61 research outputs found

    An overview of the quantization for mixed distributions

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    The basic goal of quantization for probability distribution is to reduce the number of values, which is typically uncountable, describing a probability distribution to some finite set and thus approximation of a continuous probability distribution by a discrete distribution. Mixed distributions are an exciting new area for optimal quantization. In this paper, we have determined the optimal sets of nn-means, the nnth quantization error, and the quantization dimensions of different mixed distributions. Besides, we have discussed whether the quantization coefficients for the mixed distributions exist. The results in this paper will give a motivation and insight into more general problems in quantization of mixed distributions.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1701.0416

    Nonhomogeneous distributions and optimal quantizers for Sierpi\'nski carpets

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    The purpose of quantization of a probability distribution is to estimate the probability by a discrete probability with finite support. In this paper, a nonhomogeneous probability measure PP on R2\mathbb R^2 which has support the Sierpi\'nski carpet generated by a set of four contractive similarity mappings with equal similarity ratios has been considered . For this probability measure, the optimal sets of nn-means and the nnth quantization errors are investigated for all n2n\geq 2.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1603.0073

    Optimal quantization for the Cantor distribution generated by infinite similutudes

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    Let PP be a Borel probability measure on R\mathbb R generated by an infinite system of similarity mappings {Sj:jN}\{S_j : j\in \mathbb N\} such that P=j=112jPSj1P=\sum_{j=1}^\infty \frac 1{2^j} P\circ S_j^{-1}, where for each jNj\in \mathbb N and xRx\in \mathbb R, Sj(x)=13jx+113j1S_j(x)=\frac 1{3^{j}}x+1-\frac 1 {3^{j-1}}. Then, the support of PP is the dyadic Cantor set CC generated by the similarity mappings f1,f2:RRf_1, f_2 : \mathbb R \to \mathbb R such that f1(x)=13xf_1(x)=\frac 13 x and f2(x)=13x+23f_2(x)=\frac 13 x+\frac 23 for all xRx\in \mathbb R. In this paper, using the infinite system of similarity mappings {Sj:jN}\{S_j : j\in \mathbb N\} associated with the probability vector (12,122,)(\frac 12, \frac 1{2^2}, \cdots), for all nNn\in \mathbb N, we determine the optimal sets of nn-means and the nnth quantization errors for the infinite self-similar measure PP. The technique obtained in this paper can be utilized to determine the optimal sets of nn-means and the nnth quantization errors for more general infinite self-similar measures

    The quantization of the standard triadic Cantor distribution

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    The quantization scheme in probability theory deals with finding a best approximation of a given probability distribution by a probability distribution that is supported on finitely many points. For a given k2k\geq 2, let {Sj:1jk}\{S_j : 1\leq j\leq k\} be a set of kk contractive similarity mappings such that Sj(x)=12k1x+2(j1)2k1S_j(x)=\frac 1 {2k-1} x +\frac{2 (j-1)} {2k-1} for all xRx\in \mathbb R, and let P=1kj=1kPSj1P= \frac 1 k \sum_{j=1}^kP\circ S_j^{-1}. Then, PP is a unique Borel probability measure on R\mathbb R such that PP has support the Cantor set generated by the similarity mappings SjS_j for 1jk1\leq j\leq k. In this paper, for the probability measure PP, when k=3k=3, we investigate the optimal sets of nn-means and the nnth quantization errors for all n2n\geq 2. We further show that the quantization coefficient does not exist though the quantization dimension exists

    Optimal quantization for infinite nonhomogeneous distributions on the real line

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    Quantization for probability distributions concerns the best approximation of a dd-dimensional probability distribution PP by a discrete probability with a given number nn of supporting points. In this paper, an infinitely generated nonhomogeneous Borel probability measure PP is considered on R\mathbb R. For such a probability measure PP, an induction formula to determine the optimal sets of nn-means and the nnth quantization error for every natural number nn is given. In addition, using the induction formula we give some results and observations about the optimal sets of nn-means for all n2n\geq 2.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1512.0037

    Quantization dimension for Gibbs-like measures on cookie-cutter sets

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    In this paper using Banach limit we have determined a Gibbs-like measure μh\mu_h supported by a cookie-cutter set EE which is generated by a single cookie-cutter mapping ff. For such a measure μh\mu_h and r(0,+)r\in (0, +\infty) we have shown that there exists a unique κr(0,+)\kappa_r \in (0, +\infty) such that κr\kappa_r is the quantization dimension function of the probability measure μh\mu_h, and established its functional relationship with the temperature function of the thermodynamic formalism. The temperature function is commonly used to perform the multifractal analysis, in our context of the measure μh\mu_h. In addition, we have proved that the κr\kappa_r-dimensional lower quantization coefficient of order rr of the probability measure is positive.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1203.272

    Canonical sequences of optimal quantization for condensation measures

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    Let P:=13PS11+13PS21+13νP:=\frac 1 3 P\circ S_1^{-1}+\frac 13 P\circ S_2^{-1}+\frac 13\nu, where S1(x)=15xS_1(x)=\frac 15 x, S2(x)=15x+45S_2(x)=\frac 1 5 x+\frac 45 for all xRx\in \mathbb R, and ν\nu be a Borel probability measure on R\mathbb R with compact support. Such a measure PP is called a condensation measure, or an an inhomogeneous self-similar measure, associated with the condensation system ({S1,S2},(13,13,13),ν)(\{S_1, S_2\}, (\frac 13, \frac 13, \frac 13), \nu). Let D(μ)D(\mu) denote the quantization dimension of a measure μ\mu if it exists. Let κ\kappa be the unique number such that (13(15)2)κ2+κ+(13(15)2)κ2+κ=1(\frac 13 (\frac 15)^2)^{\frac {\kappa}{2+\kappa}}+(\frac 13 (\frac 15)^2)^{\frac {\kappa}{2+\kappa}}=1. In this paper, we have considered four different self-similar measures ν:=ν1,ν2,ν3,ν4\nu:=\nu_1, \nu_2, \nu_3, \nu_4 satisfying D(ν1)>κD(\nu_1)>\kappa, D(ν2)κD(\nu_2)\kappa, and D(ν4)=κD(\nu_4)=\kappa. For each measure ν\nu we show that there exist two sequences a(n)a(n) and F(n)F(n), which we call as canonical sequences. With the help of the canonical sequences, we obtain a closed formula to determine the optimal sets of F(n)F(n)-means and F(n)F(n)th quantization errors for the condensation measure PP for each ν\nu. Then, we show that for each measure ν\nu the quantization dimension D(P)D(P) of the condensation measure PP exists, and satisfies: D(P)=max{κ,D(ν)}D(P)=\max\{\kappa, D(\nu)\}. Moreover, we show that for D(ν1)>κD(\nu_1)>\kappa, the D(P)D(P)-dimensional lower and upper quantization coefficients are finite, positive and unequal; on the other hand, for ν=ν2,ν3,ν4\nu=\nu_2, \nu_3, \nu_4, the D(P)D(P)-dimensional lower quantization coefficient is infinity. This shows that for D(ν)>κD(\nu)>\kappa, the D(P)D(P)-dimensional lower and upper quantization coefficients can be either finite, positive and unequal, or it can be infinity