 pastures. Finally, when we look at the rangelands quality; the quality of 10 site was found to be poor and the others were found to be moderate and better

    Foliar resorption in nitrogen-fixing and non-fixing species in a swamp forest in northern Turkey

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    WOS:000345192000011Foliar resorption of nutrients in plants is a key factor to conserve nutrients especially nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) and makes plant species less-dependent to soil nutrient status. There is much debate whether N-fixing and non-fixing species differ or not with respect to N and P usage strategies. Two N-fixing (one actinorhizal and one legume) and four non-fixing species were sampled in a swamp forest in northern Turkey to compare nitrogen-fixing and non-fixing species with respect to resorption efficiency (RE) and resorption proficiency (RP). Actinorhizal and legume species were Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner subsp. glutinosa and Robinia pseudoacacia L., respectively. Non-fixing species were Quercus hartwissiana Stcv., Acer campestre L. subsp. campestre, Euonymus europaeus L. and Fraxinus excelsior L. It has been found that N-fixing species had lower NRE than non-fixing species in the present study, while N-fixing species were more P-proficient than non-fixing species (except for F. excelsior). Additionally, N/P ratios of N-fixing species were higher than those of non-fixing species. Foliar resorption was not highly proficient in both N-fixing and non-fixing species in the present study

    Ellenberg ecological indicator values, tolerance values, species niche models for soil nutrient availability, salinity, and pH in coastal dune vegetation along a landward gradient (Euxine, Turkey)

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    WOS:000841278200002Coastal dunes are characterised by plant species adapted to harsh conditions. Salinity and other factors (soil pH, nutrients, and climate events) vary along the landward gradient. The current study investigated the effects of environmental factors on the occurrence and composition of coastal dune plants. Ellenberg ecological indicator values (EIVs), species tolerance values (TVs), and species niche models for salinity, nutrient availability, and soil reaction were determined. EIVs were estimated using weighted averages based on the species cover-abundance for each plot. Species TVs were calculated considering the cover-abundance and EIVs (pH, nutrient, and salinity). Species niche models were determined with the general linear model (GLM). GLM was computed using mean community EIVs, canopy height, and climatic variables. We found that salinity (S) and pH (R) EIVs decreased along the seaside-inland gradient while nitrogen (N) EIVs increased. TVs for S increased landward while S and R TVs decreased. According to GLM, niche models of 28 species for salinity, 25 species for pH, and 21 species for nutrient were significant. In summary, salinity and pH are the main drivers shaping coastal dune zonation and plant community

    Screening of in vitro cytotoxicity and antioxidant potential of selected endemic plants in Turkey

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    WOS:000994611500001In the present study, we evaluated antioxidant and cytotoxicity potentials of Astragalus tokatensis Fisch., Helichrysum noeanum Boiss. and Stachys huber-morathii R. Bhattacharjee, endemic plant species in Turkey. We measured DPPH scavenging activity, metal chelating activity, total phenol and flavonoid contents of the extracts. In addition, the cytotoxic activities of the extracts were evaluated on human breast cancer cells (MCF-7). In the analysis of total phenol content, the water extract of S. huber-morathii had the highest value (116.34 mu g gallic acid equivalent/mg extract). The highest total flavonoid content (83.39 mu g quercetin equivalent/mg extract) was in the water extract of H. noeanum. Considering the DPPH scavenging and metal chelating activities, water extracts of H. noeanum (33.13 mg/L) and S. huber-morathii (49.00 mg/L) showed the lowest IC50 values. When cytotoxic activities on MCF-7 cells were examined, the water extract of H. noeanum stood out with the lowest IC50 value (96.94 mg/L)

    In vitro antioxidant and cytotoxic effects of three endemic plants from Turkey based on their phenolic profile

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    WOS:000912716300001This study aimed to determine in vitro antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of acetone and water extracts obtained from Helicrysum noeanum, Onosma bozakmanii, and Sideritis amasiaca. We tested their total phenol and flavonoid content and analyzed their 14 phenolic compounds using HPLC method. Cinnamic acid, gallic acid, protocatechuic acid and quercetin were phenolics found in all extracts. Acetone extract of S. amasiaca was the experiment containing the most phenolic compounds by containing 11 of them. While the highest total phenol content belonged to water extract of S. amasiaca (189.37 mu g gallic acid equivalent/mg extract), water extract of O. bozakmanii had maximum total flavonoid rate (13.16 mu g quercetin equivalent/mg extract). Acetone and water extracts of S. amasiaca showed higher DPPH scavenging (IC50: 43.40 and 18.71 mg/L, respectively) and metal chelating (IC50: 62.26 and 61.32 mg/L, respectively) activities compared to other plants. When viability rates of human cervical cancer cells (HeLa) treated with the extracts were investigated, the experiment with the highest cytotoxic effect was acetone extract of S. amasiaca (IC50: 45.10 mg/L). Overall, our data showed that H. noeanum, O. bozakmanii and especially S. amasiaca are important natural antioxidant sources. They can be used in pharmacology thanks to their essential phytochemicals