39 research outputs found
Kemajuan Genetik, Heritabilitas Dan Korelasi Beberapa Karakter Agronomis Progeni Kedelai F3 Persilangan Anjasmoro Dengan Genotipe Tahan Salin
Konsumsi kedelai di Indonesia terus meningkat sejalan dengan bertambahnya penduduk. Akan tetapi produksi kedelai di Indonesia belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri. Peningkatan produksi kedelai perlu terus diupayakan. Salah satunya dengan memanfaatkan lahan marginal seperti tanah salin. Pemuliaan tanaman sangat diperlukan untuk merakit tanaman tahan salin dan berproduksi tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemajuan genetik melalui heritabilitas dan korelasi karakter agromonis pada progeni kedelai F3 tahan salin dalam upaya perakitan varietas tahan salin. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Lahan percobaan Fakultas Pertanian USU menggunakan media tanam tanah salin dengan tingkat salinitas 5-6 mmhos/cm yang dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2015-Januari 2016.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentase tumbuh benih tanah salin rendah, pada progeni F3, tetua betina dan jantan masing-masing hanya sebesar 9.39%; 15% dan 15%. Keragaman fenotipe dan genotipe yang luas untuk tinggi tanaman (cm), jumlah ruas (buah), umur berbunga (hari), umur panen (hari), jumlah polong (buah), jumlah biji (butir) dan bobot 100 biji (g), sedangkan keragaman fenotipe sempit pada jumlah cabang (buah) dan bobot biji (g). Nilai dugaan heritabilitas antara 0.05-0.99, heritabilitas tinggi pada tinggi tanaman (cm), jumlah ruas (buah), umur panen (hari), jumlah polong (buah), jumlah biji (butir), bobot biji (g) dan bobot 100 biji (g) dengan kemajuan genetik antara 4,81%-81,04%. Korelasi bobot biji nyata hampir pada seluruh karakter kecuali umur panen. Hasil keragaman, heritabilitas dan korelasi menunjukkan seleksi pada F3 sudah dapat dilakukan karena memiliki keragaman tinggi yang didominasi oleh sifat genetik. Berdasarkan intensitas seleksi 20% terseleksi 10 tanaman F3 tahan salin
Analisa Pertumbuhan Vegetatif Kedelai Hibridisasi Genotipa Tahan Salin Dengan Varietas Anjasmoro Untuk Mendukung Perluasan Areal Tanam Di Lahan Salin
Peningkatan produksi kedelai perlu terus diupayakan, salahsatunya dengan memanfaatkan lahan marginal seperti tanah salin. Pemuliaan tanaman sangat diperlukan untuk menghasilkan varietas unggul, salah satunya dengan hibridisasi dan seleksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan vegetatif hasil hibridisasi genotipa kedelai tahan salinitas dengan varietas anjasmoro untuk mendukung perluasan areal tanam di lahan salin. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Lahan percobaan Fakultas Pertanian dengan menggunakan media tanam tanah salin dengantingkatsalinitas 5-6 mmhos/cm yang dilakukan pada bulan September 2014 sampai dengan Mei 2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi penurunan pertumbuhan vegetatif mulai F1 sampai F2. Penurunan pada F2 sangat berbeda nyata dengan tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang masing-masing sekitar 33% dan 46%, sedangkan umur berbunga pada 31 hari, lebih cepat 4 hari dibandingkan dengan kondisi optimum. Penurunan kandungan klorofil a, b dan total sebesar masing-masing 26%, 12% dan 7,1%. Namun hanya kandungan klorofil a yang penurunannya berbeda nyata dengan kondisi optimum. Dengan nilai heritabilitas tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang dan umur berbunga masing-masing 0,2; 0,9; 0,3; menunjukkan adanya potensi genetik tanaman untuk dikembangkan di lahan salin untuk mendukung perluasan areal tanam kedelai di lahan salin
Respon Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Beberapa Varietas Kedelai Hitam (Glycine Max L.) Berdasarkan Ukuran Biji
The objectives of this research was to produce the large seed size of several black soybean varietiesselected based on seed size. The research was conducted on Pasar 1 Tanjung Sari, District MedanSelayang, Medan with a height of ± 25 meter above sea levelon. It was started on Februari until Mei2013 by using Split Plot Design of Two Factors which are varieties and seed size with 4replications. Varieties was researched are Detam1, Detam2, Cikuray and Mallika. The seed sizewas researched are large seed size and small seed size. The result showed that Mallika varietiesshowed the best growth on plant height (34,85 cm) and number of branches on main branches (4,33branches ). The highest production is Detam1 (32,65 g) in production per plant parameter. Theplants from the large seed size showed the best growth on plant height (31,91 cm) and number ofbranches (3,88 branches). The plants from the small seed size produced more medium seed sizewith range 41.92 % - 58.88 %. The plants from the large seed size produced more medium seed sizewith range 41.07 % - 51.55 % except on Detam 2 which from the large seed size produced morelarge seed size. Interaction between varieties and seed size that showed the best growth is oninteraction between Detam 2 varieties with large seed size (V2U2) on plant height parameter (20,35cm). interaction between Detam 1 with small seed size (V1U1) showed the best productioncompare with the others on production per plot (535 g)
Seleksi Galur Kedelai (Glycine Max (L.)
Strain Selection of Soybean ( Glycine max (L) Merril) of F3 Generation on Saline Soil. Salinity isone of the most serious and widespread agricultural problems resulting in losses of yield. Generally,as land is more intensively cultivated, the salinity problem becomes more severe. A highconcentration of NaCl greatly reduces growth of both the shoot and the root. One strategy availableto cope with saline soil is to choose salt-tolerance crops or to select salt-tolerance cultivars within acrop. This research aims to select the soybean that can grow and has a higher production on salinesoil of F3 generation. This research was conducted in the experiment area at Desa Tanjung Rejo,subdistrict of Percut Sei Tuan, Regenecy of Deli Serdang in the elevation of 1.5 m on above sealevel since Apryl 2012 up to Juny 2012. The experiment design applied in this research is a crosssection analysis that consist of 1 variety, and the applied methot is a F3 generation pedigreeselection, the population is sample, the number of live plant is 137 of 2118. The selected plant isbased on the grain production per plant for 39 plants. Based on the results of research indicates thatbased on the highest weight of seed per plant is 4.9 g on the plant number 1305.2.20 and the lowestproduction is 0.2 g on the plant number 88.5.10 and 88.5.11. The component of production that hasa direct influence to the grain production per plant is the number of branch, age of flowering,number of pod and number of pods contain. Component of production that giving the highest directinfluence is the number of pod contain for 0.832
Kajian Naungan, Taraf Pupuk Urea Dan Varietas Kedelai (Glycine Max L.) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman Kedelai Sebagai Tanaman Sela Di Areal Pertanaman Kelapa Sawit Menghasilkan
The aims of this research was to analyze morpo_physiology changing of soybean under oilpam area; determine effect of shading and N fertilizer dosage on the growth and yield of soybean under oilpam area; and determine suitable soybean varieties that enable grow and produce under oilpalm.The experiment located in Ujung Labuan Village, Deli Serdang District. The experiment was arranged in Split-split Plot Design 3 x 4 x 3 with 3 replication, with three factors observed: 1) shade level, consist of: under 4 years old oilpam, under 6 years old oilpam, open area, 2) N dosage,: 200 kg urea/ha, 150 kg/ha, 100 kg urea/ha, 0 kg urea/ha, 3) soybean variety: Anjasmoro, Burangrang, and Grobogan. Plant height, leaf area, plant dry weight, and soybean production were determined. Result showed there were some significant effects of interaction factors between oilpalm canopy shading, N dosage and soybean variety on growth and yield of soybean. The highest growth and production of soybean found at open area. Between 4 years old oilpam and 6-7 years old oilpam, soybean growth and production are unsignificant different, and lower than those on opening area. N dosage make some significat effects on growth and yield of soybean, which is usually nonsignificant between 150 kg Urea/ha or 200 kg Urea/ha. Meanwhile soybean variety make some significat effects. At open area, burangrang make the highest growth and production by application of 200 kg urea/ha, but under oilpalm the highest production found at Burangrang under 4 years old oilpalm and application of 200 kg urea/ha, followed by several treatments which are unsignifican different
Pengujian Respons Pertumbuhan Beberapa Varietas Padi Sawah (Oryza Sativa L.) Akibat Cekaman Salinitas
Growth Response Testing of Several Rice Varieties (Oryza sativa L.) Caused of Salinity. In theSub-District Percut Sei Tuan there are around 700 hectares more area paddy fields that can becategorized as has been affected by sea water (is 1-2 km to coast). The production rice fields in thearea was around 2-3 tons per hectare with using varieties Ciherang and Mekongga. But varietiesCiherang have potential result8.5 tonnes/ha with result average 6.0 tonnes/ha in the non- salinity.The problem is to be a basic idea how to increase production the be examined back some varietiesthat had been found varieties that not only could but critical market result in standard national resultrice that is 6.0 ton/ha.This study aims to determine the growth response of some rice varieties due tosalinity stress. The study was conducted in the Village of Tanjung Rejo, Hamlet Paluh Merbau, Sub-District Percut Sei Tuan, Deli Serdang Regency with altitude of 1.5 meters above sea level in April-September 2012 using a Randomized Block Design with eight varieties of rice plant (Ciherang, IR64 , Lambur, Batanghari, Banyuasin, IR 42, Inpari 10 and Margasari) with 3 replication. Parameter isobserved germination, salt injury, plant height, number of tillers, leaf chlorophyll, leaf area, numberof productive tillers, panicle length, number of grains contains per panicle, number of grains perpanicle empty, grain weight per plot, and 1000 grain weight. The results showed that Ciherangvarieties and Banyuasin is highly tolerant to salinity. Banyuasin and Batanghari production per plothad the highest and lowest are IR 64 varieties and Inpari 10 varieties