35 research outputs found

    The STATUS of Trichosanthes Anguina L. (CUCURBITACEAE) )*[Status Trichosanthes Anguina L. (Cucurbitaceae)]

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    Perbedaan pendapat tentang status kedudukan taksonomi Trichosanthes anguina sebagai jenis yang berbeda dengan T. cucumerina,maupun sebagai anak jenis T. cucumerina subsp. anguina atau varietas T. cucumerina var. anguina memerlukan data pendukung.Anatomi daun dengan sayatan paradermal menunjukkan bahwa keduanya mempunyai bentuk stomata dan sel epidermis yang sama,tetapi berbeda hanya pada ukurannya. Stomata Trichosanthes anguina berukuran 15-17.5 x 10-12.5 urn dan sel epidermis 22.5-31.25 x 12.5-20 m, sedangkan Trichosanthes cucumerina mempunyai stomata 10-12.5 x 8.75-12.5 um dan epidermis sel 15-25 x 10-15 um. Data tersebut mendukung dalam menetapkan T.anguina sebagai T. cucumerina var.anguina

    Annonaceae Dari Wawonii, Sulawesi Tenggara Annonaceae From Wawonii Island, South East Sulawesi

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    Wawonii Island is one of small islands located in the southeast of Sulawesi, with an area of approximately 6500km2. Exploration activities and inventories have been conducted in the year 2003-2006, more than 900 plantspecies have been identified, including fern and cultivated plants. Annonaceae included one of the families foundin this area. Ten species were listed belongs to 8 genera, namely Anaxagorea (A. cf. luzonensis A. Gray), Annona (A.muricata L., A.squamosa L.), Artabotrys (A. suaveolens (Blume) Blume), Cananga (C.odorata (Lam .) Hook.f.,&Thomson), Monoon (Monoon sp.), Polyalthia (P. celebica Miq.), Pseuduvaria (P. reticulata (Blume) Miq. andUvaria (U. littoralis (Blume) Blume, Uvaria sp.). One species of its Pseuduvaria reticulata as a new record forSulawesi. Identification keys to the genera, and its distribution will be discussed in the paper

    Species Diversity of Trichosanthes in Gunung Halimun National Park

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    Inventory Trichosanthes L. in Gunung Halimun Nasional Park have been conducted. Seven species recorded occuring in TN Gn.Halimun namely, T. montana, T. ovigera, T. pubera, T. quinquangulata, T. tricuspidata, T. villosa, and T. wawrae.These species are found mostly in humid area in edge forest, or along river sides. Trichosanthes wawrae was found in Cikaniki,whereas the other six species found in Corridor Cianten. Trichosanthes quinquangulata has widelydistributed, it has found in Cibanteng and Leuwijamang as well. Exploration is still continuing to study the distribution of this genus in Gn. Halimun, to recollect the rare species and to do phylogenetic analysis

    Keanekaragaman Jenis-jenis Kayu Bakar Di Desa Lampeapi, Pulau Wawonii, Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Fire wood is become one of the alternatif fuel to replace kerosene and gas. Becauseof the government regulation that replace kerosene into elpiji gas, many local peoplebecome prefer using fire wood for their cooking, although it cause air pollution.Twenty six plant species have been recorded as fire wood in Lampeapi, WawoniiIsland, S.E. Sulawesi. Those species collected from the beach and also hill forest

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Gymnospermae Di Pulau Wawoni, Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Berkembangbaik pada permukaan sisik atau daun, sering bermodifikasi membentuk kerucut atau di bagian akhir tangkaiyang pendek. Kelompok ini terdiri dari Conifers, Cycads, Ginkgo dan Gnetales. Ada sekitar 800 - 900 jenis dantelah dilaporkan bahwa Conifer mempunyai keanekaragaman jenis tertinggi (500 - 600 jenis) diikuti oleh Cycad(75 - 80 jenis). Inventarisasi dan eksplorasi telah dilakukan di Pulau Wawonii, sejak tahun 2003 sampai 2006.Enam jenis Gymnospermae yang diidentifikasi termasuk dalam 3 suku, yaitu Cycadaceae (Cycas rumphii), Gnetaceae(Gnetum gnemon dan G. cuspidatum), Podocarpaceae (Podocarpus neriifolius, Dacrydium nidulum dan Nageia wallichiana).Salah satu diantaranya merupakan rekaman baru untuk Sulawesi Tenggara

    Pengetahuan Tradisional Dan Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Oleh Masyarakat Lokal Pulau Wawonii Sulawesi Tenggara [Traditional Knowledge and Plant Utilization by the Local People of Wawonii Inland, Southeast Celebes]

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    Wawonii is one of the small islands located at S.E. Celebes. Plant Diversity and its utilization by the local people have not been recorded yet.Ethnobotanic study has been conducted in several location (Lansilowo, Wawolaa, Lampeapi and Boboloi Districts) visited in 2003-2005, using semi structural interviews and open-ended method. The result of trie study showed that community of this island consist of several ethnics (Bajo, Menui, Muna, Buton, Tolaki. Kolesusu, Jawa and Wawonii).Wawonii is the origin and majority ethnic in this island. About 200 species of plant have been used for their daily need such as for food, utensil, medicine and cosmetic, waving, energy and others.Indigenous knowledge of the local people about the species plant utilization will be discussed

    Pengaruh Jenis Bonggol Dan Konsentrasi Ba Terhadap Pertumbuhan Vegetatif P Pada Tanaman Pisang Kepok Manado

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    This study aimed to (1) determined the effect of BA concentration on the growth of banana seedlings origin hump cleavage. (2) determined the effect of different origin banana weevil seedling growth and tuber production of tillers. (3) determined the effect of BA concentration on the growth of seedlings and saplings of origin hump hump production. This research has been carried out in January 2013 to April 2013 in the Integrated Field Laboratory, University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung. The design of the experiment using a randomized block design with 3 replications were once created as a test group. Grouping is done based on the size of the hump and time of observation. Arranged in a factorial design of treatment (4 x 2) consisting of two factors; The first factor is the concentration of benzyladenine (BA) consists of 4 levels of concentration are: 0, 50, 100, and 150 ppm. The second factor is the hump that comes from plants that have been producing, and tubers of plants are still puppies. The results showed: (1). Use of BA with a concentration of 50, 100 and 150 ppm had no significant effect on all the variables of observation. (2). Type tuber production yield better growth than puppies hump seen from the variable leaf length, root length, leaf width, number of roots, and the girth so it better be made for seedlings compared with seedling tubers. (3) Pemberian BA with various concentrations of either the production or hump hump tillers showed no difference in the growth of shoots

    Isolation of Chemical Compounds of Pakis Simpei (Cibotium Barometz) and Bioactivity Test of Antioxidant, Toxicity (BSLT) and Antidiabetes

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    Cibotium barometz (L.) J. Sm. (Cibotiaceae) is a tree fern which have high economic value as export commodities because of its chemical content that can be used as traditional and modern medicine. This study aim to isolate the chemical compounds and to evaluate the antioxidant, antidiabetic and Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BLLT) activities of extracts rhizome and hairs of C. barometz. The antioxidant activity results using the method of radical scavenger DPPH (Diphenyl Picryl Hidrazyl) in methanol extract of C. barometz and rhizome showed that the ethyl acetate and butanol fraction had anti oxidant activity with IC50 27.53 and 46.24 ppm respectively, while the methanol extract of rhizomes and hairs was lest active with IC50 183.43 and 126.10 ppm respectively. The toxicity test using the methode BSLT showed that the extract of C.barometz were no toxic to the shrimp. This extracts also not active as antidiabetes which assayed using a-glucosidase inhibition method. Isolation of chemical compounds from rhizomes and fern of C. barometz extracts by gravity column chromatography and identification base on data FT-IR spectra, proton and carbon NMR and LC-MS, resulting methyl dodecnoate (A), b-sitosterol (B), b-sitosterol-O-glucopyranoside (C) and 2,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxy cyclohexane carboxylic acid (D)

    Studi Anatomi Daun Jenis-jenis Averrhoa Di Indonesia Untuk Mempertegas Status Taksonominya [Leaves Anatomy Study of Averrhoa Spp. in Indonesia to Clarify Its Taxonomy Status]

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    Leaves anatomy of Averrhoa spp. in Indonesia have been studied for supporting morphological character which used to recognize four species: A. carambola, A. bilimbi, A. leucopetala and A. dolichocarpa. The letter two species have leave crowded terminally or near the top of stem similar to those leave of A. bilimbi, whereas the fruit shape similar to A. carambola.The result of this study indicated that, these four species showed differently in their thickness of lamina and epidermis cell as well

    KEDAWUNG (Parkia Timoriana) DAN KERABATNYA DI JAWA; PETIR (P. Intermedia) DAN PETAI (P. Speciosa) [Kedawung (Parkia Timoriana) and Its Related Species in Java; Petir (P. Intermedia) and Petai (P. Speciosa)]

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    Kedawung is a member of the plant genus of Parkia (Mimosaceae). It has important value as traditional medicine and currently has been included in the Indonesian list of endangered medicinal plant species. There are two closely related species to Kedawung in Java: P. intermedia and P. speciosa. Parkia intermedia has long been assumed to be a hybrid between P. speciosa and P. timoriana. The species has leaflets linear-oblong and obtuse apex in mature foliage resemble P. speciosa, but has more numerous leaflets, linear-falcate, and acute apex in its juvenile leaflets similar to P. timoriana. Thus Hopkins (1992) included Petir as uncertain species. The aim of this study was to assess its current existing populations, to clarify the taxonomic status and to evaluate the similarity between kedawung and its related species. Exploration, morphology and leaf anatomical studies, as well as phenetic analysis have been conducted. The results indicated that morphology and leaf anatomical characters can be used to distinguish P. timoriana, P. intermedia and P. speciosa as different species, and P. intermedia was more closely related to P. speciosa than to P. timoriana