24 research outputs found

    "Pieśń VII" z cyklu "Pieśni nabożnych" Remigiusza Suszyckiego : biografia "malowana haftem"

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    W 1697 r. Remigiusz Suszycki, kanonik krakowski, wydał Pieśni nabożnych część pierwszą oraz Pieśni nabożnych o Pannie Najświętszej część wtórą. Trzy lata później, w roku 1700, ukazał się następny tom tegoż autora: Świat górny albo Pieśni nabożnych część trzecia, dopełniający i zamykający pieśniowy cykl, pomyślany — jak wynika z ukształtowania formuł tytułowych — jako pewna całość. O ich jedności stanowi głównie wspólna — upraszczając w tym miejscu — tematyka religijna[...

    Strój i grzech — w świetle barokowych egzemplów

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    Th e essay discusses the process of formulating negative opinions on women’s clothing by baroque moralist writers (mainly priests and preachers), such as Bazyli Rychlewicz, Antoni Węgrzynowicz and Piotr Kwiatkowski. Th ese authors eagerly expressed their views on fashion by means of an exemplum, a genre attractive from a didactical point of view. According to religious criteria, decking oneself out was perceived as belonging to the realm of sin. Writers connected with the Church regarded sumptuous dresses as the eff ect (and also the cause) of such deadly sins as pride, envy or lust. Th e authors of exempla sought for artistic ideas, and above all, moral guidelines, in the Bible. Th e analyzed texts are characterized by a farreaching severity towards various fashion phenomena. In the eyes of baroque moralists, the ‘sin of fashion’ deserved punishment: suff ering and illnesses in the earthly life and eternal damnation after death

    Rycerz chrześcijański wobec zjawiska niewoli tatarsko-tureckiej : na podstawie wybranych utworów staropolskich

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    The author of the following paper deals with the works of Old Polish literature on the Tatar‑Turkish subject matter, in particular the threat posed by the Tatar‑Turkish opponent to the freedom of countries and peoples as well as individuals. Their authors were warning against the possible enslavement of the people and the loss of sovereignty by the Commonwealth. Defending national independence was regarded as a knightly duty. An obligation of a knight was also to free his countrymen and coreligionists from Tatar‑Turkish captivity. The author of this article also brings to attention the works which regard the knights who free captives as role models. Individual accomplishments of the liberators of captives were frequently and readily described in classical Polish literature. John III Sobieski was famed for this when he was still a head commander, as we can see in the works of Samuel Leszczyński, Remigiusz Suszycki and Jan Ślizień. This article demonstrates, on selected examples, that the defense of freedom against the Tatar‑Turkish opponent had a significant place in the Old Polish chivalric ethos

    Literatura staropolska wobec zjawiska niewoli tatarsko-tureckiej : studia i szkice

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    The book is composed of six drafts concentrated on the Tatar-Turkish bondage in the literature of old ages (16th and 17th centuries). The first dissertation entitled Old-Polish representations of Turks and Tatars as aggressors — from the perspective of a sin shows how Polish literature, starting from Middle Ages to the end of the Baroque, built a mental portrait of a “pagan” enemy that was retained in the form of a given stereotype. Tatars and Turks were demonized by means of infernal expressions, especially ascribing a Satan feature of arrogance and aiming at annihilating Christians — to the people of God. The relationship of enemies with the sphere of evil was expressed referring to mythology, Bible, however theriomorphisms were used especially willingly, in the lead with a comparison of enemies to wolves. Further on, a historiosophic conception of Tatar-Turkish invasions as a realization of God’s plan of reprimanding and redressing a sinful congregation. The subject of interest in the next dissertation entitled A writer and bondage — Maciej Stryjkowski, Bartłomiej Paprocki were two different points of view of the phenomenon of bondage. The first of them was included in the epic poem by Stryjkowski On the freedom of the Polish Crown. The poet who travelled through the lands of the Ottoman empire as a participant of Andrzej Tarnowski’s mission from 1574 to 1575 described how difficult experience a bondage constitutes for whole congregations, in this case south-eastern Slavs by Turks. A reflection on the location of nations that lost independence was to constitute a warning for Poles who, according to the author, were also endangered by the Turkish imperialism. B. Paprocki, on the other hand, in Wretched history paid attention to the misery of individuals — people living on the south- eastern borderland of the Republic of Poland, constantly harassed by Tatar attacks and massively captured into captivity. Both authors paid attention to the cruelty of enemies and human suffering. Similar threads of the old literature concerning the tragic nature of the bondage were developed in the next article Dehumanizing aspects of the Tatar-Turkish bondage. The interpretation of bondage by old-Polish authors was presented as the state of an extreme humiliation of a human being, degradation to the level of the labour force, “goods” and “bestialization” (the metaphor of the “cattle” driven for sale). The very draft Przeważna legacyja by Samuel Twardowski. The next dissertation An image of a knight liberator in the epic poem of the second half of the 16th and 17th centuries concerns the problem of shaping a specific “version” of an ideal of a knight whose duty and service was to free jassar in the old-Polish works. The author quotes numerous examples proving what a big rank was given to the possibility of freeing from the bondage in the characteristic of rulers, leaders and knights by the authors. Some examples show that this possibility to free constituted an important criterion even when evaluating the strong (or weak) points of the Republic of Poland under the ruling of a given king. The topic of the knight is also continued in the text Marek Jakimowski — a character of the 19th century literature devoted to a literary popularity of the figure of a nobleman from Podole who came across the Turkish galleys after the battle of Cecora in 1620. After a few years of bondage he reached the galley where he was imprisoned and, having freed himself and his closest companies of bondage returned to his homeland. Jakimowski’s brave action became the canvas of many literary realizations in the 19th century. The last draft treats about the motive of a miraculous liberation willingly used especially in the religious literature (preacher’s examples) as well as works on secular issues, above all for didactic purposes in order to shape mental attitudes of people of the post-Trident era (the cult of Mary, and belief in God’s interference into the fate of the citizens of the Republic of Poland)

    Postać Marka Jakimowskiego w literaturze wieku dziewiętnastego

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    The text concerns a literary career of a person of Marek Jakimowski, a nobleman from Podole, who after the battle of Cecora (1620), was in the Turkish captivity and forced to work. He managed to free himself, attacking the Turkish ship with his co‑prisoners. His heroic action was popularised in the form of the occasional print, first in the Italian language, and then in a Polish translation: Opisanie krótkie zdobycia galery za sprawą Marka Jakimowskiego (1628). Jakimowski’s fate, known exclusively from Opisanie krótkie…, became an inspiration for several 19th — century writers: Konstanty Majeranowski, Aleksander Groza and Hipolit Świejkowski. The very authors noticed the attractiveness of the very topic from before two centuries to express the present problems connected with a post‑partitional political situation of Poland, in line with literary conventions at that time. Accordingly, Jakimowski, in Majeranowski’s work became a sentimental knight, in Groza’s poem a Romantic fighter for freedom while in a rhymed realization of an emigrant writer, i.e. Świejkowski, he personalizes the myth of an old chivalrous Poland

    Wokół struktury gatunkowej "Księcia Wiśniowskiego" Janusza Samuela Twardowskiego

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    In his epos Transakcja wojny chocimskiej which crowns the Old Polish epos inquiries, W. Potocki refers, among others to the writings of S. Twardowski — the writer who programmatically wanted to create a model of „native heroicum”. One of his attempts is the poem Xiążę Wiśniowiecki Janusz which is an earlier than Władysław IV realisation of a biographical poem. The poem on Wiśniowiecki stems from thy antique tradition as well as from the Polish epic patterns. It is also a carrier of interesting structural solutions, dynamic elements informative about the modifications occurring in chivalric epos (functionalisation of various genre schemes within the poem structure, experiments with the construction of the hero and with the sphere of narration). The dynamic elements identified in the discussed text herald the epic realisations with which — in a modernised form — can be found in the epic poetry of later times (e.g. Romantic poetical novels)

    Obraz kampanii chocimskiej z perspektywy litewskiego poety żołnierza: Stefan Jan Ślizień: "Haracz krwią turecką Turkom wypłacony"

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    The Khotyn victory in 1673 became an inspiration for many poets. It inspired such well-known artists as Wacław Potocki and Zbigniew Morsztyn, as well as secondary artists like Daniel Kałaj, Mateusz Kuligowski and Samuel Leszczyński. From among many creative writings about the battle of Khotyn there is one that outstands due to its length and detailed presentation. It is a work of future Lithuanian referendary Stefan Jan Ślizień: Haracz krwią turecką Turkom wypłacony first published in Vilnius in 1674. In the introductory poem Do czytelnika łaskawego, the poet adopts the attitude of the real events‘ relator who makes descriptions from the eyewitness’ perspective. Thus, he puts the poem into the circle of poetics of the native heroicum. Ślizień – who participated in the Khotyn battle – describes battle events in a meticulous way, bringing the recipient closer to the realities. On the pages of the poem, the poet expressively represented the figure of the commander-in-chief – hetman Jan Sobieski, whom he characterized according to the epic principle fortitudo et sapientia. In addition, as a soldier from Lithuania, albeit fighting along with the Crown troops, he did not forget about the merits of Lithuania on the battlefield: he praises the equipment and courage of the Lithuanian army and appreciates the attitude of the great Lithuanian hetmans, Michał Pac and Michał Radziwiłł, thus showing attachment to the native land

    Łódzkie studia o polskim baroku : („Acta Universitasis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica” 2014, z. 3 (25): Studia nad literaturą baroku, pod redakcją Małgorzaty Mieszek i Marcina Bauera, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2014, ss. 265, 1 nlb.) [recenzja]

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    Recenzja czasopisma: („Acta Universitasis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica” 2014, z. 3 (25): Studia nad literaturą baroku, pod redakcją Małgorzaty Mieszek i Marcina Bauera, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2014, ss. 265, 1 nlb

    "Historyja żałosna..." Bartłomieja Paprockiego - u progu polskiej epiki historycznej

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    The subject of considerations in the present article is the work by Bartłomiej Paprocki: Historyja żałosna o prędkości i okrutności tatarskiej […], which appeared in 1575. What can be noticed in the said work is the process of intersecting of generic features of current-novelties song (Polish pieśń nowiniarska) and the epic features, the latter being particularly those that characterise historical narrative poems, such as: verismo, events chronology, using information from contemporaneous sources, recording places and persons who participate in depicted events, moderation when it comes to utilising stylistic devises. At the same time, mainly in the dedicatory letter addressed to Anzelm Gostomski, an endeavour may be noticed to overcome the poetics of current-novelties songs – not least by creating the image of poet as a soothsayer. To the author’s mind, the work by Paprocki appeared at the dawn of Polish heroicum. The narrative poem in question came a few years prior to the poetical renderings from the times of war campaigns of Stephen Báthory, which are considered by this subject’s scholars as first attempts at creating new poetical quality – the historical narrative poem

    Motywy szpiegowskie w staropolskiej epice heroicznej (na wybranych przykładach)

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    The work concerns the means of functioning spy motives, especially Baroque ones in the works of the nature of a heroic narrative, among other things, in Potrzeba z Szeremetem by Samuel Leszczyński and Mars sauromacki by Samuel (Hutor) Szymonowski and Przeważna legacyja by Samuel Twardowski. The very motive fulfilled various functions, i.e. interested with a thrilling plot, co-created the image of a good because a sensible ruler constituted an important evidence of truth of the events presented from the perspective of the poetics of “native heroicum” at that time. The literary motives in question are placed in the cultural context; the traces of spy art find their proofs in the Bible. The presence of spy motives was also recorded in the Ancient literature (in works by Homer and Virgil)