11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Ubi Jalar Ungu Terhadap Kualitas Roti Tawar

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    Purple sweet potato flour as a food ingredient has not been optimally used in the diversification of food processing, while the purple sweet potato flour can be an alternative to replace some of the flour as the main ingredient of bread This study aimed to analyze the effect of substitution of purple sweet potato flour as much as 5 %, 10% and 15% of the wheat flour used for external quality and internal quality as well as hedonic on bread. The research is a pure experiment with completely randomized design method using three times replication with 30 panelists. The results showed that the purple sweet potato flour substitution effect on the external quality (volume, rectangular shape and form neat) and internal quality (soft texture and smooth texture) which is generally the best value found in the treatment of 5% (X1) and the effect on the quality internal (pore color, aroma of purple sweet potato and taste of purple sweet potato) are generally the best value found in the treatment of 15% (X3), but had no effect on the quality of the external (skin color) and internal quality (aroma yeast). In the hedonic test (favorite) the panelists preferred the substitution of 5% (X1) than the other treatments

    Pemahaman Rumah Tangga Sasaran-penerima Manfaat Tentang Program Subsidi Raskin Studi pada Kelurahan Medono, Kota Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah dan Banyu Mulek, NTB

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman Rumah Tangga Sasaran-Penerima Manfaat (RTSPM) tentang program subsidi beras terhadap rumah tangga berpenghasilan rendah. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kota Pekalongan Jawa Tengah dan Desa Banyu Mulek, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam dengan RTS-PM, Tim Koordinasi, FGD (pelaksana distribusi Raskin, tokoh masyarakat, tokoh agama, TKSK), studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman RTS-PM tentang Program Raskin di dua lokasi tersebut sedikit berbeda. Di Desa Banyu Mulek Program raskin dipahami masyarakat sebagai bantuan terhadap masyarakat, sedangkan RTS-PM di Kota Pekalongan dipahami sebagai bantuan beras kepada orang miskin. Akibat dari pemahaman tersebut distribusi raskin di Desa Banyu Mulek dilakukan kepada semua masyarakat sedang di Kota Pekalongan khusus kepada RTS-PM yang termasuk dalam Daftar Penerima Manfaat (DPM). Agar masyarakat memahami Program Subsidi Raskin yang sebenarnya, maka perlu dilakukan sosialisasi sampai ke masyarakat tingkat RT/RW, oleh Tim Koordinasi bekerjasama dengan pihak Kelurahan, tokoh masyarakat dan tokoh agama. Dengan demikian nantinya tidak ada tuntutan dari masyarakat yang mampu secara ekonomi untuk mendapatkan Raskin, dan distribusi raskin dapat dilakukan sesuai dengan tujuanny

    Peran Jejaring Kerja dalam Pelaksanaan Pelayanan dan Rehabilitasi Sosial terhadap Gelandangan dan Pengemis di Panti Sosial Bina Karya Pangudi Luhur Bekasi

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    Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus dan bersifat deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peran jejaring kerja di panti sosial Bina Karya Pangudi Luhur dalam memberikan pelayanan prima kepada warga binaan sosial, sehingga dapat mewujudkan tujuan panti sosial yaitu eks warga binaan sosial yang mandiri dan dapat berpartisipasi di masyarakat. Informan dalam penelitian ini pekerja sosial, instansi terkait dan eks warga binaan sosial. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam, focus group discussion (FGD) dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran jejaring kerja dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan dan rehabilitasi sosial terlihat mulai dari pra rehabilitasi, rehabilitasi (intervensi) dan pasca rehabilitasi. Jejaring kerja dapat membantu memaksimalkan pelaksanaan pelayanan dan rehabilitasi yang diberikan PSBK PL kepada warga binaan sosial, namun peran jejaring kerja pada setiap tahap kegiatan belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal oleh PSBK PL

    Interaksi Sosial Klien dengan Lingkungan Sosial Studi pada Pstw Budi Dharma

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami interaksi sosial baik antar klien (lansia dalam PSTW Budi Dharma) maupun dengan keluarga, masyarakat dan petugas panti. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, teknik pengambilan sampel responden (klien sehat fisik, mental dan sosial) dengan cara acak. Pengumpulan data menggunakan: wawancara terstruktur, observasi langsung, dan studi dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh dikategorisasi kedalam aspek-aspek penelitian yang telah ditentukan dan dipersentase, sehingga diperoleh informasi yang menjelaskan interaksi sosial. Hasil penelitian menampilkan berbagai interaksi yang dilakukan oleh klien panti pada saat-saat tertentu, antara lain interaksi antar sesama penghuni, interaksi dengan keluarga yang dilakukan pada saat berkunjung, serta interaksi dengan petugas panti dalam bentuk formal maupun informal. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan, setiap komunikasi yang terjalin dengan baik antar klien dan dengan lingkungannya, selain berdampak positif/kebaikan, juga berdampak negatif/konflik. Akhimya, penelitian ini menyarankan, pentingnya dilakukan pendampingan yang lebih intensif sehingga tidak terjadi konflik

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Sari Wortel terhadap Kualitas Donat

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    This research aims to analyze the differences in the effect of the use ofexternal quality carrot juice to cover the volume, color, shape, texture smooth,soft textur, aroma, sweetness, flavor carrot, and hedonic on donuts. This researchis an experiment using a completely randomized design of three replications / trialwith the number 30 panelists. The independent variable was the use of carrotjuice (X) and the dependent variable (Y) is the quality donuts covers of eachquality. Based on the analysis of the results of the study showed that the quality ofthe test volume levels obtained volume expands categorized, categorized goldenyellow color, round shape simestris categorized, categorized smooth texturesmooth, soft texture soft category, aroma scent category carrots, sweet taste of thesweet and was carrots. Based on the data of all tests performed significantly Hawhich reads thus there is a difference in the effect of all studied quality

    Pengaruh Substitusi Ekstrak Bit terhadap Kualitas Donat

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    This research aims to analyze the differences in the form of extract substitutioninfluence bit by looking at the quality of the external volume, color, overall shape,spherical shape, and quality of internal pores of color, texture smooth and soft,delicate aroma of yeast and beets, sweet flavor and beet, then look at the qualityof hedonic. The study was a randomized complete design an experiment usingthree times the replication with the number of panelis 30. Free variables is to seeinfluence of the substitution variable bit, and extract bound to see the quality ofeach charge indicators will. Based on the analysis of the results showed that thequality of category volume expands, the color of the skin and pores of the reddishpink categories, overall shape and central holes a round symmertrical,categorized texture is smooth and creamy, flavorful yeast aroma category and notflavorful beets, sense of categorized sweetnes and does not feel beet. Based ondate from all research significant, Ha which means it is accepted then there is adifference in the quality of such research

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Beras Merah terhadap Kualitas Kue Sus

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    The use of red rice flour in food processing is an attempt to diversify the food, one of them is in the processing of eclairs . One of the hallmarksof red rice flour that contains aleuroneproducing anthocyanin containing nutrients and fiber that are important for the body. So with the use of red rice flour in eclairs processed to improve the quality of the eclairs. This study aimed to analyze the effect of different composition of red rice flour as much as 0%, 15%, 30%, and 45% of the quality of the volume, shape, color, texture, aroma, flavor and hedonic eclairs. Test and hedonic quality levels at better quality volume is at 15% substitution. Level of test quality and the color, aroma, and taste better at 45% substitution and hedonic test the quality of the color, aroma, and taste better at 15% substitution. Test quality levels better texture at 15% substitution and hedonic test better texture at 30% substitution

    Pengaruh Substitusi Ubi Jalar Ungu Terhadap Kualitas Chiffon Cake

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    The use of purple sweet potato in food processing is an attempt to diversify the food, one of them is in the processing of chiffon cake. One of the hallmarks of purple sweet potato is high in carbohydrates, have the nutrients needed by the body, has a distinctive color. With use purple sweet potato in chiffon cake in the preparation can improve the external quality (volume, color, and shape) and internal quality (texture,aroma, and flavor) and hedonic on chiffon cake. This study aimed to analyze the effect of different composition of purple sweet potato as much as 10%, 20%, and 30%, of the external quality, internal and hedonic chiffon cake. The type of research is experimental using a completely randomized design with three replications, with 30 panelists. The results of the hypothesis test shows that there is an influence on the level of the commission of the third. Expands the volume level in test of quality, high volume, symmetrical spherical shape, texture soft, delicate porous texture better that the substitution of 10%. Test quality levels better color substitution is at 20%. Level of test quality purple sweet potato aroma, sweetness, flavor purple sweet potato is better at 30%substitution. The quality of the hedonic test is better at 10% substitution