15 research outputs found

    Anforderungen an den Umgang mit wassergefaehrdenden Stoffen

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    Handling of substances constituting a hazard to water in facilities is regulated by article 19g and the following articles of the Federal Water Act (Wasserhaushaltsgesetz WHG). Since 1986 facilities for manufacturing, treating and using (Herstellen, Behandeln, Verwenden) of substances constituting a hazard to water (HBV-facilities), too, are subjected to the principle of article 19g paragraph 1 WHG that no contamination of water is to be feared. This report outlines the range of these facilities. Therewith are treated also those simultaneously subject to other domains of the law. Recommendations by the committee 'Behaviour of substances hazardous to water' of the board 'Storing and Transportation of Substances hazardous to Water' LTwS to the Federal Minister of Environment BMU in order to supplement the system of classes of substances hazardous to water (WGK) are referred to. Theoretical requirements imposed on HBV-Anlagen from a technical point of view are described and the new regulations of the model-VAWS (Ordinance on Facilities for handling Substances constituting a Hazard to Water) and the Catalogue of Requirements for HBC-Facilities are discussed. Proposals are made for the advancement and unification of the different domains of law which apply simultaneously to facilities for handling substances constituting a hazard to water including HBV-facilities. So, it is proposed to differentiate facilities for handling substances constituting a hazard to water from waste water facilities according to artricle 18a to 18c and 7a WHG in a better way than before. Moreover, all accidents etc. involving HBV-facilities should be recorded and evaluated centrally. (orig.)Die Paragraphen 19g ff WHG regeln den anlagenbezogenen Umgang mit wassergefaehrdenden Stoffen. Seit 1986 unterliegen auch die Anlagen zum Herstellen, Behandeln oder Verwenden wassergefaehrdender Stoffe (HBV-Anlagen) dem Besorgnisgrundsatz des Paragraphen 19g Abs. 1 WHG. In diesem Bericht wird der Kreis dieser Anlagen umrissen. Dabei wird auch auf diejenigen eingegangen, welche gleichzeitig anderen Rechtsbereichen unterliegen. Auf Vorschlaege zur Ergaenzung des WGK-Systems durch den Ausschuss 'Verhalten wassergefaehrdender Stoffe' des BMU-Beirats LTwS wird verwiesen. Die Anforderungen, die theoretisch aus technischer Sicht an HBV-Anlagen zu stellen sind, werden dargestellt und die Neuregelungen in der Muster-VAWS und im Anforderungskatalog fuer HBV-Anlagen diskutiert. Es werden Vorschlaege zur Weiterentwicklung und Vereinheitlichung der verschiedenen Rechtsbereiche gemacht, von denen die Anlagen zum Umgang mit wassergefaehrdenden Stoffen einschliesslich der HBV-Anlagen, gleichzeitig betroffen sind. So wird vorgeschlagen, die Anlagen zum Umgang mit wassergefaehrdenden Stoffen besser gegenueber Abwasseranlagen nach Paragraph 18a ff i.v.m. Paragraph 7a WHG abzugrenzen. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8908(92-019) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Vorschlaege fuer Verbesserungen beim anlagenbezogenen Gewaesserschutz Auswertung einer Umfrage

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    The present regulations on ground water protection, particularly the 'Anlagenverordnung VAwS' (State-Regulation of the 16 German Federal States) were analyzed. Special attention was paid to regulations, such as Regulation on Flammable Liquids (VbF),... on Pressure Vessels (DruckbehV) which may lead to multiple control of a single plant. The research was performed in four phases: 1. mailing of 385 questionnaires, 2. interviews with 40 managers of plants and authorities, 3. expertise of the 'Institute for Water-Polluting Substances' and 4. evaluation of the forementioned results. The results aim both at specific adjustments of existing details within the framework of the VAwS as well as at fundamental improvements. The definition of 'plant' in the framework of the water protection is of central interest together with its licencing procedure; in this context new guidelines were proposed. The concept of 'water polluting indicator figures' (Wassergefaehrdungsklassen) for the technical layout of plants (size and quality of secondary containment) were analyzed in depth. The proposals are presented together with numerous examples under the background of the 16-fold different State ('Laender') Regulations. The implications are contrasted with Federal ('Bundes') Regulations presently under consideration (Plant Safety Code). For three central issues: improvement of the licensing procedure, development of a clear and disjunct structure of competing technical regulations, development of rules for the interace between plant and sewage the importance of novel approach is clearly demonstrated. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8908(99-129) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekUmweltbundesamt, Berlin (Germany); Bundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman