47 research outputs found

    Additional file 6: of Genome-wide association study of Gossypium arboreum resistance to reniform nematode

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    The 18 genes out of the 146 genes that were significantly differentially expressed in Gossypium hirsutum in response to reniform nematode infestation. (XLSX 13 kb

    Additional file 3: of Genome-wide association study of Gossypium arboreum resistance to reniform nematode

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    Bayesian information criterion (BIC) values of compressed mixed linear model with different numbers of principle components used for association analysis in GAPIT. (XLSX 8 kb

    Additional file 1: of Genome-wide association study of Gossypium arboreum resistance to reniform nematode

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    The 246 Gossypium arboreum germplasm accessions selected for genome-wide association study including the reniform nematode female index value for each accession. (XLSX 23 kb

    Additional file 5 of Genome-wide association study of Gossypium arboreum resistance to reniform nematode

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    The 146 annotated genes within 72 kb of the 15 significantly associated SNPs. (XLSX 19 kb

    Additional file 4: of Genome-wide association study of Gossypium arboreum resistance to reniform nematode

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    Genome-wide association results for the 7220 SNPs included in the study. (XLSX 564 kb

    Detection of two shunt products in the mutant strain.

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    <p>A: HPLC spectra of metabolites by the wild type strain (WT/pIJ8600), mutant strain (MS/pIJ8600) and control strain (CH999/pRM5), indicated as UV absorption at 434 nm. Control: CH999/pRM5 was a recombinant strain of <i>S</i>. <i>coeliololar</i> able to accumulate two shunt products DMAC <b>5</b> (Mr: 298, 16.7 min) and aloesaponarin II <b>6</b> (Mr. 254, 22.6 min), due to the presence of 6 genes on pRM5, encoding KS, CLF, ACP, KR, ARO and CYC (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0132431#pone.0132431.g001" target="_blank">Fig 1B</a>) from the earlier stages of ACT <b>1</b> pathway. These 6 genes control the formation of the bicyclic intermediate <b>4</b>. Then the bicyclic intermediate was spontaneously converted into two shunt products in CH999/pRM5 (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0132431#pone.0132431.g001" target="_blank">Fig 1B</a>). B: Mass spectra of peaks for authentic DMAC <b>5</b> and aloesaponarin II <b>6</b> by CH999/pRM5 and for the compounds at 16.9 min and 22.6 min by the <i>med</i>-ORF12- deficient mutant strain.</p

    Functional Characterization of a Ketoreductase-Encoding Gene <i>med</i>-ORF12 Involved in the Formation of a Stereospecific Pyran Ring during the Biosynthesis of an Antitumor Antibiotic Medermycin

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    <div><p>Medermycin, a polyketide antibiotic, possesses strong bioactivity against a variety of tumors through a novel mechanism and is structurally featured with a pyran ring containing two chiral centers (3<i>S </i>and 15<i>R</i>). By far the biosynthetic origin of such enantiomerical conformations still remains obscure. In the present study, we reported the functional characterization of a proposed ketoreductase Med-ORF12 encoded by medermycin biosynthetic cluster and revealed its involvement in the stereochemical control at C3 center of medermycin. Firstly, bioinformatics analysis of Med-ORF12 suggested that it belongs to a group of stereospecific ketoreductases. Next, a Med-ORF12-deficient mutant was obtained and LC/MS measurements demonstrated that medermycin production was completely abolished in this mutant. Meanwhile, it was found that two shunt products were accumulated at the absence of Med-ORF12. Finally, the reintroduction of Med-ORF12 into this mutant could restore the production of medermycin. In a conclusion, these data supported that Med-ORF12 is essential for the biosynthesis of medermycin and performs its role as a stereospecifc ketoreductase in the tailoring steps of medermycin biosynthetic pathway.</p></div

    Inactivation and complementation of <i>med</i>-ORF12.

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    <p>A: Schematic representation of knock-out <i>med</i>-ORF12. A 2.8 kb genomic fragment is composed of left arm (L-arm) and right arm (R-arm) referring to the upstream and downstream regions flanking <i>med</i>-ORF12 respectively. These two DNA regions are linked together and then inserted into a suicide vector pYH7, giving a suicide plasmid pHSL124. After double- crossover between chromosome of the wild type strain and homologous regions on pHSL124, <i>med</i>-ORF12-deficient mutant strain was acquired. On the chromosome of the mutant, an artificially-designed sequence (<b>ATG</b><u>TCTAGA</u><b>TGA</b>) containing <i>Xba</i>I site in underline and start codon/stop codon in bold to replace in-frame <i>m</i>ed-ORF12 in the full-length. B: PCR confirmation of <i>med</i>-ORF12-deficient mutant strain (MS) and complementary strain (CS). The amplification using wild-type strain genomic DNA (lane 6) as template and a primer set (med12-qc1/ med12-qc1, showed in arrow in A) produced a 1 488 bp PCR product, while the genomic DNA of the <i>med</i>-ORF12- deficient mutant strains (lane 1–5) gave a 513 bp band as expected. The 975 bp genomic fragment of <i>med</i>-ORF12 was amplified by PCR (lane 8) and inserted into an integrative vector pIJ8600 (8.1 kb, lane 9: digestion with <i>Nde</i>I and <i>Bam</i>HI), generating an expression plasmid pHSAYT19 (lane 7: double digestion with <i>Nde</i>I and <i>Bam</i>HI). Genomic DNA isolated from the complementary strains (lane 10) and a primer set (med 12-A/med 12-B shown in arrow in A) were used for PCR amplification, giving a 975 bp band indicating the presence of <i>med</i>-ORF12, as same as for wild type strain genomic DNA as template (lane 11). On the contrary, the <i>med</i>-ORF12-deficient mutant strain (lane 12) could not produce an expected a 975 bp PCR product. M is 1 kb ladder as DNA marker.</p

    Comparison between two biosynthetic gene clusters for medermycin and actinorhodin and phylogenetic analysis of Med-ORF12 and its homologies.

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    <p>A: Predicted function of genes in the clusters for ACT <b>1</b> and MED <b>2</b> respectively is indicated as bars with different filling styles. B: Phylogenetic tree was established using the amino acid sequences of Med-ORF12 and Med-ORF6 (accession number: BAC79036 and BAC79042, for MED <b>2</b>) from <i>Streptomyces sp</i> AM-7161, ActVI-ORF1 and ActIII (NP_629223 and NP_629236, for ACT <b>1</b>) from <i>S</i>. <i>coelicolor</i> A3(2), DauB (AAA87616 for aklaviketone) from <i>Streptomyces sp</i>., Gra-ORF5 and Gra-ORF6 (P16542 and P16543 for GRA <b>3</b>) from <i>Streptomyces violaceoruber</i>, AveF (NP_822111 predicated as ketoreductase for C5 of avermectin) from <i>Streptomyces avermitilis</i>, DnrU(Q_9ZAU1, marked as daunorubicin C-13 ketoreductase) from <i>Streptomyces peucetius</i>, Sa10 (ACK77759 for indigoidine/auricin) from <i>Streptomyces aureofaciens</i>, 3HAD (3HAD_B) from human heart and a hypothetical protein (WP_019763579) from <i>Streptomyces sp</i> Wigar10. The bar indicated the evolutionary distance. The numbers on branch nodes were percentages of 1000 sets of bootstrap supports. 3HAD: 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase protein family; SDR: short-chain alcohol dehydrogenases family. C: Comparison between the reactions catalyzed by 3HAD and Med-ORF12 respectively.</p

    Primers used in this study.

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    <p>Note:</p><p><sup>a</sup>: Sequences underlined in the primers were recognition sites for restriction enzymes indicated in parentheses. Start/stop codons (ATG/TGA) were shown in bold.</p><p>Primers used in this study.</p