201 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Potensi Masyarakat melalui Penerapan Sistem Pertanian Berkelanjutan di Kecamatan Bukal Kabupaten Buol Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    Program           Kemitraan Wilayah (PKW) yang sebelumnya bernama Ipteks bagi wilayah (IbW) di Kecamatan Bukal Kabupaten Buol dilakukan berdasarkan Kenyataan yang ada dalam  masyarakat yakni: masih sebagian besar hidup dalam ketidakberdayaan ekonomi,  potensi masyarakat dan sumberdaya alam lingkungannya cukup tersedia belum termanfaatkan dengan baik dan arif, penatakelolaan sumber-sumber potensi ekonomi proposional dan profesional.   Berdasarkan aspek-aspek tersebut diatas PKW Kecamatan Bukal Kabupaten Buol dilaksanakan agar dapat mendorong masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan potensi SDA yang dimiliki secara baik dan arif untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraannya.  PKW Kecamatan Bukal Kabupaten Buol dimaksudkan untuk mendorong masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan potensi SDA yang dimiliki secara baik dan arif untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraannya. PKW Kecamatan Bukal berlangsung selama 3 tahun yakni tahun I (tahun 2016) dengan kegiatan berupa sosialisasi  kepada aparat pemerintah Kabupaten Buol dan kepada masyarakat di 2 desa di wilayah Kecamatan Bukal yakni Desa Mooyong dan Desa Modo serta program pemberdayaan masyarakat berupa penyuluhan dan pelatihan, demonstrasi  dan demplot teknologi pertanian.  Pada tahun kedua (tahun 2017) telah dilaksanakan kegiatan penyebarluasan teknologi pertanian dan teknologi tepat guna serta home industry  kepada anggota masyarakat serta rintisan kewirausahaan bagi  masyarakat. Pada tahun  ketiga (tahun 2018) dilaksanakan pengembangan produk kelompok masyarakat berupa pelabelan, promosi dan pemasaran hasil produk PKW.  Selain itu juga dilakukan pengembangan rumput hijuan ternak dan renovasi kandang ternak masyarakat. Metode yang diterapkan pada PKW tahun ketiga (tahun 2018) adalah pendampingan  dan pembinaan masyarakat yang  difokuskan  kepada kelompok tani, peternak dan kelompok TTG serta home industry yang telah memiliki kegiatan USAha dari hasil pelaksanaan PKW tahun pertama dan kedua (2016-2017). Hasil pelaksanaan PKW tahun ketiga (tahun 2018) di Kecamatan Bukal telah dilakukan pendampingan masyarakat dalam pengembangan kegiatan produktif masyarakat. Kegiatan produktif masyarakat tersebut adalah pengembangan dan penyebarluasan budidaya jagung,  pengembangan bioinsektisida dan biofungisida, pengembangan pupuk organik cair dan pupuk organik granul, dan pengembangan hijauan untuk pakan ternak, dan pelabelan, promosi serta pemasaran hasil produk masyarakat berupa jagung pipilan, biokultur, dan berbagai pupuk kandang granu

    Uji Daya Hambat Aspergillus Niger Pada Berbagai Bahan Pembawa Terhadap Phytopththora Palmivora Penyebab Busuk Buah Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.)

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    Cocoa pod disease (BBK) caused by the fungus Phytophthora palmivora is one of the prime diseases that can affect cocoa production systems in the world . This disease can cause yield losses of up to 90 % , especially in the rainy season and the dry season. The objective of the research is to determine theinhibitor abilityof fungus A. Niger in various carriesr and storage time durationonPhytophtora palmivora causing rotten disease of cocoa. This is an experimental research designed by using Random Complete Design with factorial patern, that were carries and storage period with 3 replication, factor 1: (P0 = control), (P1 = white glutinous rice flour + cassava starch), (P2 = cassava starch). (P3 = white glutinous rice flour + sweet corn flour), (P4 = white glutinous rice flour), (P5 = ripe coconut flour). Factor 2: (A1 = 1 week storage period), (A2 = 2 weeks storage period), (A3 = 3 weeks storage period), (A4 = 4 weeks storage period). Result of the research showed that the carrier of white glutinous rice flour + sweet corn flour (P3) and ripe coconut flour (P5) and in A3 storage period (3 weeks) is more effective to inhibiting P.palmivora growth, therefore can be used as a carrier to support A.Niger fungus growth

    Beberapa Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Penularan Schistosoma Japonicum Di Dataran Tinggi Napu Kabupaten Poso Sulawesi Tengah

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    . The transmission of schistosomiasis is related with human behavior or habit factors in the schistosomiasis endemic area. The Purpose of this study was to identify several factors in relationship with schistosomiasis in Napu Highland. The Study was observational with cross sectional design. Data collection were coducted stool survey and interviewes in among 196 respondents using simple random sampling. Stool samples were examined by the Kato-Katz method and interviewed was used questionnaire to identify several factors in realtionship with schistosomiasis transmission. Out of 6 community behaviours suspected to contribute to infection of schistosomiasis, 5 were related with schistosomiasis, i. e. the habit of taking a bath and washing in the river (p=<0.001), always going to the focus area (p=0.04),utilizing water resources from well (p=0.001), washing legs or hand in the river(p=<0.001) and swimming (p=0.007). Schistosomiasis infection was related to the community behaviour of bathing and washing in the river, always going to the focus area, utilizing water resources from well, washing legs or hand in the river and swimming

    Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Mimba (Azadirachta Indica a. Juss) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Koloni Alternaria Porri Penyebab Penyakit Bercak Ungu Pada Bawang Wakegi (Allium X Wakegi Araki) Secara in Vitro

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    Purple blotch disease ( A. porri ) is to known as a main disease on onions it has becomes and has become endemic in central planting and it creates a lot of financial lose to farmer. Using neem leaf as a potential alternative pesticide can control the purple blotch on onion. The aim of this research was to determine the inhibition of neem leaf extract toward of fungal pathogens A. porri. This research was conducted in Laboratory of Plant Diseases Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University Central Sulawesi Palu. This research was conducted on August until November 2015. Method of this research was mixing neem leaf extract concentrate of 0.4% , 0.6% , 0,8% and 1% into the PDA. Results of this research show that neem leaf extract which is concentrate 1% more effective to press the inhibitory growth of A. porri was 43.33%

    Analisis Kandungan Logam Berat Timbal (Pb), Kadmium (Cd) Dan Merkuri (Hg) Dalam Cumi-cumi (Loligo SP.) Yang Diperoleh Dari Tpi Tambak Lorok Semarang

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    The research about analysis of heavy metal lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg) in Octopuses (Loligo sp.) obtained from TPI Tambak Lorok Semarang has been carried out. This research was intended to identify heavy metals accumulating in octopuses (Loligo sp). The objects studied in this research were octopuses obtained from Tambak Lorok marketplace in Semarang. The sample for this research was taken by simple random sampling at three different points of locations. The locations 1, 2 and 3 were located each from the west, the north and the east, respectively, from the port. The contents of lead, cadmium and mercury in the octopuses' bodies were measured using SSA (Atom-Absorption Spectrophotometer). The obtained data were then tested using One-way anava. The differences in metal contents were analyzed using Scheffe's tests and then compared with the basic quality standard stipulated in the Decision Number 03725/B/SK/VII/1989 by the POM Directorate General The study based on the three different points of locations showed the following results. The average lead contents in the octopuses obtained from the points of locations 1, 2 and 3 were 0.29 mg/kg, 0.24 mg/kg and 0.25 mg/kg respectively. The average cadmium contents in the octopuses obtained from the points of locations 1, 2 and 3 were 0.04 mg/kg, 0.05 mg/kg and 0.06 mg/kg respectively. The average mercury contents in the octopuses obtained from the points of locations 1, 2 and 3 were 0.06 mg/kg, 0.07 mg/kg and 0.07 mg/kg respectively The lead, cadmium and mercury contents in the octopuses obtained from the three locations had not exceeded upper limit stipulated in the Decision Number 03725/B/SK/VII/1989 by the POM Directorate General. Based on the One-way ANOVA statistical tests on the lead contents, there was no significant difference among the three samples, but the statistical tests on the cadmium and mercury contents showed a significant difference among the three different points of locations relating to these heavy metal contents in the octopuse
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