10 research outputs found
The Procedure for Determining and Quality Assurance Program for the Calculation of Dose Coefficients Using DCAL Software
The development of a spallation neutron source with a mercury target may lead to the production of rare radionuclides. The dose coefficients for many of these radionuclides have not yet been published. A collaboration of universities and national labs has taken on the task of calculating dose coefficients for the rare radionuclides using the software package: DCAL. The working group developed a procedure for calculating dose coefficients and a quality assurance (QA) program to verify the calculations completed. The first portion of this QA program was to verify that each participating group could independently reproduce the dose coefficients for a known set of radionuclides. The second effort was to divide the group of radionuclides among the independent participants in a manner that assured that each radionuclide would be redundantly and independently calculated. The final aspect of this program was to resolve any discrepancies arising among the participants as a group of the whole. The output of the various software programs for six QA radionuclides, 144Nd, 201Au, 50V, 61Co, 41Ar, and 38S were compared among all members of the working group. Initially, a few differences in outputs were identified. This exercise identified weaknesses in the procedure, which have since been revised. After the revisions, dose coefficients were calculated and compared to published dose coefficients with good agreement. The present efforts involve generating dose coefficients for the rare radionuclides anticipated to be produced from the spallation neutron source should a mercury target be employed
An Interdatabase Comparison of Nuclear Decay and Structure Data Utilized in the Calculation of Dose Coefficients for Radionuclides Produced in a Spallation Neutron Source
Internal and external dose coefficient values have been calculated for 14 anthropogenic radionuclides which are not currently presented in Federal Guidance Reports Nos. 11, 12, and 13 or Publications 68 and 72 of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. Internal dose coefficient values are reported for inhalation and ingestion of 1 μm and 5 μm AMAD particulates along with the f1 values and absorption types for the adult worker. Internal dose coefficient values are also reported for inhalation and ingestion of 1 μm AMAD particulates as well as the f1 values and absorption types for members of the public. Additionally, external dose coefficient values for air submersion, exposure to contaminated ground surface, and exposure to soil contaminated to an infinite depth are also presented. Information obtained from this study will be used to support the siting and permitting of future accelerator-driven nuclear initiatives within the U.S. Department of Energy complex, including the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) and Accelerator Production of Tritium (APT) Projects
About the creation of adaptive system for multimodal learning materials generation
В статье представлены результаты создания обучающей системы, особенностью которой является возможность
адаптации под возможности обучаемого. Целью работы является обеспечение оптимального усвоения
информации за счет учёта факторов, влияющих на восприятие мультимодальных текстов. Разработана
архитектура системы многомодального синтеза текстов, для обеспечения механизма адаптации обучающего
материала под особенности восприятия конкретного человека разработана модель представления знаний об
одном и том же факте в виде совокупности данных разных модальностей.In this paper we describe learning system that can adapt
its content depending on a concrete student. The
purpose of creating this system is to maximize the
amount of information that students can learn based on
factors which influence the degree of information
perception. We describe the architecture of learning
system, the major aspects of multimodal knowledge
generating subsystem, the approach to store multimodal
teaching materials
Принципы построения системы комплексного информационного обслуживания сотрудников предприятия рецептурного производства
This paper discusses further applications of
the ontology-based approach to the design of batch manufacturing enterprises. It involves, among other things, standards formalization. This paper, in particular, is dedicated
to graphical representation of Piping and Instrumentation
Diagram (P&ID) and Procedure Function Chart (PFC)
languages, as per ISA-88 standard. They form a toolkit for
automation engineer to work with. Contingency analysis
and information retrieval agents were implemented. The
article also discusses agent-oriented approach to robot
interaction in robotic production systems, that is conducted
via shared semantic memory
An approach to speech ambiguities eliminating using semantically-acoustical analysis
An approach to the problem of elimination of
ambiguities in speech messages by application of semantically-
acoustical analysis is presented in this paper. Authors propose
the architecture of the intelligent system that implements this
principle. According to this principle the direct transition from
speaking to meaning of given phrase is possible with the help
of digital signal processing techniques, as well as knowledge
formalization methods using semantics networks (semantically-
acoustical analysis). A prototype of intelligent system to resolve
speech ambiguities of a certain type (homonyms and paronyms)
based on the tools provided by the OSTIS technology and
GUSLY signal processing framework has been implemented.
The main advantages of the proposed solution in comparison to
the standard automatic speech recognition systems and possible
ways of further development for natural language understanding
problem are also reported in this pape
The knowledge base of the intelligent design support Metasystem for intelligent systems
В работе рассматривается структура базы знаний интеллектуальной Метасистемы IMS.OSTIS, предназначенной для поддержки проектирования интеллектуальных систем. This work presents the structure of the Knowledge base of the IMS.OSTIS intelligent Metasystem designed to support development of applied intelligent systems for different purposes
The knowledge base of the intelligent design support Metasystem for intelligent systems
В работе рассматривается структура базы знаний интеллектуальной Метасистемы IMS.OSTIS, предназначенной для поддержки проектирования интеллектуальных систем. This work presents the structure of the Knowledge base of the IMS.OSTIS intelligent Metasystem designed to support development of applied intelligent systems for different purposes
Design of batch manufacturing enterprises in the context of Industry 4.0
This paper presents an evolution of an ontology-
based approach to designing batch manufacturing enterprises.
According to Industry 4.0 approach, instead of isolated view
of a manufacturing process inside a single enterprise this new
approach encompasses related business entities as well - raw
material suppliers (e.g. dairy farms) and large-scale consumers
(e.g. stores or retail chains). Special attention is paid to logistics
processes: a short description of fundamental logistics processes
of cottage cheese production is provided, as well as subject do-
main structure of logistics and an example of formal specification
of emergency logistics situation. It is shown that multiagent indus-
trial control system with agents interacting via shared memory
is compliant with design principles of Industry 4.0 approach.
Standards formalization topic is touched upon as well. PFC, a
graphical procedural model specification language, formalization
is discussed. PFC is specified in ISA-88.02 standard. Graphical
language formalization allows industrial control system users to
communicate to it in a unified manner using diagrams that are
widely understood by engineering specialists. This paper also
outlines an agent-oriented approach to robot interaction within
industrial robotic complexes based on shared semantic memory
interaction mechanism
Онтологическое проектирование предприятий рецептурного производства
The paper discusses the current, tactical and strategic aspects of increasing the industrial control level and uses
batch manufacturing enterprise JSC «Savushkin product» as
an example. Proposed ontological approach to the design of
such kind of enterprises is based on the hierarchical system of
formal ontologies built from a certain standard. In particular,
we discuss the principles of formalization of standards on which
the enterprise activity is based using the ISA-88 standard as an
Онтологическое проектирование предприятий рецептурного производства
The paper discusses the current, tactical and strategic aspects of increasing the industrial control level and uses
batch manufacturing enterprise JSC «Savushkin product» as
an example. Proposed ontological approach to the design of
such kind of enterprises is based on the hierarchical system of
formal ontologies built from a certain standard. In particular,
we discuss the principles of formalization of standards on which
the enterprise activity is based using the ISA-88 standard as an
example.Данная статья посвящена рассмотрению текущих,
тактических и стратегических аспектов повышения
уровня автоматизации предприятий на примере предприятия рецептурного производства ОАО "Савушкин
продукт". Предлагается онтологический подход к проектированию такого рода предприятий, состоящий в
построении на основе текстов стандартов иерархической системы предметных областей и соответствующих
им формальных онтологий. В его рамках предприятие
рассматривается как распределенная, интеллектуальная, иерархическая, многоагентная система, в которой
в качестве агентов могут выступать программы обработки знаний, технические устройства и персонал.
В частности, обсуждаются принципы формализации
стандартов, на которых основана деятельность предприятия, на примере стандарта ISA-88, касающегося
предприятий рецептурного производства, каковым является ОАО "Савушкин продукт"