10,959 research outputs found

    Deterministic entanglement of ions in thermal states of motion

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    We give a detailed description of the implementation of a Molmer-Sorensen gate entangling two Ca+ ions using a bichromatic laser beam near-resonant with a quadrupole transition. By amplitude pulse shaping and compensation of AC-Stark shifts we achieve a fast gate operation without compromising the error rate. Subjecting different input states to concatenations of up to 21 individual gate operations reveals Bell state fidelities above 0.80. In principle, the entangling gate does not require ground state cooling of the ions as long as the Lamb-Dicke criterion is fulfilled. We present the first experimental evidence for this claim and create Bell states with a fidelity of 0.974(1) for ions in a thermal state of motion with a mean phonon number of =20(2) in the mode coupling to the ions' internal states.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures (author name spelling corrected

    Laser cooling with electromagnetically induced transparency: Application to trapped samples of ions or neutral atoms

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    A novel method of ground state laser cooling of trapped atoms utilizes the absorption profile of a three (or multi-) level system which is tailored by a quantum interference. With cooling rates comparable to conventional sideband cooling, lower final temperatures may be achieved. The method was experimentally implemented to cool a single Ca+^+ ion to its vibrational ground state. Since a broad band of vibrational frequencies can be cooled simultaneously, the technique will be particularly useful for the cooling of larger ion strings, thereby being of great practical importance for initializing a quantum register based on trapped ions. We also discuss its application to different level schemes and for ground state cooling of neutral atoms trapped by a far detuned standing wave laser field.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Appl Phys B 200

    Speed of ion trap quantum information processors

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    We investigate theoretically the speed limit of quantum gate operations for ion trap quantum information processors. The proposed methods use laser pulses for quantum gates which entangle the electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom of the trapped ions. Two of these methods are studied in detail and for both of them the speed is limited by a combination of the recoil frequency of the relevant electronic transition, and the vibrational frequency in the trap. We have experimentally studied the gate operations below and above this speed limit. In the latter case, the fidelity is reduced, in agreement with our theoretical findings. // Changes: a) error in equ. 24 and table III repaired b) reference Jonathan et al, quant-ph/ 0002092, added (proposes fast quantum gates using the AC-Stark effect)Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Private-public opinion discrepancy

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    In many Western societies there are rising concerns about increasing polarization in public debate. However, statistics on private attitudes paint a different picture: the average attitudes in societies are more moderate and remain rather stable over time. The present paper presents an agent-based model of how such discrepancies between public opinion and private attitudes develop at the scale of micro-societies. Based on social psychological theorizing, the model distinguishes between two types of agents: a) those seeking to gain or maintain a good reputation and status, and b) those seeking to promote group harmony by reaching consensus. We characterized these different types of agents by different decision rules for either voicing their opinion or remaining silent, based on the behavior of their proximal network. Results of the model simulations show that even when the private attitudes of the agents are held constant, publicly expressed opinions can oscillate and (depending on the reputational concerns of individual actors) situations can occur in which minorities as well as majorities are silenced. We conclude that the macro-level consequences of micro-level decisions to either voice an opinion or remain silent provide a foundation for better understanding how public opinions are shaped. Moreover, we discuss the conditions under which public opinion could be considered a good representation of private attitudes in a society

    Can rigidly rotating polytropes be sources of the Kerr metric?

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    We use a recent result by Cabezas et al. to build up an approximate solution to the gravitational field created by a rigidly rotating polytrope. We solve the linearized Einstein equations inside and outside the surface of zero pressure including second-order corrections due to rotational motion to get an asymptotically flat metric in a global harmonic coordinate system. We prove that if the metric and their first derivatives are continuous on the matching surface up to this order of approximation, the multipole moments of this metric cannot be fitted to those of the Kerr metric.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, submitted to CQ

    Classification of multipartite entanglement containing infinitely many kinds of states

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    We give a further investigation of the range criterion and Low-to-High Rank Generating Mode (LHRGM) introduced in \cite{Chen}, which can be used for the classification of 2×M×N2\times{M}\times{N} states under reversible local filtering operations. By using of these techniques, we entirely classify the family of 2×4×42\times4\times4 states, which actually contains infinitely many kinds of states. The classifications of true entanglement of 2×(M+3)×(2M+3)2\times(M+3)\times(2M+3) and 2×(M+4)×(2M+4)2\times(M+4)\times(2M+4) systems are briefly listed respectively.Comment: 11 pages, revte

    Человек, которого мучила бесконечность. О мудрости тургеневской

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    Het Zwanenwater anno 2011: heidevelden, meren, graslanden vol orchideeën, moerasplanten, wilgenstruweel en duingraslanden richting de zeereep. In hoeverre komt dit beeld overeen met dat van eind 19e eeuw, toen enkele natuurkenners na een urenlange reis dit gebied wisten te bereiken? Zijn de omstandigheden nu anders en kan aan de hand van de natuur inzicht worden verkregen in de veranderingsprocessen

    Experimental demonstration of ground state laser cooling with electromagnetically induced transparency

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    Ground state laser cooling of a single trapped ion is achieved using a technique which tailors the absorption profile for the cooling laser by exploiting electromagnetically induced transparency in the Zeeman structure of a dipole transition. This new method is robust, easy to implement and proves particularly useful for cooling several motional degrees of freedom simultaneously, which is of great practical importance for the implementation of quantum logic schemes with trapped ions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure