8 research outputs found

    Communication conflicts among mobility students at the International Division Universiti Putra Malaysia

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    This study focuses on the conflict in communication among mobility students at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). The objectives of the study were to identify and discuss the conflict in communication by using Stubbs's (1983) discourse analysis theory. 10 subjects from China participated in the study. The subjects were interviewed based on their experience in dealing with the staffs at the International Division, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Six characteristics of discourse analysis were found and analyzed. The results revealed that all ten subjects were having conflict in communication during their stay at UPM. They faced conflict in understanding accent and choice of words. They also experienced confusion and misunderstanding. It is hoped that the findings from this research will serve as a comparison to compare the conflicts with other students from other countries in a future study

    Interest and aesthetic towards quatrains

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    Malay quatrain was introduced to students who studied Malay language and literature in the universities from all over the world. It is one of the Malay literature genres. Therefore, this study aims to introduce Malay quatrain among Korean learners. The objectives of the study are to investigate and discuss Korean students’ perceptions and aesthetic values toward Malay quatrains. The subjects of the study involved a class of 18 university students in one of the universities in South Korea. All of the subjects are majoring in Malay-Indonesian Interpretation and Translation, thus, they have been exposed to Malay quatrains in the previous semester. The subjects were interviewed informally on their perceptions toward Malay quatrains. The subjects were divided into groups of threes and fours in order for them to discuss the Malay quatrain. The results of the study found that the subjects showed great interest and understanding toward the Malay quatrain and moreover, they had learned the aesthetic values in the Malay quatrains. The study has given implication toward educators and students who studied Malay language and literature in appreciating the Malay quatrain. It is hoped that future research will investigate in depth on the aesthetic values of two stanzas of Malay quatrains

    Konflik emosi dalam lirik lagu 'Nipah oh Nipah'

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    Kajian ini memberikan tumpuan terhadap konflik emosi melalui ujaran pelajar sekolah rendah di Selangor. Ujaran pelajar adalah melalui lirik lagu ‘Nipah oh Nipah’ dari Siri Si Pekaka Bercerita, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Objektif kajian adalah untuk mengenal pasti dan membincangkan ujaran pelajar terhadap lirik lagu. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 20 subjek daripada beberapa buah kelas di sebuah sekolah di Selangor. Subjek diberi peluang untuk mendengar lagu ‘Nipah oh Nipah’ sebanyak 10 kali. Mereka diberi peluang untuk berbincang bersama rakan yang lain tentang makna lirik lagu tersebut. Selepas itu, subjek ditemu bual tentang emosi yang terkandung dalam lirik lagu tersebut. Ujaran daripada temu bual dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis wacana. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan bahawa subjek memberikan ujaran yang mengandungi konflik emosi melalui lirik lagu tersebut. Subjek dapat mengenal pasti emosi yang berlainan daripada setiap pokok nipah

    Conflict in translation of children folklore songs

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    TRANSLATION is a process where a person has to go through reading several times in order to have a good text. A person who is good in translation will know the target language very well. As such, that person will be able to understand the text very well and the process of comprehensibility, predictability and readability [1] will take place smoothly. A translator work is considered as tedious since the translator has to go through the process over and over again. At present, machine translation has played a major role in making the process easier and faster as compared to the traditional dictionary. Translation in a classroom will take place in a second language classroom. As such, the process of translation will be taught in the beginning of the class. The students who involve in the translation process will go through the same process as the person who is good in translation [2]. Subsequently, the students will have conflict in translation since they have not mastered the language

    Communication barrier among mobility students at a Malaysian public university

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    Mobility program has been carried out throughout the universities from all over the world. This is due to the fact that the mobility program will ensure the link and communication between universities. The International Division (ID) at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) has been dealing with foreign learners from all over the world. Communication in English therefore it is vital for these students to ensure the smooth running of their housing and visa application, as well as for the course registration. Since, English language is not the first language for most of the mobility students as well as the locals in Malaysia, they tend to face problem in getting their message across during conversation. Hence, the objectives of the study are to identify the types of communication barriers according to Stubb’s (1983) theory and to discuss the factors affecting the communication barrier among mobility students at ID, UPM. The respondents of the study consist of 60 male and female subjects from 29 universities all around the world, aged between 20 to 31 years old. Data collection took place at ID, UPM. The current study used interviews to observe the students opinion on their mobility program at UPM. The subjects were interviewed individually and the interview sessions were video-taped for the purpose of the study. The data from the interviews will be analysed based on Stubbs (1983) theory. The overall results showed that communication barriers exist among mobility students at UPM. Although, the mobility students were able to speak in the English language, but it can be said that the language spoken was difficult to be understood. The results of the study revealed that all the subjects have used the approaches proposed by Stubbs (1983) to overcome their communication problems namely; predictability, phonotactics, grammatically, intuition, analogies and conclusions. The subjects seemed to be comfortable using words and sentences that make sense to them. Equally, all the subjects were also found to have uttered words and sentences which were related to their culture/background, accent and need and faced a lot of problems when communicating due to the influences occurred. It is hoped that this study will contribute in identifying the communication barriers faced by mobility students at ID, UPM and future studies help to overcome the communication barriers among mobility students

    Distraction in communication during discussion

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    Communication involves taking part in a discussion in order to learn, to help other people learn, to examiner issues, to share ideas, and to listen to the ideas and points of view of others. A discussion involves interaction among group members, a willingness to share ideas, and a willingness to respect others’ points of view. In other word, successful discussion involves leading and following, agreeing and disagreeing, contributing and questioning, exploring, expanding and focusing, evaluating, linking, responding, crediting, appreciating, and enjoying. However, distractions may happen in communication during discussion due to certain behaviours such as dominating, attacking, sarcasm about group members or their ideas, ridiculing, excluding, non-participation, lack of preparation, and often single-minded focus on task and many more. Therefore, this paper focuses on distraction in communication among secondary school students. The objectives of the study were to identify the theme and discuss the distraction during interaction. The samples of the study consisted of twelve subjects from a secondary school. The subjects were divided into groups of fours. They were given a task on storyboard for a video clip production. The activity took place in six weeks for three hours a week. The results of the study revealed that the subjects had given positive impact towards learning where they were actively involved in the task given

    Treating the mind (akal budi) from the perspective of Syair Ikan: manuscript form Leiden Netherland

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    The Malay communities themselves often considered the traditional literature including syair as nothing more than an expression of feeling and lovely phrasing. This statement showed that the Malay community looked literary tradition as not involving ‘the treatment of mind’(akal budi). In the context of this study, ‘the treatment of mind’ carried the meaning of maintaining a healthy mind. Therefore, this study classified and analyzed the mind treatment using an old Malay manuscript of Syair Ikan which was stored in the Library of Leiden, Netherlands. The Budi Theory and the Poetic of Malay Literature Theory would be used in the study. The findings of the study showed that there were three dominant ways to treat the mind in Syair Ikan, namely religion, family and symbols of animals. These three dominant ways are used to convey messages, reprimands and as advice to the society

    Public Awareness and Practices Towards Self-Medication with Antibiotics Among Malaysian Population: Questionnaire Development and Pilot Testing

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