12 research outputs found

    The Operational Safety of the Railway Track in the Area of a Bridge Structure Made of Corrugated Sheets

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    The subject of the article is the assessment of effectiveness of the cooperation between the railway track pavement with a pass of the flexible ground-coating construction made of corrugated sheets, in terms of traffic safety. The object of the research is the track surface, located within the said structure, under operational loading conditions. The article contains the discussion of the concept of the research project currently being prepared by the authors. In particular, there are presented: the object of research, the purpose of the project, its thematic scope and the method of research, as well as theoretical models of research, the specification of tasks implemented in the project, the way of the field verification of the theoretical approach to the issue in question and the expected results of the researc

    Human Factor as a Determinant of Reliability and Safety of Technical Systems

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    The article presents the analysis of the state of knowledge about the impact of the human factor on selected aspects of reliability of technical systems based on selected papers delivered at the ESREL 2018 conference, which took place on June 17-22, 2018 in Trondheim, Norway. In the first part, statistical analysis was carried out in the area of thematic and methodological conference papers. Next, the impact of the human factor on the correct functioning of selected technical systems was discussed, using conference papers on the role of man in ensuring an appropriate level of cyber security, the role of expert knowledge in risk assessment, and innovative risk management methods. In summary, challenges for scientists were identified and further research directions in the analysed area

    Selected Problems of Liquid Fuels Storage in Army

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    The assessment of the suitability of fuel delivered to fuel bases and forecasting the maximum time of safe storage in specific storage capacities is a key element of an efficiently functioning storage system. Paper presents the results of research of long-term stability of liquid fuels, which, according to the authors, is crucial in the process of refreshing and rotation of fuels stored as tactical reserves of the Armed Forces. In addition, an analysis of the impact of selected factors on the increase in the intensity of ageing mechanisms is presented

    Tactical Risk Assessment Method for Resilient Fuel Supply Chains for a Military Peacekeeping Operation

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    The article focuses on research on the functioning of liquid fuel supply chains, supplying troops carrying out peacekeeping and stabilisation operations in a foreign territory. Timely and complete supplies of fuels in war conditions determine the achievement of the assumed goals of a military operation. They often determine the health and life of soldiers. For this reason, the role of building the resilience of supply chains to disruptions, the type and frequency of which is entirely different from the undesirable events occurring in civil goods flows, is increasing. Therefore, the critical concept supporting building the resilience of fuel supply chains is risk management in these chains. The authors have developed a risk analysis method that integrates the Kaplan and Garrick approach and the fuzzy theory. The analysis identifies the existing disturbances and assigns them to the individual phases of the supply process. To illustrate the applicability of the proposed method, the authors analyse nine scenarios for the three most important stages of the procurement process in terms of building the resilience of the entire chain: Planning, delivery and storage. The fuzzy theory estimates the risk level for the analysed scenarios of adverse events. The proposed method is universal. It can be implemented to analyse the resistance of supply chains of other materials. It can also support the decision-making process for those responsible for planning, organisation and proper functioning of supply systems in all high-risk conditions, not only in the zone of war and stabilisation operations

    Method of Reducing Energy Consumption during Forklift Operator Training in Cargo Terminals Utilizing Virtual Reality

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    In the era of shrinking resources of traditional fossil fuels and the increasingly dominant sustainable development policy, actions are taken to reduce energy consumption as much as possible, assuming that we achieve identical operational goals. These activities are apparent in the industries with the most significant energy demand, i.e., the aviation industry. To achieve this, these industries implement modern technologies in all possible areas of operation. One of these areas is the area of operator training, especially the most energy-consuming devices and types of equipment. This article investigated the potential of virtual reality (VR) technology for energy optimization of forklift operating training in airport cargo terminals. The authors propose a method whose practical implementation in one of the cargo terminals reduced energy consumption by several times while training forklift operators. The added value is that the method is universal and, after appropriate modification, can be used to train operators of other devices. The study compared traditional training methods with a VR-based training approach, assessing their impact on energy consumption and overall efficiency of forklift operations in airport cargo terminals. The results prove that VR technology training can significantly reduce energy consumption while improving operational efficiency and can offer a sustainable and effective training solution for the entire logistics sector

    Techniczne aspekty podejmowania decyzji w inżynierii komunikacyjnej

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    The subject of the article are problems of safety in the operation of earth structures designed for vehicle traffic in the conditions of threats of loss of stability. In particular, the following issues were discussed: design and construction of embankments on weak, marshy soil, safety of earth structures in floodplains, safety of earth structures in landslide areas, earth structures located in areas of mining damage. Examples of solutions to particular problems are given. The summary contains statements of utilitarian and cognitive significance.Tematem artykułu są problemy bezpieczeństwa eksploatacji komunikacyjnych budowli ziemnych w warunkach zagrożeń utraty stateczności. W szczególności omówiono następujące zagadnienia dotyczące: projektowania i budowy nasypów na słabym podłożu bagnistym, bezpieczeństwa budowli ziemnych na terenach zalewowych, bezpieczeństwa budowli ziemnych na terenach osuwiskowych, budowli ziemnych zlokalizowanych na terenach szkód górniczych. Podano przykłady rozwiązania poszczególnych problemów. Podsumowanie zawiera stwierdzenia o znaczeniu utylitarnym i poznawczym

    The Operational Safety of the Railway Track in the Area of a Bridge Structure Made of Corrugated Sheets

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    The subject of the article is the assessment of effectiveness of the cooperation between the railway track pavement with a pass of the flexible ground-coating construction made of corrugated sheets, in terms of traffic safety. The object of the research is the track surface, located within the said structure, under operational loading conditions. The article contains the discussion of the concept of the research project currently being prepared by the authors. In particular, there are presented: the object of research, the purpose of the project, its thematic scope and the method of research, as well as theoretical models of research, the specification of tasks implemented in the project, the way of the field verification of the theoretical approach to the issue in question and the expected results of the research

    Wybrane problemy bezpieczeństwa w projektowaniu obiektów inżynieryjnych

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    The article discusses the safety requirements specified in pertinent standards and recommendations for designing civil engineering objects, with particular emphasis on earth structures intended for vehicle traffic. The focus was on the following issues: the essence of reliability and durability of the structure and ensuring safety at the stage of designing vehicle traffic embankments with a slope supported with the use of a retaining wall and embankments placed on a substrate characterized by insufficient bearing capacity. The procedure for designing traffic embankments on weak ground, reinforcing weak ground and designing retaining structures (on the example of a reinforced soil massif) was carried out in accordance with the calculations pertaining to the field of geo-engineering, applying general analytical dependencies.Tematem artykułu są wymogi bezpieczeństwa podane w normach i zaleceniach projektowania obiektów inżynierii lądowej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem komunikacyjnych budowli ziemnych. Uwagę skupiono na zagadnieniach dotyczących: istoty niezawodności i trwałości konstrukcji oraz zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa na etapie projektowania nasypów komunikacyjnych ze skarpą podpartą z zastosowaniem ściany oporowej, a także nasypów posadowionych na podłożu o niedostatecznej nośności. Procedurę postępowania dotyczącą projektowania nasypów komunikacyjnych na słabym podłożu, wzmacniania słabego podłoża oraz projektowania konstrukcji oporowych (na przykładzie masywu z gruntu zbrojonego) przeprowadzono zgodnie z obowiązującymi w geoinżynierii obliczeniami, z wykorzystaniem ogólnych zależnościach analitycznych

    Exploring the possibilities of using bio-additives in military aviation fuels

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    Analyzing the research directions of leading aviation companies, it is evident that biocomponents will soon become a very important addition to the fuel used in turbine aircraft engines. Similarly, intensive efforts are underway to implement this type of solution in the armed forces. Here, the situation is more complex. All military fuels are intended for long-term storage, and bio-additives significantly alter the properties of fuels during this specific storage process. These changes invariably result in the deterioration of fuel quality parameters. The article presents an analysis and conclusions related to biocomponents as additives to F-35 fuel (NATO code-the military equivalent of Jet A-1 fuel). F-35 aviation fuel mixtures with the addition of biocomponents (HVO-Hydrorefined Vegetable Oil) at concentrations of 0–20% (V/V) were independently composed and stored for extended periods (0–6 months). The disadvantages and potential problems of this solution are discussed. The research has demonstrated that using biocomponents in the mixtures significantly alters the course of the distillation curve and increases the fuel’s electrical conductivity. Another adverse effect observed was a significant deterioration in the fuel’s low-temperature properties. The research indicates that using a bio-additive like HVO in F-35 fuel will require addressing many challenges. At the level of laboratory tests, it is to determine the limit value of the share of a biocomponent in a mixture at which the normative values are not yet violated and to confirm or rule out whether the mixtures are suitable for long-term storage