38 research outputs found

    Role of Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Endometritis- A Systemic Review

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    Endometritis is the most sustainable disease of the endometrium that leads to infertility in premenopausal women and many other pathologies in postmenopausal women. The role of ultrasound in the diagnosis of endometritis is indefinite, the sonographic signs of endometritis are most helpful for early detection and management. The aim to the study was to evaluate the role of ultrasound, as a diagnostic tool, for the diagnosis and management of endometritis. For this purpose, the literature of 2005-2020 from different search engines includes PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, MEDLINE, Embase, and ResearchGate were studied and reviewed using MeSH (medical subject heading). Different retrospective studies were included, which had the same and diverse criteria for the diagnosis, to compare and find the accuracy of sonography as a first line tool. The exclusion criteria were not to include any prospective study, case-control study, and study former than 2005. The results of this systematic review indicated that the transvaginal ultrasound, hysterosonography, and abdominal ultrasonography can be used as a basic tool of investigation because of its availability and non-invasive technique. The other methods of molecular microbiology aided the diagnosis by confirming and to indicate the pathogens which cause endometritis. Hence, it is concluded that although the importance of ultrasound cannot be neglected but shouldn’t be limited to it. The other techniques used together provide much more authentic results. Keywords: Endometritis, Ultrasonography, Infertility. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/84-04 Publication date: December 31st 202

    The Speaking Ability of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA 1 Mejobo Kudus in Academic Year 2012/2013 Taught by Using Video Recorded.

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    Rose, LarraSybilDanning. 2012. The Speaking Ability of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA 1 Mejobo Kudus in Academic Year 2012/2013 Taught by Using Video Recorded. Skripsi.EnglishEducation.Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty Muria Kudus University. Advisors: (i). Dr. H.A. HilalMadjdi, M.Pd., (ii). TitisSulistyowati, SS, M.Pd. Keywords: Speaking Ability, Video Recorded. Speaking is often viewed as an easiest activity to do for many people. For that, they only have to speak the conversation with classmates. But being able to speak well with the correct pronunciation is a competence that should be practiced. For some eleventh grade students of senior high school, they still get difficulties in speaking and understanding the content of English text.Some students said that speaking is one of difficult subjects. It could be proofed from the score of the students are not enough to achieve the KKM. In this research the writer uses Video Recorded as a technique media in teaching speaking. This research is aimed to know the ability of speaking of the students in the eleventh grade of SMA 1 Mejobo Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013 before being taught by Video Recorded.To know the ability of speaking of the students in the eleventh grade of SMA 1 Mejobo Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013 after being taught by using Video Recorded.To find out whether or not is there any significant difference of the ability of speaking the students in the eleventh grade of SMA 1 Mejobo Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013 before and after being taught by using Video Recorded? This research is quantitative experimental research. The data were collected by recording. Instrument of the research is oral test. The writer gave pre test before being taught by using Video Recorded and gave post test afterbeing taught by using Video Recorded. The sample of the research is thirty four students from XI IPS 3. The sample got by using cluster random sampling. The results of the experiment in pre test before being taught by using Video Recorded are: the minimum score is 52, the maximum score is 72 and the mean of pre test is 59.7. Meanwhile the standard deviation is 5.8. It indicates that the speaking ability of the eleventh grade students of SMA 1 Mejobo Kudus in Academic Year 2012/2013 before being taught by using Video Recorded is categorized as sufficient.The results of the experiment in post test after being taught by using Video Recorded are: the minimum score is 56, the maximum score is 88and the mean of post test is 72.9. Meanwhile the standard deviation is 7.6. It indicates that the speaking ability of the eleventh grade students of SMA 1 Mejobo Kudus in Academic Year 2012/2013 after being taught by using Video Recorded is categorized as good. After processing the data found, the mean of the post test is better than the pre test. (72.9> 59.7).The t observation (t0) is 13.2,the level of significant (df) is1.694. Therefore, the mean difference of the students significance 5% df (33) = 1.694p: .05) concluded that there is significant difference the speaking ability of the eleventh grade students of SMA 1 Mejobo Kudus in Academic Year 2012/2013 before and after being taught by using Video Recorded. In this research, the writer suggeststhe English teachers to use Video Recorded as a teaching technique media to improve students speaking ability.The students have to be more confident and not be afraid of making mistake when they are speaking in front of the class. The readers would have more information about the use of Video Recordedmedia in teaching speaking. For the further researchers, this skripsi also could be one of the references.So, everyone should increase their ability in improving the students speaking ability. Because the video recorded can help them learn about their own mistakes in practice speaking in English

    Daily Living Tasks Affected by Sensory and Motor Problems in Children with Autism Aged 5-12 Years

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    Background:Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder faces sensory and motor problems (Vestibular, proprioceptive, Tactile, Auditory and visual processing). Due to these problems, individuals faces difficulties in performing their daily task properly. Objective(s):The objective of this study was to determine how daily living (DL) tasks affected in children with  autism Spectrum disorder having sensory and motor problems aged 5-12 years. Methodology:The study conducted in Rehab care school for special children and Hamza Montessori School for special children. Data was collected by using purposing sampling technique in the duration of 4 months. Cross sectional study design was used. 60 patients from both genders were included. Sample selection criteria included the children with autism spectrum disorder with age range of 05-12 years. Sensory profile questionnaire based on Ayers sensory integration theory and Standardized Barthel index scale were used and the data was analyzed by SPSS to determine how daily living task are affected by sensory and motor problems. Results:The results showed that Tactile and auditory processing disorders were highly affecting the performance of the children. About 70% of these individuals were having problems in performing their daily living tasks. Conclusion(s):It was concluded that most of the children with autism spectrum disorder have sensory and motor problems. The performance in activities of daily living is affected by sensory and motor problems especially the tactile and auditory processing. Tactile processing shows that children have difficulty in performing activities like dressing, eating and toileting. Keywords: ASD, DL, Sensory and motor problems DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/92-02 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Sonographic Evaluation of Chronic Kidney Disease Correlating with Serum Creatinine Level

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    Background: Chronic kidney disease is defined as abnormality of urinary system, there is persistent abnormality of structure and upward renal excretory function that is sign of irreversible damage to function of nephron. It is a public health problem world widely and it is 12th most common cause of mortality and morbidity, respectively. Objective: To evaluate chronic kidney disease (CKD) sonographically in addition correlating echogenicity with the level of serum creatinine. Study Design: An analytical Cross sectional prospective study. Settings: Life Care Hospital, Radiology department Lahore. Period: 20th December 2020 till 10th April 2021. Material & Methods: In our study all those patients with age above 18, patients suffering from chronic kidney disease, patient on hemodialysis, diabetic and hypertensive were included. While patient below 18 age, patients on peritoneal dialysis were excluded in which 71 patients were enrolled in the research. All the patient’s data had been composed from indoor of hospital, outdoor of hospital, and emergency department of Life Care Hospital, Lahore. After informed consent, data was composed through ultrasound machine Toshiba Xario Prime. Results: The findings revealed that there were 71 Chronic Renal Failure patients, 45 of whom were male and 26 of whom were female, with ages ranging from 20 to 73. Since the P value is > 0.05 of the relevance indicators, there is no important relationship between the two variables. Conclusion: The ideal sonographic parameter that can be used to correlate the level of serum creatinine with kidney parameter within ultrasound is kidney cortical echogenicity. As kidney cortical echogenicity does not reverses as the disease progress even after the treatment, so it is the most accurate parameter that can be used. Keywords: Chronic kidney disease, Echogenicity grade, Serum creatinine, Ultrasound, estimated Glomerular Filtration rate. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/90-05 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Sonographic Evaluation of Endometrial Thickness in Postmenopausal Women- A Systemic Review

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    Postmenopausal bleeding (PMB) is highly suspicious of being a sign for the presence of endometrial cancer (EC) and around 5–12% of PMB results from EC. Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecologic malignancy in developed countries. A thin endometrium (≀4 mm) has a very high negative predictive value (99%). A thickened endometrium has been regarded as an indication for an invasive evaluation. Endometrial sampling is recommended, with a cutoff value of 4 mm or 5 mm, for symptomatic postmenopausal women. However, different guidelines use different cut-off values of endometrial thickness, varying from 3 mm-5 mm, for excluding endometrial malignancy. The widespread use of sonography has also allowed the incidental finding of endometrial thickening in asymptomatic postmenopausal women. There are few data on the workup of these women, and the best cut-off value for the endometrial thickness that should warrant endometrial sampling is not known. However, it has been suggested that the 4‐ or 5‐mm limits generally used for excluding malignancy in symptomatic postmenopausal women are not transferable to asymptomatic patients. The objective of this study was to sonographic evaluation of endometrial thickness in postmenopausal women. About 9 studies were selected for this systemic review. We extracted the following information: Study design, Age of patient mean and range, Duration of menopause mean and range, Body mass index mean and range, and Endometrial thickness mean and range. From the above analysis we concluded that, the endometrial thickness with a recommended change in the cut-off to 3mm in routine ultrasound practice should be done in high risk women to detect malignancy earlier in postmenopausal women and ultrasound is proved to be a useful tool for the disgnostic purpose. Keywords: Postmenopausal bleeding, Endometrial  thickness, Endometrial Carcinoma. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/82-04 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Evaluating the Frequency of Sciatica on Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients with Lower Back Pain

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    Sciatica refers to pain affecting the back, hip, and outer side of the leg, caused by compression of a spinal nerve root in the lower back often owing to degeneration of an intervertebral disc. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of sciatica in patients with lower back pain using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Data was collected by filling the predesign questionnaire. Information for filling the questionnaire was taken by reports of MRI scan for backache. Patients were presented with multiple symptoms out of which 4 (5.6%) patients presented with history of trauma. 37 (59.7%) patients represented with the history pain radiating to one or both legs. 27 (43.50%) patients showed disc bulge. 40 (64.50%) patients showed stenosis in nerve root (L4-S1) and 40 (64.50%) patients were diagnosed with sciatica. Careful assessment of risk factors in patients with lower back pain using MRI could help in prevention of several spinal diseases. Being an important diagnostic tool in diagnosis of sciatica MRI may provide significant prognostic information of the disease. Keywords: Stenosis, Disc Bulge. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/80-03 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Evaluation of Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke on Computed Tomography

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    The stroke is the 3rd leading cause of death in Pakistan, wherein back in 2009, stroke used to be the 4th leading cause of death in Pakistan, a 19.2% increase is alarming (IHME, 2019). Ischemic stroke occurs 75-80 percent of the time, while hemorrhagic stroke occurs 8-20 percent of the time. The objective of our study is to evaluate the frequency and ratio of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke on computed tomography. A Descriptive study was performed using non-probability convenient sampling technique. The study was conducted in Lahore General Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan. The data was collected from November 15, 2020 to February 15, 2021. Informed consent was taken from all the participants. In our study patients with provisional diagnose of clot or thrombosis, History of Ischemic Stroke, History of Hemorrhagic Stroke, patients who came with clinical manifestation of stroke, traumatic or Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) patients, patients with cerebral Transient Ischemic Stroke. Arterial Puncture in Last 7 days, patients with Active bleeding, peroneal nerve injuryand patients who have been injected Botulinum Toxic Injection in last 3 months were included in our study. Patients who had a previous history of Parkinson disease, patients not having any apparent cause or chronic or acute symptoms of stroke, no history of internal bleeding, patients with chronic cerebral disease and patients with other neurological defects were excluded.A total of 85 patients with Stroke were included in our study. Most of the patients were 40 to 65 years of age. The average age of the patients was 59.5 ± 11.1 years. Out of 85 there were 38.8% (P=33) positive with H/O Infarction females (P=11) and males (P=22 ) 55 (62.5%) were males and 33 (37.5%) were females with 1.62: 1 male to female ratio as shown in Fig 5.2. Ischemic stroke was observed in 33 (36.2%) patients and 40 (47.3%) were suffered hemorrhagic stroke and 12 (14.4%) patients were affected with TIA.The conclusion to this study is that to assess early stroke with extreme clarity, computed tomography is the safest modality for evaluating stroke patients and allows radiologists to more accurately assess these patients on CT in terms of prognosis, frequency, morbidity, and legitimacy. Keywords: Stroke, Hemorrhagic Stroke, Ischemic Stroke, Cerebral Infarction, Computed Tomography DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/90-06 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Diagnostic Interstitial Lung Diseases in Patients Having Normal Chest Radiograph through High Resolution Computed Tomography

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    Background: In Pakistan, the main cause of death is interstitial lung disease (ILD) i.e., 4.75%. In interstitial lung disease majority of the patients is about the age of 57.5 years. The age group maybe varying between the ages of 46 and 65 year. Female gender is more predominantly i.e., 65.6% in all types of ILD except the interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (P< 0.001). Objective: The aim of our study is to diagnose interstitial lung diseases in patients having normal chest radiograph through high resolution computed tomography. Study design: Our study design was cross-sectional descriptive study. Material and method: The descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in which data of 100 patients were taken. The data was collected from the Radiology department of Sheikh Zayed Hospital Rahim Yar Khan. After informed consent, data was collected through CT Toshiba 164 slices. Result: 100 patients were included in our study out of which 61 were females and 39 were male’s with the mean age of 49.32 years. The chest radiograph of the patients having ILD shows the patchy ground glass opacities (39.0%), consolidation of the lungs (21.0%), reticular shadowing (16.0%) and the pleural effusion (24.0%) while on the high-resolution computed tomography the patients were represented with ground glass haze (42.0%), calcific foci (21.0%), nodular lesion (16.0%), consolidation of the lungs (30.0%) and pleural effusion (22.0%). Conclusion: Chest radiograph nearly misses common radiographical features which are suggestive of interstitial lung disease but can be seen on High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) due to its high resolution. So, it can be concluded that the HRCT is more efficient and authentic diagnostic equipment in assessing the Interstitial Lung Disease as compared to the chest radiograph. Keywords: Interstitial lung disease, Chest radiograph, Computed tomography, High resolution computed tomography. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/91-04 Publication date:July 31st 202


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    Objective: To determine fetal weight estimation by different method on ultrasound at term & to determine actual baby weight after birth Methodology: The research is conducted in Meer Children and Family Clinic Tajpura Lahore. 121 women participate in this study over a 4 month period from January 2021 to April 2021. Systematic random sampling was used to make the selection. The scanner has Hadlock, Shepard, shibozuka and warsof formula.  Results: Out of 70 pregnant women in which 36 (51.5%) nulliparous women and 34(48.5%) multiparous women. A total of 45(64.3%) by vaginal delivery while 25(35.7%) deliver by C – Section. The minimum maternal age for nulliparous women is 21 years and maximum maternal age for multiparous is 39 years. The minimum Actual birth weight i.e. 2.40 correlate with estimated fetal weight. The maximum Actual birth weight i.e. 4.00 correlate with estimated fetal weight. The mean Actual birth weight   is significantly increase with increase in both parity and maternal age at delivery Conclusion: For most pregnant women, estimated fetal weight based on multiple fetal parameters provides reliable and clinically useful information. Despite the fact that there is still an acceptable difference between the actual birth weight and the sonographically EFW. Keywords: Fetal Macrosomia, Term Pregnancy, Hadlocks Formula , Actual birth weight DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/91-11 Publication date:July 31st 202


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    Background: Preeclampsia throughout pregnancy increase a women’s chance of developing cardiovascular disease. Women that develop preeclampsia are at higher risk for development of hypertension and cardiac disease. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between maternal health (blood pressure} and fetal heart rate (FHR) during third trimester, and differentiate FHR in male and female fetuses. Material & Methods: An electronic study including the articles of nearly a decade and half. The studies were added by means of Google Scholar, Research gate, NCBI and PubMed to name a few. All the articles were included in the official language English. Articles were included having sonographic relation between the hypertensive and non-hypertensive mothers with fetal heart rate. Results: Analyzing the topic, 14 articles were added to determine the exact correlation between fetal cardiac output and hypertensive mothers. 25 articles were added in introduction and technique while 4 articles were included to link pre-eclamptic mothers with adolescent offspring regarding their growth and cardiac output. Conclusion: Gestational hypertension has adverse effect on fetal heart rate and studies have proved the difference by comparing them with normotensive pregnancies. Keywords: Fetal, Heart, Maternal, Blood pressure. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/90-16 Publication date:June 30th 202