3,919 research outputs found

    Level statistics and eigenfunctions of pseudointegrable systems: dependence on energy and genus number

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    We study the level statistics (second half moment I0I_0 and rigidity Ī”3\Delta_3) and the eigenfunctions of pseudointegrable systems with rough boundaries of different genus numbers gg. We find that the levels form energy intervals with a characteristic behavior of the level statistics and the eigenfunctions in each interval. At low enough energies, the boundary roughness is not resolved and accordingly, the eigenfunctions are quite regular functions and the level statistics shows Poisson-like behavior. At higher energies, the level statistics of most systems moves from Poisson-like towards Wigner-like behavior with increasing gg. Investigating the wavefunctions, we find many chaotic functions that can be described as a random superposition of regular wavefunctions. The amplitude distribution P(Ļˆ)P(\psi) of these chaotic functions was found to be Gaussian with the typical value of the localization volume Vlocā‰ˆ0.33V_{\rm{loc}}\approx 0.33. For systems with periodic boundaries we find several additional energy regimes, where I0I_0 is relatively close to the Poisson-limit. In these regimes, the eigenfunctions are either regular or localized functions, where P(Ļˆ)P(\psi) is close to the distribution of a sine or cosine function in the first case and strongly peaked in the second case. Also an interesting intermediate case between chaotic and localized eigenfunctions appears

    Statistical Searches for Microlensing Events in Large, Non-Uniformly Sampled Time-Domain Surveys: A Test Using Palomar Transient Factory Data

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    Many photometric time-domain surveys are driven by specific goals, such as searches for supernovae or transiting exoplanets, which set the cadence with which fields are re-imaged. In the case of the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF), several sub-surveys are conducted in parallel, leading to non-uniform sampling over its āˆ¼\sim20,000deg220,000 \mathrm{deg}^2 footprint. While the median 7.26deg27.26 \mathrm{deg}^2 PTF field has been imaged āˆ¼\sim40 times in \textit{R}-band, āˆ¼\sim2300deg22300 \mathrm{deg}^2 have been observed >>100 times. We use PTF data to study the trade-off between searching for microlensing events in a survey whose footprint is much larger than that of typical microlensing searches, but with far-from-optimal time sampling. To examine the probability that microlensing events can be recovered in these data, we test statistics used on uniformly sampled data to identify variables and transients. We find that the von Neumann ratio performs best for identifying simulated microlensing events in our data. We develop a selection method using this statistic and apply it to data from fields with >>10 RR-band observations, 1.1Ɨ1091.1\times10^9 light curves, uncovering three candidate microlensing events. We lack simultaneous, multi-color photometry to confirm these as microlensing events. However, their number is consistent with predictions for the event rate in the PTF footprint over the survey's three years of operations, as estimated from near-field microlensing models. This work can help constrain all-sky event rate predictions and tests microlensing signal recovery in large data sets, which will be useful to future time-domain surveys, such as that planned with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ. fixed author lis

    Two Distant Halo Velocity Groups Discovered by the Palomar Transient Factory

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    We report the discovery of two new halo velocity groups (Cancer groups A and B) traced by 8 distant RR Lyrae stars and observed by the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) survey at R.A.~129Ā°, Dec~20Ā° (l~205Ā°, b~32Ā°). Located at 92 kpc from the Galactic center (86 kpc from the Sun), these are some of the most distant substructures in the Galactic halo known to date. Follow-up spectroscopic observations with the Palomar Observatory 5.1-m Hale telescope and W. M. Keck Observatory 10-m Keck I telescope indicate that the two groups are moving away from the Galaxy at v_(gsr) = 78.0+-5.6 km s^(-1) (Cancer group A) and v_(gsr) = 16.3+-7.1 km s^(-1) (Cancer group B). The groups have velocity dispersions of Ļƒ_(v_)gsr))=12.4+-5.0 km s^(-1) and Ļƒ _(v_(gsr))=14.9+-6.2 km s^(-1), and are spatially extended (about several kpc) making it very unlikely that they are bound systems, and are more likely to be debris of tidally disrupted dwarf galaxies or globular clusters. Both groups are metal-poor (median metallicities of [Fe/H]^A = -1.6 dex and [Fe/H]^B =-2.1 dex), and have a somewhat uncertain (due to small sample size) metallicity dispersion of ~0.4 dex, suggesting dwarf galaxies as progenitors. Two additional RR Lyrae stars with velocities consistent with those of the Cancer groups have been observed ~25 Ā° east, suggesting possible extension of the groups in that direction

    Asteroid lightcurves from the Palomar Transient Factory survey: Rotation periods and phase functions from sparse photometry

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    We fit 54,296 sparsely-sampled asteroid lightcurves in the Palomar Transient Factory to a combined rotation plus phase-function model. Each lightcurve consists of 20+ observations acquired in a single opposition. Using 805 asteroids in our sample that have reference periods in the literature, we find the reliability of our fitted periods is a complicated function of the period, amplitude, apparent magnitude and other attributes. Using the 805-asteroid ground-truth sample, we train an automated classifier to estimate (along with manual inspection) the validity of the remaining 53,000 fitted periods. By this method we find 9,033 of our lightcurves (of 8,300 unique asteroids) have reliable periods. Subsequent consideration of asteroids with multiple lightcurve fits indicate 4% contamination in these reliable periods. For 3,902 lightcurves with sufficient phase-angle coverage and either a reliably-fit period or low amplitude, we examine the distribution of several phase-function parameters, none of which are bimodal though all correlate with the bond albedo and with visible-band colors. Comparing the theoretical maximal spin rate of a fluid body with our amplitude versus spin-rate distribution suggests that, if held together only by self-gravity, most asteroids are in general less dense than 2 g/cm3^3, while C types have a lower limit of between 1 and 2 g/cm3^3, in agreement with previous density estimates. For 5-20km diameters, S types rotate faster and have lower amplitudes than C types. If both populations share the same angular momentum, this may indicate the two types' differing ability to deform under rotational stress. Lastly, we compare our absolute magnitudes and apparent-magnitude residuals to those of the Minor Planet Center's nominal G=0.15G=0.15, rotation-neglecting model; our phase-function plus Fourier-series fitting reduces asteroid photometric RMS scatter by a factor of 3.Comment: 35 pages, 29 figures. Accepted 15-Apr-2015 to The Astronomical Journal (AJ). Supplementary material including ASCII data tables will be available through the publishing journal's websit

    Kebijakan Sistem Transportasi Barang Multimoda Di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

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    More than 95% of freight movement in the Province of Aceh is done by the road mode. As most of the land in the province is surrounded by sea, the freight movement could have been done by sea transportation. Railway was already in the Province of Aceh long time ago, it began to operate in 1906, but the operation was closed in 1982. The Central Government and the Aceh Provincial Government want to revitalize the railway and there is also a plan to build a new Jalan Raya from Banda Aceh to North Sumatra border. However, there is a constraint in the costs of building these infrastructures so that multimodal and intermodal transportation can not take place. As a result, road transportation remains to be a major transport choice and this condition is even worse with vehicles on the road also tend to carry overload. This study was conducted in connection with the overload effect of the freight transport using trucks and how these trucks cause road deterioration and increase road maintenance costs in the Province of Aceh. The results suggest that multimodal/intermodal freight transportation, specifically road and railroad combined transport, could provide more efficient freight transport and, most likely, is the best option for the province

    Potensi Penggunaan Angkutan Informal Di Kota Bandung

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    Limited size of the road dimension in an area could prevent formal public transport (four-wheeled vehicles) to serve the area. This condition led to the rise of public transport alternatives, such as motorcycle ojek, with flexible routes and rates. Currently, their operation and service tend to increase in many cities in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the potential use of ojek as an alternative to public transport in urban areas.Analyses were performed using the causal relationship between services quality factors with the satisfaction and loyalty of users, using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The results showed that more than 70% of users who will continue to use motorcycle ojek for a long time, especially in suburban areas, and about 30% are likely to switch to alternative modes, especially users with the end destination of employment

    Impact of social entrepreneurs on community development in the Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality area, South Africa

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    Social entrepreneurs are well positioned to tackle socio-economic problems in deprived communities. The impact of social entrepreneurs is becoming important for addressing social challenges and providing innovative, sustainable and effective social solutions. Although many entrepreneurs are active in the Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality area, their impact on community development remains largely unreported publicly. This article focuses on social entrepreneursā€™ impact on community development and provides an understanding of their impact. It addresses the question: what impact do social entrepreneurs have on community development? It is based on a study that combines qualitative and quantitative data collection methods conducted in Khayelitsha (Harare) and Gugulethu (Section 21). The sample consisted of 73 respondents representing social organisations, social entrepreneurs and individual township residents, selected by using the margin of error formula. Interviews and a questionnaire were the instruments. It was found that social entrepreneurs positively impact communitiesā€™ development in several ways: improvements through training, educating and facilitating communitiesā€™ engagement in different activities such as home-based care and developing childrenā€™s mentality and creating space for people to develop their needs. Despite the crucial role social enterprises play in deprived communities, their activities do not alleviate core community problems and their impact is minimal owing to shortcomings such as non-involvement of local people, unsustainability of their activitiesā€™ outcomes, lack of plans to present to communities, poor implementation of activities and weak monitoring of outcomes. To enhance their impact, social entrepreneurs should involve beneficiaries trapped within socio-economic problems in the process of community development
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