72 research outputs found

    Tobacco control policy strategies to contribute to the EU’s tobacco-free generation goal:Tobacco control policy strategies to contribute to the EU’s tobacco-free generation goal

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    In 2021, the European Union's (EU) ‘Europe's Beating Cancer Plan’ set the goal to achieve a tobacco-free generation in Europe by 2040, which means that less than 5% of people will use tobacco. The EU proposed policies to address internationally relevant issues such as tobacco taxation, cross-border purchases, packaging, flavours, and online advertising. However, many tobacco control policies need to be adopted and implemented at the national or local level. It is therefore important to exchange research findings and insights on national tobacco control policies. In this workshop we present results mainly from the Netherlands. With a 21% smoking prevalence and scores 53 out of 100 points on the Tobacco Control Scale, it may therefore be considered an average European country in terms of its tobacco control. However, the Netherlands has progressed its tobacco control policies in recent years, in part due to the 2018 National Prevention Agreement. This Agreement included the same goal as the European tobacco-free generation goal. Achieving a tobacco-free generation requires the prevention of smoking initiation among young people, but also smoking cessation among those who already smoke. This is especially important among lower socioeconomic groups, as the smoking prevalence in these groups is higher both in adults and adolescents. Therefore, smoking and tobacco products need to be less visible and available in the environment, and easily accessible smoking cessation support needs to be provided. With this workshop, we cluster very recent evidence on the EU's tobacco-free generation goal. We will present evidence on four policy strategies for the smoke-free generation, in which their potential impact and challenges in implementation will be discussed. These presentations will be followed by a plenary discussion on the implications and the relevance of the four strategies taking into account differences between international settings. The presentations will focus on four policy areas: • Policies to reduce smoke-exposure in and around sport clubs • Policies to reduce availability of tobacco products in the retail environment • Policies to reduce smoke-exposure in hospitality venues and homes • Policies to increase access to smoking cessation The objectives of the workshop are: 1. Present evidence of four tobacco control policies strategies 2. Discussion of the international relevance and implications of the results Key messages • We present on multiple settings that can be further capitalised on to achieve a non-smoking norm, including sports clubs, retail outlets, hospitality venues, and the home environment. • The majority of European countries currently does not have strong tobacco control policies in the presented settings, and the potential of such policies throughout Europe will be discussed

    Effects of tailoring ingredients in auditory persuasive health messages on fruit and vegetable intake

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    Objective: Health messages can be tailored by applying different tailoring ingredients, among which personalisation, feedback and adaptation. This experiment investigated the separate effects of these tailoring ingredients on behaviour in auditory health persuasion. Furthermore, the moderating effect of self-efficacy was assessed.Design: The between-participants design consisted of four conditions. A generic health message served as a control condition; personalisation was applied using the recipient's first name, feedback was given on the personal state, or the message was adapted to the recipient's value.Main outcome measures: The study consisted of a pre-test questionnaire (measuring fruit and vegetable intake and perceived difficulty of performing these behaviours, indicating self-efficacy), exposure to the auditory message and a follow-up questionnaire measuring fruit and vegetable intake two weeks after message exposure (n=112).Results: ANCOVAs showed no main effect of condition on either fruit or vegetable intake, but a moderation was found on vegetable intake: When self-efficacy was low, vegetable intake was higher after listening to the personalisation message. No significant differences between the conditions were found when self-efficacy was high.Conclusion: Individuals with low self-efficacy seemed to benefit from incorporating personalisation, but only regarding vegetable consumption. This finding warrants further investigation in tailoring research

    Impact of a smoke-free policy on smoking prevalence on hospital grounds:A before-after study

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    INTRODUCTION Studies on the impact of smoke-free policies (SFPs) on hospitals grounds on on-site smoking are scarce. On 1 October 2019, an SFP was implemented on the grounds of the Amsterdam UMC hospital in the Netherlands, including measures for sustained enforcement. This study assessed the impact of this SFP on smoking prevalence on hospital grounds up to 18 months after implementation. METHODS Observations were systematically conducted 7 weeks before and after the SFP was implemented, and at 5 and 18 months afterwards. A total of 32 sites were included in the study, divided over two hospital locations. On each site, the number of smokers was systematically observed and categorized into staff, patient, student, or visitor. Smoking prevalence on hospital grounds was calculated by the number of observed smokers as a proportion of all people observed. Bubble maps were created to visualize changes in the geographical distribution of smokers. RESULTS Smoking prevalence on hospital grounds decreased significantly from 17.4% before to 3.3% after implementation of the SFP. Following implementation, the largest decrease was observed in smoking among staff (-96.7%) and patients (-92.3%). The decrease in smoking prevalence was sustained 18 months after implementation (5.0%). The number of smokers decreased on nearly all sites. CONCLUSIONS The substantial and sustained decrease in smoking prevalence found in this study highlights the potential of SFPs on hospital grounds to protect people from exposure to (secondhand) smoking. Continued enforcement of these SFPs seems essential to ensure ongoing compliance

    Implementation of an outdoor smoke-free policy at sports clubs: Critical situations and determinants influencing implementation

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    Background Outdoor smoke-free policies (SFPs) at sports clubs have significant potential to reduce adolescent smoking. However, the realization of this potential may be strongly dependent on how these policies are implemented in practice. The aim of this study is to explore the perceptions of key stakeholders at different sports clubs in the Netherlands concerning how outdoor SFPs are implemented in practice and which determinants influence implementation. Methods Semi-structured interviews were held with 46 key stakeholders at eight Dutch sports clubs (i.e., field hockey, soccer, tennis, korfball) with an outdoor SFP. A thematic approach was used for the analysis of the transcripts. Results Overall, respondents perceived the implementation of an outdoor SFP at sports clubs as feasible. The SFP is often enforced, people who smoke react positively when they are approached, the SFP has led to less (visible) smoking at the venue, and a nonsmoking norm is reinforced. However, we identified three ‘critical situations’ in which implementation is less than optimal: 1) when children are not present at the sports club, 2) when alcohol is involved, and 3) when people who smoke relocate to the entrance of the sports club. Several determinants influenced implementation in those critical situations: 1) determinants related to individual smokers and club members (i.e., support, communication towards people who smoke), 2) determinants related to the SFP itself (i.e., clarity of the policy), 3) determinants related to the sports club (i.e., communication of the policy, characteristics of the sports club), and 4) determinants related to the wider community (i.e., change of social norm with regard to smoking, support from local and national organizations). Conclusion Implementation of an outdoor SFP at sports clubs is feasible because there is a high level of support and experiences are mainly positive. Nevertheless, some situations present challenges to compliance and enforcement. We identified a number of determinants that may facilitate implementation of an outdoor SFP at sports clubs

    How sports clubs decide to adopt an outdoor smoke-free policy:A qualitative study applying the Garbage Can Model

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    Background Outdoor smoke-free policies (SFPs) at sports clubs can contribute to protecting people from second-hand smoke (SHS). However, in absence of national legislation, it is uncertain whether and how sports clubs decide to adopt an SFP. The aim of this study was to explore the decision-making process at sports clubs in relation to the adoption of an outdoor SFP. Methods Semi-structured interviews were held with key stakeholders at 20 Dutch sports clubs (in field hockey, football, tennis, or korfball) with an outdoor SFP. Thematic analysis was applied, and themes were defined in line with the four streams of the Garbage Can Model (GCM). Results We identified four motivating factors for sports clubs to start the decision-making process: 1) SHS as a problem, 2) intolerance of smoking behavior, 3) advantages of an outdoor SFP, and 4) external pressure to become smoke-free. The decision-making process involved a variety of participants, but the board, influential club members, and smokers usually played major roles. Decisions were discussed during both formal and informal choice opportunities, but only made during formal choice opportunities. With regard to solutions, sports clubs adopted a partial or total outdoor SFP. In addition, sports clubs followed different strategies with regard to the decision-making process, which we classified along two dimensions: 1) autocratic vs. democratic and 2) fast vs. slow. Conclusion A number of factors motivated sports clubs to start the decision-making process. These factors were mainly linked to a strong non-smoking norm. Decision-making involved different participants, with a key role for the board, influential club members, and smokers. Governments and other external organizations may contribute to SFP adoption at sports clubs in several ways. They may advise clubs on strategies of decision-making and how to involve smokers in this process

    Zakkaart gezondheidsrisico's en bespreken alcoholgebruik in ziekenhuizen

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    Impeding and facilitating factors for the implementation of alcohol interventions in hospitals:A qualitative and exploratory study among Dutch healthcare professionals

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    BACKGROUND: Non-moderated alcohol use is more prevalent among hospitalized patients compared to the general population. However, many hospitals fail to find and intervene with people with alcohol problems. We aimed to conduct an exploration of impeding and facilitating factors experienced by healthcare professionals in implementation of alcohol interventions in Dutch general hospitals. In addition, we explored the alcohol interventions used in the selected hospitals and involved stakeholders. METHODS: Through a qualitative study, semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with twenty healthcare professionals working in or in collaboration with six different general hospitals. RESULTS: Healthcare professionals indicated impeding and facilitating factors in the areas of motivation, knowledge and skills, patient characteristics, protocol, internal and external collaboration/support, resources, role suitability and societal support. Five different categories of approaches to identify and intervene with non-moderated alcohol use and 18 involved stakeholders from both inside and outside the hospital were found. CONCLUSIONS: Implementation of alcohol interventions for patients in Dutch general hospitals still seems to be in its infancy. Respondents emphasized the importance of one clear protocol on how to tackle alcohol problems within their hospital, repeated training on alcohol-related knowledge and skills, (clinical) “champions” that support healthcare professionals and developing and maintaining collaborations with stakeholders within and outside the hospital

    Association between smoke-free legislation in hospitality venues and smoking behavior of young people:A systematic review

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    Introduction: While evaluations of indoor smoke-free legislation have demonstrated major public health benefits among adults, their impact on the smoking behavior of young people remains unclear. Therefore, we performed a systematic review of the association between smoke-free legislation in hospitality venues and smoking behavior of young people. Aims and Methods: A systematic search was conducted in PubMed, Scopus, and Embase in June 2020. We searched for studies that assessed the association of any form of smoke-free legislation in any hospitality venue (eg, bar and restaurant) with a smoking behavior outcome (eg, initiation and current smoking) among young people (aged 10-24 years). Results: Our search yielded 572 articles of which 31 were screened based on full-text and 9 were included in the analysis. All studies were published between 2005 and 2016. The majority of studies used a quasi-experimental design. Four studies evaluated smoke-free legislation in hospitality venues specifically. Two studies reported that comprehensive, but not weaker, smoke-free legislation decreases progression to established smoking. Two other studies provided mixed results on which level of comprehensiveness of legislation would be effective, and which smoking outcomes would be affected. Five studies evaluated legislation that also included other workplaces. Out of these five studies, three studies found significant decreases in current smoking, smoking frequency, and/or smoking quantity, whereas two other studies did not. Conclusions: Most of the studies found that smoke-free legislation in hospitality venues is associated with a decrease in smoking behavior among young people. Their results indicate the need for comprehensive smoke-free legislation without exemptions. Implications: This is the first systematic review to provide insight into the relationship between smoke-free legislation in hospitality venues and smoking behavior of young people. Our findings show that there is a need for comprehensive smoke-free legislation without exemptions (such as designated smoking areas)

    Interdisciplinary collaboration in the treatment of alcohol use disorders in a general hospital department:A mixed-method study

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    Background !nterdisciplinary collaborations (i.e., where various disciplines work coordinated and interdependently toward shared goals) are stated to yield higher team effectiveness than multidisciplinary approaches (i.e., where various disciplines work in parallel within their professional boundaries) in somatic health care settings. Nevertheless, research is lacking on interdisciplinary approaches for alcohol use disorder (AUD) treatment of hospitalized patients as these types of approaches are still uncommon. This study aims to evaluate an innovative interdisciplinary AUD treatment initiative at a general hospital department by 1) identifying which and to what extent network partners are involved and 2) to explore how network partners experienced the interdisciplinary collaboration. Methods A mixed-method study was conducted, using 1) measures of contact frequency and closeness in a social network analysis and 2) semi-structured interviews, which were analyzed thematically. Respondents were network partners of an interdisciplinary collaboration in a general hospital department, initially recruited by the collaborations' project leader. Results The social network analysis identified 16 network partners, including a 'core' network with five central network partners from both inside and outside the hospital. The project leader played an important central role in the network and the resident gastroenterologist seemed to have a vulnerable connection within the network. Closeness between network partners was experienced regardless of frequency of contact, although this was especially true for the 'core' group that (almost) always consisted of the same network partners that were present at biweekly meetings. Interview data showed that presence of the 'core' network partners was reported crucial for an efficient collaboration. Respondents desired knowledge about the collaborations' effectiveness, and one structured protocol with working procedures, division of responsibilities and agreements on information sharing and feedback. Conclusions The design of this interdisciplinary collaboration has potential in improving the treatment of hospital patients with AUD and was evaluated positively by the involved network partners. Interdisciplinary collaborations may offer a critical solution to increase treatment rates of patients with AUD and should be adopted in hospitals on a larger scale. Research towards the effectiveness of interdisciplinary collaborations in the treatment of hospitalized patients with AUD is needed. A correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13011-022-00492-
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