12 research outputs found

    Subduction earthquake effect on lateral ground movement for offshore structure in Malaysia water

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    Peninsular Malaysia is located in a low seismic region. Although Malaysia is not located in an active fault seismic area, it is in the vicinity of the Sumatran and Philippines active seismic zones. Tall buildings frequently felt the tremor generated from Sumatran subduction and fault zones especially in states that are near the coastal area of Peninsular Malaysia such as Johor, Penang and Terengganu. In general, offshore engineering is known to be one of the most high-risk and ultimately extreme engineering field where extra attention and precaution are needed when analyzing, designing, monitoring or maintaining a structure in order to ensure the integrity of the many structures and components that are involved in this field. Fixed offshore structures in Malaysian waters are not designed to resist earthquake ground motion. However, Malaysia actually experienced the tremors due to the earthquakes which happened in neighboring countries. Furthermore, any offshore structure design should consider several factors such as wind, wave and seismic loads which affect the stability and the integrity of the offshore structure. This research was carried out to achieve the main objective which is to develop new attenuation equation. The development of new attenuation equation is to determine the ground motion parameter which is Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA). The new attenuation equation is In Y = 3.25 – 2.27M + 2.28M1.13– 2.22ln(R + 360.46 exp (0.05M)) – 0.005H. An earthquake source parameter such as magnitude of earthquake, source to site distance and focal depth of site characteristics function must be considered to determine the value of PGA by using the new attenuation equation. The range of the PGA values for this study is from 0.00006g to 0.0003g. The value of PGA can be used to analyse all the types of structure in mainland and offshore. Non-Linear Earthquake Response Analysis (NERA) program was used to determine the time history on the specific location of the offshore structure and Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis was used to determine deflection of piles effected by the ground movement. The findings in this research suggest that seismic loading effects should be considered in the design of offshore structure due to displacement of pile arising from ground movement

    Application Of Water As Pressure Medium In Hydraulic Hybrid System

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    Typical hydraulic hybrid system vehicles depend on oil based hydraulic fluid. Therefore, natural concerns of environment and safety promote the uses of water-based hydraulic hybrid system. The main focus of this paper is to simulate the potential of water hydraulic technology in hydraulic hybrid system vehicle. This research will include extensive study on the mathematical modeling and simulation by using Matlab/Simulink to determine the value of torque, power and efficiency of hydraulic hybrid system and diesel engines. The simulation result indicates that the resulted value of torque and efficiency verify the good combination of water-based hydraulic hybrid system in assisting diesel engine. Therefore, this novel water-based hydraulic hybrid system will reduce the usage of diesel fuel that eventually create a new green technology

    Performance of mat (or raft) foundations due to settlement problem

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    Soil evaluation must done to find out of real strength capacity before any conversion decision is taken to change the foundation system of building. This project paper discussed an issue relating foundation system conversion from ‘piling' to mat (raft) system for a hostel block in the Project of Asrama Berkelompok Yayasan Terengganu, Besut. Among other factors taken into account is from cost and time aspect. Cost aspects be major issue to owners / a project client because it will affect budget were appropriated. While time aspect also will determine able construction period completed, do quicker or otherwise will benefit contractor also. Finally geotechnical engineering aspect will be evaluated to be sure the case study can adapt a new of foundation proposal to be implement without involving any risk of failing relates to the strength of soil

    Attenuation Function Relationship of Subduction Mechanism and Far Field Earthquake

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    An attenuation relationship for far field earthquakes considered by subduction has been developed. The attenuation relationship function was developed using regression analysis. The database consisting of more than 130 peak ground accelerations from seven earthquake sources recorded by Seismology Station in Malaysia have been used to develop the relationship. This study aims to investigate the new relationship attenuation to gain exact peak ground acceleration at the location on site. Based on this study, the location is a structure located at Terengganu seaside. Referring to that data provided by Malaysia Meteorological Department Malaysia, an attenuation function was developed and that function can be used for earthquake prediction

    Development of new attenuation equation for subduction mechanisms in Malaysia water

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    The attenuation equation for far field earthquake is important because the earthquake occurring in neighboring countries can be felt in Malaysia. In this study, a new attenuation was generated using the regression method. It was developed to calculate the peak ground acceleration (PGA) onsite (offshore platform). The database consisting of more than 150 PGAs from 9 events of earthquakes recorded by the Seismology Station in Malaysia was used to develop the relationship. In addition, attenuation relationships for subduction mechanisms from previous researchers are then compared with the newly generated ones in this research. The new attenuation equation was also validated and used to calculate the acceleration for far field earthquake in a case study of offshore platform at a Terengganu seaside. The result of PGA from the new generated attenuation relationship was in a good match with previous attenuation equations

    Persepsi komuniti terhadap masalah bau dari operasi tapak pelupusan Terbuka Krubung, Melaka

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    Bau merupakan salah satu komponen persekitaran yang sangat kompleks. Perubahan ke atas ciri semulajadi atau melalui aktiviti manusia ke atas sesuatu sumber bau boleh memberi kesan yang positif dan negatif. Kesan positif boleh dikesan melalui bau yang selesa, segar dan menyenangkan. Sementara kesan negatif mendatangkan kacau-ganggu, kesejahteraan kualiti hidup, kesihatan dan psikologi individu. Rentetan itu, kajian ini membincangkan pencemaran bau dari tapak pelupusan secara terbuka di Krubong, Melaka. Fokus kajian adalah ke atas ciri utama intensiti bau, tahap keterdedahan dan tempoh bau berlangsung. Seterusnya impak pencemaran bau ke atas penerima sensitif dibincangkan berdasarkan persepsi mereka yang tinggal dalam lingkungan 5 kilometer dari tapak pelupusan tersebut. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan intensiti bau di kalangan penerima sensitif berbeza-beza mengikut jarak dari tapak pelupusan. Begitu juga dengan impak negatif dari operasi tapak pelupusan menunjukkan variasi impak yang ketara

    Lateral deflection of piles in a multilayer soil medium. Case study: The Terengganu seaside platform

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    Vibrations from earthquakes can be felt through structures on the ground. One of the characteristics of soil is that it can absorb vibrations to varying degrees depending on its type and properties. The soil profile and depth of each layer of soil is not the same for every place. Therefore, consideration of soil profile and the depth of each layer is important in structural design, especially for offshore structures. In this article, the lateral deflection of piles constructed in a multilayer soil medium is assessed. The evaluation was performed on the Terengganu seaside platform located approximately 350 km away from the Sumatran seismic zones, the Sumatran subduction and fault zones. To model an earthquake, a recently developed attenuation equation was used, and the effect of the shear wave velocity was investigated, considering the soil profile. The results showed that the effect of the wave reduced as it moved further from the epicentre of the earthquake. The piles experienced complete failure when the magnitude of the earthquake was 8.0, with some loss of pile capacity for a magnitude of 7.5 and below. Considering the effect of shear wave velocity (Vs) of the multilayered strata, and using the new attenuation equation, accurate pile deflections, which were in excellent agreement with previously used methods, were obtained

    Ground Motion Prediction Equations for Far Field Earthquake Considered by Strike Slip Fault Mechanism

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    The ground motion prediction equation (GMPE) was developed using regression analysis. This estimation process needs to use a GMPE which provides peak ground acceleration (PGA) estimates incorporating a number of earthquake magnitude, distance and other seismic parameters. The database consisting of more than 35 PGA dataset from different earthquakes recorded by Seismology Station in Malaysia have been used to develop the relationship for this paper. This study aims to investigate the new relationship attenuation to gain exact peak ground acceleration at the location on site. In the Southern Asia region (Indonesia, Philippine and Malaysia) for example, there is significant hazard from earthquake along the strike slip fault

    Kadar pelepasan bromokarbon jangka hayat pendek oleh rumpai laut tropika menggunakan simulasi laut tropika

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    Bagi negara tropika yang mempunyai keberhasilan marin yang tinggi seperti Malaysia, makroalga (rumpai laut) telah menjadi penyumbang utama kepada pelepasan bromokarbon jangka hayat pendek (VSL) ke dalam atmosfera. Faktor abiotik seperti keamatan cahaya dan kepekatan klorofil a telah diketahui mempengaruhi pengeluaran bromokarbon oleh rumpai laut, namun begitu masih lagi kurang kajian yang mengukur secara sistematik pengaruh rumpai laut terhadap kadar pelepasan bromokarbon VSL dijalankan. Oleh itu, sistem pengkulturan rumpai laut yang diselaraskan dengan keadaan persekitaran semula jadi disediakan bagi mengkaji kadar pelepasan bromokarbon VSL (CH2Br2, CHBr3 dan CHBr2Cl) bagi tujuh rumpai laut merah, perang dan hijau iaitu Gracilaria changii, Ulva reticulata, Caulerpa racemosa var. macrophysa, Kappaphycus alvarezii, Sargassum binderi, Sargassum siliquosum dan Padina australis. Penghasilan bromokarbon VSL menunjukkan kitaran diurnal dengan kepekatan halokarbon meningkat kepada tahap maksimum pada waktu tengahari (1738 pmolL-1) dan menurun apabila keamatan cahaya dan suhu permukaan laut (SST) berkurang. Penghasilan bromokarbon VSL rumpai laut yang diletakkan di bawah cahaya matahari adalah lima kali ganda lebih tinggi daripada penghasilan tangki akuakultur yang diletakkan dalam persekitaran gelap yang menunjukkan berlakunya penghasilan fotokimia. Purata kadar penghasilan fotokimia untuk bromokarbon VSL daripada uji kaji tangki akuakultur berjulat antara 1 dan 137 pmol per g-1 FW-1 h-1. Ini menjadikan rumpai laut merah (Gracilaria changii) sebagai pengeluar tertinggi. Begitu juga, bromoperoksida (BPO) yang diekstrak daripada kesemua rumpai laut juga menunjukkan aktiviti tertinggi dalam rumpai laut merah diikuti oleh rumpai laut perang dan hijau

    Ground motion prediction equations for far field earthquake considered by strike slip fault mechanism

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    The ground motion prediction equation (GMPE) was developed using regression analysis. This estimation process needs to use a GMPE which provides peak ground acceleration (PGA) estimates incorporating a number of earthquake magnitude, distance and other seismic parameters. The database consisting of more than 35 PGA dataset from different earthquakes recorded by Seismology Station in Malaysia have been used to develop the relationship for this paper. This study aims to investigate the new relationship attenuation to gain exact peak ground acceleration at the location on site. In the Southern Asia region (Indonesia, Philippine and Malaysia) for example, there is significant hazard from earthquake along the strike slip fault