8 research outputs found

    Analysis of expressed sequence tags derived from inflorescence shoot of ,i>Tectona grandis (teak)

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    Teak Inflorescence Shoot Stage 4 (TIS4) shoots bearing the floral meristems were used to construct a cDNA librariy with insert size range of 1500 - 5000 bp. The titer of the library was 7.5 x 105 pfu/ml(primary) and 4.5 x 109 pfu/ml (amplified). EST generation and analysis were performed using the cDNA library where a total of 1384 plaques were randomly picked and their inserts PCR-amplified using T3and T7 universal primers. Only 1125 plaques generated single amplified fragments, each which were purified and sequenced using the SK universal primer. The generated raw 5’ ESTs were filtered and clustered. A total of 674 nonredundants (69 consensus sequences and 605 singletons) were generated and their identities searched through BLASTX. Of the 674 nonredundants, 107 of them (15.9%) showed no hits or no identity. All the 567 nonredundants identified through BLASTX were categorized into theirfunctional categories and were further analysed using InterProScan to detect their protein signatures and to assign their GO numbers. From all the sequences analysed, only 186 (32.8%) sequences were given the GO numbers and grouped into the three GO main categories namely biological process, cellular component and molecular function. Several important ESTs were highlighted based on their functional categories. There were five sequences found to be related to flowering and light induction

    Isolation and characterization of LHY homolog gene expressed in flowering tissues of Tectona grandis (teak)

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    Floral initiation of teak through molecular biology approach is being studied for better understanding of teak flower development. Through PCR subtractive hybridization method, LHY homolog gene has beenisolated from teak flowering tissues. The full-length cDNA of the gene was 2948 base pair (bp) and potentially encoded for 768 amino acids. It was named Tectona grandis LHY (Tg-LHY), as the gene wassimilar to the LHY gene of some species. Amino acid sequence alignment revealed that Tg-LHY was similar to LHY of Castanea sativa, LHY of Phaseolus vulgaris and LHY of Arabidopsis thaliana. The highly conserved region found in Tg-LHY was the MYB protein, which is the DNA-binding protein responsible in negative feedback loop reaction of central oscillator in plant circadian clock system. The level of gene expression was found to be high four hours after dawn in flowering shoots and flower.This paper reported the isolation and characterization of the gene

    Review of recent trends in ecological studies of deep-sea meiofauna, with focus on patterns and processes at small to regional spatial scales

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    Applications of Remote Sensing, Hydrology and Geophysics for Flood Analysis

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