141 research outputs found


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    Many Russian universities face the problem when applicants who successfully passed a single state examination in core disciplines become outsiders as a result of the first academic period. Especially it concerns the specialties connected with the exact sciences, including those focused on the training of IT specialists. The relationship between the amount of funding the university and the number of students, as well as the opportunity to conduct the educational process itself, is determined by the accreditation of the university, the successful passage of which is related to a number of indicators. These indicators include the minimum passing grade for the unified state exam (USE) and the percentage of students in relation to the admission control numbers. Thus, academic achievement is currently one of the most pressing problems of higher education. Identifying the most significant factors that affect the process and quality of training is an important task of many studies. It is important to be able to make a forecast about the success of the training already based on the information that people entering the first year report in their personal files. This will allow from the first days of the student's stay in the university to pay more attention from tutors and teachers to those of them who fall into the risk group. In this article, we propose a neural network model for predicting the risk group for the progress of students of the Perm State National Research University in the field of Applied Mathematics and Informatics based on the results of the introductory tests, the results of the first academic period (trimester), and a number of other factors

    Standardization of the dentist's workplace according order to prevent epidemiological risks

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    The article describes the process of implementing the principle of lean technologies in practical health care as one of the methods of prevention of epidemiological risks at the reception of a dentist.В статье рассмотрен процесс внедрения принципа бережливых технологий в практическое здравоохранение, как один из методов профилактики эпидемиологических рисков на приеме врача-стоматолога

    A Posteriori Assessment of the Labor Intensity of Training Tasks Within the Scoring System

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    В работе описывается методика оценки трудоёмкости (сложности) учебных заданий на основе статистического анализа результатов, показанных учебной группой в предыдущем учебном цикле и зафиксированных в рамках модульной балльно-рейтинговой системы. В качестве меры трудоемкости задания служит средний балл набранный за его выполнение всей учебной группой. Производится сравнение средних баллов для всех учебных заданий в рамках конкретной дисциплины, позволяющее выделить из них более сложные или наоборот, вызвавшие наименьшие затруднения у студентов. В качестве примера рассматриваются результаты освоения конкретной учебной дисциплины.The paper describes a methodology for assessing the labor intensity (complexity) of training tasks based on a statistical analysis of the results shown by the training group in the previous training cycle and recorded within the framework of a modular scoring system. As a measure of the complexity of the task, the average score scored for it by the group is used. Comparison of average scores for all educational tasks within a particular discipline is made, which allows to single out more complex ones from them or vice versa, which caused the least difficulties for students. As an example, the results of mastering a specific academic discipline are considered

    Mapping of T7 RNA polymerase active site with novel reagents – oligonucleotides with reactive dialdehyde groups

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    AbstractOligonucleotides of a novel type containing 2′-O-β-ribofuranosyl-cytidine were synthesized and further oxidized to yield T7 consensus promoters with dialdehyde groups. Both types of oligonucleotides were tested as templates, inhibitors, and affinity reagents for T7 RNA polymerase and its mutants. All oligonucleotides tested retained high affinity towards the enzyme. Wild-type T7 RNA polymerase and most of the mutants did not react irreversibly with oxidized oligonucleotides. Affinity labeling was observed only with the promoter-containing dialdehyde group in position (+2) of the coding chain and one of the mutants tested, namely Y639K. These results allowed us to propose the close proximity of residue 639 and the initiation region of the promoter within initiation complex. We suggest the oligonucleotides so modified may be of general value for the study of protein-nucleic acid interactions


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    The paper shows the dynamics of differences in hematologic indexes, changes in the structure and cytoarchitectonics of iliac lymphatic node in mice infected with Rauscher leucosis virus. It is established that the progress of virus-induced chronic Rauscher leucosis in experimental mice of line BALB/с is characterized by increasing erythropenia, leucopenia and normalized count of leukocytes in the terminal stage of the disease. The leukograms of infected mice indicate the increased number of neutrophils, eosinocytes, monocytes; degenerative shift of neutrophil nuclei to the left is expressed. Morphological examinations allowed to identify that during the hyperplastic period of the disease progress cytoarchitectonics of iliac lymphatic node is characterized by reduced transport function, increased proliferative activity of lymphoid cells exposed to antigen, activated exchange processes in the cells of B-zone of the lymphatic node that realizes immune response. In the terminal stage of the disease morphometry of lymphatic nodes in the experimental group largely changes, the transport function of the iliac lymphatic node becoming stronger and its non-specific humoral immunologic reactivity going down. Cell composition of germinative centers alters, at the same time the number of blast shapes and mitoses increases, which testifies to processes of proliferation taking place when exposed to antigen.Показана динамика различий гематологических показателей, изменений структуры и  цитоархитектоники подвздошного лимфатического узла мышей, инфицированных виру- сом лейкоза Раушера. Установлено, что развитие хронического вирусиндуцированного лейкоза Раушера у  экспериментальных мышей линии BALB/с характеризуется нарастающей эритропенией, лейкопенией и нормализацией количества лейкоцитов в терминальной стадии болезни. В  лейкограмме зараженных мышей отмечается увеличение количества нейтрофилов, эозинофилов, моноцитов; выражен дегенеративный сдвиг ядер нейтрофилов влево. Морфологические исследования позволили установить, что во время гиперпластического периода развития болезни цитоархитектоника подвздошного лимфатического узла характеризуется уменьшением транспортной функции, увеличением пролиферативной активности лимфоидных клеток под действием антигена, активацией обменных процессов в клетках В-зоны лимфатического узла, реализующего иммунный ответ. В терминальной стадии болезни морфометрия лимфатических узлов в опытной группе значительно изменяется, при этом усиливается транспортная функция подвздошного лимфатического узла и снижается его неспецифическая гуморальная иммунологическая реактивность. Клеточный состав герминативных центров меняется, при этом увеличивается количество бластных форм и митозов, что свидетельствует о процессах пролиферации, происходящих под действием антигена

    Saliva versus plasma cytokines as possible predictors of autism severity

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    The autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are now widely accepted as a pervasive, complex, heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorders with multiple etiologies, subtypes, and developmental trajectories. There are no available and effective biomarkers for them. Immune dysfunction is seen as an important risk factor contributing to the neurodevelopmental deficit in ASD, and is signified, among other things, by an imbalance of cytokines in the brain and on the periphery. In recent years, saliva has been proposed as a biological material for diagnosing ASD, due to the accessibility and non-invasiveness of the method for its production. However, the question of whether salivary cytokine levels may be used as effective early biomarkers for autism requires further research, including saliva versus plasma/serum comparisons.Aim: a comparative analysis of the levels of cytokines: IL-6, IFNγ, TNFα, IL-1β, IL-4, IL-10, in saliva and blood plasma to identify possible markers of ASD and their severity in children.The study included 11 children with typical neurodevelopment (TDC) and 55 children with ASD, among whom 37 children had mild or moderate autism (according to CARS), and 18 children had severe autism. Samples of unstimulated mixed saliva and venous blood were simultaneously collected from all children. Salivary concentrations of cytokines: IL-6, IFNγ, TNFα, IL-1β, IL-4, IL-10 were determined by multiplex Luminex™ analysis. Plasma levels of cytokines were assessed by ELISA. Differences between groups were tested using the Kruskal-Wallis U-test with post-hoc Conover-Inman comparisons, between samples (saliva/ plasma) are using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The correlation between the concentrations of cytokines in plasma and saliva was determined using linear regression by the RMA method.In all examined groups, the levels of IL-6, IFNγ and IL-10 in saliva were significantly lower, and TNFα, IL-1β and IL-4 were higher than the corresponding levels of the same cytokines in plasma. Regardless of health/ disease status, no significant correlations were found between salivary and plasma cytokine levels in children. IL-1β levels were significantly lower and IL-10 levels were higher in the saliva of both groups of children with ASD compared with TDC. No significant differences in salivary cytokine concentrations were found between children with mild and severe ASD.Thus, salivary cytokines can be used as markers of ASD in children, but not the severity of the condition. The absence of correlations in the levels of some pro/anti-inflammatory cytokines between saliva and blood plasma may probably indicate a special immunological status of an ecological niche, the oral cavity


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    The paper demonstrates morphological changes in peripheral blood and lymph glands of BALB/c mice infected by Rauscher virus and influenced by Subaline. Rauscher virus is fatal for animals and application of Subaline hasn’t extended lifetime of infected mice. Rauscher virus causes erythropenia and leucopenia in hyperplastic disease period. The authors observed leucocytes regain in infected mice in the end-stage. Subaline affects hematological parameters regain and leykocytopoiesis in the mice infected by Rauscher virus. Rauscher virus causes transporting functional depression and lymph proplasia in the early hyperplastic period. Immune suppression occurs in the end stage of the disease. The article makes the case about application of Subaline in the early stage to the mice infected by Rauscher virus and outlines reducing of lymph B-zone and transporting functional enhancement. The end-stage is characterized by B-zone activation when the number of antibodies is increasing influenced by Subaline.Показаны морфологические изменения, происходящие в периферической крови и в лимфатических узлах под воздействием препарата субалин на экспериментальной модели мышей линии BALB/c, инфицированных вирусом лейкоза Раушера (ВЛР). ВЛР вызывает 100%-ю гибель животных. Введение препарата субалин не продлило срок жизни зараженным животным. ВЛР вызывает нарастающую эритропению и  лейкопению в  гиперпластический период заболевания. В  терминальной стадии лейкоза количество лейкоцитов у  зараженных животных восстанавливается. Под действием субалина происходит выравнивание гематологических показателей и лейкопоэза зараженных ВЛР мышей. В лимфатических узлах ВЛР в ранний гиперпластический период вызывает снижение транспортной функции и  усиление пролиферативной активности лимфоидных клеток. В терминальной стадии заболевания происходит угнетение иммунного ответа. При одновременном введении препарата субалин ВЛР-инфицированным мышам на ранней стадии отмечается уменьшение В-зоны лимфатического узла и  усиление транспортной функции. В терминальный период происходит активация В-звена, количество зрелых антителобразующих клеток под действием субалина увеличивается