7 research outputs found

    Serologic and Urine Diagnostic Tests to Detect Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Functional Dyspepsia Patients

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    Background: Dyspepsia is a collection of symptoms in the forms of discomfort, pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and early satiety in the stomach. This condition can be caused by various problems; one of them is Helicobacter pylori infection. Dyspepsia without organic problem is known as functional dyspepsia. H. pylori examination is recommended in functional dyspepsia patients.Method: In this study, we performed a diagnostic test study in dyspepsia patients in Community Health Centre of Koja District, North Jakarta, from February to April 2015. Samples were obtained through consecutive sampling method; 74 patients were included. The data was gathered by distributing questionnaires to patients, performing urea breath test (UBT) examination, serologic test, and urine test using rapid urine test (RAPIRUN). Results: Prevalence of H. pylori infection by using UBT examination reached up to 36.5%; meanwhile serologic and RAPIRUN tests showed positive results in 32.4% and 24.3% patients, respectively. Serologic test has sensitivity of 74% (95% CI: 55-87%), specificity 91% (95% CI: 80-97%), positive predictive value (PPV) 83% (95% CI: 64-93%), and negative predictive value (NPV) 86% (95% CI: 74-93%). Meanwhile, RAPIRUN has sensitivity of 63% (95% CI: 44-78%), specificity 98% (95% CI: 89-100%), PPV 94% (95% CI: 74-99%), and NPV 82% (95% CI: 70-90%).Conclusion: Sensitivity of serologic and RAPIRUN tests are still inadequate to be alternative to UBT examination. However, they have high specificity. Further studies are required with larger sample size and consideration of factors which may influence the results of both tests

    Cardiac Tamponade Due to Liver Amebiasis Rupture

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    Amebiasis is common cases in Asia, Africa, and South Africa. Liver amebiasis has become a serious problem worldwide especially in health and social aspect. The protozoa named Entamoeba histolytica was easily found in area with poor sanitation, low socioeconomic status, and poor nutrition status. The incidence of amebiasis in several hospitals in Indonesia is 5-15% per year. Epidemiological observation showed the comparison of incidence among male and female population and it was approximately 3 : 1 until 22 : 1 with male predominance. The potential age suffered from amebiasis is around 20 - 50 years old. The route of infection spread to oral-fecal and oral-anal-fecal. The most common complication is abscess rupture (5-15.6%). Rupture may be located in pleural cavity, pericardial cavity, lung, bowel, intraperitoneal, and skin. Rupture of liver amebias spread to pleural and pericardial cavity is a rare case and frequently under reported. This case report illustrates a 40-year-old male with cardiac tamponade due to rupture of liver amebiasis. Patient's was admitted with chief complaint of shortness of breath, positive Beck's triad, hepatomegaly, pleural effusion, liver abscess on sonography and swinging of heart on echocardiography. This patient was treated with metronidazole as a drug of choice, and pericardiocentesis for the cardiac tamponade

    Tuberculous Osteomyelitis in an Immunocompetent Patient with Miliary Tuberculosis

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    Osteomyelitis is an infection of the bone, which may be caused by direct pathogen inoculation following trauma of surgery, contiguous spread from adjacent soft tissue or joint, or hematogenous spread from a focus of infection. Hematogenous osteomyelitis accounts for 20% of all cases of osteomyelitis.1 This type of osteomyelitis most often affect the long bones and vertebrae, although it could also affect other sites such as pelvic bones or clavicle.1 Mycobacterium tuberculosis is one of the causes of hematogenous osteomyelitis,comprising of 10 to 35 percent of extrapulmonary tuberculosis, or 2% of all tuberculosis cases.2,3 Joint involvement, when occur, is usually monoarticular, and mainly affect the weight-bearing joints such as hip or knee. Polyarticular cases occur in 10– 15% of extrapulmonary tuberculosis cases in developing countries.4 Tuberculous osteomyelitiscases are reported to be decreasing in number, probably because of earlier diagnosis and promptmanagement. In this article we report a case oftuberculous osteomyelitis in a patient with miliary tuberculosi

    Changes in Tumor Nekrosis Factor Alpha and Interleukin 6 Levels in Patients with Obstructive Jaundice Due to Pancreatobiliary Cancer Who Underwent Biliary Drainage

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    Background: Obstructive jaundice represents the most common complication of biliary tract Malignancy. Obstructive jaundice causes releases of proinflammatory cytokine. There has been controversy about effect of biliary drainage on the change in proinflammatory cytokine level in pancreatobiliary cancer patients. The present study was designed to determine levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alfa) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) in preprocedure of either endoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatography (ERCP) or percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) and postprocedure of them in obstructive jaundice patient caused by pancreatobiliary cancer.Method: The study method was before-and-after case study design with consecutive sampling. Blood was collected five days prior to either endoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatography (ERCP) procedure or percutaneus transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) procedure and five days after either of them. Enzyme linked immunosorbed assay (ELISA) was used to determine TNF-alfa and IL-6.Results: Forty subjects were included in this study which consisted of 22 men and 18 women. The age was 55.3 (SD 13.7) years old. According to the results of imaging and endoscopy procedure, twenty-two people were diagnosed cholangicarcinoma, ten people were diagnosed ampulla vateri and eigth people were diagnosed pancreatic tumor. In preprocedure, the TNF-alfa concentration was 4.81 (SD 2.91) pg/mL, the IL-6 concentration was 7.79 (SD 1.57) pg/mL and the bilirubin concentration was 15.5 (SD 6,9) mg%. In postprocedure, the TNF-alfa concentration was 8.05 (SD 6.7) pg/mL, there was a significant increase in TNF-alfa concentration (p = 0.02). However, IL-6 concentration was 7.75 (SD 1.76) pg/mL, there was not any significant chance in IL-6 concentration (p = 0.52). The bilirubin concentration was 11.3 (SD 6,5) mg%.Conclusion: There was a significant increase in mean concentration value of TNF-alfa after biliary drainage procedure. On the other hand there was not any significant decrease in the mean concentration value of IL-6 after biliary drainage procedure